Show Commands (MPLS)

Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.



admin-group group-name




This command displays MPLS administrative group information.



specifies the administrative group name


The following output is an example of MPLS administrative group information, and Table: Router MPLS Admin-Group Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
A:ALU-1# show router mpls admin-group
MPLS Administrative Groups
Group Name                         Group Value
green                              15
red                                25
yellow                             20
No. of Groups: 3
Table: Router MPLS Admin-Group Field Descriptions



Group Name

The name of the administrative group. The name identifies the administrative group within a router instance.

Group Value

The unique group value associated with the administrative group.

If the value displays ‟-1”, then the group value for this entry has not been set.

No. of Groups

The total number of configured administrative groups within the router instance



bypass-tunnel [to ip-address][protected-lsp [lsp-name]][dynamic | manual][detail]




If fast reroute is enabled on an LSP and the facility method is selected, instead of creating a separate LSP for every LSP that is to be backed up, a single LSP is created that serves as a backup for a set of LSPs. This type of LSP tunnel is called a bypass tunnel.



specifies the IP address of the egress router


specifies the name of the LSP protected by the bypass tunnel


displays dynamically assigned labels for bypass protection


displays manually assigned labels for bypass protection


displays detailed information


The following output is an example of MPLS bypass tunnel information, and Table: Router MPLS Bypass-Tunnel Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
A:ALU-12>show>router>mpls# bypass-tunnel to
Legend :  m - Manual              d - Dynamic
To             State     Out I/F  Out Label   Reserved    Protected     Type
                                                 BW (Kbps)   LSP Count
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Up        lag        *-*          131071      0
Bypass Tunnels : 1
Table: Router MPLS Bypass-Tunnel Field Descriptions




The system IP address of the egress router


The administrative state of the LSP

Out I/F

The name of the network IP interface

Out Label

The incoming MPLS label on which to match

Reserved BW (Kbps)

The amount of bandwidth in kilobytes per second (Kbps) reserved for the LSP

Protected LSP Count

The number of times this LSP has used a protected LSP


The type of protected LSP



interface [ip-int-name|ip-address][label-map [label]]

interface [ip-int-name|ip-address] statistics




This command displays MPLS interface information.



identifies the network IP interface. The interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. Allowed values are any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (such as #, $, or spaces), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.


specifies the system or network interface IP address

label-map label

specifies the MPLS label on which to match


32 to 1023


displays IP address and the number of packets and octets sent and received on an interface basis


The following output is an example of MPLS interface information, and Table: Router MPLS Interface Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
ALU-12# show router mpls interface
MPLS Interfaces
Interface                    Port-id          Adm         Opr        TE-metric
system                       vport-1           Up          Up        None  
  Admin Groups               None
  Srlg Groups                None
ip-                 1/1/1             Up          Up        None  
  Admin Groups               None
  Srlg Groups                None
ip-                 1/1/2             Up          Up        None  
  Admin Groups               None
  Srlg Groups                None
ip-                 1/1/3             Up          Up        None  
  Admin Groups               None
  Srlg Groups                None
Interfaces : 4
*A:ALU-48>config>router>mpls# show router mpls interface "to-104" label-map 35
MPLS Interface : to-104 (Label-Map 35)
In Label  In I/F     Out Label Out I/F    Next Hop          Type      Adm  Opr
35        1/1/1      n/a       n/a        n/a               Static    Up   Down
Interfaces : 1
ALU-12# show router mpls interface statistics 
MPLS Interface (statistics)
Interface      : ip-                                                  
  Transmitted  : Pkts - 6                     Octets - 540                     
  Received     : Pkts - 0                     Octets - 0                       
  Invalid      : Labels             - 0                                        
  Invalid      : IPoMPLS Pkts       - 0                                        
  Invalid      : Stack Too Big Pkts - 0                                        
  Invalid      : TTL Expired Pkts   - 0
  Invalid      : Other Discard Pkts - 0                                        
  Last Invalid : Label Value        - 0                                        
  Last Invalid : Label Position     - 0                                        
Interface      : ip-                                                  
  Transmitted  : Pkts - 0                     Octets - 0                       
  Received     : Pkts - 0                     Octets - 0 
  Invalid      : Labels             - 0                                        
  Invalid      : IPoMPLS Pkts       - 0                                        
  Invalid      : Stack Too Big Pkts - 0                                        
  Invalid      : TTL Expired Pkts   - 0
  Invalid      : Other Discard Pkts - 0                                        
  Last Invalid : Label Value        - 0                                        
  Last Invalid : Label Position     - 0                                        
Table: Router MPLS Interface Field Descriptions




The interface name


The port ID in the slot/mda/port format


The administrative state of the interface


The operational state of the interface


The traffic engineering metric used on the interface

Srlg Groups

The shared risk link group (SRLG)


The total number of interfaces


The number of packets and octets transmitted from the interface


The number of packets and octets received

In Label

The ingress label

In I/F

The ingress interface

Out Label

The egress label

Out I/F

The egress interface

Next Hop

The next-hop IP address for the static LSP


Indicates whether the label value is statically or dynamically assigned


Labels — the number of incoming packets discarded due to invalid labels

IPoMPLS Pkts — the number of incoming labeled packets discarded due to invalid IP packet headers in the packet

Stack Too Big Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to having greater than the maximum number of labels in the label stack (that is, greater than five)

TTL Expired Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to exceeding the maximum Time-To-Live (TTL) value

Other Discard Pkts — the number of incoming packets discarded due to internal errors (for example, memory corruption or invalid label table programming)

Last Invalid

Label Value — the value of the last invalid label received

Label Position — the position in the label stack of the last invalid label received



lsp [lsp-name][status {up | down}][from ip-address| to ip-address][detail][auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p | one-hop-p2p}]

lsp {transit | terminate}[status {up | down}][from ip-address| to ip-address|lsp-namename][detail]

lsp count

lsp [lsp-name] activepath [auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p | one-hop-p2p}]

lsp [lsp-name] path [path-name][status {up | down}][detail][auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p | one-hop-p2p}]

lsp [lsp-name] path [path-name] mbb [auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p | one-hop-p2p}]




