T-PE functionality is supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, except those operating in access-uplink mode.
S-PE functionality is only supported on 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE.
The following figure shows VLL resilience for a switched pseudowire path example. A sample configuration follows.
The following is a sample configuration of T-PE1.
configure service epipe 1
endpoint X
endpoint Y
revert-time 100
sap 1/1/1:100 endpoint X
spoke-sdp 1:100 endpoint Y
precedence primary
spoke-sdp 2:200 endpoint Y
precedence 1
spoke-sdp 3:300 endpoint Y
precedence 1
The following is a sample configuration of T-PE2.
configure service epipe 1
endpoint X
endpoint Y
revert-time 100
sap 2/2/2:200 endpoint X
spoke-sdp 4:400 endpoint Y
precedence primary
spoke-sdp 5:500 endpoint Y
precedence 1
spoke-sdp 6:600 endpoint Y
precedence 1
VC switching indicates a VC cross-connect so that the service manager does not signal the VC label mapping immediately, but will put this into passive mode. The following is a sample configuration of S-PE1.
configure service epipe 1 vc-switching
spoke-sdp 1:100
spoke-sdp 4:400