System commands



chassis imm-family [imm-family]

chassis imm-family {active | configured}




7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12


This command lists the IMM types allowed to be provisioned (and equipped) in the chassis for the specified type of IMM family.

With the active option, this command displays the current active configuration of the IMM family. In other words, it indicates the list of allowed IMMs that can be used in the chassis.

With the configured option, this command displays the user configured value for the IMM family, which will take effect on the next reboot.



Specifies the IMM family type to display the list of supported IMMs under this family.


imm-sas-r, imm-sas-r-b, imm-sas-r-c, all


Displays the current active configuration.


Displays the current configured value which will take effect on next reboot.


The following output is an example of IMM family information.

Sample output
*A:sasr_dutb>show>system# chassis imm-family all

IMM-TYPE                      IMM-FAMILY          SUPPORTED
imm-sas-10sfp+1xfp            imm-sas-r           Default
imm-sas-10sfp                 imm-sas-r           Default
imm-sas-2xfp                  imm-sas-r           Default
imm-sas-b-4sfp+               imm-sas-r-b         ----
imm-sas-b-2sfp+               imm-sas-r-b         ----
imm-sas-b-10sfp-1sfp+         imm-sas-r-b         ----
imm-sas-b-11csfp              imm-sas-r-b         ----
imm-sas-b-16tx                imm-sas-r-b         ----

*A:sasr_dutb>show>system# chassis imm-family active

IMM-TYPE                      IMM-FAMILY          SUPPORTED
imm-sas-10sfp+1xfp            imm-sas-r           Supported (Default)
imm-sas-10sfp                 imm-sas-r           Supported (Default)
imm-sas-2xfp                  imm-sas-r           Supported (Default)

*A:sasr_dutb>show>system# chassis imm-family configured

IMM-TYPE                      IMM-FAMILY          SUPPORTED
imm-sas-10sfp+1xfp            imm-sas-r           Default
imm-sas-10sfp                 imm-sas-r           Default
imm-sas-2xfp                  imm-sas-r           Default



connections [address ip-address [interface interface-name]] [port port-number] [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays UDP and TCP connection information. If no command line options are specified, a summary of the TCP and UDP connections displays.



Displays only the connection information for the specified IP address.


ipv4-address — a.b.c.d (host bits must be 0)

ipv6-address — x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)

  • x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d
  • x — 0 to FFFF (hexadecimal)

d — 0 to 255 (decimal)


Displays only the connection information for the specified port number.


0 to 65535


Displays TCP statistics.


The following outputs are examples of system connections information, and the asspciated tables describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-12# show system connections
Connections :
Proto    RecvQ    TxmtQ Local Address         Remote Address        State
TCP          0        0               LISTEN
TCP          0        0               LISTEN
TCP          0        0              LISTEN
TCP          0        0        SYN_SENT
TCP          0        0         SYN_SENT
TCP          0        0             LISTEN
TCP          0        0    ESTABLISHED
TCP          0        0          SYN_SENT
TCP          0        993    192.168.x.xx.xxxx     ESTABLISHED
UDP          0        0               ---
UDP          0        0               ---
UDP          0        0              ---
UDP          0        0              ---
UDP          0        0 xxx.       xxx.        ---
No. of Connections: 14
Table: Output fields: system connections




Displays the socket protocol, either TCP or UDP


Displays the number of input packets received by the protocol


Displays the number of output packets sent by the application

Local Address

Displays the local address of the socket

The socket port is separated by a period.

Remote Address

Displays the remote address of the socket

The socket port is separated by a period.


Listen — The protocol state is in the listen mode

Established — The protocol state is established

Sample output (detail)
A:ALA-12# show system connections detail
 TCP Statistics                                                                
packets sent                                : 659635                           
data packets                                : 338982 (7435146 bytes)           
data packet retransmitted                   : 73 (1368 bytes)                  
ack-only packets                            : 320548 (140960 delayed)          
URG only packet                             : 0                                
window probe packet                         : 0                                
window update packet                        : 0                                
control packets                             : 32                               
packets received                            : 658893                           
acks                                        : 338738 for (7435123 bytes)       
duplicate acks                              : 23                               
ack for unsent data                         : 0                                
packets received in-sequence                : 334705 (5568368 bytes)           
completely duplicate packet                 : 2 (36 bytes)                     
packet with some dup. data                  : 0 (0 bytes)                      
out-of-order packets                        : 20 (0 bytes)                     
packet of data after window                 : 0 (0 bytes)                      
window probe                                : 0                                
window update packet                        : 3                                
packets received after close                : 0                                
discarded for bad checksum                  : 0                                
discarded for bad header offset field       : 0                                
discarded because packet too short          : 0                                
connection request                          : 4                                
connection accept                           : 24                               
connections established (including accepts) : 27                               
connections closed                          : 26 (including 2 drops)           
embryonic connections dropped               : 0                                
segments updated rtt                        : 338742 (of 338747 attempts)      
retransmit timeouts                         : 75                               
connections dropped by rexmit timeout       : 0                                
persist timeouts                            : 0                                
keepalive timeouts                          : 26                               
keepalive probes sent                       : 0                                
connections dropped by keepalive            : 1                                
pcb cache lookups failed                    : 0                                



cpu [sample-period seconds]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays CPU utilization per task over a sample period.


sample-period seconds

Specifies the number of seconds over which to sample CPU task utilization.




1 to 5


The following output is an example of CPU information, and Table: Output fields: system CPU describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:cses-E11# show system cpu sample-period 2
CPU Utilization (Sample period: 2 seconds)
Name                                   CPU Time       CPU Usage        Capacity
                                         (uSec)                           Usage
BFD                                          10          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
BGP                                           0           0.00%           0.00%
CFLOWD                                       61          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
Cards & Ports                             8,332           0.41%           0.08%
DHCP Server                                  79          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
ICC                                         408           0.02%           0.01%
IGMP/MLD                                  1,768           0.08%           0.08%
IOM                                      17,197           0.85%           0.31%
IP Stack                                  4,080           0.20%           0.09%
IS-IS                                     1,213           0.06%           0.06%
ISA                                       2,496           0.12%           0.07%
LDP                                           0           0.00%           0.00%
Logging                                      32          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
MPLS/RSVP                                 2,380           0.11%           0.08%
MSDP                                          0           0.00%           0.00%
Management                                5,969           0.29%           0.15%
OAM                                         907           0.04%           0.02%
OSPF                                         25          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
PIM                                       5,600           0.27%           0.27%
RIP                                           0           0.00%           0.00%
RTM/Policies                                  0           0.00%           0.00%
Redundancy                                3,635           0.18%           0.13%
SIM                                       1,462           0.07%           0.04%
SNMP Daemon                                   0           0.00%           0.00%
Services                                  2,241           0.11%           0.05%
Stats                                         0           0.00%           0.00%
Subscriber Mgmt                           2,129           0.10%           0.04%
System                                    8,802           0.43%           0.17%
Traffic Eng                                   0           0.00%           0.00%
VRRP                                        697           0.03%           0.02%
WEB Redirect                                125          ~0.00%          ~0.00%
Total                                 2,014,761         100.00%
   Idle                               1,945,113          96.54%
   Usage                                 69,648           3.45%
Busiest Core Utilization                 69,648           3.45%
Table: Output fields: system CPU



CPU Utilization

The total amount of CPU time


The process or protocol name

CPU Time (uSec)

The CPU time each process or protocol has used in the specified time

CPU Usage

The sum of CPU usage of all the processes and protocols

Capacity Usage

Displays the level the specified service is being utilized

When this number hits 100%, this part of the system is busied out. There may be extra CPU cycles still left for other processes, but this service is running at capacity.

This column does not reflect the true CPU utilization value; that data is still available in the CPU Usage column. This column is the busiest task in each group, where busiest is defined as either actually running or blocked attempting to acquire a lock.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command enters the show CRON context.



schedule [schedule-name] [owner schedule-owner]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays cron schedule parameters.



Displays information for the specified scheduler name

owner schedule-owner

Displays information for the specified scheduler owner


The following output is an example of cron schedule information, and Table: Output fields: Cron schedule describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:sim1>show>system>cron schedule test
CRON Schedule Information
Schedule                     : test
Schedule owner               : TiMOS CLI
Description                  : none
Administrative status        : enabled
Operational status           : enabled
Script Policy                : test
Script Policy Owner          : TiMOS CLI
Script                       : test
Script Owner                 : TiMOS CLI
Script source location       : ftp://*****:******@
Script results location      : ftp://*****:******@
Schedule type                : periodic
Interval                     : 0d 00:01:00 (60 seconds)
Repeat count                 : 10
Next scheduled run           : 0d 00:00:42
End time                     : none
Weekday                      : tuesday
Month                        : none
Day of month                 : none
Hour                         : none
Minute                       : none
Number of schedule runs      : 10
Last schedule run            : 2008/01/01 17:20:52
Number of schedule failures  : 0
Last schedule failure        : no error
Last failure time            : never
Table: Output fields: Cron schedule



Schedule name

Displays the schedule name

Schedule owner

Displays the owner name of the action


Displays the schedule’s description

Administrative status

Enabled — The administrative status is enabled

Disabled — Administratively disabled

Operational status

Enabled — The operational status is enabled

Disabled — Operationally disabled

Script Policy

Displays the script policy name

Script Policy Owner

Displays the name of script policy owner


Displays the name of the script

Script owner

Displays the name of the of script owner

Script source location

Displays the location of scheduled script

Script results location

Displays the location where the script results have been sent

Schedule type

Periodic — Displays a schedule which ran at a given interval

Calendar — Displays a schedule which ran based on a calendar

Oneshot — Displays a schedule which ran one time only


Displays the interval between runs of an event

Repeat count

Displays the total number of times a CRON ‟interval” schedule is run

Next scheduled run

Displays the time for the next scheduled run

End time

Displays the configured time at which the schedule ends


Displays the configured weekday


Displays the configured month

Day of Month

Displays the configured day of month


Displays the configured hour


Displays the configured minute

Number of scheduled runs

Displays the number of scheduled sessions

Last scheduled run

Displays the last scheduled session

Number of scheduled failures

Displays the number of scheduled sessions that failed to execute

Last scheduled failure

Displays the last scheduled session that failed to execute

Last failure time

Displays the system time of the last failure



global-res-profile [detail]

global-res-profile {active | configured}




7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, and 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE: standalone-VC


This command displays the parameters and resources configured under the global system resource-profile.


The following output is an example of global system resource profile information, and Table: Output fields: global system resource profile describes the output fields.

Sample output
*7210SASR>show>system# global-res-profile

System Global Resource Profile


G8032 Fast Flood           : 5
Eth-Cfm Vpls Upmeps        : 0
Mpls P2MP                  : 1
Max-ipv6-routes            : disable
System-max-ecmp            : 1
L3-max-ecmp-groups         : 1945
Ldp-max-ecmp-groups        : disable
Ldp-ecmp-percent-value     : disable
Max-ip-subnets             : 2000
port-scheduler-mode        : disable
Table: Output fields: global system resource profile



G8032 Fast Flood

Displays the resources configured for use by G8032 fast-flood feature

Mpls P2MP

Displays the resources configured for NG-MVPN P2MP LSPs


The amount of L3 forwarding table entries configured for IPv6 /64-bit address prefix lookups


The maximum number of ECMP paths allowed per IP destination or LDP FEC


The amount of L3 forwarding entries configured for use by IP subnets of the directly connected interfaces (both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces)


The scheduler mode configured for use on egress

It can be either port-based (port-scheduler-mode is enabled) or SAP-based (port-scheduler-mode is disabled).







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays general system information including the operating mode, basic system, SNMP server, last boot and DNS client information.


The following outputs are examples of system information, and Table: Output fields: system information describes the output fields.

Sample output
System Information
System Name               : PE4-M2
System Type               : 
System Version            : B-9.0.F-private
System Contact         :
System Location        :
System Coordinates     :
System Up Time            : 10 days, 06:50:01.84 (hr:min:sec)

SNMP Port                 : 161
SNMP Engine ID            : 0000197f0000c408416161a3
SNMP Engine Boots         : 571
SNMP Max Message Size     : 1500
SNMP Admin State          : Disabled
SNMP Oper State           : Disabled
SNMP Index Boot Status    : Not Persistent
SNMP Sync State           : N/A

Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Admin    : Disabled/Disabled/Enabled/Disabled
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Oper     : Down/Down/Up/Down

BOF Source                : cf1:
Image Source              : primary
Config Source             : primary
Last Booted Config File   : cf1:\mvpn_head.cfg
Last Boot Cfg Version     : MON SEP 26 04:48:37 2016 UTC
Last Boot Config Header: N/A
Last Boot Index Version   : N/A
Last Boot Index Header : N/A
Last Saved Config         : N/A
Time Last Saved           : N/A
Changes Since Last Save   : Yes
User Last Modified        : admin
Time Last Modified        : 2016/10/25 04:07:16
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev    : 5
Cfg-OK Script             :
Cfg-OK Script Status      : success
Cfg-Fail Script           : N/A
Cfg-Fail Script Status    : not used

Management IP Addr        :
Primary DNS Server        : N/A
Secondary DNS Server      : N/A
Tertiary DNS Server       : N/A
DNS Domain                : (Not Specified)
DNS Resolve Preference    : ipv4-only
DNSSEC AD Validation      : False
DNSSEC Response Control   : drop
BOF Static Routes         :
  To                   Next Hop 

ICMP Vendor Enhancement   : Disabled
EFM OAM Grace Tx Enable   : False

System Oper Group Information
Name                             Oper   Creation Hold   Hold   Members Monitor
                                 Status Origin   UpTime DnTime
                                                 (secs) (secs)
No Matching Entries
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone)
*A:dut-d>show>system# information

System Information
System Name               : dut-d
System Type               : 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE 24Tp4SFP+ (PoE)-1
Chassis-role Config value : standalone
Host-type Config value    : standalone
Chassis Operating Mode    : standalone
System Version            : B-9.0.B1-10
System Contact         :
System Location        :
System Coordinates     :
System Up Time            : 30 days, 04:02:01.66 (hr:min:sec)