This command displays LSP details.



specifies the name of the LSP used in the path

status up

displays an LSP that is operationally up

status down

displays an LSP that is operationally down

from ip-address

displays the IP address of the ingress router for the LSP

to ip-address

displays the IP address of the egress router for the LSP


displays the LSPs that transit the router


displays the LSPs that terminate at the router


displays the IP address of the named LSP


displays the total number of LSPs


displays the present path being used to forward traffic


specifies the name of the path carrying the LSP


displays make-before-break (MBB) information


displays detailed information

auto-lsp {all | mesh-p2p | one-hop-p2p}

specifies the type of auto LSP or all auto LSPs


The following outputs are examples of MPLS LSP information:

Output Example
A:ALU-48# show router mpls lsp
MPLS LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                           To                  Fastfail     Adm   Opr
to-104                           Yes          Up    Up
to-103                               Yes          Up    Up
to-99                             No           Up    Up
to-100                           No           Up    Up
to-49                             No           Dwn   Up
LSPs : 5
*A:ALU-48# show router mpls lsp to-104
MPLS LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                           To                  Fastfail     Adm   Opr
to-104                           Yes          Up    Dwn
LSPs : 1
Table: Router MPLS LSP Field Descriptions



LSP Name

The name of the LSP used in the path


The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP

FastFail Config

enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss

disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path

Adm State

Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled

Oper State

Down — the path is operationally down

Up — the path is operationally up


The total number of LSPs configured

Output Example
# show router mpls lsp detail 
MPLS LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend : 
    + - Inherited
Type : Originating 
LSP Name   : C_F_1
LSP Type        : RegularLsp                LSP Tunnel ID        : 1
LSP Index       : 1                         TTM Tunnel Id        : 1
From            :
To              :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:07:27               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 3                         Path Changes         : 3
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 20 sec
Signaling       : RSVP                      Resv. Style          : SE
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1500
Adaptive        : Enabled                   ClassType            : 0
FastReroute     : Disabled                  Oper FR              : Disabled
PathCompMethod  : pce                       ADSPEC               : Enabled
FallbkPathComp  : none                
Metric          : N/A                       Metric Type          : igp
Load Bal Wt     : N/A                       ClassForwarding      : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         : 
None                                           None
Least Fill      : Disabled                  
BFD Template    : None                      BFD Ping Intvl       : 60
BFD Enable      : False                     BFD Failure-action   : None
WaitForUpTimer  : 4                         
Revert Timer    : Disabled                  Next Revert In       : N/A
Entropy Label   : Enabled+                  Oper Entropy Label   : Enabled
Negotiated EL   : Disabled                  
Auto BW         : Disabled                  
LdpOverRsvp     : Enabled                   
VprnAutoBind    : Enabled                   
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   BGP Shortcut         : Enabled
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled                   
Oper Metric     : 100                       
Prop Adm Grp    : Disabled                  
PCE Report      : Enabled                   
PCE Control     : Enabled                   
Path Profile    : None                      
Admin Tags      : None                      
Lsp Self Ping   : Disabled+                 Self Ping Timeouts   : 0
SelfPingOAMFail*: 0                         
Primary(a)      : C_F_1
                                            Up Time              : 0d 00:07:28
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps                    
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Table: MPLS LSP Detail Field Descriptions



LSP Name

The name of the LSP used in the path

LSP Type

The type of LSP used in the path

LSP Tunnel ID

The LSP tunnel identifier

LSP Index

The LSP index value

TTM Tunnel Id

The Tunnel Table Manager tunnel identifier


The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP


The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP

Adm State

Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled

Oper State

Down — the path is operationally down

Up — the path is operationally up

LSP Up Time

The length of time that the LSP has been operational

LSP Down Time

The total time that the LSP has not been operational


The number of transitions that have occurred for the LSP

Path Changes

The number of path changes this LSP has had. For every path change (path down, path up, path change), a corresponding syslog/trap (if enabled) is generated.

Retry Limit

The number of attempts that the software should make to re-establish the LSP after it has failed

Retry Timer

The time, in seconds, for LSP re-establishment attempts after an LSP failure


The signaling style


SE (shared explicit) — specifies a shared reservation environment with a limited reservation scope. This reservation style creates a single reservation over a link that is shared by an explicit list of senders.

FF (fixed filter) — specifies a dedicated reservation environment with an explicit reservation scope. This reservation style specifies an explicit list of senders and a distinct reservation for each of them.

Hop Limit

The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers


The size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that is negotiated during establishment of the LSP


Indicates whether the make-before-break option is enabled or disabled for resignaled paths


The class type value


Enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss.

Disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path

Oper FR

Indicates whether FRR has been enabled or disabled


Indicates whether CSPF has been enabled or disabled


The TE metric value

Load Bal Wt

The load balancing weight value

Include Grps

The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path

Exclude Grps

The admin groups that are to be avoided by an LSP when signaling a path

Least Fill

Indicates whether the least fill option is enabled or disabled

Entropy Label

Indicates whether the entropy label capability is enabled or disabled

Oper Entropy Label

Indicates whether the entropy label capability is operational or not operational

Negotiated EL

Indicates whether the negotiated entropy label capability is enabled or disabled

Auto BW

Indicates whether auto-bandwidth adjustment is enabled or disabled


Indicates whether VPRN auto-bind tunneling is enabled or disabled

IGP Shortcut

Indicates whether the IGP shortcut option is enabled or disabled


Indicates whether the IGP Loop-Free Alternate option is enabled or disabled

IGP Rel Metric

Indicates whether the IGP relative metric option is enabled or disabled


Indicates whether the BGP transport tunnel option is enabled or disabled

Oper Metric

The LSP operational metric value

Prop Adm Grp

Indicates whether the propagate administrative group option is enabled or disabled

PCE Report

Specifies the PCE reporting mode, either enabled, disabled, or inherited

PCE Compute

Indicates whether the PCE computation option is enabled or disabled

PCE Control

Indicates whether the PCE control option is enabled or disabled

Primary (a)

