Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
Commands in this context configure Operations, Administration, and Maintenance test parameters.
testhead-profile profile-id create
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command creates service testhead profiles which are used by the Y.1564/RFC 2544 testhead (also known as, traffic generator) OAM tool. A service testhead profile configures the parameters, such as contents of the frame payload that is generated by traffic generator, the size of the frame, test duration, test acceptance criteria, and other criteria to be used by the testhead tool.
The profile is used by the testhead OAM tool to generate the appropriate frame at the configured rate and measure the performance parameters (FD, FDV, and loss). At the end of the test run, the tool compares the measured values against the test acceptance criteria that is configured in the profile to determine whether the service is within bounds of the acceptance criteria or not.
The no form of this command removes user created profile from the system.
Specifies the identifier for the profile.
[no] acceptance-criteria acceptance-criteria-id create
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the test acceptance criteria to be used by the testhead OAM tool to declare the PASS/FAIL result at the completion of the test.
Users can create up to 4 different acceptance criteria per profile to measure different SLA needs. User has an option to specify only one of the acceptance criteria to be specified with the testhead OAM tool during the invocation of the test.
The no form of this command removes the test acceptance criteria.
no defaults
Specifies a number to identify the test acceptance criteria. It is a decimal number used to identify the test acceptance criteria and to use when starting the throughput test.
[no] cir-threshold cir-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the CIR rate with the measured CIR rate at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛PASS’, else it is considered to be ‛FAIL’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no cir-threshold
Specifies the value, in kbps, for comparison with the measured value.
[no] jitter-rising-threshold threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the jitter with the measured jitter at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no jitter-rising-threshold
Specifies, in microseconds, the value for comparison with measured value.
[no] jitter-rising-threshold-in in-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the jitter with the measured jitter for green/in-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no jitter-rising-threshold-in
Specifies the value, in microseconds, for comparison with measured value.
[no] jitter-rising-threshold-out out-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the jitter with the measured jitter for yellow/out-of-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no jitter-rising-threshold-out
Specifies, in microseconds, the value for comparison with measured value.
[no] latency-rising-threshold threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the latency with the measured latency at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no latency-rising-threshold
Specifies the value, in microseconds, for comparison with measured value.
[no] latency-rising-threshold-in in-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the latency with the measured latency for green/in-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no latency-rising-threshold-in
Specifies the value, in microseconds, for comparison with measured value.
[no] latency-rising-threshold out-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the latency with the measured latency of yellow or out-of-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no latency-rising-threshold-out
Specifies the value, in microseconds, for comparison with measured value
[no] loss-rising-threshold threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) with the measured FLR at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
Frame Loss Ratio is computed as a ratio of the difference of number of received frames, to number of injected or sent frames, divided by the number of sent frames.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no loss-rising-threshold
Specifies the value for comparison with measured value. the loss-rising-threshold is specified as a number which denotes one ten-thousandth (1/10000) of a percent. For example, specifying a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.0001%, and specifying a value of 10000 is equivalent to 1%.
[no] loss-rising-threshold-in in-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the frame loss ratio (FLR) with the measured FLR for green or in-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
Frame Loss Ratio for green/in-profile packets is computed as a ratio of the difference of number of received green or in-profile frames to number of injected/sent green/in-profile frames divided by the number of sent green frames.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no loss-rising-threshold-in
Specifies the value for comparison with measured value. The loss-rising-threshold is specified as a number which denotes one ten-thousandth (1/10000) of a percent. For example, specifying a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.0001%, and specifying a value of 10000 is equivalent to 1%.
[no] loss-rising-threshold-out out-profile-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the frame loss ratio (FLR) with the measured FLR for yellow/out-of-profile packets at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛FAIL’, else it is considered to be ‛PASS’.
Frame Loss ratio for yellow/out-of-profile packets is computed as a ratio of the difference of number of received yellow frames to number of injected/sent yellow frames divided by the number of sent yellow frames.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. The threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no loss-rising-threshold
Specifies the value for comparison with measured value. The loss-rising-threshold is specified as a number which denotes one ten-thousandth (1/10000) of a percent. For example, specifying a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.0001%, and specifying a value of 10000 is equivalent to 1%.
[no] pir-threshold pir-threshold
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command compares the specified value for the PIR rate with the measured PIR rate at the end of the test to declare the test result. If the measured value is greater than the specified value, the test is declared as ‛PASS’, else it is considered to be ‛FAIL’.
The no form of this command disables the comparison of the parameter with the measured value at the end of the test. Basically, the threshold value is ignored and not considered for declaring the test result.
no pir-threshold
Specifies the value, in kbps, for comparison with measured value.
description profile-description
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command associates a description with the profile.
The no form the command removes description.
Specifies a description for the profile.
