Show Command Output and Console Messages

The show>system>information command displays the current value of the bad/good exec URLs and indicates whether a post-boot configuration extension file was executed when the system was booted. If an extension file was executed, the show>system> information command also indicates if it completed successfully or not.

7705:Dut-A# show system information 

System Information
System Name            : 7705:Dut-A
System Type            : 7705 SAR-8 v2
Chassis Topology       : Standalone 
System Version         : B-0.0.I346                                           
Crypto Module Version  : SRCM 3.0
System Contact         : Fred Information Technology
System Location        : Bldg.1-floor 2-Room 201
System Coordinates     : N 45 58 23, W 34 56 12
System Active Slot     : A                                                     
System Up Time         : 1 days, 02:03:17.62 (hr:min:sec)                      
SNMP Port              : 161                                                   
SNMP Engine ID         : 0000197f000000164d3c3910                              
SNMP Engine Boots      : 58                                                  
SNMP Max Message Size  : 1500                                                  
SNMP Admin State       : Enabled                                               
SNMP Oper State        : Enabled                                               
SNMP Index Boot Status : Not Persistent                                        
SNMP Sync State        : OK                                                    
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Admin : Enabled/Disabled/Enabled/Enabled                     
Tel/Tel6/SSH/FTP Oper  : Up/Down/Up/Up                                       
BOF Source             : cf3:                                                  
Image Source           : primary                                               
Config Source          : primary                                               
Last Booted Config File: cf3:/config.cfg
Last Boot Cfg Version  : FRI APR 20 16:24:27 2007 UTC                          
Last Boot Config Header: # TiMOS-B-0.0.I346 both/i386 NOKIA SAR 7705
                         # Copyright (c) 2016 Nokia. # All rights
                         reserved. All use subject to applicable license
                         agreements. # Built on Tue Mar 11 01:43:47 EDT 2016 by
                         csabuild in /rel0.0/I346/panos/main # Generated TUE
                         MAR 11 20:00:37 2016 UTC
Last Boot Index Version: N/A                                                   
Last Boot Index Header : # TiMOS-B-0.0.I346 both/i386 NOKIA SAR 7705
                         # Copyright (c) 2016 Nokia. # All rights
                         reserved. All use subject to applicable license
                         agreements. # Built on Tue Mar 11 01:43:47 EDT 2016 by
                         csabuild in /rel0.0/I346/panos/main # Generated TUE
                         MAR 11 20:00:37 2016 UTC
Last Saved Config      : N/A                                                   
Time Last Saved        : N/A                                                   
Changes Since Last Save: Yes                                                   
User Last Modified     : admin
Time Last Modified     : 2016/03/25 10:03:09                                   
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev : 5                                                     
Cfg-OK Script          : N/A                                                   
Cfg-OK Script Status   : not used                                              
Cfg-Fail Script        : N/A                                                   
Cfg-Fail Script Status : not used                                              

Microwave S/W Package  : invalid
Management IP Addr     :                                    
Primary DNS Server     : 192.168.x.x
Secondary DNS Server   : N/A
Tertiary DNS Server    : N/A
DNS Domain             :
DNS Resolve Preference : ipv4-only                                         
BOF Static Routes      :                                                       
  To                   Next Hop            
ATM Location ID        : 01:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00       
ATM OAM Retry Up       : 2                                                     
ATM OAM Retry Down     : 4                                                     
ATM OAM Loopback Period: 10
ICMP Vendor Enhancement: Disabled
Eth QinQ untagged SAP  : False

When executing a post-boot configuration extension file, status messages are output to the console screen before the ‟Login” prompt.

The following is an example of a failed boot-up configuration that caused a boot-bad-exec file containing another error to be executed:

Attempting to exec configuration file:
’’ ...
System Configuration
Log Configuration
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File, Line 195: Command "log" failed.
CRITICAL: CLI #1002 An error occurred while processing the configuration file.
The system configuration is missing or incomplete.
MAJOR: CLI #1008 The SNMP daemon is disabled.
If desired, enable SNMP with the ’config>system>snmp no shutdown’ command.
Attempting to exec configuration failure extension file:
’’ ...
Config fail extension
Enabling SNMP daemon
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File, Line 5: Command "abc log" failed.
TiMOS-B-5.0.R3 both/hops Nokia 7705 SAR Copyright (c) 2018 Nokia.
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Wed Feb 18 12:45:00 EST 2018 by builder in /re8.0/b1/R3/panos/main