scada bridge-id
This command configures a SCADA bridge on the Integrated Services card.
specifies a SCADA bridge, in the format slot/mda/bridge-id where bridge-id is 1 to 16
[no] branch branch-id
This command configures a branch that is used by the configured bridge.
The no form of the command deletes the specified branch.
the branch identifier
This command enables the context to set gain levels for a branch.
input decibels
This command sets the input gain for the branch. The input gain defines the magnitude of the increase or decrease of the signal transmitted into the bridge.
number of decibels by which the transmitted signal is increased or decreased
output decibels
This command sets the output gain for the branch. The output gain defines the magnitude of the increase or decrease of the signal received from the bridge.
number of decibels by which the received signal is increased or decreased
[no] squelch
This command administratively enables the squelching function for the branch. The squelching function can only be enabled on a branch if it is enabled at the bridge level (config>scada>mddb>squelch or config>scada>pcm>squelch).
The no form of this command administratively disables the squelching function on the branch.
The command does not apply to the VCB application.
squelch (slave branches)
no squelch (master branches)
This command enables the context to configure MDDB parameters for a SCADA bridge.
This command enables the context to configure PCM multidrop bridge parameters for a SCADA bridge.
force-active master branch-id
This command forces a master branch to become active. The command applies only if redundant-mode is set to manual mode.
the master branch that is forced to become active
redundant-mode redundant-mode
This command configures the redundancy mode for the master inputs of the SCADA bridge.
In manual mode, the branch must be made active manually using the force-active command in order to receive data from the master input. The bridge always broadcasts to both master branches.
In auto mode, both the master branch inputs are received simultaneously. This requires the master input behavior to be similar to an RTU, which transmits data when active and transmits either all 1s (MDDB) or no data (PCM) when inactive.
specifies the redundancy mode for the master inputs of the SCADA bridge
[no] report-alarm [hcmOof] [hcmRai]
This command enables the logging of alarms.
The no form of the command disables the logging of alarms.
no report-alarm
specifies HCM out-of-frame errors
specifies HCM remote alarm indications
speed {600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 56000}
This command configures the SCADA MDDB speed for RS-232 and X.21 interfaces. SCADA MDDB is supported only at subrate speeds (less than 64 kb/s) on X.21 interfaces.
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 600 (supported on RS-232 interfaces only)
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 1200
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 2400
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 4800
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 9600
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 19200
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 38400
sets the SCADA MDDB speed at 56000
squelch timeout timeout
squelch reset
no squelch
This command enables the squelching function for all branches configured on a bridge. This setting takes priority over the setting at the branch level; that is, if squelch is disabled with this command, it cannot be enabled for individual branches.
The no form of this command disables the squelching function on a bridge.
no squelch
the interval between when an alarm is raised indicating that a branch has locked up and is continuing to send data to the master, and squelching is triggered
puts the bridge back into the normal state
squelch-recovery [mode] [time time]
This command configures squelch recovery attributes. When the squelch-recovery mode is configured as auto, the branch will automatically be put back into the normal state after the configured time. If the branch remains locked up, the branch will automatically be squelched again.
Configuring the squelch-recovery mode as manual disables automatic squelch recovery. To put the bridge back into the normal state, use the squelch reset command.
squelch-recovery manual
specifies the squelch recovery mode
the interval after which the branch will automatically be put back into the normal state
This command enables the context to configure voice conference bridge parameters for a SCADA bridge.
idle-code abcd-code
no idle-code
This command defines the ABCD signaling code to be transmitted when the E&M interface is configured to transmit idle fault signaling (see fault-signaling).
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command is supported only when VCB is operating in vcb-branch-initiate mode.
0 (for Mu-Law companding)
13 (for A-Law companding)
the 4-bit ABCD value to be transmitted
seized-code abcd-code
no seized-code
This command defines the ABCD signaling code to be transmitted when the E&M interface is configured to transmit seized fault signaling (see fault-signaling).
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
This command is supported only when VCB is operating in vcb-branch-initiate mode.
0 (for Mu-Law companding)
13 (for A-Law companding)
the 4-bit ABCD value to be transmitted