SNMP Port                 : 161
SNMP Engine ID            : 0000197f0000a47b2cc693d3
SNMP Engine Boots         : 87
SNMP Max Message Size     : 9216
SNMP Admin State          : Enabled
SNMP Oper State           : Enabled
SNMP Index Boot Status    : Not Persistent
SNMP Sync State           : N/A

Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Admin    : Enabled/Disabled/Enabled/Enabled
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Oper     : Up/Down/Up/Up

Boot-loader Source        : cf1:
BOF Source                : cf1:
Image Source              : primary
Config Source             : primary
Last Booted Config File   : cf1:\9.0_ver_4.cfg
Last Boot Cfg Version     : TUE JAN 04 23:16:48 2000 UTC
Last Boot Config Header: # TiMOS-B-9.0.B1-7 both/hops Nokia SAS-Sx 24Tp4SFP+
                         (PoE) 7210 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Nokia. # All
                         rights reserved. All use subject to applicable
                         license agreements. # Built on Wed Sep 28 14:44:54
                         IST 2016 by builder in /home/builder/9.0B1/panos/
                         main # Generated TUE JAN 04 23:16:48 2000 UTC
Last Boot Index Version   : N/A
Last Boot Index Header : # TiMOS-B-9.0.B1-7 both/hops Nokia SAS-Sx 24Tp4SFP+
                         (PoE) 7210 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Nokia. # All
                         rights reserved. All use subject to applicable
                         license agreements. # Built on Wed Sep 28 14:44:54
                         IST 2016 by builder in /home/builder/9.0B1/panos/
                         main # Generated TUE JAN 04 23:16:48 2000 UTC
Last Saved Config         : N/A
Time Last Saved           : N/A
Changes Since Last Save   : Yes
User Last Modified        : admin
Time Last Modified        : 2000/01/23 10:26:17
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev    : 5
Cfg-OK Script             : N/A
Cfg-OK Script Status      : not used
Cfg-Fail Script           : N/A
Cfg-Fail Script Status    : not used

Management IP Addr        :
Management IP Addr        : 2001:dbe::44/64
Primary DNS Server        : N/A
Secondary DNS Server      : N/A
Tertiary DNS Server       : N/A
DNS Domain                : (Not Specified)
DNS Resolve Preference    : ipv4-only
DNSSEC AD Validation      : False
DNSSEC Response Control   : drop
BOF Static Routes         :
  To                   Next Hop

ICMP Vendor Enhancement   : Disabled
EFM OAM Grace Tx Enable   : False

System Oper Group Information
Name                             Oper   Creation Hold   Hold   Members Monitor
                                 Status Origin   UpTime DnTime
                                                 (secs) (secs)
No Matching Entries
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE (standalone-VC)
*A:dut-d>show>system# information

System Information
System Name               : Dut-A
System Type               : 7210 SAS-VC
Chassis-role Config value : standalone-vc
Host-type Config value    : none
Chassis Operating Mode    : standalone-vc
System Version            : B-10.0.S-private
System Contact         :
System Location        :
System Coordinates     :
System Active Slot        : A
System Up Time            : 0 days, 09:32:03.18 (hr:min:sec)
SNMP Port                 : 161
SNMP Engine ID            : 0000197f0000d099d5911c41
SNMP Engine Boots         : 785
SNMP Max Message Size     : 1500
SNMP Admin State          : Enabled
SNMP Oper State           : Enabled
SNMP Index Boot Status    : Not Persistent
SNMP Sync State           : OK
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Admin    : Enabled/Disabled/Enabled/Enabled
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Oper     : Up/Down/Up/Up
Boot-loader Source        : cf1:
BOF Source                : cf1:
Image Source              : primary
Config Source             : primary
Last Booted Config File   : cf1:\default.cfg
Last Boot Cfg Version     : SAT JAN 01 19:17:10 2000 UTC
Last Boot Config Header: # TiMOS-B-0.0.private both/hops Nokia SAS-S 24F4SFP+
                         7210 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Nokia. # All rights
                         reserved. All use subject to applicable license
                         agreements. # Built on Thu Feb 8 21:49:20 IST 2018
                         by aalapati in /home/aalapati/Work/WsHost/HEAD/panos/
                         main # Generated SAT JAN 01 19:17:10 2000 UTC
Last Boot Index Version   : N/A
Last Boot Index Header : # TiMOS-B-0.0.private both/hops Nokia SAS-S 24F4SFP+
                         7210 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Nokia. # All rights
                         reserved. All use subject to applicable license
                         agreements. # Built on Thu Feb 8 21:49:20 IST 2018
                         by aalapati in /home/aalapati/Work/WsHost/HEAD/panos/
                         main # Generated SAT JAN 01 19:17:10 2000 UTC
Last Saved Config         : N/A
Time Last Saved           : N/A
Changes Since Last Save   : No
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev    : 5
Cfg-OK Script             : ftp://*:*@
Cfg-OK Script Status      : failed
Cfg-Fail Script           : N/A
Cfg-Fail Script Status    : not used
Management IP Addr        :
Primary DNS Server        : N/A
Secondary DNS Server      : N/A
Tertiary DNS Server       : N/A
DNS Domain                : (Not Specified)
DNS Resolve Preference    : ipv4-only
DNSSEC AD Validation      : False
DNSSEC Response Control   : drop
BOF Static Routes         :
  To                   Next Hop
ICMP Vendor Enhancement   : Disabled
EFM OAM Grace Tx Enable   : False
Table: Output fields: system information



System Name

The configured system name

System Type

Indicates whether or not the node is operating in a virtual chassis

Chassis-role Config value

Supported only on 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE devices. Displays the configured value for boot parameter chassis-role

Host-type Config value

Supported only on 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE devices. Displays the configured value for BOF parameter host-type

Chassis Operating Mode

The current operating mode of the node/chassis

It can be in satellite mode, standalone mode, or standalone-vc mode depending on the configuration of the chassis-role and host-type parameters.

Supported only on 7210 SAS-Sx 1/10GE devices

Software Version

Indicates the version of the software

System Contact

A text string that describes the system contact information

System Location

A text string that describes the system location

System Coordinates

A text string that describes the system coordinates

System Active Slot

Indicates which slot is used for the active CPM (CPM-A or CPM-B)

System Up Time

The time since the last boot


The port number used by this node to receive SNMP request messages and to send replies

SNMP Engine ID

The SNMP engineID to uniquely identify the SNMPv3 node

SNMP Engine Boots

The number of time the SNMP agent has restarted

It is typically equivalent to the number of times the node has rebooted.

SNMP Max Message Size

The maximum SNMP packet size generated by this node

SNMP Admin State

Enabled — SNMP is administratively enabled and running

Disabled — SNMP is administratively shut down and not running

SNMP Oper State

Enabled — SNMP is operationally enabled

Disabled — SNMP is operationally disabled

SNMP Index Boot Status

Persistent — System indexes are saved between reboots

Not Persistent — System indexes are not saved between reboots

SNMP Sync State

Indicates whether the SNMP persistence information database has been successfully synchronized between the active and standby CPM

This field is available on 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, and 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE: standalone-vc platforms.

Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP/ Admin

The administrative state of the Telnet, Telnet IPv6, SSH, and FTP sessions

Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP/ Oper

The operational state of the Telnet, Telnet _IPv6, SSH, and FTP sessions

Boot-loader source

The location of the bootloader

BOF source

The location of the BOF

Image Source

Primary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the primary source

Secondary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the secondary source.

Tertiary — Indicates that the directory location for runtime image file was loaded from the tertiary source

Config Source

Primary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the primary source

Secondary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the secondary source

Tertiary — Indicates that the directory location for configuration file was loaded from the tertiary source

Last Booted Config File

The URL and filename of the last loaded configuration file

Last Boot Cfg Version

The date and time of the last boot

Last Boot Config Header

Displays header information such as image version, date built, date generated

Last Boot Index Version

The version of the persistence index file read when the card was last rebooted

Last Boot Index Header

The header of the persistence index file read when the card was last rebooted

Last Saved Config

The location and filename of the last saved configuration file

Time Last Saved

The date and time of the last time configuration file was saved

Changes Since Last Save

Yes — there are unsaved configuration file changes

No — there are no unsaved configuration file changes

Time Last Modified

The date and time of the last modification

Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev

The maximum number of backup revisions maintained for a configuration file. This value also applies to the number of revisions maintained for the BOF file

Cfg-OK Script

URL — The location and name of the CLI script file executed following successful completion of the boot-up configuration file execution

Cfg-OK Script Status

Successful/Failed — The results from the execution of the CLI script file specified in the Cfg-OK Script location

Not used — No CLI script file was executed

Cfg-Fail Script

URL — The location and name of the CLI script file executed following a failed boot-up configuration file execution

Not used — No CLI script file was executed

Cfg-Fail Script Status

Successful/Failed — The results from the execution of the CLI script file specified in the Cfg-Fail Script location

Not used — No CLI script file was executed

Management IP Addr

The management IP address and mask

Primary DNS Server

The IP address of the primary DNS server

Secondary DNS Server

The IP address of the secondary DNS server

Tertiary DNS Server

The IP address of the tertiary DNS server

DNS Domain

The DNS domain name of the node

BOF Static Routes

To — The static route destination

Next — Hop The next hop IP address used to reach the destination

Metric — Displays the priority of this static route versus other static routes

None — No static routes are configured







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays system memory status.


The following output is an example of memory pool information, and Table: Output fields: memory pool describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show system memory-pools
Memory Pools
Name               Max Allowed    Current Size      Max So Far          In Use
System                No limit      24,117,248      24,117,248      16,974,832
Icc                  8,388,608       1,048,576       1,048,576          85,200
RTM/Policies          No limit       5,242,912       5,242,912       3,944,104
OSPF                  No limit       3,145,728       3,145,728       2,617,384
MPLS/RSVP             No limit       9,769,480       9,769,480       8,173,760
LDP                   No limit               0               0               0
IS-IS                 No limit               0               0               0
RIP                   No limit               0               0               0
VRRP                  No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576              96
Services              No limit       2,097,152       2,097,152       1,589,824
IOM                   No limit     205,226,800     205,226,800     202,962,744
SIM                   No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576             392
IGMP                  No limit               0               0               0
MMPI                  No limit               0               0               0
MFIB                  No limit               0               0               0
PIP                   No limit      79,943,024      79,943,024      78,895,248
MBUF                67,108,864       5,837,328       5,837,328       4,834,280
Current Total Size :    343,495,200 bytes
Total In Use       :    324,492,768 bytes
Available Memory   :    640,178,652 bytes
Table: Output fields: memory pool




The name of the system or process

Max Allowed

Integer — The maximum allocated memory size

No — Limit No size limit

Current Size

The current size of the memory pool

Max So Far

The largest amount of memory pool used

In Use

The current amount of the memory pool currently in use

Current Total Size

The sum of the Current Size column

Total In Use

The sum of the In Use column

Available Memory

The amount of available memory



ntp [{peers | peer peer-address} | {servers | server server-address} |[all]] [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays NTP protocol configuration and state.


The following output is an example of NTP information, and Table: Output fields: NTP describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:7210>config>system>time>ntp# show system ntp
NTP Status
Enabled : Yes Stratum : 3
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server enabled : No Server keyId : none
System Ref Id : Auth Check : Yes

A:7210# show system ntp all
NTP Status
Configured : Yes Stratum : 1
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server Enabled : Yes Server Authenticate : No
Clock Source : PTP
Auth Check : Yes
Current Date & Time: 2013/03/19 20:18:50 UTC
NTP Active Associations
State Reference ID St Type A Poll Reach Offset(ms)
chosen PTP 0 srvr - 256 YYYYYYYY 0.000
candidate GPS 1 srvr - 256 YYYYYYYY -0.054

A:7210>config>system>time>ntp# show system ntp detail
NTP Status
Enabled : Yes Stratum : 3
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server enabled : No Server keyId : none
System Ref Id : Auth Check : Yes
Auth Errors : 0 Auth Errors Ignored : 0
Auth Key Id Errors : 0 Auth Key Type Errors : 0
NTP Configured Broadcast/Multicast Interfaces
vRouter Interface Address Type Auth Poll
Base i3/1/1 Host-ones bcast yes off
management management mcast no off
Base t2 bclnt no n/a
management management mclnt no n/a

A:7210>config>system>time>ntp# show system ntp detail all
NTP Status
Enabled : Yes Stratum : 3
Admin Status : up Oper Status : up
Server enabled : No Server keyId : none
System Ref Id : Auth Check : Yes
Auth Errors : 0 Auth Errors Ignored : 0
Auth Key Id Errors : 0 Auth Key Type Errors : 0
NTP Configured Broadcast/Multicast Interfaces
vRouter Interface Address Type Auth Poll
Base i3/1/1 Host-ones bcast yes off
management management mcast no off
Base t2 bclnt no n/a
management management mclnt no n/a
NTP Active Associations
State Remote Reference ID St Type Auth Poll R Offset
reject 2 srvr none 64 y 0.901
chosen 4 mclnt none 64 y 1.101
Table: Output fields: NTP




yes — NTP is enabled

no — NTP is disabled

Admin Status

yes — Administrative state is enabled

no — Administrative state is disabled

NTP Server

Displays NTP server state of this node


Displays stratum level of this node

Oper Status

yes — The operational state is enabled

no — The operational state is disabled

Auth Check

Displays the authentication requirement

System Ref. ID

IP address of this node or a 4-character ASCII code showing the state

Auth Error

Displays the number of authentication errors

Auth Errors Ignored

Displays the number of authentication errors ignored

Auth key ID Errors

Displays the number of key identification errors

Auth Key Type Errors

Displays the number of authentication key type errors


The peer is rejected and will not be used for synchronization

The rejection reasons could be one of the following: the peer is unreachable, the peer is synchronized to this local server so synchronizing with it would create a sync loop, or the synchronization distance is too large. This is the normal startup state.