The preferred path for the LSP

Up Time

The length of time that the path has been up


The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) reserved for the LSP path

Output Example
# show router mpls lsp path detail 
MPLS LSP  Path  (Detail)
Legend : 
    @ - Detour Available              # - Detour In Use
    b - Bandwidth Protected           n - Node Protected
    s - Soft Preemption           
    S - Strict                        L - Loose
    A - ABR                           + - Inherited
Path C_F_1
LSP Name    : C_F_1
From             :               
To               :               
Admin State      : Up                      Oper State        : Up
Path Name   : C_F_1
Path LSP ID      : 49666                   Path Type         : Primary
Path Admin       : Up                      Path Oper         : Up
Out Interface    : 1/1/1                   Out Label         : 524248
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:07:18             Path Down Time    : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit      : 0                       Retry Timer       : 20 sec
Retry Attempt    : 0                       Next Retry In     : 0 sec
BFD Configuration and State
Template         : None                    Ping Interval     : 60
Enable           : False                   State             : notApplicable
WaitForUpTimer   : 4 sec                   OperWaitForUpTimer: N/A
WaitForUpTmLeft  : 0 sec                   
Adspec           : Enabled                 Oper Adspec       : Enabled
PathCompMethod   : pce                     OperPathCompMethod: pce
MetricType       : igp                     Oper MetricType   : igp
Least Fill       : Disabled                Oper LeastFill    : Disabled
FRR              : Disabled                Oper FRR          : Disabled
Propagate Adm Grp: Disabled                Oper Prop Adm Grp : Disabled
Inter-area       : N/A                     
PCE Report       : Enabled                 Oper PCE Report   : Enabled
PCE Control      : Enabled                 Oper PCE Control  : Enabled
PCE Update ID    : 0                       
Neg MTU          : 1500                    Oper MTU          : 1500
Bandwidth        : No Reservation          Oper Bandwidth    : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit        : 255                     Oper HopLimit     : 255
Record Route     : Record                  Oper Record Route : Record
Record Label     : Record                  Oper Record Label : Record
Setup Priority   : 7                       Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority    : 0                       Oper HoldPriority : 0
Class Type       : 0                       Oper CT           : 0
Backup CT        : None                    
MainCT Retry     : n/a                     
    Rem          :                         
MainCT Retry     : 0                       
    Limit        :                         
Include Groups   :                         Oper IncludeGroups: 
None                                           None
Exclude Groups   :                         Oper ExcludeGroups: 
None                                           None
Adaptive         : Enabled                 Oper Metric       : 100
Preference       : n/a                     
Path Trans       : 3                       CSPF Queries      : 0
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node : n/a
Explicit Hops    :                         
    No Hops Specified
Actual Hops      :                                             Record Label        : N/A
 ->                         Record Label        : 524248
 ->                         Record Label        : 524246
 ->                         Record Label        : 524246
 ->                         Record Label        : 524248
Computed Hops    :                          
Resignal Eligible: False                   
Last Resignal    : n/a                     CSPF Metric       : 100
Table: Router MPLS LSP Path Detail Field Descriptions



LSP Name

The name of the LSP used in the path


The LSP ID for the path


The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP


The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP

Adm State

Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled

Oper State

Down — the path is operationally down

Up — the path is operationally up

Path Name

The alphanumeric name of the path

Path Type

The type of path: primary or secondary

Path Admin

The administrative status of the path

Path Oper

The operational status of the path


The output interface of the LSP

Out Label

The output label of the LSP

Path Up Time

The length of time that the path has been operationally up

Path Down Time

The length of time that the path has been operationally down

Retry Limit

The number of times an LSP will retry before giving up

Retry Timer

The length of time between LSP signaling attempts

Retry Attempt

The number of attempts that have been made to re-establish the LSP

Next Retry

The time when the next attempt to re-establish the LSP will occur


The amount of bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) reserved for the LSP

Oper Bandwidth

The bandwidth reserved by the LSP

Hop Limit

The limit on the number of hops taken by the LSP

Record Route

Indicates whether a list of routers for the LSP has been recorded

Record Label

Indicates whether a list of router labels has been recorded

Oper MTU

The operational MTU of the connection to the next hop


The MTU negotiated between the router and its next hop


Indicates whether make-before-break is enabled or disabled for resignaled paths

Include Grps

The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path

Exclude Grps

The admin groups that are to be avoided by an LSP when signaling a path


The path-preference priority number assigned to a standby secondary LSP path

Path Trans

The number of times a path has made a transition between up and down states

CSPF Queries

The number of requests made by the LSP to the TE database

Failure Code

The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred.

Failure Node

The IP address of the node in the LSP at which the in-progress MBB failed. If no failure has occurred, this value is none.

Explicit Hops

The hops that have been specified by the user

Actual Hops

The hops that the route has taken, either numbered or unnumbered

Record Label

The label recorded at the specified hop

Computed Hops

The hops computed and returned from the routing database, either numbered or unnumbered


The system up time when the last attempt to resignal this LSP was made

Last Resignal

The last time the route was resignaled


The value of the metric

Last MBB

The header for the last make-before-break (MBB) information

MBB Type

An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB.

MBB State

The state of the most recent invocation of the make-before-break functionality

Ended at

The system up time when the last MBB ended

Old Metric

The cost of the traffic engineered path for the LSP prior to MBB

In Progress MBB

Header for the currently in-progress MBB information

MBB Type

An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB.


The amount of time remaining, in seconds, before the next attempt is made to retry the in-progress MBB

Started At

The time the current MBB began


The number of attempts for the MBB in progress

Failure Code

The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred.

Failure Node

The IP address of the node in the LSP at which the in-progress MBB failed. If no failure has occurred, this value is none.

