Y.1564 testhead OAM tool


Port loopback with mac-swap and Y.1564 testhead is supported only for Epipe and VPLS services.

ITU-T Y.1564 defines the out-of-service test methodology to be used and parameters to be measured to test service SLA conformance during service turn up. It primarily defines 2 test phases. The first test phase defines service configuration test, which consists of validating whether the service is configured correctly. As part of this test the throughput, Frame Delay, Frame Delay Variation (FDV), and Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) is measured for each service. This test is typically run for a short duration. The second test phase consists of validating the quality of services delivered to the end customer and is referred to as the service performance test. These tests are typically run for a longer duration and all traffic is generated up to the configured CIR for all the services simultaneously and the service performance parameters are measured for each the service.

The 7210 SAS supports service configuration test for user configured rate and measurement of delay, delay variation and frame loss ratio with the testhead OAM tool. The 7210 SAS testhead OAM tool supports bidirectional measurement and it can generate test traffic for only one service at a specific time. It can validate if the user specified rate is available and compute the delay, delay variation and frame loss ratio for the service under test at the specified rate. It is capable of generating traffic up to 1G rate. On some 7210 SAS devices, the user needs to configure the resources of the front-panel port for use with this feature and some other 7210 SAS platforms resources needed for this feature is automatically allocated by software from the internal ports. For more information, see the following Configuration guidelines, to which 7210 SAS platforms need user configuration and on which 7210 SAS platforms software allocates it automatically.

The following figure shows the remote loopback required and the flow of the frame through the network generated by the testhead tool.

Figure: 7210 acting as traffic generator and traffic analyzer

The tool allows the user to specify the frame payload header parameters independent of the test SAP configuration parameters to allow the user flexibility to test for different possible frame header encapsulations. This allows user to specify the appropriate VLAN tags, Ethertype, and Dot1p values, independent of the SAP configuration like with actual service testing. That is, the software does not use the parameters (For example: SAP ID, Source MAC, and Destination MAC) during the invocation of the testhead tool to build the test frames. Instead it uses the parameters specified using the frame-payload CLI command tree. The software does not verify that the parameters specified match the service configuration used for testing, for example, software does not match if the VLAN tags specified matches the SAP tags, the Ethertype specified matches the user configured port Ethertype, and so on. It is expected that the user configures the frame-payload appropriately so that the traffic matches the SAP configuration.

The 7210 SAS supports Y.1564 testhead for performing CIR or PIR tests in color-aware mode. With this functionality, users can perform service turn-up tests to validate the performance characteristics (delay, jitter, and loss) for committed rate (CIR) and excess rate above CIR (that is, PIR rate). The testhead OAM tool uses the in-profile packet marking value and out-of-profile packet marking value, to differentiate between committed traffic and PIR traffic in excess of CIR traffic. Traffic within CIR (that is, committed traffic) is expected to be treated as in-profile traffic in the network and traffic in excess of CIR (that is, PIR traffic) is expected to be treated as out-of-profile traffic in the network, allowing the network to prioritize committed traffic over PIR traffic. The testhead OAM tool allows the user to configure individual thresholds for green or in-profile packets and out-of-profile or yellow packets. It is used by the testhead OAM tool to compare the measured value for green or in-profile packets and out-of-profile or yellow packets against the configured thresholds and report success or failure.

The functionality listed as follows is supported by the testhead OAM tool: