MPLS-TP debug commands

The following command provides the debug command for an MPLS-TP tunnel:

tools>dump>router>mpls>tp-tunnel lsp-name[clear]


The following is a sample output:

A:mlstp-dutA# tools dump router mpls tp-tunnel
- tp-tunnel <lsp-name> [clear]
- tp-tunnel id <tunnel-id> [clear]
<lsp-name> : [32 chars max]
<tunnel-id> : [1..61440]
<clear> : keyword - clear stats after reading
*A:mlstp-dutA# tools dump router mpls tp-tunnel "lsp-
"lsp-32" "lsp-33" "lsp-34" "lsp-35" "lsp-36" "lsp-37" "lsp-38" "lsp-39"
"lsp-40" "lsp-41"
*A:mlstp-dutA# tools dump router mpls tp-tunnel "lsp-32"
Idx: 1-32 (Up/Up): pgId 4, paths 2, operChg 1, Active: Protect
TunnelId: 42::
PgState: Dn, Cnt/Tm: Dn 1/000 04:00:48.160 Up:3/000 00:01:25.840
MplsMsg: tpDn 0/000 00:00:00.000, tunDn 0/000 00:00:00.000
wpDn 0/000 00:00:00.000, ppDn 0/000 00:00:00.000
wpDel 0/000 00:00:00.000, ppDel 0/000 00:00:00.000
tunUp 1/000 00:00:02.070
Work (Up/Dn): Lsp 1, Lbl 32/32, If 2/128 (1/2/3 :
Tmpl: ptc: , oam: privatebed-oam-template (bfd: privatebed-bfd-template(np)-10 ms)
Bfd: Mode CC state Dn/Up handle 160005/0
Bfd-CC (Cnt/Tm): Dn 1/000 04:00:48.160 Up:1/000 00:01:23.970
State: Admin Up (1::1::1) port Up , if Dn , operChg 2
DnReasons: ccFault ifDn
Protect (Up/Up): Lsp 2, Lbl 2080/2080, If 3/127 (5/1/1 :
Tmpl: ptc: privatebed-protection-template, oam: privatebed-oam-
template (bfd: privatebed-
bfd-template(np)-10 ms)
Bfd: Mode CC state Up/Up handle 160006/0
Bfd-CC (Cnt/Tm): Dn 0/000 00:00:00.000 Up:1/000 00:01:25.410
State: Admin Up (1::1::1) port Up , if Up , operChg 1
Aps: Rx - 5, raw 3616, nok 0(), txRaw - 3636, revert Y
Pdu: Rx - 0x1a-21::0101 (SF), Tx - 0x1a-21::0101 (SF)
State: PF:W:L LastEvt pdu (L-SFw/R-SFw)
Tmrs: slow
Defects: None Now: 000 05:02:19.130
Seq Event state TxPdu RxPdu Dir Act Time
=== ====== ======== ========== ========== ===== ==== ================
000 start UA:P:L SF (0,0) NR (0,0) Tx--> Work 000 00:00:02.080
001 pdu UA:P:L SF (0,0) SF (0,0) Rx<-- Work 000 00:01:24.860
002 pdu UA:P:L SF (0,0) NR (0,0) Rx<-- Work 000 00:01:26.860
003 pUp NR NR (0,0) NR (0,0) Tx--> Work 000 00:01:27.440
004 pdu NR NR (0,0) NR (0,0) Rx<-- Work 000 00:01:28.760
005 wDn PF:W:L SF (1,1) NR (0,0) Tx--> Prot 000 04:00:48.160
006 pdu PF:W:L SF (1,1) NR (0,1) Rx<-- Prot 000 04:00:48.160
007 pdu PF:W:L SF (1,1) SF (1,1) Rx<-- Prot 000 04:00:51.080

The following command shows the free MPLS tunnel IDs.

A:SASR1# /tools dump router mpls  mpls-tp check-lbl-range 
  - mpls-tp check-lbl-range <range1> <range2>

<check-lbl-range>    : keyword
<range1>             : [32..65520]
<range2>             : [32..65520]

The following command provides a debug tool to view control-channel-status signaling packets.

*A:7210SAS# /debug service id 700 sdp 200:700 event-type ?{config-change|oper-

*A:7210SAS# /debug service id 700 sdp 200:700 event-type control-channel-status 

1 2012/08/31 09:56:12.09 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PW STATUS SIG PKT (RX):
Sdp Bind 200:700 Instance 3
    Version          : 0x0
    PW OAM Msg Type  : 0x27
    Refresh Time     : 0xa
    Total TLV Length : 0x8
    Flags            : 0x0
    TLV Type         : 0x96a
    TLV Len          : 0x4
    PW Status Bits   : 0x0

2 2012/08/31 09:56:22.09 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PW STATUS SIG PKT (RX):
Sdp Bind 200:700 Instance 3
    Version          : 0x0
    PW OAM Msg Type  : 0x27
    Refresh Time     : 0xa
    Total TLV Length : 0x8
    Flags            : 0x0
    TLV Type         : 0x96a
    TLV Len          : 0x4
    PW Status Bits   : 0x0

3 2012/08/31 09:56:29.44 EST MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PW STATUS SIG PKT (TX):
Sdp Bind 200:700 Instance 3
    Version          : 0x0
    PW OAM Msg Type  : 0x27
    Refresh Time     : 0x1e
    Total TLV Length : 0x8
    Flags            : 0x0
    TLV Type         : 0x96a
    TLV Len          : 0x4
    PW Status Bits   : 0x0