Output Example
*A:ALU-48# show router mpls lsp path mbb
LSP 1 Path 1
LastResignalAttempt: 2008/04/08 11:42:33.22 PST  CSPF Metric  : 0
Last MBB:
MBB Type    : Timer-based Resignal               MBB State   : Success/Failed
Ended at    : 2008/04/08 11:12:23.76 PST         Old Metric  : 3000
In Progress MBB:
MBB Type    : Config Change                      NextRetryIn : 16 sec
Started at  : 2008/04/08 12:01:02.20 PST         RetryAttempt: 3
Failure Code: noCspfRouteToDestination           Failure Node:

LSP 2 Path 1
LastResignalAttempt: 2008/04/08 11:42:33.54 PST  CSPF Metric  : 0

Last MBB:
MBB Type    : Timer-based Resignal               MBB State   : Success/Failed
Ended at    : 2008/04/08 11:12:24.76 PST         Old Metric  : 2000

LSP 4 Path 1
LastResignalAttempt: 2008/04/08 11:42:34.12 PST  CSPF Metric  : 0

In Progress MBB:
MBB Type    : Global Revertive                   NextRetryIn : 10 sec
Started at  : 2008/04/08 11:45:02.20 PST         RetryAttempt: 2
Failure Code: noCspfRouteToDestination           Failure Node:
Table: Router MPLS LSP Path MBB Field Descriptions




The system up time when the last attempt to resignal this LSP was made

CSPF Metric

The value of the CSPF metric

Last MBB

Header for the last make-before-break (MBB) information

MBB Type

An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB.

MBB State

The state of the most recent invocation of the make-before-break functionality

Ended at

The system up time when the last MBB ended

Old Metric

The cost of the traffic-engineered path for the LSP path prior to MBB

In Progress MBB

The header for the currently in-progress MBB information

MBB Type

An enumerated integer that specifies the type of make-before-break (MBB) operation. If none displays, then there is no MBB in progress or no last MBB.


The amount of time remaining, in seconds, before the next attempt is made to retry the in-progress MBB

Started At

The time that the current MBB began


The number of attempts for the MBB in progress

Failure Code

The reason code for in-progress MBB failure. A value of none indicates that no failure has occurred.

Failure Node

The IP address of the node in the LSP path at which the in-progress MBB failed. When no failure has occurred, this value is none.

Output Example
A:ALU-48# show router mpls lsp auto-lsp mesh-p2p
MPLS LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                          Type                Fastfail     Admin  Oper
                                                      Config       State  State
MESH-              MeshP2P             Yes           Up     Up
MESH-              MeshP2P             Yes           Up     Up
Auto-LSPs : 2
Table: Router MPLS Auto LSP Field Descriptions



LSP Name

The name of the LSP used in the path


The type of auto LSP

FastFail Config

enabled — fast reroute is enabled. In the event of a failure, traffic is immediately rerouted on the precomputed protection LSP, thus minimizing packet loss

disabled — there is no protection LSP from each node on the primary path

Admin State

Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled

Oper State

Down — the path is operationally down

Up — the path is operationally up


The total number of LSPs configured



lsp-egress-stats [type lsp-type][active][template-match]

lsp-egress-stats lsp lsp-name




This command displays RSVP LSP egress statistical information.



specifies the type of LSP to display. The only available options are p2p and p2mp.


displays information from all LSPs with statistics collection enabled


displays information for a one-hop point-to-point, mesh point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint LSP template


the name that identifies the LSP


The following output is an example of RSVP LSP egress statistical information.

Output Example>router>mpls>lsp-egress-stats lsp_1
LSP Name      : toNodeC_1
Collect Stats : Disabled                Accting Plcy. : None
Adm State     : Up                      PSB Match     : True
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
LSP Egress Statistics : 1



lsp-ingress-stats [type lsp-type][active][template-match SessionNameString[sender ip-address]]

lsp-ingress-stats lsp lsp-name sender ip-address




This command displays RSVP LSP ingress statistical information.



specifies the type of LSP to display. The only available options are p2p and p2mp.


displays information from all LSPs with statistics collection enabled


displays information for a one-hop point-to-point, mesh point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint LSP template


the name of the session, up to 64 characters long


the system IP address of the sender (a.b.c.d)


the name that identifies the LSP


The following output is an example of RSVP LSP ingress statistical information.

Output Example>router>mpls>lsp-ingress-stats lsp lsp_1
MPLS LSPs Ingress Statistics 
LSP Name      : toNodeA_1
Sender        :
Collect Stats : Disabled                Accting Plcy. : None
Adm State     : Up                      PSB Match     : True
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
InProf Pkts   : 0                       OutProf Pkts  : 0
InProf Octets : 0                       OutProf Octets: 0
LDP Ingress Statistics : 1



lsp-template [template-name]bindings

lsp-template [template-name][detail]




This command displays MPLS LSP template information.



the unique name for the LSP template


displays any bindings associated with the LSP template


displays detailed information for the LSP template


The following output is an example of MPLS LSP template information, and Table: Router MPLS LSP Template Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
A:ALU-12# show router mpls lsp-template detail 
MPLS LSP Templates (Detail)   
LSP Template : MeshTemplateWithLoosePath                         
Type               : MeshP2P            Admin State         : Up
From               : 
Default Path       : LooseHopPathNameW* Adaptive            : Enabled
Bandwidth          : 0 Mbps             Hop Limit           : 18
CSPF               : Enabled            Use TE metric       : Disabled
Propagate Admin Grp: Enabled                   
Include Groups     :                    Exclude Groups      : 
None                                    G0
FastReroute        : Enabled
FR Method          : Facility           FR Hop Limit        : 13
FR Prop Admin Group: Enabled 
FR Node Protect    : Disabled 
Record Route       : Record             Record Label       : Record
Retry Limit        : 100                Retry Timer        : 30 sec
LSP Count          : 3                  Ref Count          : 0
LdpOverRsvp        : Disabled           VprnAutoBind       : Enabled
IGP Shortcut       : Enabled            BGP Shortcut       : Disabled
IGP LFA            : Disabled           IGP Rel Metric     : Disabled
Least Fill         : Enabled            Metric             : 25
SetupPriority      : 7                  Hold Priority      : 0
Egress Stats       : Disabled 
Collect Stats      : Disabled           Accounting Policy  : None
Class Type         : 0                  Backup Class Type  : 0
Main CT Retry Limit: 0                  BGP Transport Tunn : Enabled
ADSPEC             : Disabled 
Table: Router MPLS LSP Template Field Descriptions




