Verifying the Available Channelization

Use the port-tree command to confirm the current channelization of the OC3 channel.

Until port 1/2/1 is configured, the default STS3 is subdivided into three STS1s, each having a payload type of DS3.

*A:SAR119# show port-tree 1/2/1
    ifIndex  type, sonet-sdh-index (* = provisioned)
===========  =======================================
   37781504  Port, N/A *
  574652417      STS3, none
  574652478          STS1, sts1-1
  574652481              DS3, 1
  574652484          STS1, sts1-2
  574652487              DS3, 2
  574652488          STS1, sts1-3
  574653222              DS3, 3

When port 1/2/1 path sts1-1 has been provisioned (indicated in the following output by an ‟*” in line 574652478), all the available VT1.5 paths under sts1-1 on port 1/2/1 are created and listed. In this case, all seven VT groups (VTGs) are listed, each containing four VT1.5 paths. The remaining two STS1s (sts1-2 and sts1-3) still have DS3 payloads.


The same show>port-tree display is used for both SONET and SDH. The SONET nomenclature is used to show both SONET and SDH hierarchies.

The following configure command provisions sts1-1 with VT1.5 paths, which appear in the port-tree command that follows.

*A:SAR119# configure port 1/2/1 sonet-sdh path sts1-1 payload vt15

*A:SAR119# show port-tree 1/2/1
    ifIndex  type, sonet-sdh-index (* = provisioned)
===========  =======================================
   37781504  Port, N/A *
  574652417      STS3, none
  574652478          STS1, sts1-1 *
  N/A                    VTG, 1.1
  574653223                  VT15, vt15-1.1.1
  574653224                      DS1, 1.1.1
  574653249                  VT15, vt15-1.1.2
  574653250                      DS1, 1.1.2
  574653275                  VT15, vt15-1.1.3
  574653276                      DS1, 1.1.3
  574653301                  VT15, vt15-1.1.4
  574653302                      DS1, 1.1.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.2
  574653328                  VT15, vt15-1.2.1
  574653329                      DS1, 1.2.1
  574653354                  VT15, vt15-1.2.2
  574653355                      DS1, 1.2.2
  574653380                  VT15, vt15-1.2.3
  574653381                      DS1, 1.2.3
  574653406                  VT15, vt15-1.2.4
  574653407                      DS1, 1.2.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.3
  574653433                  VT15, vt15-1.3.1
  574653434                      DS1, 1.3.1
  574653459                  VT15, vt15-1.3.2
  574653460                      DS1, 1.3.2
  574653485                  VT15, vt15-1.3.3
  574653486                      DS1, 1.3.3
  574653511                  VT15, vt15-1.3.4
  574653512                      DS1, 1.3.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.4
  574653538                  VT15, vt15-1.4.1
  574653539                      DS1, 1.4.1
  574653564                  VT15, vt15-1.4.2
  574653565                      DS1, 1.4.2
  574653590                  VT15, vt15-1.4.3
  574653591                      DS1, 1.4.3
  574653616                  VT15, vt15-1.4.4
  574653617                      DS1, 1.4.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.5
  574653643                  VT15, vt15-1.5.1
  574653644                      DS1, 1.5.1
  574653669                  VT15, vt15-1.5.2
  574653670                      DS1, 1.5.2
  574653695                  VT15, vt15-1.5.3
  574653696                      DS1, 1.5.3
  574653721                  VT15, vt15-1.5.4
  574653722                      DS1, 1.5.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.6
  574653748                  VT15, vt15-1.6.1
  574653749                      DS1, 1.6.1
  574653774                  VT15, vt15-1.6.2
  574653775                      DS1, 1.6.2
  574653800                  VT15, vt15-1.6.3
  574653801                      DS1, 1.6.3
  574653826                  VT15, vt15-1.6.4
  574653827                      DS1, 1.6.4
  N/A                    VTG, 1.7
  574653853                  VT15, vt15-1.7.1
  574653854                      DS1, 1.7.1
  574653879                  VT15, vt15-1.7.2
  574653880                      DS1, 1.7.2
  574653905                  VT15, vt15-1.7.3
  574653906                      DS1, 1.7.3
  574653931                  VT15, vt15-1.7.4
  574653932                      DS1, 1.7.4
  574652484          STS1, sts1-2
  574652487              DS3, 2
  574652488          STS1, sts1-3
  574653222              DS3, 3