Show Commands



sap-egress [policy-id] [association | detail]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays SAP egress QoS policy information.



Displays the policy ID of the sap-egress policy.


Displays associations related to the specified sap-egress policy.


Displays detailed policy information including the policy associations.


The following outputs are examples of SAP egress QoS policy information. The associated tables describe the output fields.

Sample output (7210 SAS-Mxp)
A:7210SAS>show>qos# sap-egress

Sap Egress Policies

Policy-id  Remark  Remark        Scope       Name            Description
1          False  2          Template   default             Default SAP egress
Table: Output fields: SAP egress QoS policy (7210 SAS-Mxp)
Label Description


The ID that uniquely identifies the policy


True — Remarking is enabled for all the dot1q-tagged packets that egress the ports on which the sap-egress QoS policy is applied and remarking is enabled

False — Remarking is disabled for the policy

Remark Pol Id

Displays the policy ID of the remarking policy


Specifies whether the accounting mode is packet-based or frame-based


Exclusive — Implies that this policy can be applied only to a single access egress port

Template — Implies that this policy can be applied to

multiple access ports on the router


A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file

Sample output (7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12)
A:SAS>config>qos# show qos sap-egress 1 detail 

QoS Sap Egress
Sap Egress Policy (1)
Scope                     : Template          
Remark                    : False             Remark Pol Id        : 2
Accounting                : frame-based       
Description    : Default SAP egress QoS policy.
Queue Rates and Rules
QueueId        CIR          CIR Adpt Rule        PIR          PIR Adpt Rule
Queue1          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue2          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue3          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue4          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue5          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue6          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue7          0              closest            max            closest  
Queue8          0              closest            max            closest  
Parent Details
QueueId          Port       CIR Level      PIR Weight
Queue1          True             1             1  
Queue2          True             1             1  
Queue3          True             1             1  
Queue4          True             1             1  
Queue5          True             1             1  
Queue6          True             1             1  
Queue7          True             1             1  
Queue8          True             1             1  
High Slope
QueueId        State      Start-Avg(%)   Max-Avg(%)   Max-Prob(%) 
Queue1          Down            70           90            75 
Queue2          Down            70           90            75 
Queue3          Down            70           90            75 
Queue4          Down            70           90            75 
Queue5          Down            70           90            75 
Queue6          Down            70           90            75 
Queue7          Down            70           90            75 
Queue8          Down            70           90            75 
Low Slope
QueueId        State      Start-Avg(%)   Max-Avg(%)   Max-Prob(%) 
Queue1          Down            50           75            75 
Queue2          Down            50           75            75 
Queue3          Down            50           75            75 
Queue4          Down            50           75            75 
Queue5          Down            50           75            75 
Queue6          Down            50           75            75 
Queue7          Down            50           75            75 
Queue8          Down            50           75            75 
Burst Sizes and Time Average Factor   
QueueId         CBS            MBS       Time Average Factor        Queue-Mgmt
Queue1          def               def              7           default
Queue2          def               def              7           default
Queue3          def               def              7           default
Queue4          def               def              7           default
Queue5          def               def              7           default
Queue6          def               def              7           default
Queue7          def               def              7           default
Queue8          def               def              7           default
Service-Id                : 1 (Epipe)         Customer-Id          : 1
 - SAP : 1/1/1:1                   
Service-Id                : 101 (Epipe)       Customer-Id          : 1
 - SAP : 1/1/2:101                 

Mirror SAPs
No Mirror SAPs Found.
Table: Output fields: SAP egress QoS policy (7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12)
Label Description


Displays the ID that uniquely identifies the policy


True — Remarking is enabled for all the dot1q-tagged packets that egress the ports on which the SAP-egress QoS policy is applied and remarking is enabled

False — Remarking is disabled for the policy

Remark Pol Id

Displays the policy ID of the remarking policy


Specifies whether the accounting mode is packet-based or frame-based


Exclusive — Specifies that this policy can be applied only to a single access egress port

Template — Specifies that this policy can be applied to multiple access ports on the router


A text string that helps identify the policy context in the configuration file

Queue Rates and Rules


Displays the queue identifier associated with the SAP-egress QoS policy


Explicit — Specifies the egress dot1p bits marking for fc-name, if explicitly configured

Default —Specifies the default dot1p value according to FC-Dot1p marking map as listed in Table: Default remarking policy for dot1p on 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 , if explicit values are not configured


Specifies the administrative CIR parameters for the queue

The CIR defines the rate at which the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.

CIR Adpt Rule

min — The operational CIR for the queue is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command

max — The operational CIR for the queue is less than or equal to the administrative rate specified using the rate command

closest — The operational CIR for the queue is the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR


Specifies the administrative PIR parameters for the queue

The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the access port.

PIR Adpt Rule

min — The operational PIR for the queue is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command

max — The operational PIR for the queue is less than or equal to the administrative rate specified using the rate command

closest — The operational PIR for the queue is the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command

Parent Details


Displays the queue identifier associated with the SAP-egress QoS policy


Indicates whether the parent scheduler is a port scheduler

CIR Level

Displays the priority of the queue in the CIR loop

PIR Weight

Displays the weight of the queue used in the PIR loop

High Slope/Low slope


Displays the queue identifier associated with the SAP-egress QoS policy


Displays the state of the queue

The state of the queue can be either ‟Up” or ‟Down”.

Start Avg

Specifies the low priority or high priority RED slope position for the shared buffer average utilization value, where the packet discard probability starts to increase above zero

Max Avg

Specifies the percentage of the shared buffer space for the buffer pool at which point the drop probability becomes ‟1”

This parameter is expressed as a decimal integer.

Max Prob

Specifies the high-priority RED slope position for the maximum non-one packet discard probability value before the packet discard probability rises directly to one

Burst Sizes and Time Average Factor


Displays the queue identifier associated with the SAP-egress QoS policy


Displays the configured CBS value


Displays the configured MBS value

Time Average Factor

Displays the value of the time average factor in use


Displays the queue management policy in use

Service Associations


The unique service ID number that identifies the service in the service domain


Specifies the customer ID that identifies the customer to the service


Specifies the SAP within the service where the SAP-egress policy is applied