The peer is not maintaining an accurate clock

This peer will not be used for synchronization.


The peer's synchronization distance is greater than ten other peers

This peer will not be used for synchronization.


The peer is discarded as an outlyer

This peer will not be used for synchronization.


The peer is accepted as a possible source of synchronization


The peer is an acceptable source of synchronization, but its synchronization distance is greater than six other peers


The peer is chosen as the source of synchronization


The peer is chosen as the source of synchronization, but the actual synchronization is occurring from a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal


The IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which this local host is exchanging NTP packets

Reference ID

When stratum is between 0 and 15 this field shows the IP address of the remote NTP server or peer with which the remote is exchanging NTP packets

For reference clocks, this field shows the identification assigned to the clock, such as, ‟.GPS.”

For an NTP server or peer, if the client has not yet synchronized to a server/peer, the status cannot be determined and displays the following codes:

Peer Codes:

ACST — The association belongs to any cast server

AUTH — Server authentication failed. Wait while the association is restarted.

AUTO — Autokey sequence failed. Wait while the association is restarted.

BCST — The association belongs to a broadcast server

CRPT — Cryptographic authentication or identification failed. The details should be in the system log file or the cryptostats statistics file, if configured. No further messages will be sent to the server.

DENY — Access denied by remote server. No further messages will be sent to the server.

DROP — Lost peer in symmetric mode. Wait while the association is restarted.

RSTR — Access denied due to local policy. No further messages will be sent to the server.

INIT — The association has not yet synchronized for the first time

MCST — The association belongs to a manycast server

NKEY — No key found. Either the key was never installed or is not trusted.

RATE — Rate exceeded. The server has temporarily denied access because the client exceeded the rate threshold.

RMOT — The association from a remote host running ntpdc has had unauthorized attempted access.

STEP — A step change in system time has occurred, but the association has not yet re-synchronized.

System Codes:

INIT — The system clock has not yet synchronized for the first time

STEP — A step change in system time has occurred, but the system clock has not yet re-synchronized


Stratum level of this node


yes — Authentication is enabled

no — Authentication is disabled


Polling interval in seconds


Yes — The NTP peer or server has been reached at least once in the last 8 polls

No — The NTP peer or server has not been reached at least once in the last 8 polls


The time between the local and remote UTC time, in milliseconds



oper-group [group-name]

oper-group group-name [detail]

oper-group group-name [monitoring]




Supported only on 7210 SAS platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays oper-group information, member count, monitor-client count, and status in a single line for each of the configured oper-groups.


The following output is an example of oper-group information, and Table: Output fields: oper-group describes the output fields.

Show Output
*A:7210SAS>show>system# oper-group

System Oper Group Information
Name                             Oper   Creation Hold   Hold   Members Monitor
                                 Status Origin   UpTime DnTime
                                                 (secs) (secs)
test                             up     manual   4      0      1       1
Entries found: 1

*A:7210SAS>show>system# oper-group test monitoring

System Oper Group Information
Oper Group           : test
Creation Origin      : manual               Oper Status      : up
Hold DownTime        : 0 secs               Hold UpTime      : 4 secs
Members              : 0                    Monitoring       : 0
Table: Output fields: oper-group




Displays the name of the oper-group

Oper Status

The operational status of the oper-group

Creation Origin

Displays if it was created manually

Hold Up Time

The configured HOLD UP time

Hold Dn Time

The configured HOLD down time


Displays the number of members of the oper-group


Displays the number of monitoring clients



rollback [rescue]




7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, and 7210 SAS-Mxp


This command displays rollback configuration and state.



Keyword to revert to the rescue checkpoint.


The following output is an example of rollback configuration and state information, and Table: Output fields: rollback describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:7210SAS>show>system# rollback

Rollback Information
Rollback Location            : None
Max Local  Rollback Files    : 10
Max Remote Rollback Files    : 10
  Last Rollback Save Result  : None
  Last Save Completion Time  : N/A
  In Progress                : No
  Last Revert Initiated User : N/A
  Last Revert Checkpoint File: N/A
  Last Revert Result         : None
  Last Revert Initiated Time : N/A
  Last Revert Completion Time: N/A
  Last Rollback Delete Result: None

Rollback Files
Idx    Suffix    Creation Time            Release           User
No Matching Entries
Table: Output fields: rollback



Rollback Information

Rollback Location

The location where rollback checkpoint files will be saved

Max Local Rollback Files

The maximum number of rollback checkpoint files that will be saved to a local server

Max Remote Rollback Files

The maximum number of rollback checkpoint files that will be saved to a remote server


Last Rollback Save Result

The status of the last rollback checkpoint save

Last Save Completion Time

The date and time the last rollback checkpoint file save operation was completed


In Progress

Indicates if a system rollback reversion is in progress

Last Revert Initiated User

The username of the person who initiated the last system rollback reversion

Last Revert Checkpoint File

The location of the last rollback checkpoint file

Last Revert Result

The result of the last system rollback reversion

Last Revert Initiated Time

The date and time when the last rollback was initiated

Last Revert Completion Time

The date and time when the last rollback was completed


Last Rollback Delete Result

The status of the last rollback checkpoint file deletion

Rollback Files


The rollback checkpoint file ID


The rollback checkpoint file suffix


User comments about the rollback checkpoint file

Creation Time

The date and time when the file was created


The software load that the checkpoint file was created in


The user who created the file



resource-profile [active | configured]

resource-profile [active | configured] policy-id [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays the resource-profile protocol configuration and state.


active | configure

Displays active or configured values. Active values are those in use by the system currently. Configured values are those that have been changed by the user and have not taken effect. For the system resource profile parameters that need a reboot to take effect, the active and configured values can be different. It typically requires a node reboot or a card reset for it to take effect.


Specifies a resource profile policy. This parameter is only supported on 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12.


Displays detailed information. This keyword is only supported on 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12.


The following outputs are examples of resource profile information, and Table: Output fields: system resource profile describes the output fields.

Sample output for 7210 SAS-T
A:SAST>show>system# resource-profile
Active System Resource Profile Information
max-ipv6-routes            : disable
max-ip-subnets             : 384

Ingress Internal CAM
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : 4          Sap  Aggregate Meter       : 2
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : disable

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable

Eth CFM                    : disable
up-mep                     : disable

Egress Internal CAM
Sap Egress ACL resource    : 2
Mac and IPv4 Resource      : 2          Mac-only Resource          : disable
IPv6 128 bit Resource      : disable    Mac and IPv6 64 bit Resour*: disable

MBS pool                   : Port
Decommissioned Ports

* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 devices
*A:7210SAS>show>system# resource-profile

System Resource Profile
Policy-Id            Description
1                    Default System Resource Profile Policy
Sample output (with ‛def’ configured)
A:dut-b>show>system# resource-profile 1 detail

System Resource Profile Policy : 1
Description  : Default System Resource Profile Policy
G8032 Control Sap Tags     : 0-0
Ingress Internal CAM
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : def        Sap  Aggregate Meter       : def
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : max        IPv4-Mac Resource          : max

Net Ingress Qos resource   : def

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : def
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : max        IPv6 64 bit Resource       : max
ETH-CFM                    : def
ETH-CFM Down MEP           : 1          ETH-CFM Up MEP             : disable
Sap Egress QoS resource    : def
Egress Internal CAM
Sap Egress ACL resource    : def
IPv4 Resource              : 2          Mac  Resource              : disable
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable
ETH-CFM                    : disable
BiDir MIP Egress           : disable
Cards/Slots Associations
Card/Slot No:              : 1
Card/Slot No:              : 2
Card/Slot No:              : 3
Card/Slot No:              : 4
Card/Slot No:              : 5
Card/Slot No:              : 6
Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 IMMv2

*7210SAS KT2>show>system# resource-profile active 1 detail

System Resource Profile Policy : 1
Description  : Default System Resource Profile Policy
G8032 Control Sap Tags     : 0-0
Ingress Internal CAM
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : def        Sap  Aggregate Meter       : def
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : max        IPv4-Mac Resource          : max

Net Ingress Qos resource   : def

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : def
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : max        IPv6 64 bit Resource       : max
ETH-CFM                    : def
ETH-CFM Down MEP           : 1          ETH-CFM Up MEP             : disable
Sap Egress QoS resource    : def
Egress Internal CAM
Sap Egress ACL resource    : def
IPv4 Resource              : 2          Mac  Resource              : disable
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable
ETH-CFM                    : disable
BiDir MIP Egress           : disable
Cards/Slots Associations
Card/Slot No:              : 1
Card/Slot No:              : 2
Card/Slot No:              : 3
Card/Slot No:              : 4
Card/Slot No:              : 5
Card/Slot No:              : 6
*A:7210SAS KT2>show>system#
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Mxp
*7210SAS>show>system# resource-profile

Active System Resource Profile Information
max-ipv6-routes            : disable

max-ip-subnets             : 850

system-max-ecmp            : 1
L3-max-ecmp-groups         : 1024

Ingress Internal CAM       : 11
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : 5          Sap  Aggregate Meter (#)   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : disable    IPv4-Mac Resource          : max

Net Ingress Qos resource   : disable

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable

Eth CFM                    : 1
down-mep                   : 1          up-mep                     : disable

Sap Egress QoS resource    : 2
Egress Internal CAM        : 2
Sap Egress ACL resource    : 2
Mac and IPv4 Resource      : 2          Mac-only Resource          : disable
IPv6 128 bit Resource      : disable    Mac and IPv6 64 bit Resour*: disable

Port Scheduler Policy      : disable
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
# indicates that the value
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE devices

A:7210SAS>show>system# resource-profile

Active System Resource Profile Information
system-max-ecmp            : 1
L3-max-ecmp-groups         : 1024
Ldp-max-ecmp-groups        : disable
Ldp-ecmp-percent-value     : disable

Ingress Internal CAM       : 8
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : 4          Sap  Aggregate Meter (#)   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : disable    IPv4-Mac Resource          : max

Net Ingress Qos resource   : disable

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable

Eth CFM                    : 1
down-mep                   : 1          up-mep                     : disable

Egress Internal CAM        : 2
Sap Egress ACL resource    : 2
Mac and IPv4 Resource      : 2          Mac-only Resource          : disable
IPv6 128 bit Resource      : disable    Mac and IPv6 64 bit Resour*: disable

Egr sap agg-meter          : disable
MBS pool                   : Node
Decommissioned Ports

* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
# indicates that the value will take effect only after reboot or clear card.
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE devices
*A:7210SAS>show>system# resource-profile

Active System Resource Profile Information
max-ipv6-routes            : disable

max-ip-subnets             : 2000

system-max-ecmp            : 1
L3-max-ecmp-groups         : 1024
Ldp-max-ecmp-groups        : disable
Ldp-ecmp-percent-value     : disable

Ingress Internal CAM       : 5
Sap Ingress Qos resource   : 3
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 Resource         : disable    IPv4-Mac Resource          : max

Net Ingress Qos resource   : disable

Sap Ingress ACL resource   : 1
IPv4 Resource              : max        Mac  Resource              : max
IPv4-IPv6 128 bit Resource : disable    IPv6 64 bit Resource       : disable

Eth CFM                    : 1
down-mep                   : 1          up-mep                     : disable

Egress Internal CAM        : 2
Sap Egress ACL resource    : 2
Mac and IPv4 Resource      : 2          Mac-only Resource          : disable
IPv6 128 bit Resource      : disable    Mac and IPv6 64 bit Resour*: disable

Egr sap agg-meter          : disable
MBS pool                   : Node
Decommissioned Ports

* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
# indicates that the value will take effect only after reboot or clear card.
Table: Output fields: system resource profile



Ingress Queue Mode

Enable — SAP ingress queuing is enabled

Disable — SAP ingress queuing is disabled

Ingress Internal CAM

Displays the applications sharing ingress CAM resource

Sap Ingress ACL resource

Displays the resources configured for use by SAP Ingress ACL policies

IPv4 Resource

Displays the resources configured for use by ingress ACL policies that use ipv4-criteria

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature. Therefore, no policies of this type can be associated to a SAP.

IPv4-IPv6 Resource

Displays the resources configured for use by ingress ACL policies that use ipv6 128-bit address match-criteria

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature. Hence, no policies of this type can be associated to a SAP.

Mac Resource

Displays the resources configured for use by ingress ACL policies that use mac-criteria

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature. Hence, no policies of this type can be associated to a SAP.

IPv6-64 bit Resource

Displays the resources configured for use by ingress ACL policies that use ipv6 64-bit address match-criteria

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature. Therefor, no policies of this type can be associated to a SAP.


Groups the context for resources consumed by Ethernet CFM applications


Displays the resources configured for use by UP MEP

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature. Therefore, no UP MEPs can be created.

Sap Ingress QoS resource

The total amount of ingress internal CAM chunks configured for use by SAP ingress classification

Mac and IPv4 Resource

The total amount of egress internal CAM chunks configured for use by MAC and IPv4 egress ACL match criteria policies

Mac-only Resource

The total amount of egress internal CAM chunks configured for use only by MAC egress ACL match criteria policies

IPv6 128 bit Resource

The total amount of egress internal CAM chunks configured for use only by IPv6 egress ACL match criteria policies (128-bit IPv6 address can be specified in the match criteria)

Mac and IPv6 64 bit Resource

The total amount of egress internal CAM chunks configured for use by MAC and IPv6 egress ACL match criteria policies (only 64-bit higher order bits of the IPv6 address can be specified in the match criteria)


Displays the maximum number of routes that will be allocated per IP destination/prefix in hardware when the user enables ECMP path sharing using multiple routes

Sap Egress ACL resource

Displays the egress ACL resource allocation configured for various match criteria

Egress Internal CAM

Displays the resource allocation configured for the egress internal CAM


Displays the amount of IPv6 FIB size configured for use by IPv6 routing


Displays the resources configured for use by G8032 fast-flood feature

Disable — No resources are allocated for use by this feature

Decommissioned Ports

The list of ports which have been decommissioned by the user

Services cannot be configured on these ports

MBS pool

Displays the value configured for mbs-pool

Available only on 7210 SAS-T

BiDir MIP Egress

Displays the amount of resources allocated towards Bi-dir MIP functionality in the egress-internal-tcam resource pool Available only on 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12

Port Scheduler Policy

disabled — Indicates that SAP-based egress queues for access SAPs is configured per node

enabled — Indicates that port-based queues are configured for access SAPs







7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays the parameters for IEEE 1588-2008/ Precision Time Protocol (PTP) information.


