Dump commands



dump router-name




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


Commands in this context display information for debugging.



Specifies a router name, up to 32 characters.





accounting-policy acct-policy-id flash-write-count [clear]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command dumps the total count of flash writes for the accounting policy specified by the user. The clear option allows the user to clear the count maintained per accounting policy and starts the counter afresh.



Dumps the total number of flash writes up to the present for the accounting policy specified by accounting-policy 'id'.


Specifies the Accounting policy.


1 to 99


Clears statistics.



top-active-meps [rx-sort | tx-sort] [clear]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays, and optionally clears, the most active MEPs on the system.


sorts total in both directions



Sorts in the receive (Rx) direction.


Sorts in the transmit (Tx) direction.


Clears the current counters.



eth-ring ring-index [clear]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays Ethernet ring information.



Specifies the ring index.


1 to 128


Clears statistics.



lag lag-id lag-id




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode.


This command displays LAG information.



Specifies an existing LAG ID.


1 to 12


*A:kiran3>tools>dump# lag lag-id 1 
Port state      : Up
Selected subgrp : 1
NumActivePorts  : 2
ThresholdRising : 2
ThresholdFalling: 0
IOM bitmask     : 2
Config MTU      : 1522
Oper. MTU       : 1522
Bandwidth       : 200000

multi-chassis   : NO

Indx   PortId   RX pkts   TX pkts   State Active Port  Cfg Oper Speed       BW AP CS
                                                 Pri   Mtu Mtu                    
   0    1/1/
1         1         1      Up    yes 32768 1522 1522  1000   100000  0  2
   1    1/1/
2         0         0      Up    yes 32768 1522 1522  1000   100000  0  2



ldp-treetrace {prefix ip-prefix/mask | manual-prefix ip-prefix/mask} [path-destination ip-address] [trace-tree]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays LDP treetrace information.


The tools dump ldp-treetrace prefix command displays entries only if ldp-treetrace is enabled, that is, configure test-oam ldp-treetrace no shutdown is configured.


prefix ip-prefix/mask

Specifies the IP prefix and host bits.


host bits: must be 0 mask: 0 to 32


The following output is an example of automated LDP treetrace information.

Sample output — automated LDP treetrace
*A:Dut-B# tools dump ldp-treetrace prefix 
    Discovered Paths: 
    Id   PathDst           EgrNextHop        ReplyRtrAddr      DiscoveryTime 
           DiscoveryTtl      ProbeState        ProbeTmOutCnt     RtnCode 
    ===  ================  ================  ================  ===================
    001  11/09/2010 16:15:54
                     002                OK                00             EgressRtr
    002  11/09/2010 16:15:54
                     002                OK                00             EgressRtr
    003  11/09/2010 16:15:54
                     002                OK                00             EgressRtr
    004  11/09/2010 16:15:54
                     002                OK                00             EgressRtr
    005  11/09/2010 16:15:54
                     002                OK                00             EgressRtr

    ldp-treetrace discovery state: Done  
    ldp-treetrace discovery status: ' OK '  
    Total number of discovered paths: 5 
    Total number of probe-failed paths: 0 
    Total number of failed traces: 0     



eth-ring ring-index [clear]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays eth-ring information.



Specifies the ring index.


1 to 128


Clears the eth-ring statistics.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


Commands in this context dump tools for redundancy.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


Commands in this context dump tools for multi-chassis redundancy.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command dumps multi-chassis endpoint information.


peer ip-address

Specifies the peer IP address.



sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [type type]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command dumps MCS database information.


peer ip-address

Specifies the peer IP address.

port port-id | lag-id

Indicates the port or LAG ID to be synchronized with the multi-chassis peer.


slot/mda/port or lag-lag-id

sync-tag sync-tag

Specifies a synchronization tag to be used while synchronizing this port with the multi-chassis peer.

application application

Specifies a particular multi-chassis peer synchronization protocol application.





multi-chassis ring


subscriber host tracking

type type

Indicates the locally deleted or alarmed deleted entries in the MCS database per multi-chassis peer.


alarm-deleted, local-deleted


Displays detailed information.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command dumps tools for system information.







Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command dumps statistics for CPU traffic.



system-resources slot-number [sap-ingress-qos] [associations]

system-resources mcast-groups

system-resources slot-number g8032-control-sap-tags

system-resources sap [port port-id] [lag lag-id]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command displays system resource information.



Specifies the slot for which system resources information is displayed.




Displays details on usage of resources allocated for QoS classification and different match criteria under QoS classification.


Displays all SAPs with the allocated resource type and chunk ID.


Displays details on usage of resources allocated for multicast group resource consumption.


Displays details on usage of VLANs used for a G8032 control session. This keyword is supported only on the 7210 SAS-T.


Displays the total number of SAPs configured on the system. This keyword is supported only on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.


Specifies the port ID for which to display a total SAP count. This parameter is supported only on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.




Specifies the LAG ID for which to displays a total SAP count. This parameter is supported only on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.


1 to 200


The following outputs are examples of port information, and the associated tables describe the output fields:

Sample output: SAP ingress QoS
*A:7210-SAS>tools>dump# system-resources sap-ingress-qos
Sap Resource Manager info at 001 d 10/11/12 04:42:00.043:
Sap Ingress Resource Usage for Slot #1, Cmplx #0:

Total Chunks Configured : 6
Total Chunks Available  : 6
Number of Chunks in Use : 1
Number of Free Chunks   : 5
Number of Chunks in use for IP match   :0
Number of Chunks in use for IPv6 match :0
Number of Chunks in use for MAC match  :1
                 |  Classification Entries   |           Meters
    Chunk | Type | Total  |Allocated|  Free  | Total  |Allocated|  Free
         0|   Mac|     512|        2|     510|     256|        1|     255

Number of Chunks available for use with IP match*   : 5
Number of Chunks available for use with IPv6 match* : 0
Number of Chunks available for use with MAC match*  : 5

* - Assumes all remaining chunks are used

For the 7210 SAS-Mxp:

*A:dut-a# tools dump system-resources sap-ingress-qos 
Sap Resource Manager info at 014 h 10/30/18 09:50:01.718:
Sap Ingress Resource Usage for Slot #1, Cmplx #0:

Total Chunks Configured : 5
Total Chunks Available  : 5
Number of Chunks in Use : 2
Number of Free Chunks   : 3
Number of Chunks in use for IP match       : 0
Number of Chunks in use for IPv6 match     : 0
Number of Chunks in use for IP + Mac match : 0
Number of Chunks in use for MAC match      : 1
Number of Chunks in use for DSCP           : 1
                 |  Classification Entries   |           Meters           
    Chunk | Type | Total  |Allocated|  Free  | Total  |Allocated|  Free   
         0|   Mac|     256|      120|     136|     128|       60|      68
         1|  Dscp|     256|       32|     224|     128|       16|     112
Number of Chunks available for use with IP match*        : 4
Number of Chunks available for use with IPv6 match*      : 0
Number of Chunks available for use with Ip + Mac match*  : 4
Number of Chunks available for use with MAC match*       : 4
Number of Chunks available for use with DSCP match*      : 4
* - Assumes all remaining chunks are used 
Table: Output fields: dump system-resource SAP ingress QoS
Labels Descriptions

Total Chunks Configured

Displays the total number of chunks configured for use by SAP ingress QoS classification across all the match criteria.

Total Chunks Available

Displays the total number of chunks alloted by software for use by SAP ingress QoS classification across all the match criteria.

Number of Chunks in Use

Displays the total number of chunks in use by SAP for SAP ingress QoS classification.

Number of Free Chunks

Displays the total number of chunks available for use by SAP for SAP ingress QoS classification.

Number of Chunks in use for IP match

Displays the total number of chunks in use by SAP that uses IP classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

Number of Chunks in use for IPv6 match

Displays the total number of chunks in use by SAP that uses IPv6 classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

Number of Chunks in use for MAC match

Displays the total number of chunks in use by SAP that uses MAC classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

Number of Chunks in use for DSCP

Displays the total number of chunks in use by SAP that uses DSCP table-based classification policy match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

Classification Entries

The total number of classification entries that are available/allocated/free per chunk. Information is displayed only for chunks that are in use.


