Configuring APS Port Parameters

APS has the following configuration rules.

SC-APS is supported in unidirectional or bidirectional mode on:

SC-APS with TDM access is supported on DS3, DS1, E1, and DS0 (64 kb/s) channels.

MC-APS is supported in bidirectional mode on:

MC-APS with TDM access is supported on DS3, DS1, E1, and DS0 (64 kb/s) channels. TDM SAP-to-SAP with MC-APS is not supported.

APS can be configured in SC-APS mode with both working and protection circuits on the same node, or in MC-APS mode with the working and protection circuits configured on separate nodes.

For SC-APS and MC-APS with MEF 8 services where the remote device performs source MAC validation, the MAC address of the channel group in each of the redundant interfaces may be configured to the same MAC address using the mac CLI command.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure APS port parameters for an SC-APS group.

CLI Syntax:
config# port aps-id 
        hold-time-aps {[lsignal-fail sf-time] [lsignal-degrade sd-time]}
        protect-circuit port-id
        rdi-alarms {suppress | circuit}
        revert-time minutes
        switching-mode {bi-directional | uni-1plus1}
        working-circuit port-id

The following CLI syntax shows an example of configuring ports for SC-APS. The only mandatory configuration required to create an SC-APS group is to configure the working and protection circuit.

config# port aps-1
config>port# aps
config>port>aps# switching-mode uni-1plus1
config>port>aps# working-circuit 1/2/4
config>port>aps# rdi-alarms circuit
config>port>aps# revert-time 5
config>port>aps# protect-circuit 1/3/4

Use the config port info command to display port configuration information.

ALU-B>config>port# info
                       switching-mode uni-1plus1
                       revert-time 5
                       working-circuit 1/2/4
                       protect-circuit 1/3/4

Use the following CLI syntax to configure APS port parameters for an MC-APS group.

CLI Syntax:
config# port aps-id 
        advertise-interval advertise-interval
        hold-time hold-time
        neighbor ip-address
        protect-circuit port-id
        rdi-alarms {suppress | circuit}
        revert-time minutes
        working-circuit port-id

The following CLI syntax shows an example of configuring an MC-APS working circuit on a node. The only mandatory configuration required to create an MC-APS group is to configure the working and protection circuit, and the neighbor address.

config# port aps-2
config>port# aps
config>port>aps# advertise-interval 25
config>port>aps# hold-time 75
config>port>aps# working-circuit 1/2/4
config>port>aps# neighbor
config>port>aps# rdi-alarms circuit
config>port>aps# revert-time 5

To complete the MC-APS configuration, log on to the protection node, configure an APS group with the same APS ID as the working group, and configure the protection circuit. The MC-APS signaling path is established automatically when APS groups with matching IDs are both configured.

The following CLI syntax shows an example of configuring an MC-APS protection circuit on a node.

config# port aps-2
config>port# aps
config>port>aps# protect-circuit 1/3/2

Use the config port info command to display port configuration information.

*A:7705:Dut-D# configure port aps-2 
*A:7705:Dut-D>config>port# info 
            protect-circuit 1/3/2
            path sts1-1
                payload vt15
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.1
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type cem
                    timeslots 1-24
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
        no shutdown

SC-APS and MC-APS on the 2-port OC3/STM1 Channelized Adapter card (access side) normally support only TDM CES (Cpipes). SC-APS and MC-APS support Epipes with TDM SAPs when the MEF 8 service is used.

The following CLI syntax shows an example of TDM CESoETH with MEF 8 for APS.

*A:7705:Dut-D# configure service epipe 1 
*A:7705:Dut-D>config>epipe# info 
epipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 create
            description "Default epipe description for service id 1"
            endpoint "X" create
            endpoint "Y" create
            sap aps- endpoint "X" create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
                    local-ecid 1
                    remote-ecid 2
                    remote-mac a4:8d:01:06:00:01
            spoke-sdp 2003:1 endpoint "Y" create
            spoke-sdp 2004:1001 endpoint "X" icb create
            spoke-sdp 2004:2001 endpoint "Y" icb create
            no shutdown

The following CLI syntax shows examples of typical configurations of SC-APS and MC-APS on MC-MLPPP access ports on a 4-port OC3/STM1 / 1-port OC12/STM4 Adapter card.

SC-APS node:

    port bpgrp-ppp-1
            working-bundle bundle-ppp-1/5.1
            protect-bundle bundle-ppp-1/6.1
   port aps-1
            working-circuit 1/5/1
            protect-circuit 1/6/4
            path sts1-1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.4
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.4
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.3                 
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.1
               channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                   no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.3
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
     port bpgrp-ppp-1
                endpoint-discriminator class ip-address discriminator-id
                multiclass 4
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
        no shutdown
    port bundle-ppp-1/5.1             
        no shutdown
    port bundle-ppp-1/6.1
        no shutdown
        customer 1 create
            description "Default customer"
        ipipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 1"
            sap 1/2/8:501 create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
            sap bpgrp-ppp-1 create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
            no shutdown

MC-APS working node:

    port bpgrp-ppp-1
            working-bundle bundle-ppp-1/9.1
     port aps-1
            working-circuit 1/9/2
            path sts1-1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.4
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.4
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.3
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.3
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
    port bpgrp-ppp-1
                endpoint-discriminator class ip-address discriminator-id
                multiclass 4
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
        no shutdown
    port bundle-ppp-1/9.1
        no shutdown
        sdp 3001 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-A"
            no shutdown               
        sdp 3004 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-D"
            no shutdown
        customer 1 create
            description "Default customer"
        ipipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 1"
            endpoint "X" create
            endpoint "Y" create
            sap bpgrp-ppp-1 endpoint "X" create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
            spoke-sdp 3001:1 endpoint "Y" create
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 3004:1001 endpoint "X" icb create
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 3004:2001 endpoint "Y" icb create
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

MC-APS protection node:

    port bpgrp-ppp-1
            protect-bundle bundle-ppp-1/9.1
    port aps-1
            protect-circuit 1/9/4
            path sts1-1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.1.4
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.1
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.2
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.3
                no shutdown
            path vt15-1.2.4
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown       
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.3
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.1.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.1
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.2
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.3
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
            ds1 1.2.4
                channel-group 1
                    encap-type ipcp
                    no shutdown
                no shutdown
    port bpgrp-ppp-1
                endpoint-discriminator class ip-address discriminator-id
                multiclass 4
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
            member aps-
        no shutdown
    port bundle-ppp-1/9.1
        no shutdown
        sdp 4001 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-A"
            no shutdown
        sdp 4003 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-C"
            no shutdown
        customer 1 create
            description "Default customer"
        ipipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 1"
            endpoint "X" create
            endpoint "Y" create
            sap bpgrp-ppp-1 endpoint "X" create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
            spoke-sdp 4001:1 endpoint "Y" create
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 4003:1001 endpoint "Y" icb create
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 4003:2001 endpoint "X" icb create
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

Pseudowire redundancy node:

        sdp 1003 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-C"
            no shutdown
        sdp 1004 create
            description "LDP_SdpToDut-D"
            no shutdown
        customer 1 create
            description "Default customer"
        ipipe 1 customer 1 vpn 1 create
            description "Default ipipe description for service id 1"
            endpoint "Y" create
                revert-time 5
            sap 1/2/1:501 create
                description "Default sap description for service id 1"
            spoke-sdp 1003:1 endpoint "Y" create
                precedence primary
                no shutdown
            spoke-sdp 1004:1 endpoint "Y" create
                precedence 1
                no shutdown
            no shutdown