The following output is an example of PTP information, and Table: Output fields: system PTP describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:7210SAS>show>system# ptp
IEEE 1588/PTP Clock Information
Local Clock
Clock Type        : boundary           PTP Profile        : IEEE 1588-2008
Domain            : 0                  Network Type       : sdh
Admin State       : up                 Oper State         : up
Announce Interval : 1 pkt/2 s          Announce Rx Timeout: 3 intervals
Clock Id          : 846991fffea8c8f5   Clock Class        : 248 (default)
Clock Accuracy    : unknown            Clock Variance     : ffff (not computed)
Clock Priority1   : 128                Clock Priority2    : 128
PTP Recovery State: acquiring          Last Changed       : 01/07/2020 16:57:06
Frequency Offset  : +0.000 ppb         Frequency Source   : ssu
Parent Clock
IP Address        :       Router             : Base
Parent Clock Id   : 00b0aefffe02e5e5   Remote PTP Port    : 1
GM Clock Id       : 00b0aefffe02e5e5   GM Clock Class     : 6
GM Clock Accuracy : within 100 ns      GM Clock Variance  : 0x6400 (3.7E-09)
GM Clock Priority1: 128                GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Time Information
Timescale           : PTP
Current Time        : 2020/01/07 17:43:58.0 (UTC)
Frequency Traceable : yes
Time Traceable      : yes
Time Source         : GPS

*A:Dut-F>config>system>ptp# show system ptp 
========== =====================================================================
IEEE 1588/PTP Clock Information
Local Clock
Clock Type        : boundary           PTP Profile        : ITU-T G.8275.1
Domain            : 24                 Network Type       : sdh
Admin State       : up                 Oper State         : up
Announce Interval : 8 pkt/s            Announce Rx Timeout: 3 intervals
Clock Id          : 846991fffea8c8f5   Clock Class        : 248 (default)
Clock Accuracy    : unknown            Clock Variance     : ffff (not computed)
Clock Priority1   : 128                Clock Priority2    : 128
PTP Recovery State: disabled
Frequency Offset  : n/a                Frequency Source   : ssu
Parent Clock
Port              : 1/1/13             Remote MAC Address : a0:f3:e4:1a:7f:6e
Parent Clock Id   : a0f3e4fffe1a7f5d   Remote PTP Port    : 16
GM Clock Id       : 00b0aefffe000030   GM Clock Class     : 6
GM Clock Accuracy : within 100 ns      GM Clock Variance  : 0x4e5d (1.8E-15)
GM Clock Priority1: 128                GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Time Information                      
Timescale           : PTP             
Current Time        : 2020/01/07 09:22:32.0 (UTC)
Frequency Traceable : yes             
Time Traceable      : yes             
Time Source         : GPS             

*A:Dut-F>config>system>ptp# show system ptp peer 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
Router            : Base
IP Address        :       Announce Direction : rx
Admin State       : up                 G.82x5.1 Priority  : n/a
Sync Interval     : 16 pkt/s           
Local PTP Port    : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Clock Id          : 00b0aefffe02e5e5   Remote PTP Port    : 1
GM Clock Class    : 6
GM Clock Accuracy : within 100 ns      GM Clock Variance  : 0x6400 (3.7E-09)
GM Clock Priority1: 128                GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Steps Removed     : 0                  Parent Clock       : yes

*A:Dut-G>config>system>ptp# show system ptp port 1/1/1 
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Information
Port              : 1/1/1              
PTP Admin State   : up                 PTP Oper State     : up
Local MAC Addr    : d0:00:d5:e7:94:ef  Mulicast MAC Addr  : 01:1b:19:00:00:00
Cfg Sync Rate     : 16 pkt/s           Cfg Delay Req Rate : 16 pkt/s
Master-Only       : false              G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
PTP Port Number   : 1                  PTP Port State     : master
Neighbors         : 0                  Timestamp Point    : port

show system ptp port 1/1/2 detail 
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Information
Port              : 1/1/2              
PTP Admin State   : up                 PTP Oper State     : up
Local MAC Addr    : d0:00:d5:e7:94:ef  Mulicast MAC Addr  : 01:1b:19:00:00:00
Cfg Sync Rate     : 16 pkt/s           Cfg Delay Req Rate : 16 pkt/s
Master-Only       : false              G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
PTP Port Number   : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Neighbors         : 1                  Timestamp Point    : port
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Neighbor Clocks
Port     MAC Address       Clock Id           Rx Packet Rate
1/1/2    84:69:91:a8:c8:f8 846991fffea8c8f5               33
No. of Neighbor Clocks: 1
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Packet Statistics
                                                               Input     Output
PTP Packets                                                      114      15516
  Announce                                                        24       5158
  Sync                                                            47      10315
  Follow Up                                                        0          0
  Delay Request                                                    0         43
  Delay Response                                                  43          0
  Signaling                                                        0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
  Event Packets timestamped at port                                0          0
  Event Packets timestamped at cpm                                 0          0
Discards                                                           0          0
  Bad PTP domain                                                   0          0
  Alternate Master                                                 0          0
  Out Of Sequence                                                  0          0
  Other                                                            0          0

*A:Dut-F>config>system>ptp# show system ptp statistics 
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics
                                                               Input     Output
PTP Packets                                                    62792      32900
  Announce                                                       972          0
  Sync                                                         30897          0
  Follow Up                                                        0          0
  Delay Request                                                    0      30883
  Delay Response                                               30883          0
  Signaling                                                       40       2017
    Request Unicast Transmission TLVs                              0       2016
      Announce                                                     0       1990
      Sync                                                         0         13
      Delay Response                                               0         13
    Grant Unicast Transmission (Accepted) TLVs                    40          0
      Announce                                                    14          0
      Sync                                                        13          0
      Delay Response                                              13          0
    Grant Unicast Transmission (Denied) TLVs                       0          0
      Announce                                                     0          0
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs                               0          1
      Announce                                                     0          1
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Ack Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs                           0          0
      Announce                                                     0          0
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Other TLVs                                                     0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
Discards                                                           0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
IEEE 1588/PTP Frequency Recovery State Statistics
State                                                                   Seconds
Initial                                                                       0
Acquiring                                                                    12
Phase-Tracking                                                                0
Locked                                                                     1928
Hold-over                                                                     0
IEEE 1588/PTP Message Rates Per Second
                                                UDP/IP             Ethernet    
Packet Type                                 Input    Output     Input    Output
Announce                                        0         0         0         0
Sync                                            0         0         0         0
Follow Up                                       0         0         0         0
Delay Request                                   0         0         0         0
Delay Response                                  0         0         0         0
Other                                           0         0         0         0
Total                                           0         0         0         0

IEEE 1588/PTP Frequency Recovery State Statistics
State                                                                   Seconds
Initial                                                                      44
Acquiring                                                                     0
Phase-Tracking                                                                0
Locked                                                                        0
Hold-over                                                                    10

IEEE 1588/PTP Event Statistics
Event                                                      Sync Flow Delay Flow
Packet Loss                                                        2          3
Excessive Packet Loss                                              0          0
Excessive Phase Shift Detected                                     0          0
Too Much Packet Delay Variation                                    0          0

IEEE 1588/PTP Message Rates Per Second
                                                UDP/IP             Ethernet    
Packet Type                                 Input    Output     Input    Output
Announce                                        0         0        16         0
Sync                                            0         0        32         0
Follow Up                                       0         0        32         0
Delay Request                                   0         0         0         4
Delay Response                                  0         0         4         0
Other                                           0         0         0         0
Total                                           0         0        84         4
Table: Output fields: system PTP



Clock Type

Displays the local PTP clock type:

  • ordinarySlave — The system is always a timeReceiver clock in the PTP hierarchy. The system derives its timing from one or more timeTransmitter clocks in the network.

  • ordinaryMaster — The system is a grandmaster clock in the PTP hierarchy. The system provides timing to multiple timeReceiver clocks in the network.

  • boundary — The system is a boundary clock, which may be anywhere in the PTP clock hierarchy. It can obtain timing from a timeTransmitter clock, and provide timing to multiple timeReceiver clocks.

  • transparent-e2e

PTP Profile

Displays the PTP profile: ieee-1588, itu-telecom-freq, g8275dot1- 2014, or g8275dot2-2016


Displays the PTP device domain

Network Type

Indicates whether SONET or SDH values are being used for encoding synchronous status messages

Local Clock

Admin State

Up — The local PTP clock is administratively enabled

Down — The local clock is administratively shut down and not running

Oper State

Up — The local clock is operationally enabled and running

Down — The local clock is operationally disabled and not running

Announce Interval

Displays the configured announce interval value

Announce Rx Timeout

Displays the configured announce Rx timeout value

Clock Id

Displays a unique 64-bit number assigned to the clock

Clock Class

Displays the local clock class

Clock Accuracy

Displays the local clock accuracy designation

Clock Variance

Displays the local clock variance

Clock Priority1

Displays the first priority value of the local clock, used by the Best timTransmitter Clock Algorithm (BTCA) to determine which clock should provide timing for the network

Clock Priority2

Displays the second priority value of the local clock

This value is used by the BTCA to determine which clock should provide timing for the network.

Last Changed

Displays the time the PTP port state last changed

PTP Recovery State

Displays the clock recovery state: disabled, initial, acquiring, phase-tracking, or locked

Frequency Offset

Displays the frequency offset of the PTP clock in parts per billion

Frequency Source

Displays the configured clock frequency source

Parent Clock

IP Address

Displays the IP address


Displays the router ID that the parent clock IP address belongs to

Parent Clock Id

Displays the parent clock identification

Remote PTP Port

Displays the PTP port number at the remote end

GM Clock Id

Displays the grandmaster clock ID

GM Clock Class

Displays the grandmaster clock class

GM Clock Accuracy

Displays the grandmaster clock accuracy designation

GM Clock Variance

Displays the grandmaster clock variance

GM Clock Priority1

Displays the grandmaster clock priority1 designation

GM Clock Priority2

Displays the grandmaster clock priority2 designation

Time Information


Displays the PTP timescale flag sent in the 1588 announce message

Current Time

Displays the last date and time recovered by the PTP time recovery algorithm

Frequency Traceable

Displays the frequency-traceable flag sent in the 1588 announce message

Time Traceable

Displays the time-traceable flag sent in the 1588 announce message

Time Source

Displays the time-source parameter sent in the 1588 announce message



peer ip-address [router router-instance | service-name service-name] [detail]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays information for a specific peer.



Specifies the IP address of the peer.




Displays only the information for a specific router instance.


router-name: Base

vprn-svc-id: 1 to 2147483647


Specifies the service name to identify the router instance, up to 64 characters.


Displays detailed information.


The following output is an example of PTP information for a single peer, and Table: Output fields: PTP peer describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:Dut-F>config>system>ptp# show system ptp  peer 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
Router            : Base
IP Address        :       Announce Direction : rx
Admin State       : up                 G.82x5.1 Priority  : n/a
Sync Interval     : 16 pkt/s           
Local PTP Port    : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Clock Id          : 00b0aefffe02e5e5   Remote PTP Port    : 1
GM Clock Class    : 6
GM Clock Accuracy : within 100 ns      GM Clock Variance  : 0x6400 (3.7E-09)
GM Clock Priority1: 128                GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Steps Removed     : 0                  Parent Clock       : yes

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
Base                   tx        n/a         master         no
1                   rx+tx     up          master         no                   rx        up          slave          yes
2                   tx        n/a         master         no
No. of PTP Peers: 4
*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers router Base
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
Base                   tx        n/a         master         no
No. of PTP Peers: 1
*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers router 1
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
1                   rx+tx     up          master         no                   rx        up          slave          yes
No. of PTP Peers: 2
Table: Output fields: PTP peer




Displays the router

IP Address

Displays the IP address

Announce Direction

Displays the direction of flow of announce packets

Admin State

Up — the PTP peer clock is administratively enabled

Down — the PTP peer clock is administratively shut down and not running

Sync Interval

Displays the configured sync interval value

Local PTP Port

Displays the local PTP port

PTP Port State

Displays the PTP port state: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive

Remote PTP Port

Displays the PTP port number at the remote end

Clock ID

Displays the clock identity value of the local PTP clock

GM Clock Class

Displays the grandmaster clock class

GM Clock Accuracy

Displays the grandmaster clock accuracy designation

GM Clock Variance

Displays the grandmaster clock variance

GM Clock Priority1

Displays the grandmaster clock priority1 designation

GM Clock Priority2

Displays the grandmaster clock priority2 designation

Steps Removed

Displays the number of hops from GM

Parent Clock

yes — if the peer is the chosen parent clock

no — if the peer is not the chosen parent clock



peers [router router-instance | service-name service-name] [detail]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays summary information for all the PTP peers.



Displays only the information for a specific router instance.


router-name: Base

vprn-svc-id: 1 to 2147483647


Specifies the service name to identify the router instance, up to 64 characters.


Displays detailed information.


The following output is an example of PTP information for all peers, and Table: Output fields: PTP peers describes the output fields.