The type of LSP

Admin State

Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled


The IP address of the ingress router for the LSP

Default Path

The value used to order the hops in a path


Indicates whether the adaptive option is enabled or disabled



Hop Limit

The maximum number of hops that an LSP can traverse, including the ingress and egress routers


Indicates whether the CSPF option is enabled or disabled (always enabled for LSP templates)

Use TE metric

Indicates whether the TE metric option is enabled or disabled

Propagate Admin Grp

Indicates whether the propagate admin group option is enabled or disabled

Include Groups

The admin groups that are to be included by an LSP when signaling a path

Exclude Groups

The admin groups that are to be excluded by an LSP when signaling a path


Indicates whether the Fast Reroute option is enabled or disabled

FR Method

The type of Fast Reroute (FRR) that is used by the path (always Facility for LSP templates)

FR Hop Limit

The total number of hops a protection LSP can take before merging back onto the main LSP path

FR Prop Admin Group

Indicates whether the FRR propagate admin group option is enabled or disabled

FR Node Protect

Indicates whether FRR has node protection enabled or disabled

Record Route

Indicates whether the route is being recorded

Record Label

Indicates whether the label is being recorded

Retry Limit

The maximum number of retries allowed

Retry Timer

The time between retry attempts

LSP Count

The number of LSPs belonging to the LSP template

Ref Count





Indicates whether the VPRN auto-bind option is enabled or disabled

IGP Shortcut

Indicates whether the IGP shortcut option is enabled or disabled

BGP Shortcut



Indicates whether the IGP LFA option is enabled or disabled

IGP Rel Metric

Indicates whether the IGP relative metric option is enabled or disabled

Least Fill

Indicates whether the least fill option is enabled or disabled


The TE metric value



Hold Priority


Egress Stats


Collect Stats


Accounting Policy


Class Type


Backup Class Type


Main CT Retry Limit


BGP Transport Tunn

Indicates whether the BGP transport tunnel option is enabled or disabled


enabled — the LSP will include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages

disabled — the LSP will not include advertising data (ADSPEC) objects in RSVP-TE messages



path [path-name][lsp-binding]




This command displays MPLS paths.



the unique name label for the LSP path


displays binding information


The following output is an example of MPLS path information, and Table: Router MPLS Path Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
A:ALU-12# show router mpls path 
MPLS Path:   
Path Name                        Adm  Hop Index   IP Address       Strict/Loose 
nyc_to_sjc_via_dfw               Up   20       Strict      
                                      30       Strict      
                                      40       Strict      
                                      50      Strict      
nyc_to_sjc_via_den               Up   10       Strict      
                                      20       Loose       
                                      30       Loose       
                                      40      Loose       
                                      50      Strict      
secondary_path2                  Down no hops     n/a              n/a         
Paths : 3
A:ALU-12# show router mpls path lsp-binding 
MPLS Path:   
Path Name                        Opr  LSP Name                         Binding  
nyc_to_sjc_via_dfw               Up   NYC_SJC_customer1                Primary 
nyc_to_sjc_via_den               Up   NYC_SJC_customer1                Standby 
secondary_path2                  Down NYC_SJC_customer1                Seconda*
Paths : 3
Table: Router MPLS Path Field Descriptions



Path Name

The unique name label for the LSP path


Down — the path is administratively disabled

Up — the path is administratively enabled

Hop Index

The value used to order the hops in a path

IP Address

The IP address of the hop that the LSP should traverse on the way to the egress router


Strict — the LSP must take a direct path from the previous hop router to the next router

Loose — the route taken by the LSP from the previous hop to the next hop can traverse other routers


The operational status of the path (up or down)

LSP Name

The name of the LSP used in the path


Primary — the preferred path for the LSP

Secondary — the standby path for the LSP


Total number of paths configured



sr-te-lsp [lsp-name][status {up | down}][detail] path [path-name]

sr-te-lsp [lsp-name][detail]

sr-te-lsp [sp-name][status {up | down}][to ip-address][detail]




This command displays segment routing-traffic engineering (SR-TE) LSP information.



displays SR-TE LSPs with the specified LSP name


displays SR-TE LSPs with the specified status (up or down)


displays detailed information for the LSP template


displays SR-TE LSPs with the specified path name


displays SR-TE LSPs connected to the IP address


The following outputs are examples of MPLS SR-TE path information.

