The procedure to add the R flag to a specified entry is as follows:
Dynamic entries are learned based on received NA messages. The R flag is also learned and added to the proxy-ND entry so that the appropriate R flag is used in response to NS requests for a specified IP.
Static entries are configured as host or router as per the [no] static ip-address ieee-address {host | router} command.
EVPN entries are learned from BGP and the evpn-nd-advertise {host | router} the R flag added to them.
In addition, the evpn-nd-advertise {host | router} command indicates what static and dynamic IP-to-MAC entries the system advertises in EVPN. If evpn-nd-advertise router is configured, the system should flood the received unsolicited NA messages for hosts. This is controlled by the [no] host-unsolicited-na-flood-evpn command. The opposite is also recommended, so that the evpn-nd-advertise host is configured using the router-unsolicited-na-flood-evpn command.