Sample output

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
Base                  tx        n/a         master         no
1                  rx+tx     up          master         no                  rx        up          slave          yes
2                  tx        n/a         master         no
No. of PTP Peers: 4

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers router Base
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
Base                  tx        n/a         master         no
No. of PTP Peers: 1

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers router 1
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
  IP Address                 Anno Flow Admin State PTP Port State Parent Clock
1                  rx+tx     up          master         no                  rx        up          slave          yes
No. of PTP Peers: 2

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers detail 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
Router            : Base
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : tx
Admin State       : n/a                G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 3                  PTP Port State     : master
Clock Id          : ac65fffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1
Router            : 1
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : rx+tx
Admin State       : up                 G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 2                  PTP Port State     : master
Clock Id          : ac5efffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1
Locked Out        : no                 Time Remaining     : n/a
Router            : 1
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : rx
Admin State       : up                 G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Clock Id          : ac5dfffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1
GM Clock Id       : ac5dfffffe000000   GM Clock Class     : 13
GM Clock Accuracy : unknown            GM Clock Variance  : ffff (not computed)
GM Clock Priority1: 0                  GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Steps Removed     : 0                  Parent Clock       : yes
Locked Out        : no                 Time Remaining     : n/a
Router            : 2
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : tx
Admin State       : n/a                G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 4                  PTP Port State     : master
Clock Id          : ac65fffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1

*A:bksim1618# show system ptp peers router 1 detail 
IEEE 1588/PTP Peer Information
Router            : 1
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : rx+tx
Admin State       : up                 G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 2                  PTP Port State     : master
Clock Id          : ac5efffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1
Router            : 1
IP Address        :          Announce Direction : rx
Admin State       : up                 G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
Local PTP Port    : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Clock Id          : ac5dfffffe000000   Remote PTP Port    : 1
GM Clock Id       : ac5dfffffe000000   GM Clock Class     : 13
GM Clock Accuracy : unknown            GM Clock Variance  : ffff (not computed)
GM Clock Priority1: 0                  GM Clock Priority2 : 128
Steps Removed     : 0                  Parent Clock       : yes
Table: Output fields: PTP peers




Displays the router

IP Address

Displays the IP address

Announce Direction

Displays the configured announce direction

Admin State

Up — The PTP peer clock is administratively enabled

Down — The PTP peer clock is administratively shut down and not running

G.8275.1 Priority

Displays the g.8275.1 priority value

Sync Interval

Displays the configured sync interval value

Local PTP Port

Displays the local PTP port

PTP Port State

Displays the PTP port state

Remote PTP Port

Displays the PTP port number at the remote end

Clock ID

Displays the clock identity value of the local PTP clock

GM Clock Class

Displays the grandmaster clock class

GM Clock Accuracy

Displays the grandmaster clock accuracy designation

GM Clock Variance

Displays the grandmaster clock variance

GM Clock Priority1

Displays the grandmaster clock priority1 designation

GM Clock Priority2

Displays the grandmaster clock priority2 designation

Steps Removed

Displays the number of hops from GM

Parent Clock

yes — if the peer is the chosen parent clock

no — if the peer is not the chosen parent clock



port port-id [detail]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays PTP port information.



Specifies the port ID.




Displays detailed information.


The following output is an example of PTP port information, and Table: Output fields: PTP port describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:bksim1618# show system ptp port
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Summary Information
Port       PTP Adm/Opr   PTP State    Neighbors   Tx Rate     Rx Rate
10/2/16       up/up         passive         5          12312       4400
1/1/1         up/up         slave           1          12312       4400
1/1/2         up/up         master         61          12312       4400
1/1/3         up/down       disabled        0              0          0
1/1/4         up/up         listening       0              0          0
No. of PTP Ports : 5                            Total  99999     999999

show system ptp port 1/1/2 detail 
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Information
Port              : 1/1/2              
PTP Admin State   : up                 PTP Oper State     : up
Local MAC Addr    : d0:00:d5:e7:94:ef  Mulicast MAC Addr  : 01:1b:19:00:00:00
Cfg Sync Rate     : 16 pkt/s           Cfg Delay Req Rate : 16 pkt/s
Master-Only       : false              G.8275.1 Priority  : 128
PTP Port Number   : 1                  PTP Port State     : slave
Neighbors         : 1                  Timestamp Point    : port
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Neighbor Clocks
Port     MAC Address       Clock Id           Rx Packet Rate
1/1/2    84:69:91:a8:c8:f8 846991fffea8c8f5               33
No. of Neighbor Clocks: 1
IEEE 1588/PTP Ethernet Port Packet Statistics
                                                               Input     Output
PTP Packets                                                      114      15516
  Announce                                                        24       5158
  Sync                                                            47      10315
  Follow Up                                                        0          0
  Delay Request                                                    0         43
  Delay Response                                                  43          0
  Signaling                                                        0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
  Event Packets timestamped at port                                0          0
  Event Packets timestamped at cpm                                 0          0
Discards                                                           0          0
  Bad PTP domain                                                   0          0
  Alternate Master                                                 0          0
  Out Of Sequence                                                  0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
Table: Output fields: PTP port



Port Summary


Displays the port numbers

PTP Adm/Opr

Displays the admin and oper state

PTP State

Displays the PTP state for each port: initializing, listening, uncalibrated, slave, master, or passive

Tx Rate

Displays the Tx rate for each port

Rx Rate

Displays the Rx rate for each port

Port Information


Displays the PTP port number

PTP Admin State

Displays the PTP administrative state of the port

PTP Oper State

Displays the PTP operational state of the port

Local MAC Addr

Displays the local MAC address of the port

Multicast MAC Addr

Displays the multicast MAC address of the port

Cfg Sync Rate

Displays the configured sync packet rate

Cfg Delay Req Rate

Displays the configure delay request packet rate


Displays the master-only command value: true or false

G.8275.1 Priority

Displays the configured priority value

PTP Port Number

Displays the internal port number associated with this port

PTP Port State

Displays the PTP port state: disabled, listening, slave, master, passive, or faulty


Displays the number of neighbors

Timestamp Point

Displays the point at which time-stamping is done







7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays the message and error statistics for the node.


The following output is an example of PTP statistics information, and Table: Output fields: PTP statistics describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:Dut-F>config>system>ptp# show system ptp statistics 
IEEE 1588/PTP Packet Statistics
                                                               Input     Output
PTP Packets                                                   104674      53958
  Announce                                                      1616          0
  Sync                                                         51502          0
  Follow Up                                                        0          0
  Delay Request                                                    0      51489
  Delay Response                                               51489          0
  Signaling                                                       67       2469
    Request Unicast Transmission TLVs                              0       2469
      Announce                                                     0       2425
      Sync                                                         0         22
      Delay Response                                               0         22
    Grant Unicast Transmission (Accepted) TLVs                    67          0
      Announce                                                    23          0
      Sync                                                        22          0
      Delay Response                                              22          0
    Grant Unicast Transmission (Denied) TLVs                       0          0
      Announce                                                     0          0
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs                               0          1
      Announce                                                     0          1
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Ack Cancel Unicast Transmission TLVs                           0          0
      Announce                                                     0          0
      Sync                                                         0          0
      Delay Response                                               0          0
    Other TLVs                                                     0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
Discards                                                           0          0
  Other                                                            0          0
IEEE 1588/PTP Frequency Recovery State Statistics
State                                                                   Seconds
Initial                                                                       0
Acquiring                                                                    12
Phase-Tracking                                                                0
Locked                                                                     3219
Hold-over                                                                     0
IEEE 1588/PTP Message Rates Per Second
                                                UDP/IP             Ethernet    
Packet Type                                 Input    Output     Input    Output
Announce                                        0         0         0         0
Sync                                            0         0         0         0
Follow Up                                       0         0         0         0
Delay Request                                   0         0         0         0
Delay Response                                  0         0         0         0
Other                                           0         0         0         0
Total                                           0         0         0         0
Table: Output fields: PTP statistics



PTP Packet Statistics

The following input/output statistics are provided for PTP packets:

  • Announce

  • Sync

  • Follow Up

  • Delay Request

  • Delay Response

  • Signaling

  • Other



unicast [router router-instance | service-name service-name]




7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, 7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink)


This command displays unicast negotiation information.



Displays only the information for a specific router instance.


router-name: Base

vprn-svc-id: 1 to 2147483647


Specifies the service name to identify the router instance, up to 64 characters.


The following output is an example of PTP unicast information, and Table: Output fields: PTP unicast describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:Dut-C# show system ptp unicast                         
IEEE 1588/PTP Unicast Negotiation Information
  IP Address      Dir Type     Rate       Duration State    Time
100        Rx  Announce 1 pkt/2 s  300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:52:35        Rx  Sync     64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:52:39        Tx  DelayReq 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:52:39        Rx  DelayRsp 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:52:39
200     Tx  Announce 1 pkt/2 s  300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:50:47     Tx  Sync     64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:50:52     Rx  DelayReq 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:50:52     Tx  DelayRsp 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  02/07/2014 16:50:52
PTP Peers               : 2
Total Packet Rate       : 385 packets/second

A:bksim1618# show system ptp router 1 unicast 
IEEE 1588/PTP Unicast Negotiation Information
  IP Address      Dir Type     Rate       Duration State    Time
1       Rx  Announce 1 pkt/2 s  300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:14:19       Tx  Announce 1 pkt/2 s  300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:25       Tx  Sync     64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:30       Rx  DelayReq 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:30       Tx  DelayRsp 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:30       Rx  Announce 1 pkt/2 s  300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:16       Rx  Sync     64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:21       Tx  DelayReq 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:21       Rx  DelayRsp 64 pkt/s   300      Granted  04/21/2013 19:13:21
PTP Peers               : 2
Total Packet Rate       : 385 packets/second
Table: Output fields: PTP unicast



Router IP Address

Displays the IP address of the router


Displays the direction of the unicast information: either Rx or Tx


Displays the message type


Displays the rate of the unicast information, in packets per second


Displays the lease duration for the session


Displays the state


Displays the time the unicast information was received

PTP Peers

Displays the number of PTP peers

Total Packet Rate

Displays the total packet rate, in packets per second







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays SNTP protocol configuration and state.


The following output is an example of SNTP information, and Table: Output fields: system SNTP describes SNTP output fields.

Sample output
*A:pc-4.0# show system sntp 
SNTP Status
Admin Status : up           Oper Status : up           Mode : broadcast        
SNTP Servers
SNTP Server            Version            Preference         Interval          
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------           3                  Preferred          64                
No. of SNTP Servers: 1
Table: Output fields: system SNTP



SNTP Server

The SNTP server address for SNTP unicast client mode


The SNTP version number, expressed as an integer


Normal — Indicates that this server does not have preference over another

Preferred — Indicates that this server has preference over another


The frequency, in seconds, that the server is queried







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command display system monitoring thresholds.


The following output is an example of system thresholds information, and Table: Output fields: system threshold describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-48# show system thresholds
Threshold Alarms
Variable: tmnxCpmFlashUsed.1.11.1
Alarm Id         : 1        Last Value : 835
Rising Event Id  : 1        Threshold  : 5000
Falling Event Id : 2        Threshold  : 2500
Sample Interval  : 2147483* SampleType : absolute
Startup Alarm    : either   Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Variable: tmnxCpmFlashUsed.1.11.1
Alarm Id         : 2        Last Value : 835
Rising Event Id  : 3        Threshold  : 10000
Falling Event Id : 4        Threshold  : 5000
Sample Interval  : 2147483* SampleType : absolute
Startup Alarm    : rising   Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Variable: sgiMemoryUsed.0
Alarm Id         : 3        Last Value : 42841056
Rising Event Id  : 5        Threshold  : 4000
Falling Event Id : 6        Threshold  : 2000
Sample Interval  : 2147836  SampleType : absolute
Startup Alarm    : either   Owner      : TiMOS CLI
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Threshold Events
Description: TiMOS CLI - cflash capacity alarm rising event
Event Id         : 1        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:47:59
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Description: TiMOS CLI - cflash capacity alarm falling event
Event Id         : 2        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:48:00
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Description: TiMOS CLI - cflash capacity warning rising event
Event Id         : 3        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:47:59
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Description: TiMOS CLI - cflash capacity warning falling event
Event Id         : 4        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:47:59
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Description: TiMOS CLI - memory usage alarm rising event
Event Id         : 5        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:48:00
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Description: TiMOS CLI - memory usage alarm falling event
Event Id         : 6        Last Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:47:59
Action Type      : both     Owner      : TiMOS CLI
Threshold Events Log
Description      : TiMOS CLI - cflash capacity alarm falling eve
                   nt : value=835, <=2500 : alarm-index 1, event
                   -index 2 alarm-variable OID tmnxCpmFlashUsed.
Event Id         : 2        Time Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:48:00
Description      : TiMOS CLI - memory usage alarm rising event :
                    value=42841056, >=4000 : alarm-index 3, even
                   t-index 5 alarm-variable OID sgiMemoryUsed.0
Event Id         : 5        Time Sent  : 10/31/2006 08:48:00
Table: Output fields: system threshold




Displays the variable OID

Alarm Id

Displays the numerical identifier for the alarm

Last Value

Displays the last threshold value

Rising Event Id

Displays the identifier of the RMON rising event


Displays the identifier of the RMON rising threshold

Falling Event Id

Displays the identifier of the RMON falling event


Displays the identifier of the RMON falling threshold

Sample Interval

Displays the polling interval, in seconds, over which the data is sampled and compared with the rising and falling thresholds

Sample Type

Displays the method of sampling the selected variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds

Startup Alarm

Displays the alarm that may be sent when this alarm is first created


Displays the owner of this alarm


Displays the event cause

Event Id

Displays the identifier of the threshold event

Last Sent

Displays the date and time the alarm was sent

Action Type

log — An entry is made in the RMON-MIB log table for each event occurrence. This does not create a TiMOS logger entry. The RMON-MIB log table entries can be viewed using the show system thresholds command.

trap — A TiMOS logger event is generated. The TiMOS logger utility then distributes the notification of this event to its configured log destinations which may be CONSOLE, telnet session, memory log, cflash file, syslog, or SNMP trap destinations logs.

both — Both a entry in the RMON-MIB logTable and a TiMOS logger event are generated

none — No action is taken


Displays the owner of the event







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays the system time and zone configuration parameters.