The total number of meters that are available/allocated/free per chunk. Information is displayed only for chunks that are in use.

Number of Chunks available for use with IP match criteria

Displays the total number of chunks available for use by SAP that uses IP classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy. This assumes all of the free chunks are alloted to IP classification match criteria.

Number of Chunks available for use with IPv6 match criteria

Displays the total number of chunks available for use by SAP that uses IPv6 classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy. This assumes all of the free chunks are alloted to IPv6 classification match criteria.

Number of Chunks available for use with MAC match criteria

Displays the total number of chunks available for use by SAP that uses MAC classification match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy. This assumes all of the free chunks are alloted to MAC classification match criteria.

Number of Chunks available for use with DSCP match criteria

Displays the total number of chunks available for use by SAP that uses DSCP table-based classification policy match criteria in the SAP ingress QoS policy. This assumes all of the free chunks are alloted to DSCP table-based classification policy match criteria.

Sample output: SAP ingress policy using DSCP classification (for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12)
7210SAS>tools>dump# system-resources

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType iom-sas, Cmplx #0:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free    
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|          1|       1790
        Access Egr. QoS Policies |        255|          1|        254
         SAP Egress QoS Policies |       2047|          1|       2046
     SAP Ingress Aggregate-Meter |        384|          0|        384
       Shared Qos Ingress Meters |        640|          0|        640
  Shared Qos Ingress CAM Entries |       1280|          0|       1280
          Mac Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
     Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv4  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv4 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv6  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv6 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    IP + Mac  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
IP + Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        DSCP  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
                DSCP CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
                    DSCP Profile |         62|          1|         61
         Network Ing Port Meters |        128|         28|        100
    Network Ing Port CAM Entries |        256|         28|        228
       Network Ing IpIntf Meters |        128|          0|        128
  Network Ing IpIntf CAM Entries |        256|          0|        256
  Network MPLS Exp Profile Table |         31|          0|         31
         Port Scheduler Policies |          0|          0|          0
       Queue Management Policies |        500|          1|        499
                 Remark Policies |        256|          2|        254
      Shared Egr QOS MAP Entries |         14|          0|         14
          Egress QOS CAM Entries |        400|          0|        400
    Dscp Classification policies |         51|          1|         50
      Ingress Shared ACL Entries |        768|          0|        768
         Ingress Mac ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
        Ingress IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Ing IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Ing IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
       Egress Shared ACL Entries |        256|          0|        256
     Egress Mac only ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Egress Mac+IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Egr IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
 Egr Mac+IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
      Ingress SAP Lookup Entries |        703|          0|        703
               TWAMP/LT  Entries |         32|          0|         32
         MEP Lookup CAM Entries  |        256|          0|        256
                  DN MEP Entries |       1024|         42|        982
Num VLAN-ID/Range in Con Profile |       4096|          0|       4096
        Egress TLS Mcast Entries |     147455|          0|     147455
Sample output: SAP egress aggregate meter (7210 SAS-T)

*7210SAS>config>service# /tools dump system-resources 
Resource Manager info at 022 h 07/27/01 22:50:44.676:

Hardware Resource Usage per Node:

                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free    
          Max System Ecmp Routes |           |          1|           

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType iom-sas, Cmplx #0:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free    
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|          1|       1790
        Access Egr. QoS Policies |        255|          1|        254
     SAP Ingress Aggregate-Meter |        256|          0|        256
       Shared Qos Ingress Meters |       1280|        256|       1024
  Shared Qos Ingress CAM Entries |       2560|        512|       2048
          Mac Qos Ingress Meters |        256|          2|        254
     Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |        512|          4|        508
        IPv4  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv4 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv6  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv6 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    IP + Mac  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
IP + Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
SAP Egress Aggregate-Meter Entries|        512|          2|        510
          Network Ingress Meters |        256|          0|        256
         Network Ing CAM Entries |        512|          0|        512
         Port Scheduler Policies |       1023|          1|       1022
      Ingress Shared ACL Entries |       2560|          0|       2560
         Ingress Mac ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
        Ingress IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Ing IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Ing IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
       Egress Shared ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Egress Mac only ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Egress Mac+IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Egr IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
 Egr Mac+IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
      Ingress SAP Lookup Entries |       1496|          4|       1492
Num VLAN-ID/Range in Con Profile |       4096|          0|       4096

