Creating a management VPLS for spoke-SDP protection

This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure a management VPLS for spoke-SDP protection and provides the CLI commands, see Figure: Example configuration for protected VPLS spoke-SDP. The following tasks should be performed on all four nodes providing the protected VPLS service.

Before configuring a management VPLS, please first read Configuring a VPLS SAP for an introduction to the concept of management VPLS and spoke-SDP redundancy:

  1. Create an SDP to the local peer node (node ALA-A2 in the following example).

  2. Create an SDP to the remote peer node (node ALA-B1 in the following example).

  3. Create a management VPLS.

  4. Create a spoke-SDP in the m-vpls using the SDP defined in Step 1. Ensure that this mesh spoke-SDP runs over a protected LSP (see following note).

  5. Enable the management VPLS service and verify that it is operationally up.

  6. Create a spoke-SDP in the m-vpls using the SDP defined in Step 2. Optionally, modify STP parameters for load balancing.

  7. Create one or more user VPLS services with spoke SDPs on the tunnel SDP defined by Step 2.

As long as the user spoke SDPs created in step 7are in this same tunnel SDP with the management spoke-SDP created in step 6, the management VPLS protect them.

Figure: Example configuration for protected VPLS spoke-SDP

Use the following CLI syntax to create a management VPLS for spoke-SDP protection:

config>service# sdp sdp-id mpls create
    far-end ip-address
    lsp lsp-name
    no shutdown
vpls service-id customer customer-id [m-vpls] create
    description description-string
    spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id create
    no shutdown

Example: VPLS configuration output

*A:ALA-A1>config>service# info
       sdp 100 mpls create
            lsp "toALA-B1"
            no shutdown
       sdp 300 mpls create
            lsp "toALA-A2"
            no shutdown
       vpls 101 customer 1 m-vpls create
            spoke-sdp 100:1 create
            spoke-sdp 300:1 create
            no shutdown