set-time [date] [time]
This command sets the local system time.
The time entered should be accurate for the time zone configured for the system. The system converts the local time to UTC before saving to the system clock, which is always set to UTC. This command does not take into account any daylight saving offset if defined.
the local date and time accurate to the minute in the YYYY/MM/DD format
the time (accurate to the second) in the hh:mm[:ss] format. If no seconds value is entered, the seconds are reset to :00.
This command enables the context to configure the system time zone and time synchronization parameters.
[no] dst-zone [std-zone-name | non-std-zone-name]
This command configures the start and end dates and offset for summer time or daylight savings time to override system defaults or for user defined time zones.
When configured, the time is adjusted by adding the configured offset when summer time starts and subtracting the configured offset when summer time ends.
If the time zone configured is listed in Table: System-defined Time Zones , then the starting and ending parameters and offset do not need to be configured with this command unless it is necessary to override the system defaults. The command returns an error if the start and ending dates and times are not available either in Table: System-defined Time Zones or entered as optional parameters in this command.
Up to five summer time zones may be configured; for example, for five successive years or for five different time zones. Configuring a sixth entry returns an error message. If no summer (daylight savings) time is supplied, it is assumed no summer time adjustment is required.
The no form of the command removes a configured summer (daylight savings) time entry.
n/a — no summer time is configured
the standard time zone name. The standard name must be a system-defined zone in Table: System-defined Time Zones . For zone names in the table that have an implicit summer time setting, for example MDT for Mountain Daylight Saving Time, the remaining start-date, end-date and offset parameters need to be provided unless it is necessary to override the system defaults for the time zone.
the non-standard time zone name. Create a user-defined name using the zone command.
end end-week end-day end-month hours-minutes
This command configures the end of summer time settings.
specifies the starting week of the month when the summer time ends
specifies the starting day of the week when the summer time ends
specifies the starting month of the year when the summer time ends
specifies the hour at which the summer time ends
specifies the number of minutes, after the hours defined by the hours parameter, when the summer time ends
offset offset
This command specifies the number of minutes that is added to the time when summer time takes effect. The same number of minutes are subtracted from the time when the summer time ends.
the number of minutes added to the time at the beginning of summer time and subtracted at the end of summer time, expressed as an integer
start start-week start-day start-month hours-minutes
This command configures start of summer time settings.
specifies the starting week of the month when the summer time takes effect
specifies the starting day of the week when the summer time takes effect
the starting month of the year when the summer time takes effect
specifies the hour at which the summer time takes effect
specifies the number of minutes, after the hours defined by the hours parameter, when the summer time takes effect
This command enables the context to create or modify gnss parameters for time.
port port-id time-ref-priority priority-value
no port
This command specifies a GNSS receiver port as a synchronous timing source. The specific GNSS receiver port is identified by port-id and has an assigned priority-value.
no port
identifies the GNSS receiver port in the slot/mda/port format
specifies the priority order of the specified GNSS receiver port configured as the time reference. The lower the number, the higher the priority. GNSS should be granted the highest priority whenever available.
[no] ntp
This command enables the context to configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) and its operation. This protocol defines a method to accurately distribute and maintain time for network elements. Furthermore, this capability allows for the synchronization of clocks between the various network elements. The no form of the command stops the execution of NTP and removes its configuration.
[no] authentication-check
This command provides the option to skip the rejection of NTP PDUs that do not match the authentication key ID, type, or key values.
When authentication is configured, NTP PDUs received on an interface or the management port are authenticated on receipt and rejected if there is a mismatch in the authentication key ID, type, or key value.
When authentication-check is enabled, NTP PDUs are authenticated on receipt and rejected if there is a mismatch in the authentication key ID, type, or key value. Any mismatches cause a counter to be incremented: one counter for type, one for key ID, and one for key value mismatches. These counters are visible in the show>system>ntp command output.
The no form of this command allows mismatched packets to be accepted (overriding authentication); however, the counters are maintained.
authentication-key key-id key key [hash | hash2] type {des | message-digest}
no authentication-key key-id
This command sets the authentication key ID, type, and key value used to authenticate NTP PDUs sent to or received from other network elements participating in the NTP protocol. For authentication to work, the authentication key ID, type, and key value must match.
Configuring the authentication-key with a key-id value that matches an existing key overrides the existing entry.
Recipients of the NTP packets must have the same authentication key ID, type, and key value to use the data transmitted by this node.
The no form of the command removes the authentication key.
the authentication key identifier used by the node when transmitting or receiving NTP packets
the authentication key associated with the configured key ID. The configured value is the actual value used by other network elements to authenticate the NTP packet.
specifies that the key is entered in an encrypted form. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, clear text form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
specifies that the key is entered in a more complex encrypted form that involves more variables than the key value alone. This means that the hash2 encrypted key cannot be copied and pasted. If the hash or hash2 parameter is not used, the key is assumed to be in an unencrypted, clear text form. For security, all keys are stored in encrypted form in the configuration file with the hash or hash2 parameter specified.
the authentication type, either DES or message-digest
broadcast [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [key-id key-id] [version version] [ttl ttl]
no broadcast [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name}
This command configures the node to transmit NTP broadcast packets on the specified interface. Because broadcast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended.
Broadcast server capability can also be enabled on an interface within a VPRN context. See the 7705 SAR Services Guide, ‟VPRN NTP Commands”, for information.
The no form of this command removes the interface from the configuration.
the name of the router used to transmit NTP packets. Select management to use the Management port (Ethernet port on the CSM).
the local interface on which to transmit NTP broadcast packets. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
identifies the configured authentication key and authentication type used by this node to receive and transmit NTP packets from and to an NTP server and peers. If an NTP packet is received by this node, both the authentication key and authentication type must be valid; otherwise, the packet is rejected and an event or trap is generated. When this parameter is omitted from the configuration, packets are sent unencrypted.
the NTP version number that this node generates. This parameter does not need to be configured when the node is in NTP client mode because all versions are accepted.
the IP Time To Live (TTL) value
broadcastclient [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [authenticate]
no broadcastclient [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name}
This command configures an interface to receive NTP broadcast packets on a particular subnet. Because broadcast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended. If broadcastclient is not configured, received NTP broadcast traffic is ignored. Use the show>system>ntp command to view the state of the configuration.
When the authenticate parameter is specified, the received authentication key-id must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must also match.
The no form of this command removes the interface from the configuration.
the name of the router used to receive NTP packets. Select management to use the Management port (Ethernet port on the CSM)
the local interface on which to receive NTP broadcast packets. If the string contains special characters (such as #, $, and spaces), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
specifies that authentication is required. If authentication is required, the authentication key-id received in a message must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must match.
[no] mda-timestamp
This command enables more accurate timestamping for in-band NTP packets. When enabled, timestamping is performed on an adapter card by the network processor as packets ingress and egress the router. This reduces packet delay variability.
The mda-timestamp command can only be set if NTP is shut down and the NTP servers are not associated with an authentication key. The command is only supported on Ethernet-based adapter cards. Enabling this command does not change the behavior of NTP over the Management port.
The no form of this command returns the system to its default behavior of having NTP packets timestamped by the CSM.
no mda-timestamp
multicast [key-id key-id] [version version]
no multicast
This command configures the node to transmit NTP multicast packets on the Management port. Because multicast messages can easily be spoofed, authentication is strongly recommended.
The no form of this command disables transmission of multicast packets on the Management port.
the authentication key ID used by the node to transmit NTP multicast packets. When this parameter is omitted from the configuration, packets are sent unencrypted.
the NTP version number that is generated by the node. When the node is in NTP client mode, this parameter does not need to be configured because all versions are accepted.
multicastclient [authenticate]
no multicastclient
This command configures the node to receive NTP multicast messages on the Management port. If multicastclient is not configured, received NTP multicast traffic is ignored. Use the show>system>ntp command to view the state of the configuration.
When the authenticate parameter is specified, the received authentication key-id must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must also match.
The no form of this command disables the receipt of multicast messages on the Management port.
specifies that authentication is required. If authentication is required, the authentication key-id received in a message must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID type and key value must match.
ntp-server [authenticate]
no ntp-server
This command configures the node to assume the role of an NTP server. Unless the ntp-server command is used, the node functions as an NTP client only and does not distribute time to downstream network elements.
no ntp-server
specifies that authentication is required. If authentication is required, the authentication key-id received in a message must have been configured with the authentication-key command, and the key ID, type, and key values must match. The authentication key from the received messages is used for the transmitted messages.
peer ip-address [key-id key-id] [version version] [prefer]
no peer ip-address
This command configures symmetric active mode for an NTP peer. It is recommended that only known time servers be configured as peers and that authentication be enabled.
Successful authentication requires that both peers have the same authentication key ID, type, and key values. The key ID identifies the configured authentication key and authentication type used by this node to transmit NTP packets to an NTP peer. When an NTP packet is received by a peer, if the authentication key ID, type, and key values do not match, the packet is rejected and an event or trap is generated.
When configuring more than one peer, one remote system can be configured as the preferred peer. If a second peer is configured as preferred, the new entry overrides the old entry.
The no form of the command removes the specified peer.
the IP address of the peer that requires a peering relationship to be set up. The address can be IPv4 or IPv6.
the authentication key ID
the NTP version number that is generated by the node. When the node is in NTP client mode, this parameter does not need to be configured because all versions are accepted.
specifies the configured peer as the preferred peer
server {ip-address | system-time} [key-id key-id] [version version] [prefer]
no server {ip-address | system-time}
This command specifies the source that is to be used as an NTP server. The source can be specified with an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or the system-time keyword.
The NTP clock in the 7705 SAR can recover time from a local PTP or GNSS source. This is achieved by configuring the PTP clock or GNSS receiver as the internal system time. The internal system time can then be identified as the preferred source of NTP timing into the network with the system-time and prefer parameters. After PTP or GNSS has established a UTC traceable time, it is always the source for time into NTP even if the system time goes into time holdover for any reason. When the internal PTP clock or GNSS is identified as the server for NTP, NTP promotes the internal NTP server (the 7705 SAR) to Stratum-1 level, which may affect the NTP network topology.
