Service meter QoS policy commands



meter meter-id [multipoint] [create]

no meter meter-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode


Commands in this context configure an ingress service access point (SAP) QoS policy meter.

This command allows the creation of multipoint meters. Only multipoint meters can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint meters special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each meter acts as an accounting and (optionally) policing device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the meter based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Meters must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.

The multipoint meters are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service meter.

When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint meters is applied to an Epipe SAP, the multipoint meters are not created.

Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint meter on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any meter parameter information requested about a multipoint meter on a non-multipoint service returns the meter parameters in the policy. Multipoint meters would not be created for non-multipoint services.

The no form of this command removes the meter-id from the SAP ingress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. Any forwarding class mapped to the meter, will revert to their default meters. When a meter is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP meter created due to the definition of the meter in the policy is discarded.



Specifies the meter ID, expressed as an integer. The meter-id uniquely identifies the meter within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the meter command is executed.


1 to 32


Keyword that creates the meter as a multipoint meter.


Keyword to create a meter.



adaptation-rule [cir adaptation-rule] [pir adaptation-rule]

no adaptation-rule





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command defines the method used by the system to derive the operational CIR and PIR rates when the meter is provisioned in hardware. For the cir and pir parameters, the system attempts to find the best operational rate depending on the defined constraint.


The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.

The no form of this command removes any explicitly defined constraints used to derive the operational CIR and PIR created by the application of the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for cir and pir apply.


adaptation-rule cir closest pir closest


cir adaptation-rule

Specifies the adaptation rule and defines the constraints enforced to adapt the CIR rate defined using the meter meter-id rate command. The cir parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used to derive the operational CIR rate for the meter. When the cir command is not specified, the default constraint applies. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest qualifiers are mutually exclusive. See Table: Supported hardware rates and burst step sizes for CIR and PIR values on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-T for information about supported hardware step-size rates.




max — Specifies that the operational CIR value is equal to or less than the specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.

min — Specifies that the operational CIR value is equal to or greater than the specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.

closest — Specifies that the operational CIR value is equal to the closest specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.

pir adaptation-rule

Specifies the adaptation rule and defines the constraints enforced to adapt the PIR rate defined using the meter meter-id rate command. The pir parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used to derive the operational PIR rate for the meter. When the rate command is not specified, the default constraint applies. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest qualifiers are mutually exclusive. See Table: Supported hardware rates and burst step sizes for CIR and PIR values on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-T for information about supported hardware step-size rates.




max — Specifies that the operational PIR value is less than or equal to the specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.

min — Specifies that the operational PIR value is equal to or greater than the specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.

closest — Specifies that the operational CIR value is equal to the closest specified rate, taking into account the hardware step size. The hardware step size varies based on the rate and the platform.



cbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]

no cbs





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command provides a mechanism to override the default CBS for the meter. The committed burst size parameter specifies the maximum burst size that can be transmitted by the source while still complying with the CIR. If the transmitted burst is lower than the CBS value then the packets are marked as in-profile by the meter to indicate that the traffic is complying meter configured parameters.


The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.

The no form of this command reverts the CBS size to the default value.


cbs 32 kbits



Specifies the number of kilobits, kilobytes, or bytes that are reserved for the meter. For example, if a value of 100 kbits is required, enter the value 100. The bucket size is rounded off to the next highest 4096 bytes boundary.


kbits — 4 to 2146959, default

bytes — 512 to 274810752, default

kbytes — 1 to 268369, default



color-mode color-mode

no color-mode





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command specifies that the meter operates in either color-aware mode or color-blind mode.

In color-blind mode, the profile/color assigned to the packet on ingress is ignored. The CIR and PIR rate configured for the meter is used to determine the final color/profile for the packet. If the packet is within the CIR, then the final profile/color assigned to the packet is in-profile/green and if the packets exceeds the CIR and is within the PIR, then the final profile/color assigned to the packet is out-of-profile/yellow. Packets that exceed the PIR rate are dropped.

In color-aware mode, the meter uses the profile assigned to the packet on ingress. Assign the profile on ingress by doing one of the following:

  • enable DEI classification on access ports

  • enable DSCP classification on access ports (7210 SAS-Mxp only)

  • assign profile based on either Dot1p or DEI as done on network ports and access-uplink ports

In color-aware mode, the following behavior is expected.

  • If the packet is pre-colored as an ‟in-profile” packet (which are also called ‟green” packets), depending on the burst size of the packet, the meter can mark the packet in-profile or out-profile.

  • If the packet is pre-colored as an ‟out-profile” packet (which are also called ‟yellow” packets), even if the packet burst is less than the current available CBS, it would not be marked as in-profile and remain as out-profile.

  • If the packet burst is higher than the MBS then it would be marked as ‟red” and would be dropped by meter at ingress.


The final disposition of the packet when a hierarchical meter is used depends on the parent meter/policer that is associated with the per FC meter. For example, on the 7210 SAS, when a SAP ingress aggregate meter is used, the final color, and therefore the action taken, also depends on the rate that is configured for the SAP ingress aggregate meter. The SAP ingress aggregate meter, which acts as the parent meter, accounts for the color assigned by the per FC meter.

