Show commands (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12)



dscp-table [value dscp-value]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays DSCP name and DSCP value mappings.


value dscp-value

Specifies the DSCP value for which to display information.


0 to 63


all values


The following output is an example of DSCP value information, and Table: Output fields: QoS network DSCP describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-48# show qos dscp-table
DSCP Mapping
DSCP Name      DSCP Value     TOS (bin)      TOS (hex)
be             0              0000 0000      00
cp1            1              0000 0100      04
cp2            2              0000 1000      08
cp3            3              0000 1100      0C
cp4            4              0001 0000      10
cp5            5              0001 0100      14
cp6            6              0001 1000      18
cp7            7              0001 1100      1C
cs1            8              0010 0000      20
cp9            9              0010 0100      24
af11           10             0010 1000      28
cp11           11             0010 1100      2C
af12           12             0011 0000      30
cp13           13             0011 0100      34
af13           14             0011 1000      38
cp15           15             0011 1100      3C
cs2            16             0100 0000      40
cp17           17             0100 0100      44
af21           18             0100 1000      48
cp19           19             0100 1100      4C
af22           20             0101 0000      50
cp21           21             0101 0100      54
af23           22             0101 1000      58
cp23           23             0101 1100      5C
cs3            24             0110 0000      60
cp25           25             0110 0100      64
af31           26             0110 1000      68
cp27           27             0110 1100      6C
af32           28             0111 0000      70
cp29           29             0111 0100      74
af33           30             0111 1000      78
cp31           31             0111 1100      7C
cs4            32             1000 0000      80
cp33           33             1000 0100      84
af41           34             1000 1000      88
cp35           35             1000 1100      8C
af42           36             1001 0000      90
cp37           37             1001 0100      94
af43           38             1001 1000      98
cp39           39             1001 1100      9C
cs5            40             1010 0000      A0
cp41           41             1010 0100      A4
cp42           42             1010 1000      A8
cp43           43             1010 1100      AC
cp44           44             1011 0000      B0
cp45           45             1011 0100      B4
ef             46             1011 1000      B8
cp47           47             1011 1100      BC
nc1            48             1100 0000      C0
cp49           49             1100 0100      C4
cp50           50             1100 1000      C8
cp51           51             1100 1100      CC
cp52           52             1101 0000      D0
cp53           53             1101 0100      D4
cp54           54             1101 1000      D8
cp55           55             1101 1100      DC
nc2            56             1110 0000      E0
cp57           57             1110 0100      E4
cp58           58             1110 1000      E8
cp59           59             1110 1100      EC
cp60           60             1111 0000      F0
cp61           61             1111 0100      F4
cp62           62             1111 1000      F8
cp63           63             1111 1100      FC

A:ALA-48# show qos dscp-table value 46
DSCP Mapping
DSCP Name      DSCP Value     TOS (bin)      TOS (hex)
ef             46             1011 1000      B8
Table: Output fields: QoS network DSCP
Label Description


Displays the name of the DiffServ code point to be associated with the forwarding class

DSCP Value

Displays the DSCP values range between 0 and 63

TOS (bin)

Displays the type of service in binary format

TOS (hex)

Displays the type of service in hexadecimal format



router [router-instance]

router service-name service-name




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays router information.



Specifies the router name or service ID


router-name — Base

service-id — 1 to 2147483647




Specifies the service name, up to a 64 characters.







7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays QoS information about self-generated traffic. In the output, the value ‟none” indicates that the default value is used; it does not indicated that there is no value set. Table: Default DSCP mapping table lists the application defaults.



application [app-name] [dscp | dot1p]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays application QoS settings.



Specifies the application.


The following values apply to the base router instance:

bgp, dns, ftp, icmp, igmp, ldp, ndis, ntp, ospf, pim, ptp, radius, rip, rsvp, snmp, snmp-notification, ssh, syslog, tacplus, telnet, tftp, traceroute, vrrp, arp, isis

The following values apply to a VPRN service instance:

bgp, icmp, igmp, ndis, ospf, pim, ssh, telnet, traceroute, vrrp, arp

  • The value ‟ptp” in the context of SGT QoS is defined as Precision Timing Protocol and is an application. The PTP application name is also used in areas such as event-control and logging. Precision Timing Protocol is defined in IEEE 1588-2008.

  • The value ‟ptp” in the context of IP filters is defined as Performance Transparency Protocol. IP protocols can be used as IP filter match criteria; the match is made on the 8-bit protocol field in the IP header.


Displays all DSCP applications.


Displays all dot1p applications.


The following outputs show an example of application QoS information for the base router and for a VPRN service instance, and Table: Output fields: SGT-QoS application describes the output fields.

