Getting Help in the CLI

The help system commands and the ? key display different types of help in the CLI. Table: Online Help Commands lists the help commands.

Table: Online Help Commands




Displays instructions for getting CLI help


Lists all commands in the current context

command ?

Displays the command’s syntax and associated keywords

command keyword ?

Lists the associated arguments for keyword in command

string<Tab> string<space>

Completes a partial command name (auto-completion) or lists available commands that match string

The tree and tree detail system commands are help commands that are useful when searching for a command in a lower-level context.

The tree flat command displays the command hierarchy on single lines; for example:

card card-type
card mda
card mda access
card mda access ingress
card mda access ingress fabric-policy
card mda access ingress security-queue-policy
card mda ais-propagation
card mda clock-mode

Figure: CLI Display for CLI Tree Help shows a partial list of the outputs of the tree and tree detail commands entered at the config level.

Figure: CLI Display for CLI Tree Help