The following sample displays the resource utilization for SAP egress aggregate meter on the 7210 SAS-R6:

A:7210SAS-053>tools>dump# system-resources
Resource Manager info at 001 h 02/29/16 10:03:45.035:

Hardware Resource Usage per Node:

                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free
          Max System Ecmp Routes |           |          1|
          Ldp Ecmp percent value |           |          0|
    Eth-Ring Fast Flood Entries  |       1280|          1|       1279

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType imm-sas-b-10sfp-1sfp+, Cmplx #0:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|          2|       1789
        Access Egr. QoS Policies |        255|          2|        253
         SAP Egress QoS Policies |       2047|          2|       2045
     SAP Ingress Aggregate-Meter |        384|          0|        384
       Shared Qos Ingress Meters |        640|        128|        512
  Shared Qos Ingress CAM Entries |       1280|        256|       1024
          Mac Qos Ingress Meters |        128|          6|        122
     Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |        256|         12|        244
        IPv4  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv4 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv6  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv6 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    IP + Mac  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
IP + Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    SAP Egress Agg-Meter Entries |          0|          0|          0
         Network Ing Port Meters |        128|         10|        118
    Network Ing Port CAM Entries |        256|         10|        246
       Network Ing IpIntf Meters |        128|          4|        124
  Network Ing IpIntf CAM Entries |        256|          4|        252
  Network MPLS Exp Profile Table |         31|          0|         31
         Port Scheduler Policies |          0|          0|          0
       Queue Management Policies |        500|          1|        499
                 Remark Policies |        256|          5|        251
      Shared Egr QOS MAP Entries |         14|          1|         13
          Egress QOS CAM Entries |        400|          6|        394
      Ingress Shared ACL Entries |        768|          0|        768
         Ingress Mac ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
        Ingress IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Ing IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Ing IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
       Egress Shared ACL Entries |        128|          0|        128
     Egress Mac only ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Egress Mac+IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Egr IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
 Egr Mac+IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
      Ingress SAP Lookup Entries |        706|          8|        698
      Egress Sap Counter Entries |        127|          0|        127
         MEP Lookup CAM Entries  |        256|          0|        256
                  DN MEP Entries |        256|         38|        218
             Port Scheduler Mode |          0|          0|          0
Num VLAN-ID/Range in Con Profile |       4096|          0|       4096

The following sample displays the resource utilization for SAP egress aggregate meter on the 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE:

7210SAS>tools>dump# system-resources
Resource Manager info at 008 d 01/09/00 06:24:56.148:

Hardware Resource Usage per Node:

                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free
          Max System Ecmp Routes |           |          1|

Hardware Resource Usage for Slot #1, CardType iom-sas, Cmplx #0:
                                 |   Total   | Allocated |    Free
        SAP Ingress QoS Policies |       1791|          1|       1790
        Access Egr. QoS Policies |        255|          1|        254
            Network QoS Policies |        255|          2|        253
      Network Queue QoS Policies |        255|          1|        254
       Shared Qos Ingress Meters |       3072|          0|       3072
  Shared Qos Ingress CAM Entries |       6144|          0|       6144
          Mac Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
     Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv4  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv4 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
        IPv6  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
    IPv6 Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    IP + Mac  Qos Ingress Meters |          0|          0|          0
IP + Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries |          0|          0|          0
    SAP Egress Agg-Meter Entries |          0|          0|          0
              Network Ing Meters |        512|         68|        444
         Network Ing CAM Entries |       1024|         68|        956
  Network MPLS Exp Profile Table |         31|          0|         31
         Port Scheduler Policies |       1023|          1|       1022
                 Remark Policies |        256|          2|        254
      Shared Egr QOS MAP Entries |         13|          0|         13
      Ingress Shared ACL Entries |       2048|          0|       2048
         Ingress Mac ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
        Ingress IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Ing IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Ing IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
       Egress Shared ACL Entries |        256|          0|        256
     Egress Mac only ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
     Egress Mac+IPv4 ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
    Egr IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
 Egr Mac+IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries |          0|          0|          0
      Ingress SAP Lookup Entries |        703|          0|        703
               TWAMP/LT  Entries |         32|          0|         32
         MEP Lookup CAM Entries  |        256|          0|        256
                  DN MEP Entries |       1024|         42|        982
Num VLAN-ID/Range in Con Profile |       4096|          0|       4096
        Egress TLS Mcast Entries |     147455|          0|     147455
Table: Output fields: SAP ingress policy using DSCP classification and SAP egress aggregate-meter
Labels Descriptions

