Show External Alarms Commands



external-alarms alarm [alarm-id]

external-alarms input [alarm-input] [detail]

external-alarms name [name-string] [detail]

external-alarms output [alarm-output] [detail]




This command displays external alarm information for 7705 SAR Ethernet ports, for the Auxiliary Alarm card, or the External Alarms connector on the Fan module of the 7705 SAR-8 Shelf V2, the Alarm module of the 7705 SAR-18, or the faceplate of the 7705 SAR-M, 7705 SAR-X, 7705 SAR-H, or 7705 SAR-Hc chassis.



the alarm identifier


1 to 2147483647


identifies the alarm input

  • for Ethernet ports, the format is:

         port-slot/mda/port [name]

  • for the Auxiliary Alarm card, the format is:

         alarm-slot/mda.{d | a}-alarm-num [name]

  • for the four alarm inputs on an External Alarms connector, the format is:

         alarm.d-alarm-num [name]


     slot = card slot number for IOM (always 1 on the 7705 SAR)

     mda = Ethernet adapter card or Auxiliary Alarm card slot number (for Ethernet modules or ports on platforms with no card slots, the mda slot number is preconfigured)

     port = port number for Ethernet ports

     d = digital input

     a = analog input

     alarm-num = alarm port number (1 to 24 for digital on the Auxiliary Alarm card, 1 to 4 for digital on the four chassis alarm inputs, 1 or 2 for analog)

     name = optional name assigned to the input


If you configured a name for the alarm-input using the name option (see input command), you can use the configured name instead of the alarm-input identifier in the show command.


the name for the input port or output relay (maximum of 15 characters)


the output relay identifier, in the following format:



     slot = slot number of the card in the chassis (always 1 on the 7705 SAR)

     mda = Auxiliary Alarm card slot number

     d = digital output

     relay-num = output relay number (1 to 8)


If you configured a name for the alarm-output using the name option (see output command), you can use the configured name instead of the alarm-output identifier in the show command.


displays detailed information for the external alarms


The following outputs are examples of external alarm information:

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show>external-alarms# alarm 1
Alarm 1 Detail
Admin Status       : up                 State              : ok
Severity           : critical
Description        : N/A

  Analog Voltage   :  0.000 V           Operation          : gt

  Log Alarm        : yes
  Chassis Alarming : yes

Trigger             Type        Admin  Value     Threshold State
alarm-1/1.a-2       analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
Triggers Req'd     : any
*A:ALU-1># show>#
Table: Specific Alarm Field Descriptions



Admin Status

The administrative state of the alarm


The current state of the alarm:

ghost: no trigger equipment presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled


The severity level for the specified alarm


An optional description of the alarm


Analog Voltage

The analog voltage level threshold value for the specified alarm, in millivolts (0.000V)


The analog voltage level threshold operational value:

lt: a less-than value

gt: a greater-than value


Log Alarm

Indicates whether raise/clear log events and SNMP traps are generated for the specified alarm

Chassis Alarming

Indicates whether output to chassis alarm relays and LEDs are generated for the specified alarm


The inputs that will trigger the alarm


The type of trigger (a digital input or analog input, or, for Ethernet ports, the operational state)


The administrative state of the trigger


The current value of the alarm input:

  • for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).

    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.

    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.

  • for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).

  • for an Ethernet port — a value of down indicates an alarm event; a value of up indicates no alarm

Threshold State

The threshold state:

ghost: no threshold is present

not monitored: the threshold is administratively disabled

ok: the threshold is enabled

detected: the threshold has been crossed

Triggers Req'd

The trigger condition that is required to raise an alarm:

any: any configured input trigger is required to raise an alarm

all: all configured input triggers are required to raise an alarm

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms input
External Alarm Input Summary
Input Id        Name            Type        Admin  Value     Alarm State
alarm.d-1                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-2                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-3                       digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm.d-4                       digital-in  up     open      ok
port-1/2/1                      oper-state  up     down      alarm-detected
alarm-1/1.d-1   dd3             digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-2                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-3                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-4                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-5                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-6                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-7                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-8                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-9                   digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-10                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-11                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-12                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-13                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-14                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-15                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-16                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-17                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-18                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-19                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-20                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-21                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-22                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-23                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.d-24                  digital-in  up     open      ok
alarm-1/1.a-1                   analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
alarm-1/1.a-2                   analog-in   up      0.0 V    ok
*A:ALU-1># show>#
Table: External Alarm Input Field Descriptions



External Alarm Input Summary

Input Id

The alarm input identifier


The name of the alarm input


The type of input: digital, analog, or oper-state (for Ethernet ports)


The administrative state of the alarm input


The current value of the alarm input:

  • for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).

    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.

    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.

  • for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).

