The 7705 SAR supports the VCB mute transmission output option on all VCB applications. By default, a branch transmission is broadcast to all other branches on the bridge. The mute output option blocks the transmission to a branch.
Each branch of the VCB has a SAP with an associated Cpipe that connects to an SDP or SAP. The operator can mute the output from a branch with the config>service>cpipe>sap>cem>mute-output command. When mute-output is enabled, nothing is transmitted out that branch of the VCB, meaning that none of the connected sites can hear the transmission.
For example, to configure a network where any remote site can initiate transmission but none of the remote sites can hear what is transmitted, only the central sites can listen, mute-output must be enabled on the SAPs of the branches on the Integrated Services cards at the central site toward the remote sites. Similarly, to configure a network where any central site can initiate transmission but only the remote sites can listen, mute-output must be enabled on the SAPs of the branches on the Integrated Services cards at the remote site toward the central sites.
Figure: VCB Mute Output Toward Central Sites Example shows an example where only the remote sites can listen to the transmission.
Figure: VCB Mute Output Toward Remote Sites Example shows an example where only the central sites can listen to the transmission.