Configuration guidelines for proxy-ARP and proxy-ND

On the 7210 SAS, users can enable or disable proxy-ARP and proxy-ND commands for all EVPN services configured on the node; however, the option to enable or disable proxy-ARP or proxy-ND per service is not available.

Use the following syntax to enable or disable proxy-ARP or proxy-ND capability per node.


If the per-node evpn-proxy-arp-nd command is disabled, it is not possible to enable the proxy-arp or proxy-nd command per service, and proxy-arp or proxy-nd is disabled for all EVPN services on the node.

When the evpn-proxy-arp-nd command is enabled, the user must run the following sequence of commands to disable the per-node proxy-arp and proxy-nd commands, if required:

  1. Run the config>service>system>no evpn-proxy-arp-nd command.

  2. Run the config>service>vpls>no proxy-arp command.

  3. Run the config>service>vpls>no proxy-nd command.

The following example shows the command usage to enable proxy-arp and proxy-nd for all services, with all parameters set to default values:

    vpls 100
          no age-time
          dup-detect window 3 num-moves 5 hold-down 9
          no dynamic-arp-populate
          ...  (so on for other parameters supported under proxy-arp)
          no shutdowm
          no age-time
          dup-detect window 3 num-moves 5 hold-down 9
          no dynamic-nd-populate
          ...  (so on for other parameters supported under proxy-nd)
          no shutdowm

When the user runs the config>service>system>evpn-proxy-arp-nd command, the software automatically runs a no shutdown command for proxy-arp and proxy-nd for all services. Similarly, when the user runs the config>service>system>no evpn-proxy-arp-nd command, the software automatically runs a shutdown command for proxy-arp and proxy-nd for all services.

When the evpn-proxy-arp-nd command is enabled, the proxy-arp or proxy-nd command is enabled for all services and cannot be disabled for individual services. Configuring service-specific proxy-arp or proxy-nd command parameters is supported only when the evpn-proxy-arp-nd command is enabled.