Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
Commands in this context display eth-cfm information.
association [ma-index] [detail]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command displays eth-cfm association information.
Specifies the maintenance association (MA) index.
Displays detailed information for the eth-cfm association.
Show eth-cfm association command output
The following output is an example of eth-cfm association information, and Table: Output fields: ETH-CFM association describes output fields.
Sample outputA:dut-b# show eth-cfm association
CFM Association Table
Md-index Ma-index Name CCM-interval Bridge-id
1 1 a1 1 1
1 2 a2 1 2
2 1 a1 1 2
2 2 a2 1 1
Label |
Description |
Displays the maintenance domain (MD) index. |
Displays the maintenance association (MA) index. |
Displays the part of the maintenance association identifier which is unique within the maintenance domain name. |
Displays the CCM transmission interval for all MEPs in the association. |
Displays the bridge-identifier value for the domain association. |
Displays the MIP half function (MHF) for the association. |
Displays the primary bridge-identifier VLAN ID. |
Displays the number of VIDs associated with the VLAN. |
Displays the remote maintenance association end point (MEP) identifier |
cfm-stack-table [{all-ports}] [level 0..7] [direction <down>]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command displays stack-table information. This stack-table is used to display the various management points MEPs and MIPs that are configured on the system. This can be Service based. The various options allow the operator to be specific. If no parameters are include then the entire stack-table is displayed.
Displays the bridge port or aggregated port on which MEPs or MHFs are configured.
Displays the associated VLAN ID.
Display the MD level of the maintenance point.
Displays the direction in which the MP faces on the bridge port.
Show eth-cfm CFM stack table command output
The following output is an example of eth-cfm CFM stack table information, and Table: Output fields: CFM stack table describes the fields.
Sample output*A:7210SAS>show>eth-cfm# cfm-stack-table
CFM SAP Stack Table
Sap Level Dir Md-index Ma-index Mep-id Mac-address
1/1/18:100 7 Up 7 100 1 00:25:ba:0d:21:13
CFM Ethernet Tunnel Stack Table
Eth-tunnel Level Dir Md-index Ma-index Mep-id Mac-address
No Matching Entries
CFM SDP Stack Table
Sdp Level Dir Md-index Ma-index Mep-id Mac-address
No Matching Entries
CFM Virtual Stack Table
Service Level Dir Md-index Ma-index Mep-id Mac-address
No Matching Entries
Label |
Description |
Displays associated SAP IDs. |
Displays the SDP binding for the bridge. |
Displays the MD level of the maintenance point. |
Displays the maintenance domain (MD) index. |
Displays the maintenance association (MA) index. |
Displays the integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. |
Displays the MAC address of the MP. |
domain [md-index] [association ma-index | all-associations] [detail]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command displays domain information.
Displays the index of the MD to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none.
Displays the index to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none.
Displays all associations to the MD.
Displays detailed domain information.
Show eth-cfm Domain Command Output
The following output is an example of eth-cfm domain information, and Table: Output Fields: ETH-CFM domain describes the output fields.
Sample outputA:dut-b# show eth-cfm domain
CFM Domain Table
Md-index Level Name Format
1 6 d1 charString
2 7 d2 charString
Label |
Description |
Displays the Maintenance Domain (MD) index value. |
Displays an integer identifying the Maintenance Domain Level (MD Level). Higher numbers correspond to higher Maintenance Domains, those with the greatest physical reach, with the highest values for customers' CFM PDUs. Lower numbers correspond to lower Maintenance Domains, those with more limited physical reach, with the lowest values for CFM PDUs protecting single bridges or physical links. |
Displays a generic Maintenance Domain (MD) name. |
Displays the type of the Maintenance Domain (MD) name. Values include dns, mac, and string. |
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [loopback] [linktrace]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index remote-mepid mep-id | all-remote-mepids
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index eth-test-results [remote-peer mac-address]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index one-way-delay-test [remote-peer mac-address]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index two-way-delay-test [remote-peer mac-address]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index two-way-slm-test [remote-peer macaddress]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command displays Maintenance Endpoint (MEP) information.
The show eth-cfm mep mep-id domain md-id association ma-id command does not display CCM ERROR, CCM XCON frames in the output.
The show eth-cfm mep mep-id domain md-id association ma-id remote-mep rmep-id command does not display some TLVs details.
Displays the integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA.
Displays the index of the MD to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none.
Displays the index to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none.
Displays loopback information for the specified MEP.
Displays linktrace information for the specified MEP.
Includes specified remote mep-id information for specified the MEP.
Includes all remote mep-id information for the specified MEP.
Includes eth-test-result information for the specified MEP.
Includes one-way-delay-test information for the specified MEP.
Includes two-way-delay-test information for the specified MEP.
Includes two-way-slm-test information for the specified MEP.
Includes specified remote mep-id information for the specified MEP.
The following outputs are examples of MEP information.
