IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy support

This section describes IP DSCP and dot1p classification support.

For SAPs in Layer 2 services (Epipe and VPLS) configured to use table-based classification, you can use the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command, which provides the option to select one of the following: dot1p or IP DSCP, or both dot1p and IP DSCP, or none. This command is applicable only to SAPs configured in Layer 2 services; it is ignored for Layer 3 services (IES, VPRN and RVPLS services).

The following behavior is supported with table-based classification for SAPs configured in Layer 2 services depending on the configuration option selected with the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command:

Table-based classification for SAPs configured in Layer 3 services (IES and VPRN) does not allow classification options with the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command. It must always be set to both-dscp-dot1p. The following behavior is supported:


All SAPs in an RVPLS service can use either table-based classification or CAM-based classification entries. There cannot be a mix of SAPs where some SAPs use table-based classification and others use CAM entries.

The following is the order of match for packets with table-based classification in Layer-3 services:

  1. IP packets are matched against IP DSCP entries. Ideally, packets match one of the explicitly configured user entries that classifies packets to the configured FC and profile. If there is no match, packets are assigned a default-dscp-fc and profile. If a packet is a non-IP packet, go to 2.

  2. Non-IP tagged Ethernet packets that do not match any IP DSCP entries are matched against dot1p values. Ideally, packets match one of the explicitly configured user entries that classifies packets to the configured FC and profile. If there is no match, packets are assigned a default-dot1p-fc and profile. Alternatively, users have an option to use Drop Eligible Indicator (DEI) to assign the profile. If a packet is an untagged non-IP packet, go to item 3.

  3. All non-IP untagged Ethernet packets are assigned a default-fc/untagged-fc (user-configurable) value for FC and profile out.