SAP Ingress QoS Policies

Displays the number of SAP ingress policies that are allowed to be configured (software-limit)

Access Egr. QoS Policies

Displays the number of Access egress policies that are allowed to be configured (software-limit)

SAP Egress QoS Policies

Displays the number of SAP egress policies that are allowed to be configured (software-limit)

SAP Ingress Aggregate-Meter

Displays the number of SAP ingress aggregate meter (that is, per SAP aggregate meter) allowed (hardware limit)

Shared Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) across all type of match-criteria (that is, MAC, IPv4, IPv6) (hardware limit)

Shared Qos Ingress CAM Entries

Displays the number of SAP ingress classification CAM entries across all match-criteria (hardware limit)

Mac Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) for MAC match-criteria (hardware limit)

Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries

Displays the number of SAP ingress classification CAM entries for MAC match-criteria (hardware limit)

IPv4 Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) for IPv4 match-criteria (hardware limit)

IPv4 Qos Ingress CAM Entries

Displays the number of SAP ingress classification CAM entries for IPv4 match-criteria (hardware limit)

IPv6 Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) for IPv6 match-criteria (hardware limit)

IPv6 Qos Ingress CAM Entries

Displays the number of SAP ingress classification CAM entries for IPv6 match-criteria (hardware limit)

IP + Mac Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) for IP+MAC match-criteria (hardware limit)

IP + Mac Qos Ingress CAM Entries

Displays the number of SAP ingress classification CAM entries for IP+MAC match-criteria (that is, IP and MAC criteria in the same policy) (hardware limit)

DSCP Qos Ingress Meters

Displays the number of SAP ingress meter (that is, per FC meter) when using IP DSCP table-based classification (hardware limit)

DSCP CAM Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries for IP DSCP table-based classification. (hardware limit)

DSCP Profile

Displays the number of IP DSCP table-based classification resources (hardware limit)

Network Ing Port Meters

Displays the number of Network Port Ingress Meters (hardware limit)

Network Ing Port CAM Entries

Displays the number of Network port ingress classification CAM entries used for FC classification. (hardware limit)

Network Ing IpIntf Meters

Displays the number of Network IP interface meters ( hardware limit)

Network Ing IpIntf CAM Entries

Displays the number of Network IP interface ingress classification CAM entries used for FC classification. (hardware limit)

Network MPLS Exp Profile Table

Displays the number of MPLS EXP to FC mapping table resources (hardware limit)

Port Scheduler Policies

Displays the number of Port Scheduler policies that can be configured (software limit).

Queue Management Policies

Displays the number of Queue Management policies that can be configured (software limit).

Remark Policies

Displays the number of Remark policies that can be configured (software limit).

Shared Egr QOS MAP Entries

Displays the number of entries in the remark table used for access SAP egress marking, network IP interface egress MPLS EXP marking, and access egress marking (hardware limit).

Egress QOS CAM Entries

Displays the number of resources used for access SAP egress queuing (hardware limit). These resources are taken from the ingress-internal-tcam pool.

Dscp Classification policies

Displays the number of IP DSCP table-based classification policy templates (software limit).

Ingress Shared ACL Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries for ingress ACLs across all match-criteria (some of these are shared with SAP aggregate meter) (hardware limit). Read the system resource profile command description for more information.

Ingress Mac ACL Entries

Displays the Ingress ACL CAM entries for MAC match criteria (hardware limit).

Ingress IPv4 ACL Entries

Displays the Ingress ACL CAM entries for IPv4 match criteria (hardware limit).

Ing IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries

Displays the Ingress ACL CAM entries for IPv6 with 128-bit addresses match criteria (hardware limit).