Output Example: SR-TE LSP
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp detail
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Legend :
    + - Inherited
Type : Originating
LSP Name   : to_A_SR_TE
LSP Type        : SrTeLsp                   LSP Tunnel ID        : 1
LSP Index       : 65536                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 655362
From            :
To              :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:00:05               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 1                         Path Changes         : 1
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 2 sec
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1496
PathCompMethod  : none
FallbkPathComp  : not-applicable
Metric          : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred                 Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt     : N/A                       ClassForwarding      : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :
None                                           None
Egress Stats    : Disabled
BFD Template    : None                      BFD Ping Intvl       : N/A
BFD Enable      : False                     BFD Failure-action   : None
WaitForUpTimer  : 4
ReturnPathLabel : None
Revert Timer    : Disabled                  Next Revert In       : N/A
Entropy Label   : Enabled+                  Oper Entropy Label   : Enabled
Negotiated EL   : Disabled                  Override Tunnel ELC  : Disabled
VprnAutoBind    : Enabled
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   BGP Shortcut         : Enabled
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled
Oper Metric     : 16777215
PCE Report      : Disabled+
PCE Control     : Disabled
Max SR Labels   : 6                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    : None
Admin Tags      : None
Primary(a)      : path_A
                                            Up Time              : 0d 00:00:09
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps
Secondary       : path_A2
                                            Down Time            : 0d 00:00:50
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps
Type : Originating
LSP Name   : template-
LSP Type        : OneHopP2PSrTe             LSP Tunnel ID        : 16386
LSP Index       : 81921                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 671747
From            :
To              :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:00:08               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 1                         Path Changes         : 1
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 30 sec
PathCompMethod  : none
FallbkPathComp  : not-applicable
Metric          : N/A
Local Sr Protec*: preferred                 Label Stack Reduction: Disabled
Load Bal Wt     : N/A                       ClassForwarding      : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :
None                                           None
Egress Stats    : Disabled
BFD Template    : srte                      BFD Ping Intvl       : N/A
BFD Enable      : True                      BFD Failure-action   : None
WaitForUpTimer  : 4
ReturnPathLabel : 35002
Revert Timer    : Disabled                  Next Revert In       : N/A
Entropy Label   : Enabled+                  Oper Entropy Label   : Enabled
Negotiated EL   : Disabled                  Override Tunnel ELC  : Disabled
VprnAutoBind    : Enabled
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   BGP Shortcut         : Enabled
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled
Oper Metric     : 16777215
OriginTemplName : template
Admin Tags      : None
PCE Report      : Disabled+
PCE Control     : Disabled
Max SR Labels   : 6                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    : None
Primary(a)      : path_A
                                            Up Time              : 0d 00:00:09
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
*A:Dut-C# show router mpls sr-te-lsp path detail
Path  (Detail)
Legend :
    S      - Strict                      L      - Loose
    A-SID  - Adjacency SID               N-SID  - Node SID
    +      - Inherited
Path  path_A
LSP Name    : to_A_SR_TE
Path LSP ID      : 3072
From             :
To               :
Admin State      : Up                      Oper State        : Up
Path Name   : path_A
Path Type        : Primary
Path Admin       : Up                      Path Oper         : Up
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:01:11             Path Down Time    : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit      : 0                       Retry Timer       : 2 sec
Retry Attempt    : 0                       Next Retry In     : 0 sec
PathCompMethod   : none                    OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType       : igp                     Oper MetricType   : igp
LocalSrProt      : preferred               Oper LocalSrProt  : N/A
LabelStackRed    : Disabled                Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth        : No Reservation          Oper Bandwidth    : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit        : 255                     Oper HopLimit     : 255
Setup Priority   : 7                       Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority    : 0                       Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area       : N/A
PCE Updt ID      : 0                       PCE Updt State    : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report       : Disabled+               Oper PCE Report   : Disabled
PCE Control      : Disabled                Oper PCE Control  : Disabled
Include Groups   :                         Oper IncludeGroups:
None                                           None
Exclude Groups   :                         Oper ExcludeGroups:
None                                           None
Last Resignal    : n/a
IGP/TE Metric    : 16777215                Oper Metric       : 16777215
Oper MTU         : 1496                    Path Trans        : 1
Degraded         : False
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node     : n/a
Explicit Hops    :
    No Hops Specified
Actual Hops      :                      Record Label        : 19410
BFD Configuration and State
Template         : srte                    Ping Interval     : N/A
Enable           : True                    State             : up
ReturnPathLabel  : 35001
WaitForUpTimer   : 4 sec                   OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft  : 0
StartFail Rsn    : N/A
Path  path_A2
LSP Name    : to_A_SR_TE
Path LSP ID      : 3074
From             :
To               :
Admin State      : Up                      Oper State        : Up
Path Name   : path_A2
Path Type        : Secondary
Path Admin       : Up                      Path Oper         : Down
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:00:00             Path Down Time    : 0d 00:01:53
Retry Limit      : 0                       Retry Timer       : 2 sec
Retry Attempt    : 0                       Next Retry In     : 0 sec
PathCompMethod   : none                    OperPathCompMethod: N/A
MetricType       : igp                     Oper MetricType   : N/A
LocalSrProt      : preferred               Oper LocalSrProt  : N/A
LabelStackRed    : Disabled                Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth        : No Reservation          Oper Bandwidth    : N/A
Hop Limit        : 255                     Oper HopLimit     : N/A
Setup Priority   : 7                       Oper SetupPriority: N/A
Hold Priority    : 0                       Oper HoldPriority : N/A
Inter-area       : N/A
PCE Updt ID      : 0                       PCE Updt State    : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report       : Disabled+               Oper PCE Report   : Disabled
PCE Control      : Disabled                Oper PCE Control  : Disabled
Include Groups   :                         Oper IncludeGroups:
None                                           N/A
Exclude Groups   :                         Oper ExcludeGroups:
None                                           N/A
Last Resignal    : n/a
IGP/TE Metric    : N/A                     Oper Metric       : N/A
Oper MTU         : N/A                     Path Trans        : 0
Degraded         : False
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node     : n/a
Explicit Hops    :
    No Hops Specified
Actual Hops      :
    No Hops Specified
Srlg             : Disabled                Srlg Disjoint     : False
BFD Configuration and State
Template         : srte                    Ping Interval     : N/A
Enable           : True                    State             : notApplicable
ReturnPathLabel  : 35002
WaitForUpTimer   : 4 sec                   OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft  : 0
StartFail Rsn    : N/A
LSP SR-TE template-
Path  path_A
LSP Name    : template-
Path LSP ID      : 14336
From             :
To               :
Admin State      : Up                      Oper State        : Up
Path Name   : path_A
Path Type        : Primary
Path Admin       : Up                      Path Oper         : Up
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:01:12             Path Down Time    : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit      : 0                       Retry Timer       : 30 sec