The following output is an example of system time information, and Table: Output fields: system time describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show system time
Date & Time
Current Date & Time : 2006/05/05 23:03:13    DST Active            : yes
Current Zone        : PDT                    Offset from UTC       : -7:00
Non-DST Zone        : PST                    Offset from UTC       : -8:00
Zone type           : standard
DST Zone            : PDT                    Offset from Non-DST   : 0:60
Starts              : first sunday in april 02:00
Ends                : last sunday in october 02:00

A:ALA-1# show system time (with no DST zone configured)
Date & Time
Current Date & Time : 2006/05/12 11:12:05       DST Active      :     no
Current Zone    : APA       Offset from UTC :  -8:00
Non-DST Zone    : APA       Offset from UTC :  -8:00
Zone Type           : non-standard
No DST zone configured
Table: Output fields: system time



Date & Time

The system date and time using the current time zone

DST Active

Yes — Daylight Savings Time is currently in effect

No — Daylight Savings Time is not currently in effect


The zone names for the current zone, the non-DST zone, and the DST zone if configured

Zone type

Non-standard — The zone is user-defined

Standard — The zone is system defined

Offset from UTC

The number of hours and minutes added to universal time for the zone, including the DST offset for a DST zone

Offset from Non-DST

The number of hours (always 0) and minutes (0—60) added to the time at the beginning of Daylight Saving Time and subtracted at the end Daylight Saving Time


The date and time Daylight Saving Time begins


The date and time Daylight Saving Time ends



vwm-shelf vwm-shelf-id [detail]




7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink), 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12


Lists all the shelves connected to the 7210 SAS node and display the administrative and operational state of the connected shelves.


The following output samples are examples of VWM shelf information, and Table: Output fields: VWM-shelf describes the output fields.

Sample output for 7210 SAS-T (CWDM)
*A:7210SAS>show>system# vwm-shelf

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
7          OMC      CWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          Not Provisioned    SFC1D          DOWN           DOWN
2          Not Provisioned    SFC2A&B        DOWN           DOWN
A          CWDM               CWDM           UP             UP

show system vwm-shelf 7 detail 

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
7          OMC      CWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          SFC1D              SFC1D          UP             UP
2          SFC2A&B            SFC2A&B        UP             UP
A          CWDM               CWDM           UP             UP

1830 VWM Shelf Controller-A Hardware Data
No of Slots             : 2           
Part Number             : 3KC19297AAAB01
CLEI code               : WOCUAZNUTA  
Unit Mnemonic           : EC-CW       
Serial Number           : EZ444555666     
Manufacturing Date      : 12112000    
Administrative state    : UP          
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data    
Slot Number             : 1           
Provisioned type        : SFC1D       
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFC1D)
Part Number             : 3KC19289AEAA01
CLEI code               : ----------  
Unit Mnemonic           : SFC1D       
Serial Number           : EZ121130171     
Manufacturing Date      : 03192012    
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data    
Slot Number             : 2           
Provisioned type        : SFC2A&B     
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFC2A&B)
Part Number             : 3KC19289AKAA  
CLEI code               : WOCUAZNUTA  
Unit Mnemonic           : SFC2A&B     
Serial Number           : EZ120630634     
Manufacturing Date      : 12122000    
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
Sample output for 7210 SAS-T (DWDM)
*A:Dut-C# show system vwm-shelf 4 

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
4          USB      DWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          SFD4F_R            SFD4F_R        UP             UP
2          SFD8D_R            SFD8D_R        UP             UP
A          DWDM               DWDM           UP             UP/Active
B          DWDM               DWDM           UP             UP/Stanby


A:Dut-C# show system vwm-shelf 4 detail 

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
4          USB      DWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          SFD4F_R            SFD4F_R        UP             UP
2          SFD8D_R            SFD8D_R        UP             UP
A          DWDM               DWDM           UP             UP/Active
B          DWDM               DWDM           UP             UP/Stanby

1830 VWM Shelf Controller-A Hardware Data
No of Slots             : 2
Part Number             : 3KC19319AAAA01
CLEI code               : WOCUA1LUTA
Unit Mnemonic           : EC-DW   
Serial Number           : EZ1242A9967     
Manufacturing Date      : 13022000
Administrative state    : UP
Operational state       : UP/Active
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared

1830 VWM Shelf Controller-B Hardware Data
No of Slots             : 2
Part Number             : 3KC19371AAAA01
CLEI code               : ----------
Unit Mnemonic           : EC-DW   
Serial Number           : RT135100009     
Manufacturing Date      : 13122000
Administrative state    : UP
Operational state       : UP/Stanby
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared

1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data
Slot Number             : 1
Provisioned type        : SFD4F_R
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFD4F_R)
Part Number             : 3KC19350ADAA01
CLEI code               : WOFFAD8BAA
Unit Mnemonic           : SFD4F_R 
Serial Number           : RT135100001     
Manufacturing Date      : 13122000
Operational state       : UP
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared

1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data
Slot Number             : 2
Provisioned type        : SFD8D_R
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFD8D_R)
Part Number             : 3KC19350ADAA01
CLEI code               : WOFFAD8BAA
Unit Mnemonic           : SFD8D_R 
Serial Number           : RT135100001     
Manufacturing Date      : 13122000
Operational state       : UP
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared

1830 VWM Fan Hardware Data
Slot Number             : 1
Part Number             : 
CLEI code               : 
Unit Mnemonic           : 
Serial Number           : 
Manufacturing Date      : 
Operational state       : DOWN
Firmware version        : 

Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 (CWDM)
*A:7210SAS# show system vwm-shelf 7 

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
7          OMC      CWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          SFC1D              SFC1D          UP             UP
2          SFC2A&B            SFC2A&B        UP             UP
A          CWDM               CWDM           UP             UP

*A:7210SAS# show system vwm-shelf 7 detail 

Shelf Summary
Shelf-ID   USB/     Shelf           Admin       Oper        Number of
           OMC      Type            State       State       Equipped slots
7          OMC      CWDM            UP          UP          2

Slot Summary
Slot-ID    Provisioned        Equipped       Admin          Oper
           Type               Type           State          State
1          SFC1D              SFC1D          UP             UP
2          SFC2A&B            SFC2A&B        UP             UP
A          CWDM               CWDM           UP             UP

1830 VWM Shelf Controller-A Hardware Data
No of Slots             : 2           
Part Number             : 3KC19297AAAB01
CLEI code               : WOCUAZNUTA  
Unit Mnemonic           : EC-CW       
Serial Number           : EZ444555666     
Manufacturing Date      : 12112000    
Administrative state    : UP          
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data    
Slot Number             : 1           
Provisioned type        : SFC1D       
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFC1D)
Part Number             : 3KC19289AEAA01
CLEI code               : ----------  
Unit Mnemonic           : SFC1D       
Serial Number           : EZ121130171     
Manufacturing Date      : 03192012    
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
1830 VWM Slot/Module Hardware Data    
Slot Number             : 2           
Provisioned type        : SFC2A&B     
Equipped type           : Equipped (SFC2A&B)
Part Number             : 3KC19289AKAA  
CLEI code               : WOCUAZNUTA  
Unit Mnemonic           : SFC2A&B     
Serial Number           : EZ120630634     
Manufacturing Date      : 12122000    
Operational state       : UP          
Firmware version        : --------------
Current Alarm state     : Cleared     
Table: Output fields: VWM-shelf




Configured shelf-ID for the 1830 VWM shelf connected to the 7210 SAS

It must match the rotary dial setting on the 1830 device


Type of connection used to connect to the 1830 VWM shelf

Admin State

Up — The shelf is administratively enabled

Down — The shelf is administratively disabled

Oper State

Operational state of the shelf

It is set to Up if the admin state is Up and the 7210 SAS node is able to communicate successfully with the shelf.

Number of Equipped slots

Number of line cards in use on the shelf


Card identifier used to identify the card inserted into the slot #1 of the 1830 device

Provisioned Type

User provisioned card-type to identify the module inserted into the 1830 device

Equipped Type

The card-type currently inserted into the slot on the 1830 device

No of Slots

The number of slots available on the 1830 device

Part Number

The 1830 VWM CWDM device part number

CLEI code

CLEI code of the 1830 device

Unit Mnemonic

The Mnemonic string used to identify the card

Serial Number

The 1830 device serial number

Manufacturing Date

The manufacturing date of the card

Administrative state

The administrative state of the 1830 device

If the shelf or card is provisioned and if no shutdown is executed, the this field displays UP, else it displays 'Down'.

Operational state

The operational state of the 1830 device

It is set to UP if the 7210 SAS device is able to communicate and retrieve information from the 1830 device connected to it. It is set to Down otherwise.

Current Alarm state

Displays if alarm is active or cleared







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays the current day, date, time and time zone.

The time is displayed either in the local time zone or in UTC depending on the setting of the root level time-display command for the console session.


The following output is an example of time information.

Sample output
A:ALA-49# show time
Tue Oct 31 12:17:15 GMT 2006



tod-suite [detail]

tod-suite associations

tod-suite failed-associations




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays information on the configured time-of-day suite.


The output samples are examples of TOD suite information.

Sample output
A:7210SAS# show cron tod-suite suite_sixteen detail
Cron tod-suite details
Name        : suite_sixteen
Type / Id                        Time-range                       Prio  State
Ingress Qos Policy
  1160                           day                              5     Inact
  1190                           night                            6     Activ
Ingress Scheduler Policy
  SchedPolCust1_Day              day                              5     Inact
  SchedPolCust1_Night            night                            6     Activ
Egress Qos Policy
  1160                           day                              5     Inact
  1190                           night                            6     Activ
Egress Scheduler Policy
  SchedPolCust1Egress_Day        day                              5     Inact
Sample output (associations)

The following example shows output for TOD suite associations.

A:kerckhot_4# show cron tod-suite suite_sixteen associations 
Cron tod-suite associations for suite suite_sixteen 
Service associations 
Service Id  : 1                         Type   : VPLS 
 SAP 1/1/1:1 
 SAP 1/1/1:2 
 SAP 1/1/1:3 
 SAP 1/1/1:4 
 SAP 1/1/1:5 
 SAP 1/1/1:6 
 SAP 1/1/1:20 
Number of SAP's : 7 
Customer Multi-Service Site associations 
Multi Service Site: mss_1_1 
Number of MSS's: 1 
Sample output (failed associations)

The following example shows output for TOD suite failed-associations.

A:kerckhot_4# show cron tod-suite suite_sixteen failed-associations
Cron tod-suite associations failed
tod-suite suite_sixteen : failed association for SAP
Service Id  : 1                         Type   : VPLS
  SAP 1/1/1:2
  SAP 1/1/1:3
  SAP 1/1/1:4
  SAP 1/1/1:5
  SAP 1/1/1:6
  SAP 1/1/1:20
tod-suite suite_sixteen : failed association for Customer MSS
Number of tod-suites failed/total : 1/1
Sample output (failed SAP)

Zooming in on one of the failed SAPs, the assignments of QoS and scheduler policies are shown as not as intended.

A:kerckhot_4# show service id 1 sap 1/1/1:2
Service Access Points(SAP)
Service Id         : 1
SAP                : 1/1/1:2                  Encap             : q-tag
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Last Status Change : 10/05/2006 18:11:34
Last Mgmt Change   : 10/05/2006 22:27:48
Max Nbr of MAC Addr: No Limit                 Total MAC Addr    : 0
Learned MAC Addr   : 0                        Static MAC Addr   : 0
Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingress qos-policy : 1130                     Egress qos-policy : 1130
Intend Ing qos-pol*: 1190                     Intend Egr qos-po*: 1190
Shared Q plcy      : n/a                      Multipoint shared : Disabled
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
tod-suite          : suite_sixteen            qinq-pbit-marking : both
Egr Agg Rate Limit : max
ARP Reply Agent    : Unknown                  Host Conn Verify  : Disabled
Mac Learning       : Enabled                  Discard Unkwn Srce: Disabled
Mac Aging          : Enabled                  Mac Pinning       : Disabled
L2PT Termination   : Disabled                 BPDU Translation  : Disabled

Multi Svc Site     : None
I. Sched Pol       : SchedPolCust1
Intend I Sched Pol : SchedPolCust1_Night
E. Sched Pol       : SchedPolCust1Egress
Intend E Sched Pol : SchedPolCust1Egress_Night
Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled
Anti Spoofing      : None                     Nbr Static Hosts  : 0

If a time-
range is specified for a filter entry, use the show filter command to view results:
A:kerckhot_4# show filter ip  10
IP Filter
Filter Id    : 10                               Applied        : No
Scope        : Template                         Def. Action    : Drop
Entries      : 2
Filter Match Criteria : IP
Entry        : 1010
time-range   : day                              Cur. Status    : Inactive
Log Id       : n/a
Src. IP      :                        Src. Port      : None
Dest. IP     :                   Dest. Port     : None
Protocol     : Undefined                        Dscp           : Undefined
ICMP Type    : Undefined                        ICMP Code      : Undefined
Fragment     : Off                              Option-present : Off
Sampling     : Off                              Int. Sampling  : On
IP-Option    : 0/0                              Multiple Option: Off
TCP-syn      : Off                              TCP-ack        : Off
Match action : Forward
Next Hop     :
Ing. Matches : 0                                Egr. Matches   : 0
Entry        : 1020
time-range   : night                            Cur. Status    : Active
Log Id       : n/a
Src. IP      :                        Src. Port      : None
Dest. IP     :                     Dest. Port     : None
Protocol     : Undefined                        Dscp           : Undefined
ICMP Type    : Undefined                        ICMP Code      : Undefined
Fragment     : Off                              Option-present : Off
Sampling     : Off                              Int. Sampling  : On
IP-Option    : 0/0                              Multiple Option: Off
TCP-syn      : Off                              TCP-ack        : Off
Match action : Forward
Next Hop     :
Ing. Matches : 0                                Egr. Matches   : 0
Sample output (filter associations)

If a filter is referred to in a TOD Suite assignment, use the show filter associations command to view the output.

A:kerckhot_4# show filter ip 160 associations
IP Filter
Filter Id    : 160                              Applied        : No
Scope        : Template                         Def. Action    : Drop
Entries      : 0
Filter Association : IP
Tod-suite "english_suite"
 - ingress, time-range "day" (priority 5)



time-range name associations [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays information on the configured time ranges.