Ing IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries

Displays the Ingress ACL CAM entries for IPv6 with 64-bit addresses match criteria (hardware limit).

Egress Shared ACL Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries for egress ACLs across all match-criteria (hardware limit).

Egress Mac only ACL Entries

Displays the Egress ACL CAM entries for MAC match criteria (hardware limit).

Egress Mac+IPv4 ACL Entries

Displays the Egress ACL CAM entries for MAC and IPv4 match criteria (hardware limit).

Egr IPv6 128 bit ACL Entries

Displays the Egress ACL CAM entries for IPv6 128-bit match criteria (hardware limit).

Egr Mac+IPv6 64 bit ACL Entries

Displays the Egress ACL CAM entries for MAC + IPv6 64-bit match criteria (hardware limit).

Ingress SAP Lookup Entries

Displays the number of entries used to identify the SAP on port ingress (hardware limit).

Egress Aggregate Meter

Displays the resources used for egress aggregate meter configured for access SAP (hardware limit).

TWAMP/LT Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries used for TWAMP/TWAMP light (hardware limit).

MEP Lookup CAM Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries (pre-ingress resource pool) used for CFM/Y.1731 Down MEP processing (hardware limit).

DN MEP Entries

Displays the number of CAM entries in the ingress-internal-tcam pool for CFM/Y.1731 Down MEP processing (hardware limit).

Num VLAN-ID/Range in Con Profile

Displays the number of VLAN IDs that can be listed explicitly in the connection profile, instead of specifying the range value (hardware limit).

Egress TLS Mcast Entries

Displays the number of egress multicast entries (software limit).

Sample output: SAP ingress QoS policy associations

*A:dut-a# tools dump system-resources sap-ingress-qos associations 
Sap Resource Manager info at 008 h 10/28/18 05:34:18.747:
Service Access Points TCAM Ingress Resource Usage Slot #1, Cmplx #0:
  Sap Id                     SvcId     Ing. Qos    Chunk    Num       Type   
                                            Pol.          Classifiers
  1/1/1:100                    505       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:300                    505       1           0        2        Mac    
  1/1/1:200                    506       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:400                    506       1           0        2        Mac    
  1/1/1:201                    507       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:401                    507       1           0        2        Mac    
  1/1/1:202                    508       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:402                    508       1           0        2        Mac    
  1/1/1:300                    605       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:100                    605       21          0        32       Mac    
  1/1/1:400                    606       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:200                    606       22          1        32       Dscp   
  1/1/1:401                    607       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:201                    607       23          0        32       Mac    
  1/1/1:402                    608       1           0        2        Mac    
  lag-6:202                    608       24          1        32       Dscp   
Number of SAPs : 16
Table: Output fields: SAP ingress QoS policy associations
Labels Descriptions

Sap Id

Displays the SAP ID


Displays service ID

Ing. Qos Pol.

Displays the ingress QoS policy ID


Displays the total number of chunks available for use by the SAP

Num Classifiers

Displays the number of classifiers


Displays the SAP type

Number of SAPs

Displays the total number of SAPs

Sample output: multicast groups

*A:Dut-B# tools dump system-resources mcast-groups
 Multicast Group Usage
              Owner    No. of Mcast Groups
             SVCMGR    2
               MFIB    11
    Total Available    4080
    Total Allocated    13
Table: Output fields: multicast groups
Labels Descriptions


Displays the multicast resource modules that are using the resources

No. of Mcast Groups

Displays the number of multicast group resources used by the module identified in the Owner field

Total Available

Displays the total number of available resources for multicast groups per node

Total Allocated

Displays the total number of resources allocated to multicast groups per node

Sample output: g8032 control SAP tags (for 7210 SAS-T)

*A:dut-a# tools dump system-resources 1 g8032-control-sap-tags 
Control Sap Tag on SlotNum 1
------Port-----|------Vlan Tags--------------------------|
    1/1/16       601   605   610   630
    1/1/18       601   605   610   630
*A:dut-a# show version 
Table: Output fields: g8032 control SAP tags
Labels Descriptions


