SCADA Commands

    - scada bridge-id
        - [no] branch branch-id
            - description description-string
            - no description
            - gain
                - input decibels
                - output decibels
                - [no] sidetone  (see the Note below)
            - [no] shutdown
            - [no] squelch
        - description description-string
        - no description
        - mddb
            - force-active master branch-id
            - redundant-mode redundant-mode
            - [no] report-alarm [hcmOof] [hcmRai] 
            - speed {600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 56000}
            - squelch timeout timeout
            - squelch reset
            - no squelch
            - squelch-recovery [mode] [time time]
        - pcm
            - force-active master branch-id
            - redundant-mode redundant-mode
            - squelch timeout timeout
            - squelch reset
            - no squelch
            - squelch-recovery [mode] [time time]
        - [no] shutdown
        - vcb
            - idle-code abcd-code
            - no idle-code
            - seized-code abcd-code
            - no seized-code

The sidetone command is not supported in this release.