OAM testhead commands



testhead test-name [owner owner-name] testhead-profile profile-id [frame-payload frame-payload-id] sap sap-id [fc fc-name] [acceptance-criteria acceptance-criteria-id [color-aware enable | disable]] [enforce-fc-check enable | disable]

testhead test-name [owner owner-name] stop




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode


This command executes the throughput test by generating traffic up to the configured rate and measuring the delay, delay-variation, and frame-loss ratio. At the end of the test run, the testhead command compares the measured values against the test acceptance criteria that is specified to determine whether the service is within bounds of the acceptance criteria. It reports a pass if the configured rate thresholds are achieved and the measured performance parameter (that is, latency, jitter, and FLR) values are less than the thresholds configured in the acceptance criteria. It reports a failure if the configured rate thresholds are not achieved or if any of the measured values for the performance parameters exceeds the thresholds configured in the acceptance criteria.

The user must specify the testhead-profile parameter, which determines traffic generation rate and the content of the frames used for traffic generation. If both the CIR and PIR is specified, or if only the PIR is specified (by setting CIR to zero), the tool generates traffic up to the configured PIR. If only the CIR is specified, the tool generates traffic up to the configured CIR.

If the acceptance-criteria parameter is not specified and color-aware is set to disable by default, the software displays the test result as ‟PASS” if the frame loss is zero and desired rate is achieved. For comparison with the measured rate, the test uses the configured CIR, if only the CIR is configured, or it uses the PIR, if either only the PIR is specified or both the CIR and PIR are set to non-zero values. Measured values of latency, jitter, and delay variation are not compared.

If the acceptance-criteria parameter is not specified and color-aware is set to enable, the software displays the test result as ‟PASS” if the measured CIR and PIR match the configured CIR and PIR values and frame loss is zero, or if one of the following is true:

  • the measured throughput rate (CIR + PIR) is equal to the configured CIR rate and if no PIR rate is configured

  • the measured throughput rate (CIR + PIR) is equal to the configured PIR rate and if either no CIR rate is configured or if the CIR rate is configured

Otherwise, the test is declared failed. Measured values of latency, jitter, and delay variation are not compared.

If acceptance-criteria is specified and color-aware is set to enable, the test uses the configured packet header marking values (dot1p) to identify the color of the packet and classify it as green (in-profile) or yellow (out-of-profile). It measures the green packet (CIR) and the green/in-profile packet performance parameter values and the yellow packet rate (PIR) and the yellow/out-of-profile packet performance parameter values individually based on the packet markings. In addition to comparing the measured performance parameter values against the normal performance parameter threshold values (if enabled), if the user has enabled in/out thresholds for performance parameters in the acceptance criteria, the tool uses these values to compare against the measured values and declare a pass or fail result. The tool uses the cir-threshold and pir-threshold to compare against the measured CIR and PIR throughput rates and declare pass or fail if the thresholds specified by the cir-threshold and pir-threshold are achieved.


When color-aware mode is set to enable, the marking values used to identify both in-profile/green packet and out-of-profile/yellow packet must be configured. If either of the packet header marking values (for example, dot1p) is not configured by the user, the CLI displays an error.

If acceptance-criteria is specified and color-aware is set to disable, the tests are color blind (not color-aware). The tool does not use the configured packet header marking values to identify the color of the packet and treats all packets the same. The tool uses the normal thresholds configured in the acceptance-criteria (that is, the threshold values other than the in/out profile thresholds) to compare the measured values and declare a pass or fail result. The tool does not attempt to compare the in/out thresholds against measured values. The tool uses the cir-threshold and pir-threshold as follows.

  • If no PIR is configured and if the measured throughput rate is equal to the configured cir-threshold rate, the desired rate is said to have been achieved and the tests continue to compare the measured performance parameter thresholds with the configured performance parameter thresholds (if any).

  • If PIR rate is configured and no CIR is configured and if the measured throughput rate is equal to the configured pir-threshold rate, the desired rate is said to have been achieved and the tests continue to compare the measured performance parameter thresholds with the configured performance parameter thresholds (if any).

  • If PIR is configured and CIR is configured, and if the measured throughput rate is equal to the configured pir-threshold rate, the desired rate is said to have been achieved and the tests continue to compare the measured performance parameter thresholds with the configured performance parameter thresholds (if any).

The test-name and owner-name together uniquely identify a particular testhead invocation or session. The results of the testhead session are associated with the test-name and owner-name. Use these parameters to display the results of the testhead tool and to clear the results of a completed run. Multiple invocations of the testhead tool with the same test-name and owner-name is not allowed if the results of the old run using the same pair of test-name and owner-name are present. That is, the results are not overwritten when the testhead is invoked again with the same values for test-name and owner-name. The results must be cleared explicitly using the clear command before invoking the testhead tool with the same test-name and owner-name. Results for up to 100 unique sessions, each using a different test-name and owner-name, are saved in memory (that is, the results are not available for use after a reboot).


The testhead command is not saved in the configuration file after a reboot.

See Prerequisites for using the testhead tool for more information.



Specifies the test name as an ASCII string up to 32 characters.

owner test-owner

Specifies the testhead operation owner as an ASCII string up to 32 characters.

testhead-profile profile-id

Specifies the testhead profile ID to use with this run or session of testhead invocation. The user must configure the testhead profile beforehand using the commands in config>test-oam>testhead-profile context.


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frame-payload frame-payload-id

Specifies the frame payload ID to use for this run. It configures the parameters used to construct the frame generated by the testhead tool. If this parameter is not specified, the run, by default, uses parameters configured under frame-payload-id 1.


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acceptance-criteria acceptance-criteria-id

Specifies the test acceptance criteria parameters to use for this run. It identifies the parameters used to compare the measured performance values against the configured thresholds configured in the acceptance criteria. If this parameter is not specified, the run is declared pass if the throughput configured in the testhead-profile is achieved without any loss.


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color-aware enable | disable

Keyword to execute color-aware tests. If set to enable, the color-aware test is enabled. If set to disable, the non-color-ware test is enabled.



sap sap-id

Specifies the test SAP. This parameter must be specified by the user.

See Configuration guidelines for more information.


null - <port-id|lag-id>

dot1q - <port-id|lag-id>:qtag1

qinq - <port-id|lag-id>:qtag1.qtag2

port-id - slot/mda/port

lag-id - lag-<id>

lag - keyword

id - [1 to 200]

qtag1 - [0 to 4094]

qtag2 - [*|1 to 4094]

fc fc-name

Specifies the forwarding class (FC) to use to send the frames generated by the testhead tool.


be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc


Keyword to stop the currently running test, if there is one. All performance results based on the data available up to the time the test is stopped are used to determine the pass or fail criteria. Additionally, the test-status displays ‟Stopped” and test completion status is marked ‟Incomplete” or ‟No”.

enforce-fc-check enable | disable

Keyword to enable or disable a check on the local node where the testhead OAM tool is run. The check ensures that the traffic generated by the testhead tool is received in the queue corresponding to the FC specified by the fc fc-name parameter.

