
The 7705 SAR supports the pipe/match (...| match) feature to search one or more files for a specified character string or pattern.

Match syntax:

match pattern context {parents | children | all} [ignore-case] [max-count lines-count] [expression]
match pattern [ignore-case] [invert-match] [pre-lines pre-lines] [post-lines lines-count] [max-count lines-count] [expression]


pattern: a string or regular expression (maximum 200 characters)

context: displays the context associated with the matching line

parents: displays the parent context information

children: displays the child context information

all: displays both parent and child context information

ignore-case: ignores the case in the string (uppercase or lowercase)

max-count lines-count: displays the matching lines, up to the specified number (1 to 2147483647)

expression: the pattern is interpreted as a regular expression

invert-match: displays all the lines that do not contain the string specified in pattern

pre-lines pre-lines: displays the lines before the matching line, up to the specified number (0 to 100)

post-lines lines-count: displays the lines after the matching line, up to the specified number (1 to 2147483647)

For example:

*A:NOK-12# show service sap-using | match 1/1 pre-lines 10  
Service Access Points 
PortId                          SvcId      Ing.  Ing.    Egr.  Egr.   Adm  Opr
                                           QoS   Fltr    QoS   Fltr        
1/1/1:333                       111        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/1:444                       111        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:10                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:11                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:12                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:13                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:14                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
1/1/9:15                        200        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
A:NOK-12# show log log-id 98 | match ignore-case "sdp bind"
"Status of SDP Bind 101:1002 in service 1001 (customer 1)changed to admin=up oper=up
"Processing of a SDP state change event is finished and status of all affected SDP
Bindings on SDP 101 has been updated."

A:NOK-12# show log log-id 98 | match max-count 1 "service 1001"
"Status of service 1001 (customer 1)changed to administrative state: up, operational
state: up"

*A:NOK-12# admin display-config | match post-lines 5 max-count 2 expression "snmp”

            idle-timeout disable
            pre-login-message "csasim2 - " name
                view "testview" subtree "1"
                    mask ff
                view "testview" subtree ""
                    mask ff type excluded

Table: Pipe/Match Characters describes regular expression symbols and interpretation (similar to what is used for route policy regexp matching).

Table: Pipe/Match Characters




Matches any single character

[ ]

Matches a single character with what is contained within the brackets

[abc] matches ‟a”, ‟b”, or ‟c”

[a-z] matches any lowercase letter

[A-Z] matches any uppercase letter

[0-9] matches any number

[^ ]

Matches a single character with what is not contained within the brackets

[^abc] matches any character other than ‟a”, ‟b”, or ‟c”

[^a-z] matches any single character that is not a lowercase letter


Matches the start of the line (or any line, when applied in multiline mode)


Matches the end of the line (or any line, when applied in multiline mode)


Defines a ‟marked subexpression”

Every matched instance is available to the next command as a variable


A single character expression followed by ‟*” matches zero or more copies of the expression


Matches at least m and at most n repetitions of the term


Matches exactly m repetitions of the term


Matches m or more repetitions of the term


The preceding item is optional and matched at most once


The preceding item is matched one or more times


Used between start and end of a range


An escape character to indicate that the following character is a match criterion and not a grouping delimiter

Table: Special Characters identifies the special character options.

Table: Special Characters


Similar to




Uppercase letters



Lowercase letters



Uppercase and lowercase letters



Word characters



Digits, uppercase and lowercase letters









Hexadecimal digits





[ \t]

Space and Tab


[ \t\n\r\f\v]

Blank characters


[ \t\n\r\f\v]

Blank characters