Sample outputA:dut-b# show eth-cfm mep 1 domain 1 association 1 linktrace
Mep Information
Md-index : 1 Direction : Down
Ma-index : 1 Admin : Enabled
MepId : 1 CCM-Enable : Enabled
IfIndex : 35946496 PrimaryVid : 1
FngState : fngReset ControlMep : False
LowestDefectPri : macRemErrXcon HighestDefect : none
Defect Flags : None
Mac Address : 00:25:ba:01:c3:6a CcmLtmPriority : 7
CcmTx : 0 CcmSequenceErr : 0
Eth-1Dm Threshold : 3(sec)
Eth-Ais: : Disabled
Eth-Tst: : Disabled
CcmLastFailure Frame:
XconCcmFailure Frame:
Mep Linktrace Message Information
LtRxUnexplained : 0 LtNextSequence : 2
LtStatus : False LtResult : False
TargIsMepId : False TargMepId : 0
TargMac : 00:00:00:00:00:00 TTL : 64
EgressId : 00:00:00:25:ba:01:c3:6a SequenceNum : 1
LtFlags : useFDBonly
Mep Linktrace Replies
SequenceNum : 1 ReceiveOrder : 1
Ttl : 63 Forwarded : False
LastEgressId : 00:00:00:25:ba:01:c3:6a TerminalMep : True
NextEgressId : 00:00:00:25:ba:00:5e:bf Relay : rlyHit
ChassisIdSubType : unknown value (0)
IngressMac : 00:25:ba:00:5e:bf Ingress Action : ingOk
IngrPortIdSubType : unknown value (0)
EgressMac : 00:00:00:00:00:00 Egress Action : egrNoTlv
EgrPortIdSubType : unknown value (0)
Org Specific TLV:
A:dut-b# show eth-cfm mep 1 domain 1 association 1 loopback
Mep Information
Md-index : 1 Direction : Down
Ma-index : 1 Admin : Enabled
MepId : 1 CCM-Enable : Enabled
IfIndex : 35946496 PrimaryVid : 1
FngState : fngReset ControlMep : False
LowestDefectPri : macRemErrXcon HighestDefect : none
Defect Flags : None
Mac Address : 00:25:ba:01:c3:6a CcmLtmPriority : 7
CcmTx : 0 CcmSequenceErr : 0
Eth-1Dm Threshold : 3(sec)
Eth-Ais: : Disabled
Eth-Tst: : Disabled
CcmLastFailure Frame:
XconCcmFailure Frame:
Mep Loopback Information
LbRxReply : 1 LbRxBadOrder : 0
LbRxBadMsdu : 0 LbTxReply : 0
LbSequence : 2 LbNextSequence : 2
LbStatus : False LbResultOk : True
DestIsMepId : False DestMepId : 0
DestMac : 00:00:00:00:00:00 SendCount : 0
VlanDropEnable : True VlanPriority : 7
Data TLV:
*A:dut-b# show eth-cfm mep 1 domain 4 association 4 two-way-delay-test remote-
peer 00:25:ba:00:5e:bf
Eth CFM Two-way Delay Test Result Table
Peer Mac Addr Delay (us) Delay Variation (us)
00:25:ba:00:5e:bf 507 507
*A:dut-b# show eth-cfm mep 1 domain 4 association 4 two-way-delay-test
Eth CFM Two-way Delay Test Result Table
Peer Mac Addr Delay (us) Delay Variation (us)
00:25:ba:00:5e:bf 507 507
*A:dut-a# show eth-cfm mep 2 domain 4 association 4 eth-test-results remote-
peer 00:25:ba:01:c3:6a
Eth CFM ETH-Test Result Table
Current Accumulate
FrameCount ErrBits ErrBits
Peer Mac Addr ByteCount CrcErrs CrcErrs
00:25:ba:01:c3:6a 6 0 0
384 0 0
*A:dut-a# show eth-cfm mep 2 domain 4 association 4 eth-test-results
Eth CFM ETH-Test Result Table
Current Accumulate
FrameCount ErrBits ErrBits
Peer Mac Addr ByteCount CrcErrs CrcErrs
00:25:ba:01:c3:6a 6 0 0
384 0 0
*A:dut-a# show eth-cfm mep 2 domain 4 association 4 one-way-delay-test remote-
peer 00:25:ba:01:c3:6a
Eth CFM One-way Delay Test Result Table
Peer Mac Addr Delay (us) Delay Variation (us)
00:25:ba:01:c3:6a 402 402
*A:dut-a# show eth-cfm mep 2 domain 4 association 4 one-way-delay-test
Eth CFM One-way Delay Test Result Table
Peer Mac Addr Delay (us) Delay Variation (us)
00:25:ba:01:c3:6a 402 402
Show output for two-way-slm-test
*A:7210SAS# show eth-cfm mep 1 domain 7 association 100 two-way-slm-test
Eth CFM Two-way SLM Test Result Table (Test-id: 1)
Peer Mac Addr Remote MEP Count In Loss Out Loss Unack
00:25:ba:0d:1e:12 2 1 0 0 0
connection-profile [conn-prof-id] [associations]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command displays connection profile information.
Specifies the connection profile ID.
Displays the SAP and the service ID that use this connection profile.
The following output is an example of connection-profile information, and Table: Output fields: connection profile describes output fields.
Sample output — Connection profile
*7210SAS>show# connection-profile
Connection Profile Summary Information
CP Index Number of HasRange
1 0 Yes
2 0 Yes
3 0 Yes
5 0 Yes
6 0 Yes
100 0 Yes
200 0 Yes
300 0 Yes
400 0 Yes
500 0 Yes
600 0 Yes
700 0 Yes
800 0 Yes
900 0 Yes
Show output for connection-profile associations
*A:7210SAS>show# connection-profile associations
Connection Profile Summary Information
CP Index Number of HasRange
1 0 No
Label |
Description |
Identifies the connection-profile. |
Indicates the number of ATM connection profile members not applicable for 7210. |
Indicates whether VLAN range is configured. |