Computation of resources used per SAP ingress policy for CAM-based classification

Users can configure the number of classification entries the SAP requires (TQ). The value of TQ is set using the num-qos-classifiers command, where TQ is the total number of QoS resources required by the SAP. To determine TQ, see Determining the number of policers/meters per policy (TP).

Number of meters allocated automatically by system = TQ / 2 (up to a maximum of 32 meters)

To calculate the number of SAPs allowed, assume all SAPs are configured to use ‟TQ” QoS resources per SAP.

Number of SAPs allowed = maximum classification entries / TQ

The number of SAPs calculated using the equation above is subject to system limits. The above equation is used to derive the limit on the number of SAPs due to QoS resources only.

Users can mix and match SAPs with different QoS resources (that is, use different values of TQ).

The following criteria determine the number of QoS resources allocated for a SAP:

Only FCs that are in use by the match-criteria classification entries are considered for the number of FCs. These FCs are referred to as ‟FC in use”.