The no form of this command reverts to the default.





Specifies if the meter operates in color-aware or color-blind mode.


color-blind, color-aware



mbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]

no mbs





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command provides a mechanism to override the default MBS for the meter. The mbs command specifies the maximum burst size that can be transmitted by the source while still complying with the CIR. If the transmitted burst is lower than the MBS value, the packets are marked as in-profile by the meter to indicate that the traffic is complying with meter-configured parameters.


The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.

The no form of this command reverts the MBS size to the default value.


mbs 512 kbits



Specifies the number of kilobits, kilobytes, or bytes that are reserved for the meter. For example, if a value of 100 kbits is required, enter the value 100. The bucket size is rounded off to the next highest 4096 bytes boundary.


kbits — 4 to 2146959

bytes — 512 to 274810752

kbytes — 1 to 268369



mode {trtcm1 | trtcm2 | srtcm}

no mode





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command defines the mode of the meter. The mode can be configured as Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM1) or Single Rate Three Color Marker (srTCM). The mode command can be executed at any time.

  • The meter counters are reset to zero when the meter mode is changed.

  • For more information about the interpretation of rate parameters when the meter mode is configured as trtcm2, see the command description of the policer rate command.

The no form of this command reverts to the default mode trtcm1.


mode trtcm 1



Keyword to implement the policing algorithm defined in RFC2698. This keyword meters the packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. A packet is marked red if it exceeds the PIR. Otherwise, it is marked either yellow or green depending on whether it exceeds the CIR. The trTCM1 is useful, for example, for ingress policing of a service, where a peak rate needs to be enforced separately from a committed rate. Two token buckets are used, the CBS bucket and the MBS bucket. Tokens are added to the buckets based on the CIR and PIR rates. The algorithm deducts tokens from both the CBS and the MBS buckets to determine a profile for the packet.


Keyword to implement the policing algorithm defined in RFC4115. This keyword meters the packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. A packet is marked red if it exceeds the PIR. Otherwise, it is marked either yellow or green depending on whether it exceeds or does not exceed the CIR. The trtcm2 is useful; for example, for ingress policing of a service, where a peak rate needs to be enforced separately from a committed rate. Two token buckets are used, the CBS bucket and the EBS bucket. Tokens are added to the buckets based on the CIR and EIR rates. The algorithm deducts tokens from either the CBS bucket (that is, when the algorithm identifies the packet as in-profile or green packet) or the EBS bucket (that is.,when the algorithm identifies the packet as out-of-profile or yellow packet).


When the meter mode is configured in trtcm2 mode, the system interprets the PIR rate parameter as EIR for use by the RFC 4115 algorithm.


Keyword to meter an IP packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. Marking is based on a CIR and two associated burst sizes, a CBS and an Maximum Burst Size (MBS). A packet is marked green if it does not exceed the CBS, yellow if it does exceed the CBS, but not the MBS, and red otherwise. The srTCM is useful, for example, for ingress policing of a service, where only the length, not the peak rate, of the burst determines service eligibility.



rate cir cir-rate-in-kbps [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]

no rate





Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode



The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.

This command defines the administrative PIR and CIR parameters for the meter.

It alters the PIR and CIR for all meters created through the association of the SAP ingress QoS policy with the meter-id.


If the trtcm2 keyword is used to configure the meter mode commands, the system interprets the PIR parameter as the EIR for use by the algorithm defined in RFC 4115. Consequetly, the system configures the policer EIR based on the configured PIR value.

The no form of this command reverts all meters created with the specific meter-id by through the association of the QoS policy with the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0). The max default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kilobits per second.

The following table lists the maximum CIR and PIR values for 7210 SAS platforms.

Table: Maximum CIR and PIR values for 7210 SAS platforms
7210 SAS platform Maximum meter rate value (in Gb/s)

7210 SAS-Mxp

40 Gb/s

7210 SAS-R6

100 Gb/s

7210 SAS-R12

100 Gb/s

7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE

40 Gb/s

7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE

400 Gb/s

7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE in standalone-VC mode

40 Gb/s

7210 SAS-T

20 Gb/s


rate cir 0 pir max


cir cir-rate-in-kbps

Specifies the CIR, which overrides the default administrative CIR used by the meter. If the rate command has not been executed or the cir-rate-in-kbps parameter value is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.

Fractional values are not allowed and the CIR must be specified as a positive integer.

The actual CIR depends on the meter adaptation-rule command parameters and the hardware.


0 to 20000000, max

pir pir-rate-in-kbps

Specifies the administrative PIR, in kilobits, for the meter. A valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined when this command is run. If the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. If the rate command is executed, setting the PIR is optional.The max value is mutually exclusive with the pir-rate-in-kbps value.

Fractional values are not allowed and the PIR must be specified as a positive integer.

The actual PIR depends on the meter adaptation-rule command parameters and the hardware.


0 to 20000000, max