Retry Attempt    : 0                       Next Retry In     : 0 sec
PathCompMethod   : none                    OperPathCompMethod: none
MetricType       : igp                     Oper MetricType   : igp
LocalSrProt      : preferred               Oper LocalSrProt  : N/A
LabelStackRed    : Disabled                Oper LabelStackRed: N/A
Bandwidth        : No Reservation          Oper Bandwidth    : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit        : 2                       Oper HopLimit     : 2
Setup Priority   : 7                       Oper SetupPriority: 7
Hold Priority    : 0                       Oper HoldPriority : 0
Inter-area       : N/A
PCE Updt ID      : 0                       PCE Updt State    : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report       : Disabled+               Oper PCE Report   : Disabled
PCE Control      : Disabled                Oper PCE Control  : Disabled
Include Groups   :                         Oper IncludeGroups:
None                                           None
Exclude Groups   :                         Oper ExcludeGroups:
None                                           None
Last Resignal    : n/a
IGP/TE Metric    : 16777215                Oper Metric       : 16777215
Oper MTU         : 1496                    Path Trans        : 1
Degraded         : False
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node     : n/a
Explicit Hops    :
    No Hops Specified
Actual Hops      :                    Record Label        : 524282
BFD Configuration and State
Template         : None                    Ping Interval     : N/A
Enable           : False                   State             : up
ReturnPathLabel  : None
WaitForUpTimer   : 4 sec                   OperWaitForUpTimer: 4 sec
WaitForUpTmLeft  : 0
StartFail Rsn    : N/A
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp status up 
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                           To               Tun     Protect   Adm  Opr
                                                    Id      Path           
sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-C               1       N/A       Up   Up
sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-B              3       N/A       Up   Up
sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D               4       N/A       Up   Up
LSPs : 3
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp to 
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                           To               Tun     Protect   Adm  Opr
                                                    Id      Path           
sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D               4       N/A       Up   Up
LSPs : 1
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp to detail 
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating 
LSP Name        : sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D
LSP Type        : SrTeLsp                   LSP Tunnel ID        : 4
LSP Index       : 65539                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 655365
From            :                 To                   :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:20:22               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 1                         Path Changes         : 1
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 20 sec
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1542
CSPF            : Disabled                  
Metric          : N/A                       
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :  
None                                           None
VprnAutoBind    : Enabled                   
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled                   
Oper Metric     : 16777215                  
PCE Report      : Inherited                 
PCE Compute     : Disabled                  PCE Control          : Disabled
Max SR Labels   : 4                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    :                           
Primary(a)      : sr-te-to-Dut-D            Up Time              : 0d 00:20:22
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps                    
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp status up detail path  "sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-
MPLS SR-TE LSP sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D Path  (Detail)
Legend : 
    S - Strict                        L - Loose
SR-TE LSP sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D Path sr-te-to-Dut-D
LSP Name         : sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D
Path LSP ID      : 57856                
From             :            To                   :
Admin State      : Up                   Oper State           : Up
Path Name        : sr-te-to-Dut-D       Path Type            : Primary
Path Admin       : Up                   Path Oper            : Up
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:22:23          Path Down Time       : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit      : 0                    Retry Timer          : 20 sec
Retry Attempt    : 2                    Next Retry In        : 0 sec
CSPF             : Disabled             Oper CSPF            : Disabled
Bandwidth        : No Reservation       Oper Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit        : 255                  Oper HopLimit        : 255
Setup Priority   : 7                    Oper Setup Priority  : 7
Hold Priority    : 0                    Oper Hold Priority   : 0
Inter-area       : N/A                  
PCE Updt ID      : 0                    PCE Updt State       : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report       : Inherited            Oper PCE Report      : Disabled
PCE Control      : Disabled             Oper PCE Control     : Disabled
PCE Compute      : Disabled             Oper PCE Compute     : Disabled
Include Groups   :                      Oper Include Groups  : 
None                                           None
Exclude Groups   :                      Oper Exclude Groups  : 
None                                           None
IGP/TE Metric    : 16777215             Oper Metric          : 16777215
Oper MTU         : 1542                 Path Trans           : 1
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node     : n/a                  
Explicit Hops    :                      
    -> 435087      
Actual Hops      :                      
    n/a                                 Record Label        : 435287
    -> n/a                                 Record Label        : 435287
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp  "sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D"
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name                           To               Tun     Protect   Adm  Opr
                                                    Id      Path           
sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D               4       N/A       Up   Up
LSPs : 1
*A:7705:Dut-A# show router mpls sr-te-lsp  "sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D" path detail 
MPLS SR-TE LSP sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D Path  (Detail)
Legend : 
    S - Strict                        L - Loose
SR-TE LSP sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D Path sr-te-to-Dut-D
LSP Name         : sr-te-lsp-to-Dut-D
Path LSP ID      : 57856                
From             :            To                   :
Admin State      : Up                   Oper State           : Up
Path Name        : sr-te-to-Dut-D       Path Type            : Primary
Path Admin       : Up                   Path Oper            : Up
Path Up Time     : 0d 00:23:15          Path Down Time       : 0d 00:00:00
Retry Limit      : 0                    Retry Timer          : 20 sec
Retry Attempt    : 2                    Next Retry In        : 0 sec
CSPF             : Disabled             Oper CSPF            : Disabled
Bandwidth        : No Reservation       Oper Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps
Hop Limit        : 255                  Oper HopLimit        : 255
Setup Priority   : 7                    Oper Setup Priority  : 7
Hold Priority    : 0                    Oper Hold Priority   : 0
Inter-area       : N/A                  
PCE Updt ID      : 0                    PCE Updt State       : None
PCE Upd Fail Code: noError
PCE Report       : Inherited            Oper PCE Report      : Disabled
PCE Control      : Disabled             Oper PCE Control     : Disabled
PCE Compute      : Disabled             Oper PCE Compute     : Disabled
Include Groups   :                      Oper Include Groups  : 
None                                           None
Exclude Groups   :                      Oper Exclude Groups  : 
None                                           None
IGP/TE Metric    : 16777215             Oper Metric          : 16777215
Oper MTU         : 1542                 Path Trans           : 1
Failure Code     : noError
Failure Node     : n/a                  
Explicit Hops    :                      
    -> 435087      
Actual Hops      :                      
    n/a                                 Record Label        : 435287
    -> n/a                                 Record Label        : 435287
Output Example: PCEP SR-TE LSP Configurations