Up to five NTP servers can be configured. When configuring more than one server, one remote system can be configured as the preferred server. If a second server is configured as preferred, the new entry overrides the old entry.
The no form of this command removes the specified NTP server from the configuration.
the IP address of the node to be used as the NTP server to this network element
specifies that the internal system time configured with PTP or GNSS is the time server into the NTP process. The prefer parameter is mandatory with this option.
the NTP version number that is expected by this node
the identifier for the configured authentication key and authentication type used by this node to transmit NTP packets to an NTP server. If an NTP packet is received by this node, the authentication key ID, type, and key values must be valid; otherwise, the packet is rejected and an event or trap is generated.
specifies the configured source as the preferred source that is to be used as an NTP server
This command enables the context to create or modify ptp parameters for time.
clock clock-id time-ref-priority priority-value
clock csm time-ref-priority priority-value
no clock
This command specifies the PTP (Precision Time Protocol) source as an option for recovered time for the 1pps (1 pulse per second) port. The specific PTP clock is identified by clock-id and has an assigned priority-value.
no clock
specifies which configured clock is being used as the time reference
specifies the priority order of the specified clock configured as the time reference
keyword to specify the CSM as the time reference
[no] sntp
This command enables the context to edit the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).
SNTP can be configured in either broadcast or unicast client mode. SNTP is a compact, client-only version of the NTP. SNTP can only receive the time from SNTP/NTP servers. It cannot be used to provide time services to other systems.
The system clock is automatically adjusted at system initialization time or when the protocol first starts up.
When the time differential between the SNTP/NTP server and the system is more than 2.5 seconds, the time on the system is gradually adjusted.
SNTP is created in an administratively enabled state (no shutdown).
The no form of the command removes the SNTP instance and configuration. SNTP does not need to be administratively disabled when removing the SNTP instance and configuration.
no sntp
[no] broadcast-client
This command enables listening to SNTP/NTP broadcast messages on interfaces with broadcast client enabled at global device level.
When this global parameter is configured, then the ntp-broadcast parameter must be configured on selected interfaces on which NTP broadcasts are transmitted.
SNTP must be shut down before changing either to or from broadcast mode.
The no form of the command disables broadcast client mode.
no broadcast-client
server-address ip-address [version version-number] [normal | preferred]
[interval seconds]
no server-address ip-address
This command creates an SNTP server for unicast client mode.
specifies the IP address of the SNTP server
specifies the SNTP version supported by this server
specifies the preference value for this SNTP server. When more than one time-server is configured, one server can have preference over others. The value for that server should be set to preferred. Only one server in the table can be a preferred server.
specifies the frequency at which this server is queried
This command enables the context to create or modify tod-1pps connector parameters.
message-type {ct | cm | irig-b002-b122 | irig-b003-b123 | irig-b006-b126 | irig-b007-b127}
no message-type
This command specifies the format for the Time of Day message that is transmitted out the time of day (ToD) or ToD/PPS Out port on the following:
7705 SAR-M
7705 SAR-H
7705 SAR-A
7705 SAR-Ax
7705 SAR-X
On the 7705 SAR-H, the Time of Day message output is only available when the router is configured with an active IP PTP slave clock or boundary clock. For all other routers, the Time of Day message output is available when the router is configured with an active IP PTP slave clock or boundary clock or when Time of Day is recovered from an Ethernet PTP clock or integrated GNSS.
no message-type
China Telecom; not available on the 7705 SAR-H
China Mobile; not available on the 7705 SAR-H
specifies IRIG-B message format; available on the 7705 SAR-H only
[no] output
This command specifies whether the 1pps output is enabled. When disabled, neither the 1pps nor the RS-422 serial port is available.
no output
zone {std-zone-name | non-std-zone-name} [hh [:mm]]
no zone
This command sets the time zone and/or time zone offset for the device.
The 7705 SAR supports system-defined and user-defined time zones. The system-defined time zones are listed in Table: System-defined Time Zones .
For user-defined time zones, the zone and the UTC offset must be specified.
The no form of the command reverts to the default of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If the time zone in use was a user-defined time zone, the time zone is deleted. If a dst-zone command has been configured that references the zone, the summer commands must be deleted before the zone can be reset to UTC.
zone utc - the time zone is set for Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
the standard time zone name. The standard name must be a system-defined zone in Table: System-defined Time Zones . For zone names in the table that have an implicit summer time setting, for example MDT for Mountain Daylight Saving Time, the remaining start-date, end-date and offset parameters need to be provided unless it is necessary to override the system defaults for the time zone.
For system-defined time zones, a different offset cannot be specified. If a new time zone is needed with a different offset, the user must create a new time zone. Some system-defined time zones have implicit summer time settings that causes the switchover to summer time to occur automatically; in this case, configuring the dst-zone parameter is not required.
A user-defined time zone name is case-sensitive and can be up to 5 characters in length.
the non-standard time zone name
the hours and minutes offset from UTC time, expressed as integers. Some time zones do not have an offset that is an integral number of hours. In these instances, the minutes-offset must be specified. For example, the time zone in Pirlanngimpi, Australia is UTC + 9.5 hours.