[no] dot1p in-profile dot1p-value out-of-profile dot1p-value
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures the Dot1p values to identify the in-profile or green packets and out-of-profile or yellow packets. The values configured using this command are used by the testhead tool on the local end (that is, the node on which the testhead tool is executed) to match the dot1p values received in the packet header and identify green and yellow packets and appropriately account the packets. These values are used only when the testhead tool is invoked with the parameter color-aware is set to ‛enable’.
The dot1p in-profile value (that is, packets with dot1p values in the L2 header equal to the dot1p-in-profile value configured is considered to be in-profile or green packet) is used to count the number of in-profile packets and measure the latency, jitter, and FLR for in-profile packets. Similarly, the dot1p out-profile is used to count the total out-of-profile or yellow packets and measure latency, jitter, and FLR for out-of-profile or yellow packets.
While the testhead tool is initiated, if color-aware is set to enable and no values are specified (that is, the no form of this command is used in the profile), the CLI gives an error. If values are specified, the configured values are used to match and identify in-profile and out-of-profile packets.
The no form of this command disables the use of dot1p to identify a green or yellow packet.
Testhead OAM tool does not mark the packets below CIR as in-profile packets and packets above CIR and below PIR as out-of-profile packets using the Dot1p or DSCP or other packet header bits to indicate the color of the packet (for example: DEI bit), as the 7210 SAS access SAP ingress does not support color-aware metering. It is used to only identify green and yellow packets and maintain a count of received green and yellow packets when the tests are run in color-aware mode.
The no form of this command is the default. There are no defaults for the dot1p values.
Specifies the dot1p value used to identify green or in-profile packets. It must be different from the value configured for yellow or out-of-profile packets.
Specifies the dot1p value used to identify green or out-of-profile packets. It must be different from the value configured for green or in-profile packets.
[no] frame-payload frame-payload-id [payload-type [l2|tcp-ipv4|udp-ipv4|ipv4] create
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the packet header values to be used in frames generated by the testhead tool.
User can create up to 4 different types of frame payload representing different kinds of traffic, within a profile. User chooses one among these when starting the throughput test.
The parameter payload-type determines the packet header fields that are used to populate the frame generated by the testhead OAM tool. The packet header fields use the value from the parameters configured under the frame-payload. For example, when the payload-type is configured as ‟l2”, software uses the parameters src-mac, dst-mac, vlan-tag-1 (if configured), vlan-tag-2 (if configured), ethertype, and data-pattern. See the following for parameters used when other values are specified with payload-type.
The no form of this command removes the frame payload context.
A number to identify the frame-payload. it is an integer used to identify the frame type to use when starting the throughput test.
Identifies whether the frame payload is L2 traffic, IP traffic, TCP/IP traffic or UDP/IP traffic and uses appropriate parameters to build the frame to be generated by the testhead OAM tool. It defaults to tcp-ipv4, if the user does not specify the value during creation of the new frame-payload.
[no] data-pattern data-pattern
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the data pattern to populate the payload portion of the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value can be specified if the payload-type is configured as l2 or ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4. For all these payload types, the frame with the appropriate headers is created and the payload portion of the frame, is filled up with the data-pattern-value specified with this command, repeating it as many times as required to fill up the remaining length of the payload.
The no form of this command uses the default data-pattern value of 0xa1b2c3d4e5f6.
no data-pattern
Specifies the data-pattern to fill the payload data.
[no] description frame-description
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command adds a description to the frame type created to describe the purpose or identify the usage or any other such purpose.
The no form of this command removes the description.
no description
An ASCII string used to describe the frame.
[no] dscp dscp-name
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the IP DSCP value to use in the IP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value can be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4 and if configured is used by the testhead tool to populate the IP DSCP field of the IP header. If it is not specified it defaults to 0 when the payload type is ipv4, tcp-ipv4, and udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
If both IP DSCP and IP ToS is configured, IP DSCP take precedence.
If IP DSCP is not configured, but IP ToS is configured, the IP ToS value is used.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no dscp
Specifies the IPv4 DSCP value to use in the IP header.
[no] dst-ip ipv4 ipv4-address
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the destination IPv4 address to use in the IP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no dst-ip, if the payload-type is set to ipv4, tcp-ipv4, udp-ipv4.
Specifies the IPv4 destination IP address to use in the IP header.
[no] dst-mac mac-address
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
Specifies the value of source MAC address to use in the frame generated by the testhead OAM tool. Only unicast MAC address must be specified.
This value must be specified for all possible values of payload-type.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no dst-mac
Specify the unicast source MAC address.
[no] dst-port
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the destination port to use in the TCP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is configured as tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is l2 or ipv4.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no dst-port, if the payload-type is set to tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4
Specifies the destination TCP/UDP port number to use in the frame’s TCP/UDP header.
