This command enables the context to configure periodic and date- and time-based scheduling.
CRON can be used, for example, to schedule Service Assurance Agent (SAA) functions. CRON functions include the ability to specify scripts that need to be run and when they are scheduled. Reboots, peer turn-ups, and SAA tests can be scheduled with CRON, as well as OAM events such as connectivity checks or troubleshooting runs.
[no] schedule schedule-name [owner schedule-owner]
This command configures a schedule name and optional schedule owner.
no schedule
the name of the schedule, up to 32 characters in length
the name of the owner, up to 32 characters in length. The owner name is an arbitrary string; it is not associated with an actual CLI user.
count number
no count
This command configures the number of times a CRON periodic schedule is run. For example, if the interval is set to 600 and the count is set to 4, the schedule runs 4 times at 600-second intervals.
no count
the number of times the schedule is run
day-of-month {day-number [] | all}
no day-of-month
This command specifies on which days of the month the schedule executes. Multiple days of the month can be specified. If multiple days are configured, each of them triggers the schedule. If a day-of-month is configured without configuring month, hour, and minute, the schedule does not execute.
Using the weekday command as well as the day-of-month command may cause the schedule to run twice in a week. For example, if today is Monday, January 1, and month is set to January, weekday is set to Tuesday, and day-of-month is set to the 5th day of the month, the schedule runs on Tuesday (January 2) and on Friday (January 5).
The no form of this command removes the specified day-of-month or all day-of-month configurations.
no day-of-month
positive integers specify the day of the month beginning on the first of the month. Negative integers specify the day of the month beginning on the last day of the month. For example, configuring day-of-month -5, 5 in a month that has 31 days specifies the schedule to execute on the 27th and 5th of that month.
Integer values must map to a valid day for the specified month. For example, February 30 is not a valid date.
specifies all days of the month
end-time [date | day-name] time
no end-time
This command is used concurrently with schedule type calendar or periodic. If the schedule is configured as calendar, the end-time determines on which date the schedule ends. If the schedule is configured as periodic, the end-time determines at which interval the schedule ends.
If no end-time is specified, the schedule runs indefinitely.
no end-time
the date that the schedule ends
the day of the week that the schedule ends
the time on the configured day that the schedule ends
hour {..hour-number [..hour-number] | all}
no hour
This command specifies at which hour the schedule executes. Multiple hours can be specified. If multiple hours are configured, each of them triggers the schedule. If an hour is configured without configuring month, weekday or day-of-month, and minute, the schedule does not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified hour or all configured hours.
no hour
the hour that the schedule executes
specifies all hours
interval seconds
no interval
This command specifies the interval between each periodic schedule run.
no interval
the interval, in seconds, between each schedule run
minute {minute-number [..minute-number] | all}
no minute
This command specifies at which minute the schedule executes. Multiple minutes can be specified. If multiple minutes are configured, each of them triggers the schedule. If a minute is configured without configuring month, weekday or day-of-month, and hour, the schedule does not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified minute or all configured minutes.
no minute
the minute that the schedule executes
specifies all minutes
month {month-number [..month-number] | month-name [..month-name] | all}
no month
This command specifies on which month the schedule executes. Multiple months can be specified. If multiple months are configured, each of them triggers the schedule. If a month is configured without configuring weekday or day-of-month, hour, and minute, the schedule does not execute.
The no form of this command removes the specified month or all configured months.
no month
the month that the schedule executes, by number
the month that the schedule executes, by name
specifies all months
script-policy policy-name [owner policy-owner]
no script-policy
This command specifies the script policy associated with the script to be run by the CRON schedule. The script policy must have already been created in the config>system>script-control context.
no script-policy
the name of the script policy associated with the needed script
the name of the owner that, combined with the script policy name, is associated with the needed script
type schedule-type
This command configures how the schedule runs (periodically, on a specified date or dates, or one time only).
the type of schedule
weekday {weekday-number [..weekday-number] | day-name [] | all}
no weekday
This command specifies on which days of the week the schedule executes. Multiple days of the week can be specified. If multiple days are configured, each of them triggers the schedule. If a weekday is configured without configuring month, hour, and minute, the schedule does not execute.
Using the weekday command as well as the day-of-month command may cause the schedule to run twice in a week. For example, if today is Monday, January 1, and month is set to January, weekday is set to Tuesday, and day-of-month is set to the 5th day of the month, the schedule runs on Tuesday (January 2) and on Friday (January 5).
The no form of this command removes the specified weekday or all configured weekdays.
no weekday
the day of the week that the schedule executes, by number
the day of the week that the schedule executes, by name
specifies all days of the week