The following output samples are examples of system time range information, and Table: Output fields: system time range describes the output fields

Sample output
A:ala# show system cron time-range time-range2 detail
Cron time-range
Name     : time-range1
Periodic    : Start * * * * End * * * *
Absolute     : Start * * * * End * * * *

The following example shows output for time-range associations with previously created IP and MAC filters.

A:ala# show system cron time-range day associations
Cron time-range associations
Name          : day                            State  : Inactive
IP Filter associations
IP filter Id  : 10, entry 1010
MAC Filter associations
Tod-suite associations
Tod-suite : suite_sixteen, for Ingress Qos Policy "1160"
Tod-suite : suite_sixteen, for Ingress Scheduler Policy "SchedPolCust1_Day"
Tod-suite : suite_sixteen, for Egress Qos Policy "1160"
Tod-suite : suite_sixteen, for Egress Scheduler Policy "SchedPolCust1Egress_Day

Table: Output fields: system time range




Shows the time-range as it is associated with the TOD suites and ACL entries as well as the SAPs using them


Shows the details of this time-range







7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE


Commands in this context display redundancy information.







7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE


Commands in this context display multi-chassis redundancy information.



all [detail]




7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE


This command displays brief multi-chassis redundancy information.



Displays detailed multi-chassis redundancy information.


The following output is an example of redundancy multi-chassis information, and Table: Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis all describes the output fields.

Sample output
B:Dut-B# show redundancy multi-chassis all
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address         :
Description             : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication          : Disabled
Source IP Address       :
Admin State             : Enabled

B:Dut-B# show lag detail
LAG Details
Description: Description For LAG Number 1
Lag-id              : 1                     Mode                 : access
Adm                 : up                    Opr                  : up
Thres. Exceeded Cnt : 9                     Port Threshold       : 0
Thres. Last Cleared : 05/20/2006 00:12:35   Threshold Action     : down
Dynamic Cost        : false                 Encap Type           : null
Configured Address  : 1c:71:ff:00:01:41     Lag-IfIndex          : 1342177281
Hardware Address    : 1c:71:ff:00:01:41     Adapt Qos            : distribute
Hold-time Down      : 0.0 sec
LACP                : enabled               Mode                 : active
LACP Transmit Intvl : fast                  LACP xmit stdby      : enabled
Selection Criteria  : highest-count         Slave-to-partner     : disabled
Number of sub-groups: 1                     Forced               : -
System Id           : 1c:71:ff:00:00:00     System Priority      : 32768
Admin Key           : 32768                 Oper Key             : 32666
Prtr System Id      : 20:f4:ff:00:00:00     Prtr System Priority : 32768
Prtr Oper Key       : 32768
MC Peer Address     :            MC Peer Lag-id       : 1
MC System Id        : 00:00:00:33:33:33     MC System Priority   : 32888
MC Admin Key        : 32666                 MC Active/Standby    : active
MC Lacp ID in use   : true                  MC extended timeout  : false
MC Selection Logic  : peer decided
MC Config Mismatch  : no mismatch
Port-id        Adm    Act/Stdby Opr    Primary   Sub-group     Forced   Prio
331/2/1          up     active    up     yes       1             -        32768
331/2/2          up     active    up               1             -        32768
331/2/3          up     active    up               1             -        32768
331/2/4          up     active    up               1             -        32768
Port-id        Role      Exp   Def   Dist  Col   Syn   Aggr  Timeout  Activity
331/2/1          actor     No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/1          partner   No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/2          actor     No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/2          partner   No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/3          actor     No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/3          partner   No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/4          actor     No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
331/2/4          partner   No    No    Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes   Yes      Yes
Table: Output fields: redundancy multi-chassis all



Peer IP Address

Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer


The text string describing the peer


If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the MC peer

Source IP Address

Displays the source address used to communicate with the MC peer.

Admin State

Displays the administrative state of the peer



mc-lag [lag lag-id]

mc-lag peer ip-address [lag lag-id]] statistics




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays multi-chassis LAG information.


lag lag-id

Displays information for the specified LAG identifier.


1 to 20020064



sync [peer ip-address]

sync peer ip-address detail

sync [peer ip-address] statistics




7210 SAS-T, 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE


This command displays synchronization information.


peer ip-address

Displays the synchronization information of the specified multi-chassis redundancy peer.


The following output is an example of redundancy multi-chassis synchronization information, and Table: Output fields: multi-chassis sync describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:subscr_mgt_2# show redundancy multi-chassis sync 
Multi-chassis Peer Table
Peer IP Address         :                                          
Description             : Mc-Lag peer
Authentication          : Disabled                                             
Source IP Address       :                                              
Admin State             : Enabled                                              
Client Applications     : SUBMGMT                                              
Sync Admin State        : Up                                                   
Sync Oper State         : Up                                                   
DB Sync State           : inSync                                               
Num Entries             : 1                                                    
Lcl Deleted Entries     : 0                                                    
Alarm Entries           : 0                                                    
Rem Num Entries         : 1                                                    
Rem Lcl Deleted Entries : 0                                                    
Rem Alarm Entries       : 0                                                    
Table: Output fields: multi-chassis sync



Peer IP Address

Displays the multi-chassis redundancy peer


The text string describing the peer


If configured, displays the authentication key used between this node and the multi-chassis peer

Source IP Address

Displays the source address used to communicate with the multi-chassis peer

Admin State

Displays the administrative state of the peer

Client Applications

Displays the list of client applications synchronized between 7210 SAS devices

Sync Admin State

Displays the administrative state of the synchronization

Sync Oper State

Displays the operation state of the synchronization

DB Sync State

Displays the database state of the synchronization

Num Entries

Displays the number of entries on local router

Lcl Deleted Entries

Displays the number of deleted entries made at the local router

Alarm Entries

Displays the alarm entries on the local router

Rem Num Entries

Displays the number of entries on the remote router

Rem Lcl Deleted Entries

Displays the number of locally deleting entries made by the remote router

Rem Alarm Entries

Displays alarm entries on the remote router







7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, and 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE: standalone-VC


This command displays redundancy synchronization times.


The following output is an example of redundancy synchronization information, and Table: Output fields: synchronization describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-48>show>redundancy# synchronization
Synchronization Information
Standby Status               : disabled
Last Standby Failure         : N/A
Standby Up Time              : N/A
Failover Time                : N/A
Failover Reason              : N/A
Boot/Config Sync Mode        : None
Boot/Config Sync Status      : No synchronization
Last Config File Sync Time   : Never
Last Boot Env Sync Time      : Never
Table: Output fields: synchronization



Standby Status

Displays the status of the standby CSM

Last Standby Failure

Displays the timestamp of the last standby failure

Standby Up Time

Displays the length of time the standby CSM has been up

Failover Time

Displays the timestamp when the last redundancy failover occurred causing a switchover from active to standby CSM

If there is no redundant CSM card in this system or no failover has occurred since the system last booted, the value will be 0.

Failover Reason

Displays a text string giving an explanation of the cause of the last redundancy failover

If no failover has occurred, an empty string displays.

Boot/Config Sync Mode

Displays the type of synchronization operation to perform between the primary and secondary CSMs after a change has been made to the configuration files or the boot environment information contained in the boot options file (BOF)

Boot/Config Sync Status

Displays the results of the last synchronization operation between the primary and secondary CSMs

Last Config File Sync Time

Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the configuration files

Last Boot Env Sync Time

Displays the timestamp of the last successful synchronization of the boot environment files







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays the time since the system started.


The following output is an example of uptime information, and Table: Output fields: system timing describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:ALA-1# show uptime
System Up Time         : 11 days, 18:32:02.22 (hr:min:sec)
Table: Output fields: system timing



System Up Time

Displays the length of time the system has been up in days, hr:min:sec format







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode; not supported on 7210 SAS platforms configured in the standalone-VC operating mode


This command displays synchronous interface timing information.


The following outputs are examples of synchronous interface timing information, and Table: Output fields: sync interface timing describes the output fields.

Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12
*A:sasr_dutb>show>system# sync-if-timing

System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A                : Master Free Run
    Reference Input Mode           : Non-revertive
    Quality Level Selection        : Disabled
    Reference Selected             : none
    System Quality Level           : st3

Reference Order                    : bits1 ref1 ref2 ptp

Reference Mate CPM
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     LOS
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     not qualified

Reference Input 1
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference Input 2
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference BITS 1A
    Input Admin Status             : down
    Rx Quality Level               : stu
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Interface Type                 : DS1
    Framing                        : ESF
    Line Coding                    : B8ZS
    Line Length                    : 0-110ft
    Output Admin Status            : down
    Output Source                  : internal clock
    Output Reference Selected      : none
    Tx Quality Level               : N/A

Reference PTP
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
Sample output for 7210 SAS-T and 7210 SAS-Mxp
*A:7210SAS>show>system# sync-if-timing

System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A                : Master Free Run
    Reference Input Mode           : Non-revertive
    Quality Level Selection        : Disabled
    Reference Selected             : none
    System Quality Level           : st3

Reference Order                    : bits1 bits2 ref1 ref2 ptp

Reference Input 1
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference Input 2
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference BITS 1
    Input Admin Status             : down
    Rx Quality Level               : stu
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Interface Type                 : DS1
    Framing                        : ESF
    Line Coding                    : B8ZS
    Line Length                    : 0-110ft
    Output Admin Status            : down
    Output Source                  : internal clock
    Output Reference Selected      : none
    Tx Quality Level               : N/A

Reference BITS 2
    Input Admin Status             : down
    Rx Quality Level               : stu
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Interface Type                 : DS1
    Framing                        : ESF
    Line Coding                    : B8ZS
    Line Length                    : 0-110ft
    Output Admin Status            : down
    Output Source                  : internal clock
    Output Reference Selected      : none
    Tx Quality Level               : N/A

Reference PTP
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE
A:7210Sx>show>system# sync-if-timing

System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A                : Master Free Run
    Reference Input Mode           : Non-revertive
    Quality Level Selection        : Disabled
    Reference Selected             : none
    System Quality Level           : st3

Reference Order                    : ref1 ref2

Reference Input 1
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference Input 2
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE
*A:7210SAS>show>system# sync-if-timing

System Interface Timing Operational Info
System Status CPM A                : Master Free Run
    Reference Input Mode           : Non-revertive
    Quality Level Selection        : Disabled
    Reference Selected             : none
    System Quality Level           : st3

Reference Order                    : ref1 ref2

Reference Input 1
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None

Reference Input 2
    Admin Status                   : down
    Rx Quality Level               : unknown
    Quality Level Override         : none
    Qualified For Use              : No
        Not Qualified Due To       :     disabled
    Selected For Use               : No
        Not Selected Due To        :     disabled
    Source Port                    : None
Table: Output fields: sync interface timing



System Status CPM A

Indicates the system status of CPM A

Reference Input Mode

Indicates the reference input mode

Reference Order

Indicates the reference order

Reference Input 1

Displays information about reference input 1

Admin Status

Indicates the Admin status of reference input 1

down — Indicates the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively shutdown

up — Indicates the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively enabled

diag — Indicates the reference has been forced using the force-reference command

Qualified For Use

Indicates if the reference input 1 is qualified for use

Selected For Use

Indicates if reference input 1 is selected for use

Source Port

Displays the source port information

Reference Input 2

Displays information about reference input 2

Admin Status

Indicates the Admin status of reference input 2

down — Indicates the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively shutdown

up — Indicates the ref1 or ref2 configuration is administratively enabled

diag — Indicates the reference has been forced using the force-reference command

Qualified For Use

Indicates if the reference input 2 is qualified for use

Selected For Use

Indicates if reference input 2 is selected for use

Not Selected Due To

Indicates the reason if reference input 2 is not selected

Source Port

Displays the source port information

Interface Type

The interface type configured for the BITS port


The framing configured for the BITS port

Line Coding

The line coding configured for the BITS port

Line Length

The line length value of the BITS output

Output Admin Status

down — The BITS output is administratively shutdown

up — The BITS output is administratively enabled

diag — Indicates the BITS output has been forced using the force-reference command

Output Reference Selected

The reference selected as the source for the BITS output signal (ref1 or ref2)

TX Quality Level

QL value for BITS output signal

Quality Level Selection

Indicates whether the ql-selection command has been enabled or disabled

If this command is enabled, the reference is selected first using the QL value, then by the priority reference order. If this command is not enabled, the reference is selected by the priority reference order.

System Quality Level

Indicates the quality level being generated by the system clock

Rx Quality Level

Indicates the QL value received on the interface

inv — SSM received on the interface indicates an invalid code for the interface type

unknown — No QL value was received on the interface







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


Commands in this context display script information.



script [script-name] [owner script-owner]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays script parameters.



Displays information for the specified script.


Displays information for the specified script owner.


The following output is an example of script information, and Table: Output fields: script describes the output fields.

Sample output
7210SAS>show>system>script-control# script
Script Information
Script                       : test
Owner name                   : TiMOS CLI
Description                  : asd
Administrative status        : enabled
Operational status           : enabled
Script source location       : ftp://*****:******
Last script error            : none
Last change                  : 2015/01/07 17:10:03
Table: Output fields: script




Displays the name of the script

Owner name

Displays the owner name of the script


Displays the description of the script

Administrative status

Enabled — Administrative status is enabled

Disabled — Administrative status is disabled

Operational status

Enabled — Operational status is enabled

Disabled — Operational status is disabled

Script source location

Displays the location of the scheduled script

Last script error

Displays the system time of the last error

Last change

Displays the system time of the last change



script-policy script-policy-name [owner owner-name]

script-policy run-history [run-state]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays script policy information.



Displays policy information for the specified script.


Displays information for the specified script owner.




Displays information for script policies in the specified state.


executing, initializing, terminated


The following output is an example of script policy information, and Table: Output fields: script policy describes the output fields.