[no] ethertype ethertype-value
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the ethertype of the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is ‟l2”. The testhead tool uses the value specified with this command only if the payload-type is ‟l2”. For all other values of payload-type, the ethertype value used in the frame generated by the testhead tool uses specific value based on the payload-type. See the frame-payload CLI description for more information.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no ethertype, if the payload-type is set to l2, else the values used depends on the payload-type specified.
Specifies the frame payload ethertype value.
[no] ip-proto ip-protocol-number
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the IP protocol value to use in the IP header for the frame payload generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4. If the payload-type is specified as tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4, the appropriate standard defined values are used. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no ip-proto
Specifies the IP-protocol number to use in the IP header.
[no] ip-tos type-of-service
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the IP TOS (Type of Service) value to use in the IP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value can be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4 and if configured is used by the testhead tool to populate the IP TOS field of the IP header. If it is not specified it defaults to 0 when the payload type is ipv4, tcp-ipv4, and udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
If both IP DSCP and IP ToS are configured, IP DSCP takes precedence.
If IP DSCP is not configured, but IP ToS is configured, the IP ToS value is used.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no ip-tos
Specifies the value of ToS bits to use in the IP header.
[no] ip-ttl ttl-value
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the IP TTL (Time-to-Live) value to use in the IP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value can be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4 and if configured is used by the testhead tool to populate the IP TTL field of the IP header. If it is not specified it defaults to 1 when the payload type is ipv4, tcp-ipv4, and udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no ip-ttl
Specifies the IP TTL value, as a decimal number, to use in the IP header.
[no] src-ip ipv4 ipv4-address
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the source IPv4 address to use in the IP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is configured as ipv4 or tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is ‟l2”.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no src-ip, if the payload-type is set to ipv4, tcp-ipv4, udp-ipv4.
Specifies the IPv4 source IP address to use in the IP header.
[no] src-mac mac-address
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the unicast source MAC address to use in the frame generated by the testhead OAM tool.
This value must be specified for all possible values of payload-type.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no src-mac
Specifies the unicast source MAC address.
[no] src-port src-port-number
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the source port to use in the TCP header for the frame generated by the testhead tool.
This value must be specified if the payload-type is configured as tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4. The testhead tool does not use the value specified with this command if the payload-type is l2 or ipv4.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
no src-port, if the payload-type is set to tcp-ipv4 or udp-ipv4
Specifies the source TCP/UDP port number to use in the frame’s TCP/UDP header.
[no] vlan-tag-1 vlan-id vlan-id-value [tpid tpid value] [dot1p dot1p-value]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the values to be used for the outermost vlan-tag (often called the outer vlan) in the frame generated by the testhead OAM tool. The tool uses the values specified for VLAN ID, dot1p bits and TPID in populating the outermost VLAN tag in the frame generated.
Configuration of this parameter is optional and it is used for all possible values of payload-type, if configured.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
The user must ensure that TPID/Ethertype configured with this command matches the QinQ Ethertype value in use on the port on which the test SAP is configured or must match 0x8100 if the test SAP is configured on a Dot1q encapsulation port, for the frame generated by the tool to be processed successfully on SAP ingress. If this value does not match the one configured under the port, frames generated by the testhead are dropped by the node on SAP ingress because of ethertype mismatch.
The user must ensure that VLAN ID configured with this command matches the outermost VLAN tag of the QinQ SAP or the Dot1q SAP used for the test SAP for the frame generated by the tool to be processed successfully on SAP ingress. If this value does not match the one configured for the SAP, frames generated by the testhead are dropped by the node on SAP ingress because of VLAN ID mismatch.
The Dot1p bits specified for the outermost tag can be used for SAP ingress QoS classification.
no vlan-tag-1
Specifies the VLAN ID to use to populate the VLAN ID value of the VLAN tag. No defaults are chosen and the user has to specify a value to use, if they configure this command.
Specifies the TPID (also known as, ethertype) to use for the VLAN tag addition. It defaults to 0x8100 if user does not specify it.
Specifies the Dot1p value to use to populate the Dot1p bits in the VLAN tag. It defaults to 0, if the user does not specify it.
[no] vlan-tag-2 vlan-id vlan-id-value [tpid tpid value] [dot1p dot1p-value]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the values to be used for the second vlan-tag (often called the inner vlan or the C-vlan) in the frame generated by the testhead OAM tool. The tool uses the values specified for VLAN ID, dot1p bits and TPID in populating the second VLAN tag in the frame generated.
Configuration of this parameter is optional and it is used for all possible values of payload-type, if configured.
The no form of this command indicates that the field is not to be used in the frame generated by the tool.
