In accordance with draft-ietf-bess-evpn-vpls-seamless-integ, the 7210 SAS EVPN implementation supports the integration of EVPN-MPLS and VPLS to the same network within the same service. Because EVPN is not deployed in greenfield deployments, this feature is useful for facilitating the integration between both technologies and for migrating VPLS services to EVPN-MPLS.
The following behavior enables the integration of EVPN and SDP-bindings in the same VPLS network:
Systems with EVPN endpoints and SDP-bindings to the same far-end bring down the SDP-bindings:
The router allows the establishment of an EVPN endpoint and an SDP-binding to the same far-end, but the SDP-binding is kept operationally down. Only the EVPN endpoint is operationally up. This applies to spoke-SDPs (manual).
If an EVPN endpoint to a specified far-end exists and a spoke-SDP establishment is attempted, the spoke-SDP is set up but is kept down with an operational flag, indicating that there is an EVPN route to the same far-end.
If an spoke-SDP exists and a valid or used EVPN route arrives, the EVPN endpoint is set up and the spoke-SDP is brought down with an operational flag indicating that there is an EVPN route to the same far-end.
In the case of an SDP-binding and EVPN endpoint to different far-end IPs on the same remote PE, both links are up. This may occur if the SDP-binding is terminated in an IPv4 address that is different from the system address where the EVPN endpoint is terminated.
Users can add spoke-SDPs and all the EVPN-MPLS endpoints in the same split-horizon group (SHG):
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, the following CLI command is added under the bgp-evpn>mpls context so that the EVPN-MPLS endpoints can be added to an SHG: bgp-evpn mpls [no] split-horizon-group group-name.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, the bgp-evpn mpls split-horizon-group command must reference a user-configured SHG. User-configured SHGs can be configured within the service context. The same group-name can be associated with SAPs, spoke-SDPs, pw-template-bindings, and EVPN-MPLS endpoints.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, if the bgp-evpn mpls split-horizon-group command is not used, the default SHG (that contains all the EVPN endpoints) is still used but cannot be referred to using SAPs/spoke-SDPs.
On the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, the use-evpn-default-shg CLI parameter is available during spoke-SDP creation. It allows the spoke-SDP to be added to the default EVPN binding SHG group.
On the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, by default, all EVPN bindings are part of the default SHG that contains all the EVPN binding endpoints instantiated in the service.
On the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, a SAP cannot be added to the default EVPN SHG group.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, the system disables the advertisement of MACs learned on spoke-SDPs or SAPs that are part of an EVPN split-horizon group. On the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, the system disables the advertisement of MACs learned on spoke-SDPs that are part of an EVPN split-horizon group:
When the SAPs or spoke-SDPs (manual) on the 7210 SAS-Mxp or the spoke-SDPs (manual) on the 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE are configured within the same SHG as the EVPN endpoints, MAC addresses are still learned on them, but they are not advertised in EVPN.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, the preceding statement is also true if proxy-ARP/proxy-ND is enabled and an IP-to-MAC pair is learned on a SAP that belongs to the EVPN split-horizon group.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, the SAPs added to an EVPN split-horizon group should not be part of any EVPN multi-homed ES. If that occurs, the PE still advertises the AD per-EVI route for the SAP, attracting EVPN traffic that could not possibly be forwarded to that SAP.
The following figure shows an example of EVPN-VPLS integration.
The following is a sample configuration of the 7210 SAS-Mxp for PE1, PE5, and PE2 from the EVPN-VPLS integration example in the preceding figure.
*A:PE1>config>service# info
vpls 1 customer 1 create
split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
route-target target:65000:1
evi 1
no shutdown
spoke-sdp 12:1 create
spoke-sdp 13:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 14:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 15:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
sap 1/1/1:1 create
*A:PE5>config>service# info
split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
vpls 1 customer 1 create
route-target target:65000:1
spoke-sdp 52:1 create
spoke-sdp 51:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 53:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 54:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
*A:PE2>config>service# info
vpls 1 customer 1 create
end-point CORE create
no suppress-standby-signaling
spoke-sdp 21:1 end-point CORE
precedence primary
spoke-sdp 25:1 end-point CORE
The following is a sample configuration of the 7210 SAS-S 1/10GE for PE1, PE5, and PE2 from the EVPN-VPLS integration example in Figure: EVPN-VPLS integration. This example uses the use-evpn-default-shg parameter to include spoke SDPs in the default EVPN SHG.
*A:PE1>config>service# info
vpls 1 customer 1 create
route-target target:65000:1
evi 1
no shutdown
spoke-sdp 12:1 create
spoke-sdp 13:1 use-evpn-default-shg create
spoke-sdp 14:1 use-evpn-default-shg create
spoke-sdp 15:1 use-evpn-default-shg create
sap 1/1/1:1 create
*A:PE5>config>service# info
split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
vpls 1 customer 1 create
route-target target:65000:1
spoke-sdp 52:1 create
spoke-sdp 51:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 53:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
spoke-sdp 54:1 split-horizon-group "SHG-1" create
*A:PE2>config>service# info
vpls 1 customer 1 create
end-point CORE create
no suppress-standby-signaling
spoke-sdp 21:1 end-point CORE
precedence primary
spoke-sdp 25:1 end-point CORE
The following applies to the configuration described in the preceding examples:
PE1, PE3, and PE4 have BGP-EVPN enabled in VPLS-1. PE2 has active/standby spoke SDPs to PE1 and PE5. In this configuration:
PE1, PE3, and PE4 have manual spoke SDPs, but they are kept operationally down as long as there are EVPN endpoints active among them
manual spoke SDPs on PE1, PE3, and PE4 and EVPN endpoints are instantiated within the same SHG, for example, the default SHG
manual spoke SDPs from PE1 and PE5 to PE2 are not part of the default SHG
EVPN MAC advertisements
for spoke SDPs and EVPN in the same SHG, MACs learned locally on a spoke SDP are not advertised in EVPN
BUM traffic operation on PE1
when CE1 sends BUM traffic, PE1 floods to all the active bindings
when CE2 sends BUM traffic, PE2 sends it to PE1 (active spoke SDP) and PE1 floods to all the bindings and SAPs
when CE5 sends BUM traffic, PE5 floods to the three EVPN PEs. PE1 floods to the active spoke SDP and SAPs, never to the EVPN PEs because they are part of the same SHG.