Displays the port number


Displays the control SAP VLAN tags associated with the port

Sample output: system resources SAP (for 7210 SAS-Mxp)
*A:Dut-A# /tools dump system-resources sap 
Maximum Total SAP per node                                                3072
Count of SAPs with port ingress QoS policy per node                       2
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (svc-meter) per node            2
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (tcam-meter) per node           0

*A:Dut-A# /tools dump system-resources sap port 1/1/2 
Total count of SAP on port 1/1/2                                          2
Count of SAPs with port ingress QoS policy port ID 1/1/2                  2

*A:Dut-A# /tools dump system-resources sap port 1/1/1 
Total count of SAP on port 1/1/1                                          1
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (svc-meter) port ID 1/1/1       1
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (tcam-meter) port ID 1/1/1      0

*A:Dut-B# tools dump system-resources sap lag 1      
Total count of SAP on lag 1                                               64
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (svc-meter) lag ID 1            0
Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (tcam-meter) lag ID 1           64
Table: Output fields: system resources SAP
Labels Descriptions

Maximum Total SAP per node

Displays the maximum number of SAPs that can be configured per node

Count of SAPs with port ingress QoS policy per node

Displays the total number of SAPs using a port ingress QoS policy per node

Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (svc-meter) per node

Displays the number of SAPs using a SAP ingress QoS policy that is using service meter resources

Count of SAPs with SAP ingress QoS policy (tcam-meter) per node

Displays the number of SAPs using a SAP ingress QoS policy that is using tcam meter resources



vc-stack card slot-number [detail]

vc-stack card slot-number [detail] fabric-ports [pools]




7210 SAS-Sx 1/10GE (standalone-VC), 7210 SAS-S 1/10GE (standalone-VC)


This command displays card information and statistics for the specified node in a VC.



Specifies the slot number for the node.


1 to 8


Displays detailed information about the card.


Displays statistics for each queue on the card stacking ports.


Displays the stacking port queue buffer information.


The following output is an example of VC-stack card information and statistics.

Detailed VC-stack information example
A:Dut-A# tools dump vc-stack card 1 detail
[membership information]
vc-stack-name               :    VC-3
Active Card Number          :    9
Vc-Stack-Node-Type          :    cpm-imm
Base Mac Address            :    d0:99:d5:91:1c:41
CPM Card Number             :    10
Neighbour1                  :    Card 2
Neighbour1 State            :    Two-Way
Neighbour1 Cost             :    1
Neighbour2                  :    Card 3
Neighbour2 State            :    Two-Way
Neighbour2 Cost             :    1
number of nodes in the vc: 3
[Topology Information]
Card        Neighbour1        Neighbour2
   1:            2               3
   2:            3               1
   3:            1               2
[Virtual Fabric Layer Software Module Statistics]
Number of Discovery packets transmitted: 345469
Number of Discovery packets received from Cards:
Card #  # of Packets received
------  ---------------------
  2      339202
  3      340335
Number of Hello packets transmitted on Fabric Port #1: 183381
Number of Hello packets transmitted on Fabric Port #2: 183268
Number of Hello packets received from Neighbours:
Card #  # of Packets received
------  ---------------------
  2      183092
  3      182699
For Tree rooted at the present Card (used by unicast packets):
List of cards on Fabric Port #1: [  2  ]
List of cards on Fabric Port #2: [  3  ]
For tree rooted at the Active Card (used by multicast packets):
List of cards on Fabric Port #1: [  2  ]
List of cards on Fabric Port #2: [  3  ]

A:Dut-A# tools dump vc-stack card 1 fabric-ports detail
HG0 Queue Statistics
Egress Queue  0
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  1
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  2
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  3
Fwd Stats            :               1323
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                286
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :               1037
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  4
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  5
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  6
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  7
Fwd Stats            :                374
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                 61
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                313
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
HG1 Queue Statistics
Egress Queue  0
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  1
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  2
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  3
Fwd Stats            :               1945
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                895
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :               1050
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  4
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  5
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  6
Fwd Stats            :                  0
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                  0
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0
Egress Queue  7
Fwd Stats            :               3336
Drop Stats           :                  0
Fwd Stats  (uc)      :               3023
Drop Stats (uc)      :                  0
Fwd Stats  (mc)      :                313
Drop Stats (mc)      :                  0