The user must ensure that TPID/Ethertype configured with this command is 0x8100 for the frame generated by the tool to be processed successfully on SAP ingress. If this value does not match 0x8100, frames generated by the testhead are dropped by the node on SAP ingress because of Ethertype mismatch (7210 supports only 0x8100 as the Ethertype value for the inner vlan tag).
The user must ensure that VLAN ID configured with this command matches the outermost VLAN tag of the QinQ SAP or the Dot1q SAP used for the test SAP for the frame generated by the tool to be processed successfully on SAP ingress. If this value does not match the one configured for the SAP, frames generated by the testhead are dropped by the node on SAP ingress because of VLAN ID mismatch.
The Dot1p bits specified for the outermost tag can be used for SAP ingress QoS classification.
no vlan-tag-2
Specifies the VLAN ID to use to populate the VLAN ID value of the VLAN tag. No defaults are chosen and user has to specify a value to use, if they configure this command.
Specifies the TPID (also referred to as, ethertype) to use for the VLAN tag addition. It defaults to 0x8100 if user does not specify it.
Specifies the Dot1p value to use to populate the Dot1p bits in the VLAN tag. It defaults to 0, if the user does not specify it.
[no] frame-size [64 to 9212]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the frame size of the packets generated by the testhead tool. Any frame size in the specific range can be specified.
The no form of this command reverts to the default value.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the frame generated by the testhead tool.
rate cir cir-rate-in-kbps [adaptation-rule adaptation-rule] [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]
no rate
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command configures the committed information rate (CIR) and peak information rate (PIR) for a testhead profile.
The testhead uses the Layer 2 rate, which is calculated by subtracting the Layer 1 overhead that is caused when the IFG and Preamble are added to every Ethernet frame (typically about 20 bytes (IFG = 12 bytes and Preamble = 8 bytes)). The testhead tool uses the user-configured frame size to compute the Layer 2 rate and does not allow the user to configure a value greater than that rate. For 512-byte Ethernet frames, the L2 rate is 962406 Kb/s and the Layer 1 rate is 1 Gb/s.
If the optional PIR rate is not specified, the testhead tool generates traffic up to the configured CIR rate. The CIR rate specifies the bandwidth or throughput that the user needs to validate. If specified, the PIR value must be greater than or equal to the CIR value. The testhead tool then generates traffic up to the configured PIR value.
Configure the adaptation-rule parameter to derive the operational hardware rate for both the CIR and PIR. The software finds the best operational rate based on the user-specified constraint and the hardware-based rate supported on the platform. See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Quality of Service Guide for more information about the hardware rate steps supported for testhead traffic generator meters on different platforms.
The no form of this command sets the CIR to the default value; the PIR value is not set. Consequently, if the testhead tool is run after the no rate command is run, the test generates traffic up to the configured CIR rate.
rate cir 1000 adaptation-rule closest
Specifies the cir parameter, in kilobits per second (Kb/s), which overrides the default CIR value. The configured value must be a positive integer; fractional values are not allowed. The actual CIR rate depends on the meter adaptation-rule parameters and the hardware. If the rate command is not executed or the CIR parameter is not explicitly configured, the default CIR value applies.
Specifies the constraints enforced when adapting the CIR and PIR, defined using the rate command, to the hardware rates supported by the platform. The adaptation-rule parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used to derive the operational CIR and PIR. If the adaptation-rule is not specified, the default of closest applies. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest qualifiers are mutually exclusive.
Specifies the pir parameter, in kilobits per second (Kb/s), which overrides the default administrative PIR value. The configured value must be a positive integer; fractional values are not allowed. The actual PIR rate depends on the meter adaptation-rule parameters and the hardware. If the rate command is not executed or the PIR parameter is not explicitly specified, the default PIR value is used.
[no] test-completion-trap-enable
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies that the test completion trap needs to be generated after the completion of the test or if the test is stopped. The trap contains the details of test configuration, the measured values, test completion status and PASS or FAIL result.
The no form of this command disables the generation of the event/log/trap after test completion.
no test-completion-trap-enable
test-duration {[hours hours] [minutes minutes] [seconds seconds]}
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including platforms configured in the access-uplink operating mode
This command specifies the total test duration to be used for throughput measurement. The hours, minutes, and seconds specify the total duration of the throughput measurement. If all the parameters are specified together, the total test duration is set to the sum of the values specified for hours, minutes and seconds.
The no form of this command sets the value to the default value
3 minutes
Specifies the total number of hours to run the test. The total test duration is determined by the sum of the hours, minutes and seconds specified by the user.
Specifies the total number of minutes to run the test. The total test duration is determined by the sum of the hours, minutes and seconds specified by the user.
Specifies the total number of seconds to run the test. The total test duration is determined by the sum of the hours, minutes and seconds specified by the user.