  • for an Ethernet port — a value of down indicates an alarm event; a value of up indicates no alarm

Alarm State

The current state of the alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms input alarm-1/1.d-1 detail
Input alarm-1/1.d-3 Detail
Name               : dinput3
Admin Status       : up                 Alarm State        : ok
Detect Debounce    : 2 secs             Clear Debounce     : 2 secs
Value              : open

Description        : Discrete Digital Input

# Threshold         Severity  Alarm Id       Threshold State
1    closed         major     3              ok
Table: External Alarm Input Detail Field Descriptions



Input alarm input Detail


The name of the alarm input

Admin Status

The administrative state of the alarm input

Alarm State

The current state of the alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment is presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

Detect Debounce

The debounce time associated with the detection of the specified alarm input (not applicable to Ethernet ports)

Clear Debounce

The debounce time associated with the clearance of the specified alarm input (not applicable to Ethernet ports)

Port State

The value of the alarm input for Ethernet ports, either up or down


The current value of the alarm input:

  • for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).

    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.

    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.

  • for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).


A description of the alarm input


A summary of the alarms that are using this input as a trigger. Each input can be used for up to four alarms.


The threshold value:

  • for a digital input — all digital inputs are considered normally open; therefore, the threshold for each alarm is monitoring the input closing

  • for an analog input — the voltage threshold for the alarm

  • for Ethernet ports — the operational state threshold


The severity level for the specified alarm input: critical, major, minor, or warning

Alarm Id

The alarm identifier (1 to 2147483647)

Threshold State

The threshold state indicates whether the input state contributes to the alarm:

detected: this input triggers the alarm into an alarm-detected state

ok: this input does not trigger the alarm into an alarm-detected state

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms output
Output Relay Summary
Output Id       Name            Type        Admin  State
relay-1/1.d-1   output1         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-2   output2         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-3   output3         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-4   output4         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-5   output5         digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-6                   digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-7                   digital-out down   off
relay-1/1.d-8                   digital-out down   off
Table: External Alarm Field Descriptions



Output Relay Summary

Output Id

The output relay identification


The name of the output relay


The output type is digital


The administrative state of the alarm output relay

When the digital output relay output state is set to no shutdown, the normally closed contacts open and the normally open contacts close. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of up and the state of active (the output relay is energized).

When the digital output relay output state is set to shutdown, the normally closed contacts close and the normally open contacts open. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of down and the state of off (the output relay is not energized).


The current state of the alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms output relay-1/1.d-1 detail
Output relay-1/1.d-1 Detail
Name               : output1
Admin Status       : down               State              : off
Description        : Digital Output Relay
Table: External Alarm Output Detail Field Descriptions



Output relay-x/x.d-x Detail


The name of the output relay


The administrative state of the alarm output relay

When the digital output relay output state is set to no shutdown, the normally closed contacts open and the normally open contacts close. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of up and the state of active (the output relay is energized).

When the digital output relay output state is set to shutdown, the normally closed contacts close and the normally open contacts open. The digital output displays a digital output administrative status of down and the state of off (the output relay is not energized).


The current state of the alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)


The description for the output relay

Output Example
*A:ALU-1># show external-alarms name
External Alarm Names
Name            Alarm/Relay     Type        Admin Value     State
ainput1         alarm-1/1.a-1   analog-in   up     0.0 V    ok
ainput2         alarm-1/1.a-2   analog-in   up     0.0 V    ok
dinput1         alarm-1/1.d-1   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput2         alarm-1/1.d-2   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput23        alarm-1/1.d-23  digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput24        alarm-1/1.d-24  digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput3         alarm-1/1.d-3   digital-in  up    open      ok
dinput4         alarm-1/1.d-4   digital-in  up    open      ok
output1         relay-1/1.d-1   digital-out down            off
output2         relay-1/1.d-2   digital-out down            off
output3         relay-1/1.d-3   digital-out down            off
output4         relay-1/1.d-4   digital-out down            off
output5         relay-1/1.d-5   digital-out down            off
Table: External Alarm Name Field Descriptions



External Alarm Names


The alarm name


The name of the alarm input or output relay


The alarm input type (digital input, analog input, or oper-state) or output relay type (digital output)


The administrative state of the alarm input or output relay


The current state of the alarm input or output relay.

For an alarm input:

ghost: no trigger equipment is presently installed

ok: no triggers are detected

alarm detected: alarm is outstanding

not monitored: alarm or all triggers are administratively disabled

For an alarm output relay:

ghost: no equipment is installed

off: the output relay is not energized (it is administratively disabled)

active: the output relay is energized (active)


The current value of the alarm input (this field is not applicable to outputs because the value is based on how the Auxiliary Alarm card or External Alarm connector is wired to the external equipment):

  • for a digital input — the state of the digital circuit associated with the trigger (open or closed).

    A value of open indicates that the external equipment has not shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins. If no external equipment is connected to a digital input on an Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, all digital input ports read open.

    A value of closed indicates that the external equipment has shorted this digital input to one of the four common ground pins.

  • for an analog input — the current voltage level of an analog trigger, in volts. If no external equipment is connected to the Auxiliary Alarm card faceplate or External Alarm connector, both analog inputs show no applied voltage (0.0V).