Sample output (router)
*A:SAS-DUTA# show router sgt-qos application 
DSCP Application Values
Application         DSCP Value                    Default DSCP Value
bgp                 none                          none
dns                 none                          none
ftp                 none                          none
icmp                none                          none
igmp                none                          none
ldp                 none                          none
ndis                none                          none
ntp                 none                          none
ospf                none                          none
pim                 none                          none
ptp                 none                          none
radius              none                          none
rip                 none                          none
rsvp                none                          none
snmp                none                          none
snmp-notification   none                          none
ssh                 none                          none
syslog              none                          none
tacplus             none                          none
telnet              none                          none
tftp                none                          none
traceroute          none                          none
vrrp                none                          none
Dot1p Application Values
Application         Dot1p Value                   Default Dot1p Value
arp                 none                          none
isis                none                          none
*A:SAS-DUTA# show router sgt-qos application arp 
Dot1p Application Values
Application         Dot1p Value                   Default Dot1p Value
arp                 none                          none
Sample output (VPRN service instance)
*A:SAS-DUTA# show router 1 sgt-qos application  
DSCP Application Values
Application         DSCP Value                    Default DSCP Value
bgp                 none                          none
icmp                cp17                          none
igmp                none                          none
ndis                none                          none
ospf                none                          none
pim                 none                          none
ssh                 none                          none
telnet              none                          none
traceroute          none                          none
vrrp                none                          none
Dot1p Application Values
Application         Dot1p Value                   Default Dot1p Value
arp                 none                          none
isis                none                          none
*A:SAS-DUTA>config>service# \show router 1 sgt-qos application  arp 
Dot1p Application Values
Application         Dot1p Value                   Default Dot1p Value
arp                 none                          none
Table: Output fields: SGT-QoS application
Label Description


The DSCP or dot1p application

DSCP Value

The DSCP name or value assigned to the application; if you assign a value to the application (0 to 63), the DSCP name that maps to the value is displayed

Default DSCP Value

The default DSCP value

Dot1p Value

The dot1p priority assigned to the application (applies only to ARP and IS-IS)

Default Dot1p Value

The default dot1p value



dscp-map [dscp-name]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays DSCP-to-FC mappings.



Specifies the DSCP name.


be, ef, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cp9, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, nc1, nc2, af11, af12, af13, af21, af22, af23, af31, af32, af33, af41, af42, af43, cp11, cp13, cp15, cp17, cp19, cp21, cp23, cp25, cp27, cp29, cp31, cp33, cp35, cp37, cp39, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, cp47, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63


The following outputs show examples of DSCP-to-FC mapping information for a base router and a VPRN service instance, and Table: Output fields: SGT-QoS DSCP-to-FC mapping describes the output fields.

Sample output (router)
*A:SAS-DUTA# show router sgt-qos dscp-map 
DSCP to FC Mappings
DSCP Value          FC Value            Default FC Value
be                  nc                  nc
cp1                 be                  be
cp2                 be                  be
cp3                 be                  be
cp4                 be                  be
cp5                 be                  be
cp6                 be                  be
cp7                 be                  be
cs1                 be                  be
cp9                 be                  be
af11                af                  af
cp11                be                  be
af12                af                  af
cp13                be                  be
af13                af                  af
cp15                be                  be
cs2                 be                  be
cp17                be                  be
af21                l1                  l1
cp19                be                  be
af22                l1                  l1
cp21                be                  be
af23                l1                  l1
cp23                be                  be
cs3                 be                  be
cp25                be                  be
af31                l1                  l1
cp27                be                  be
af32                l1                  l1
cp29                be                  be
af33                h2                  l1
cp31                be                  be
cs4                 be                  be
cp33                be                  be
af41                nc                  nc
cp35                be                  be
af42                h2                  h2
cp37                be                  be
af43                h2                  h2
cp39                be                  be
cs5                 be                  be
cp41                be                  be
cp42                be                  be
cp43                be                  be
cp44                be                  be
cp45                be                  be
ef                  ef                  ef
cp47                be                  be
nc1                 nc                  nc
cp49                be                  be
cp50                h2                  h2
cp51                be                  be
cp52                be                  be
cp53                be                  be
cp54                be                  be
cp55                be                  be
nc2                 nc                  nc
cp57                be                  be
cp58                be                  be
cp59                be                  be
cp60                be                  be
cp61                be                  be
cp62                be                  be
cp63                be                  be
Sample output (VPRN service instance)
*A:SAS-DUTA# show router 1 sgt-qos dscp-map 
DSCP to FC Mappings
DSCP Value          FC Value            Default FC Value
be                  nc                  nc
cp1                 be                  be
cp2                 be                  be
cp3                 be                  be
cp4                 be                  be
cp5                 be                  be
cp6                 be                  be
cp7                 be                  be
cs1                 be                  be
cp9                 be                  be
af11                af                  af
cp11                be                  be
af12                af                  af
cp13                be                  be
af13                af                  af
cp15                be                  be
cs2                 be                  be
cp17                ef                  be
af21                l1                  l1
cp19                be                  be
af22                l1                  l1
cp21                be                  be
af23                l1                  l1
cp23                be                  be
cs3                 be                  be
cp25                be                  be
af31                l1                  l1
cp27                be                  be
af32                l1                  l1
cp29                be                  be
af33                l1                  l1
cp31                be                  be
cs4                 be                  be
cp33                be                  be
af41                nc                  nc
cp35                be                  be
af42                h2                  h2
cp37                be                  be
af43                h2                  h2
cp39                be                  be
cs5                 be                  be
cp41                be                  be
cp42                be                  be
cp43                be                  be
cp44                be                  be
cp45                be                  be
ef                  ef                  ef
cp47                be                  be
nc1                 nc                  nc
cp49                be                  be
cp50                h2                  h2
cp51                be                  be
cp52                be                  be
cp53                be                  be
cp54                be                  be
cp55                be                  be
nc2                 nc                  nc
cp57                be                  be
cp58                be                  be
cp59                be                  be
cp60                be                  be
cp61                be                  be
cp62                be                  be
cp63                be                  be
Table: Output fields: SGT-QoS DSCP-to-FC mapping
Label Description

DSCP Value

Displays the DSCP values (displayed as names) of the self-generated traffic

FC Value

Displays the FC value mapped to each DSCP value

Default FC Value

Displays the default FC value