Sample output
show system script-control script-policy run-history terminated
Script-policy Run History
Script policy "test"
Owner "TiMOS CLI"
Script Run #17
Start time : 2006/11/06 20:30:09 End time : 2006/11/06 20:35:24
Elapsed time : 0d 00:05:15 Lifetime : 0d 00:00:00
State : terminated Run exit code : noError
Result time : 2006/11/06 20:35:24 Keep history : 0d 00:49:57
Error time : never
Results file : ftp://*:*@
Run exit : Success
Script Run #18
Start time : 2006/11/06 20:35:24 End time : 2006/11/06 20:40:40
Elapsed time : 0d 00:05:16 Lifetime : 0d 00:00:00
State : terminated Run exit code : noError
Result time : 2006/11/06 20:40:40 Keep history : 0d 00:55:13
Error time : never
Results file : ftp://*:*@
Run exit : Success

*A:Redundancy# show system script-control script-policy run-history executing
Script-policy Run History
Script policy "test"
Owner "TiMOS CLI"
Script Run #20
Start time : 2006/11/06 20:46:00 End time : never
Elapsed time : 0d 00:00:56 Lifetime : 0d 00:59:04
State : executing Run exit code : noError
Result time : never Keep history : 0d 01:00:00
Error time : never
Results file : ftp://*:*@

*A:# show system script-control script-policy run-history initializing
Script-policy Run History
Script policy "test"
Owner "TiMOS CLI"
Script Run #21
Start time : never End time : never
Elapsed time : 0d 00:00:00 Lifetime : 0d 01:00:00
State : initializing Run exit code : noError
Result time : never Keep history : 0d 01:00:00
Error time : never
Results file : none
Script Run #22
Start time : never End time : never
Elapsed time : 0d 00:00:00 Lifetime : 0d 01:00:00
State : initializing Run exit code : noError
Result time : never Keep history : 0d 01:00:00
Error time : never
Results file : none
Script Run #23
Start time : never End time : never
Elapsed time : 0d 00:00:00 Lifetime : 0d 01:00:00
State : initializing Run exit code : noError
Result time : never Keep history : 0d 01:00:00
Error time : never
Results file : none
Table: Output fields: script policy



Script policy

Displays the name of the script policy

Script policy owner

Displays the name of the script policy owner

Administrative status

Enabled — Administrative status is enabled

Disabled — Administrative status is disabled


Displays the name of the script

Script owner

Displays the name of the script owner

Script source location

Displays the location of the scheduled script

Max running allowed

Displays the maximum number of allowed sessions

Max completed run histories

Displays the maximum number of sessions previously run

Max lifetime allowed

Displays the maximum length of time the script may run

Completed run histories

Displays the number of completed sessions

Executing run histories

Displays the number of sessions in the process of executin.

Initializing run histories

Displays the number of sessions ready to run/queued but not executed

Max time run history saved

Displays the maximum length of time to keep the results from a script run

Last change

Displays the system time that a change was made to the configuration



chassis [environment] [power-supply]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays general chassis status information.

For a virtual chassis (VC), this command displays information about the entire VC. Hardware information can be displayed for individual CPMs, IMMs, power supplies, and fans.



Displays chassis environmental status information.


all chassis information


Displays only power-supply information.


The following outputs are examples of chassis information, and Table: Output fields: chassis describes the output fields.

Sample output for 7210 SAS-T
*A:SAST>show# chassis

Chassis Information
  Name                              : SAST
  Type                              : 7210 SAS-T 12F10T 4XFP ETR-1
  Location                          :
  Coordinates                       :
  CLLI code                         :
  Number of slots                   : 2
  Number of ports                   : 26
  Critical LED state                : Red
  Major LED state                   : Off
  Over Temperature state            : OK
  Low Temperature state             : OK
  Base MAC address                  : 4c:5f:d2:7d:13:f6
  Number of MAC addresses           : 16
  Hardware Data
    Part number                     : 3HE08117AAAA01
    CLEI code                       :
    Serial number                   : NS1310C2056
    Manufacture date                : 03252013
    Manufacturing string            : (Not Specified)
    Manufacturing deviations        : (Not Specified)
    Manufacturing assembly number   :
    Temperature                     : 39C
    Time of last boot               : 2000/05/31 23:24:58
    Current alarm state             : alarm active
Environment Information

  Number of fan trays               : 1
  Number of fans                    : 3

  Fan tray number                   : 1
    Speed                           : unknown
    Status                          : failed
Power Supply Information
  Number of power supplies          : 2

  Power supply number               : 1
    Configured power supply type    : ac single
    Status                          : up
    AC power                        : within range

  Power supply number               : 2
    Configured power supply type    : none
    Status                          : not equipped
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE
A:7210Sx>show# chassis

Chassis Information
  Name                              : hw_sass_duth
  Type                              : 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE 48Tp4SFP+ (PoE)-1
  Location                          :
  Coordinates                       :
  CLLI code                         :
  Number of slots                   : 2
  Number of ports                   : 52
      System LED state              : Green
  Over Temperature state            : OK
  Base MAC address                  : a4:7b:2c:c6:69:d3
  Number of MAC addresses           : 512
  Hardware Data
    Part number                     : 1160400046
    CLEI code                       :
    Serial number                   : 01160400046
    Manufacture date                :
    Manufacturing deviations        : (Not Specified)
    Manufacturing assembly number   : 82-0827-01
    Temperature                     : 59C
    Time of last boot               : 2000/01/01 01:32:34
    Current alarm state             : alarm cleared
Environment Information

  Number of fan trays               : 1
  Number of fans                    : 1

  Fan tray number                   : 1
    Speed                           : half speed
    Status                          : up
Power Supply Information
  Number of power supplies          : 2

  Power supply number               : 1
    Configured power supply type    : ac single
    Status                          : up
    AC power                        : within range

  Power supply number               : 2
    Configured power supply type    : none
    Status                          : failed
    DC power                        : out of range
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE
*A:7210SAS>show# chassis

Chassis Information
  Name                              : NS1633T0067
  Type                              : 7210 SAS-Sx 64SFP+4CFP4-1
  Location                          :
  Coordinates                       :
  CLLI code                         :
  Number of slots                   : 2
  Number of ports                   : 68
      System LED state              : Red
  Over Temperature state            : OK
  Base MAC address                  : d0:99:d5:8f:5e:41
  Number of MAC addresses           : 16
  Hardware Data
    Part number                     : AABBCCDD-11
    CLEI code                       :
    Serial number                   : NS1633T0067
    Manufacture date                :
    Manufacturing deviations        : (Not Specified)
    Manufacturing assembly number   :
    Temperature                     : 60C
    Time of last boot               : 2000/01/01 00:29:06
    Current alarm state             : alarm active
Environment Information

  Number of fan trays               : 1
  Number of fans                    : 3

  Fan tray number                   : 1
    Speed                           : unknown
    Status                          : failed
Power Supply Information
  Number of power supplies          : 2

  Power supply number               : 1
    Configured power supply type    : none
    Status                          : failed
    DC power                        : out of range

  Power supply number               : 2
    Configured power supply type    : ac single
    Status                          : up
    AC power                        : within range
Sample output for a 7210 SAS Virtual Chassis
A:NS1653T0051# show chassis
Chassis Information
  Name                              : NS1653T0051
  Type                              : 7210 SAS-VC
  Location                          :
  Coordinates                       :
  CLLI code                         :
  Number of slots                   : 16
  Number of ports                   : 136
  System LED state                  : Red
  Over Temperature state            : OK
  Base MAC address                  : d0:99:d5:92:70:41
  Number of MAC addresses           : 512
  VC-NAME                           : ABCDEFGHIJK
  Number of VC nodes                : 1-8
  Number of IMM-only nodes          : 2-8
  Number of CPM-IMM nodes           : 1-2
  VC Oper Status                    : OK 
    Time of last boot               : 2000/01/01 00:51:31
    Power Status (all nodes)        : OK
    Fan Status (all nodes)          : OK 
    Current alarm state             : alarm active
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE in standalone VC mode
A:NS1# show chassis 
Chassis Information
  Name                              : NS1
  Type                              : 7210 SAS-VC
  HW Type                           : SAS-S 48F4SFP+
  Location                          : 
  Coordinates                       : 
  CLLI code                         :            
  Number of slots                   : 10
  Number of ports                   : 216
      System LED state              : Red
  Over Temperature state            : OK
  VC Stack name                     : VCmix
  Number of VC Nodes                : 6
  Number of IMM-only Nodes          : 5
  Number of CPM-IMM Nodes           : 1
  VC Chassis MAC address (active)   : ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef
  Number of MAC addresses (active)  : 10
  VC Chassis MAC address (config)   : ab:cd:ef:ab:cd:ef
  Number of MAC addresses (config)  : 10
  Temperature                       : 67C
  Current alarm state               : alarm active
  Fan Status                        : Ok
  Power Status                      : Failed(Slots:7)
Table: Output fields: chassis




The system name for the router


The router series model number


The system location for the device


A user-configurable string that indicates the Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates for the location of the chassis

For example:

N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12

N37 37' 00 latitude, W122 22' 00 longitude

N36*39.246' W121*40.121'


The Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and certain functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry

Number of slots

The number of slots in this chassis that are available for plug-in cards

The total number includes card slots

Number of ports

The total number of ports currently installed in this chassis

Critical LED state

The current state of the Critical LED in this chassis

Major LED state

The current state of the Major LED in this chassis

Minor LED state

The current state of the Minor LED in this chassis

Base MAC address

The base chassis Ethernet MAC address

Hardware Data

Part number

The part number

CLEI code

The code used to identify the router

Serial number

The part number

Not user modifiable

Manufacture date

The chassis manufacture date

Not user modifiable

Manufacturing string

Factory-inputted manufacturing text string

Not user modifiable

Time of last boot

The date and time the most recent boot occurred

Current alarm state

Displays the alarm conditions for the specific board

Environment Information

Number of fan trays

The total number of fan trays installed in this chassis

Number of fans

The total number of fans installed in this chassis

Operational status

Current status of the fan tray

Fan speed

Half speed — The fans are operating at half speed

Full speed — The fans are operating at full speed

Power Supply Information

Number of power supplies

The number of power supplies installed in the chassis

Power supply number

The ID for each power supply installed in the chassis

Configured power supply type

The power supply type that is configured

AC power

Within range — AC voltage is within range

Out of range — AC voltage is out of range

DC power

Within range — DC voltage is within range

Out of range — DC voltage is out of range

Over temp

Within range — The current temperature is within the acceptable range

Out of range — The current temperature is above the acceptable range


Up — The specified power supply is up

Down — The specified power supply is down



alarm-contact-input all




7210 SAS-T (network and access-uplink), 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and, 7210 SAS-R12


This command displays information of all the alarm contact input pins.


The following output is an example of alarm contact input information, and Table: Output fields: alarm contact input describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:7210-2# show alarm-contact-input 1 
Alarm Contact Input
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 1
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major

*A:7210-2# show alarm-contact-input 1 detail 
Alarm Contact Input
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 1
    Alarm Input Pin Description   : 
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major
    Last State Change             : 05/19/2010 11:28:09

*A:7210-2# show alarm-contact-input all 
Alarm Contact Input
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 1
    Alarm Input Pin Description   : 
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major
    Last State Change             : 05/19/2010 11:28:09
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 2
    Alarm Input Pin Description   : 
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major
    Last State Change             : 05/19/2010 11:28:09
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 3
    Alarm Input Pin Description   : 
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major
    Last State Change             : 05/19/2010 11:28:09
    Alarm Input Pin Number        : 4
    Alarm Input Pin Description   : 
    Alarm Input Pin Current State : Disabled
    Alarm Output Pin Used         : Major
    Last State Change             : 05/19/2010 11:28:09
Table: Output fields: alarm contact input



Alarm input pin Number

Indicates the pin alarm input pin number

Alarm input pin Description

Describes the alarm indicating its usage or attribute

Alarm input pin current state

Indicates the current state of the alarm contact input pin

Alarm output pin used

Indicates the alarm output pin used

Last state change time

Indicates the previous state change time







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays information on the buffer allocation and buffer usage per port.


The following output is an example of pools information, and Table: Output fields: pools describes the output fields.

Sample output
A:7210SAS# show pools 1/1/2 access-egress 

Pool Information
Port                 : 1/1/2             
Application          : Acc-Egr           Slope Policy       : default
Resv CBS             : Sum               
MMU Pool Total In Use: 1256 KB           MMU Pool Shared In*: 1236 KB

Pool Total           : 910 KB            
Pool Shared          : 842 KB            Pool Resv          : 68 KB

Pool Total In Use    : 579 KB            
Pool Shared In Use   : 570 KB            Pool Resv In Use   : 9 KB

ID                         FC-MAPS/      CBS (B)     Depth  A.CIR     A.PIR
                                                            O.CIR     O.PIR
1/1/2                           be       8698      573      0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           l2       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           af       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           l1       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           h2       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           ef       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           h1       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
1/1/2                           nc       8698      0        0         1000000
                                                            0         Max
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Table: Output fields: pools




Displays the Port ID of the port


Indicates whether its access, network or access-uplink buffer pool

Resv CBS

The amount of CBS reserved per port

Sum — Indicates it is the sum of the CBS allocated to each queue on this port

MMU Pool Total In Use

Number of system wide buffers in use

This includes the shared buffers as well as the per queue committed buffers.

Pool Total

The total amount of buffer allocated to this pool

Pool Shared

The total amount of buffers allocated towards MBS portion, which is shared by all the queues

Pool Total In Use

The total amount of buffers in use

Pool Shared In Use

The total amount of shared buffers in use

Slope Policy

The slope policy ID in use

MMU Pool Shared In

Number of system wide shared buffers currently in use

This does not include the committed buffers allocated to each queue.

Pool Resv

The total amount of buffers allocated towards CBS for all the queues

Pool Resv In Use

Total amount of CBS buffers in use


Identifies the port


Identifies the FC


The current depth of the queue


The CBS portion allocated to the queue


Configured values of CIR and PIR rates (that is, value before adaptation rule is applied)


Operational value of CIR/PIR after applying the adaptation rule