The following CLI displays are output examples of a PCEP SR-TE LSP in three configurations:

  • PCE-computation enabled, PCE-report disabled (via inheritance), and PCE-control disabled

  • PCE-computation enabled, PCE-report enabled, and PCE-control disabled

  • PCE-computation enabled, PCE-report enabled, and PCE-control enabled

The configuration can be determined by checking the PCE Report, PCE Compute, and PCE Control fields.

*A:7705:Dut-C# show  router mpls sr-te-lsp detail 
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating 
LSP Name        : test_lsp_1
LSP Type        : SrTeLsp                   LSP Tunnel ID        : 1
LSP Index       : 65536                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 655362
From            :                 To                   :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:00:44               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 1                         Path Changes         : 1
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 30 sec
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1492
CSPF            : Enabled                   
Metric          : N/A                       Use TE metric        : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :  
None                                           None

VprnAutoBind    : Enabled                   
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled                   
Oper Metric     : 100                       
PCE Report      : Inherited                 
PCE Compute     : Enabled                   PCE Control          : Disabled
Max SR Labels   : 6                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    :                           

Primary(a)      : fully_loose               Up Time              : 0d 00:00:44
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps                    
*A:7705:Dut-C# show  router mpls sr-te-lsp detail                         
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating 
LSP Name        : test_lsp_1
LSP Type        : SrTeLsp                   LSP Tunnel ID        : 1
LSP Index       : 65536                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 655362
From            :                 To                   :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:00:02               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 3                         Path Changes         : 3
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 30 sec
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1492
CSPF            : Enabled                   
Metric          : N/A                       Use TE metric        : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :  
None                                           None
VprnAutoBind    : Enabled                   
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled                   
Oper Metric     : 100                       
PCE Report      : Enabled                   
PCE Compute     : Enabled                   PCE Control          : Disabled
Max SR Labels   : 6                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    :                           

Primary(a)      : fully_loose               Up Time              : 0d 00:00:02
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps                    
*A:7705:Dut-C# show  router mpls sr-te-lsp detail                   
MPLS SR-TE LSPs (Originating) (Detail)
Type : Originating 
LSP Name        : test_lsp_1
LSP Type        : SrTeLsp                   LSP Tunnel ID        : 1
LSP Index       : 65536                     TTM Tunnel Id        : 655362
From            :                 To                   :
Adm State       : Up                        Oper State           : Up
LSP Up Time     : 0d 00:00:42               LSP Down Time        : 0d 00:00:00
Transitions     : 3                         Path Changes         : 3
Retry Limit     : 0                         Retry Timer          : 30 sec
Hop Limit       : 255                       Negotiated MTU       : 1492
CSPF            : Enabled                   
Metric          : N/A                       Use TE metric        : Disabled
Include Grps    :                           Exclude Grps         :  
None                                           None

VprnAutoBind    : Enabled                   
IGP Shortcut    : Enabled                   
IGP LFA         : Disabled                  IGP Rel Metric       : Disabled
BGPTransTun     : Enabled                   
Oper Metric     : 100                       
PCE Report      : Enabled                   
PCE Compute     : Enabled                   PCE Control          : Enabled
Max SR Labels   : 6                         Additional FRR Labels: 1
Path Profile    :                           

Primary(a)      : fully_loose               Up Time              : 0d 00:00:42
Bandwidth       : 0 Mbps                    



static-lsp [lsp-name]

static-lsp [lsp-type]

static-lsp count




This command displays MPLS static LSP information.



name that identifies the LSP. The LSP name can be up to 32 characters long and must be unique.


type that identifies the LSP. The LSP type is one of the keywords transit or terminate, where terminate displays the number of static LSPs that terminate at the router, and transit displays the number of static LSPs that transit the router.


the number of static LSPs that originate and terminate at the router


The following output is an example of MPLS static LSP information, and Table: Router MPLS Static LSP Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example - static-lsp
ALU-12# show router mpls static-lsp 
MPLS Static LSPs (Originating)
LSP Name     To              Next Hop        Out Label Up/Down Time   Adm  Opr
 ID                                           Out Port
to131        131       30d 02:42:53   Up   Down
 1                                            n/a
to121        121       30d 02:42:53   Up   Down
 2                                            n/a
static-lsp_-        35        0d 01:39:34    Up   Down
 3                                            n/a
LSPs : 3
Output Example - static-lsp transit
A:ALU-12# show router mpls static-lsp transit 
MPLS Static LSPs (Transit)
In Label    In I/F      Out Label   Out I/F     Next Hop            Adm   Opr   
1020        1/1/1       1021        1/1/5          Up    Up   
LSPs : 1
Output Example - static-lsp terminate
*A:ALU-12>show>router>mpls# static-lsp terminate
MPLS Static LSPs (Terminate)
In Label    In Port     Out Label   Out Port    Next Hop            Adm   Opr
131         1/3/1       n/a         n/a         n/a                 Up    Down
121         1/2/1       n/a         n/a         n/a                 Up    Down
35          1/3/1       n/a         n/a         n/a                 Up    Down
LSPs : 3
Output Example - static-lsp count
*A:ALU-12>show>router>mpls# static-lsp count
MPLS Static-LSP Count
Originate           Transit             Terminate
0                   0                   0
*A:ALU-12>show>router>mpls# static-lsp
Table: Router MPLS Static LSP Field Descriptions



Lsp Name

The name of the LSP used in the path


The system IP address of the egress router for the LSP

Next Hop

The system IP address of the next hop in the LSP path

Out Label

The egress label


Down — indicates that the path is administratively disabled

Up — indicates that the path is administratively enabled


Down — indicates that the path is operationally down

Up — indicates that the path is operationally up


The total number of static LSPs

In Label

The ingress label

In Port

The ingress port

Out Port

The egress port

Up/Down Time

The duration that the LSP is either operationally up or down

Static-LSP Count

The number of originating, transit, and terminating static LSPs







This command displays MPLS operation information.


The following output is an example of MPLS status information, and Table: Router MPLS Status Field Descriptions describes the fields.

Output Example
A:NOK-Dut-B# show router mpls status
MPLS Status
Admin Status              : Up          Oper Status               : Up
Oper Down Reason          : n/a
FRR Object                : Enabled     Resignal Timer            : Disabled
Hold Timer                : 1 seconds   Next Resignal             : N/A
Admin Group Frr           : Disabled
Dynamic Bypass            : Enabled     User Srlg Database        : Disabled
BypassResignalTimer       : Disabled    BypassNextResignal        : N/A
LeastFill Min Thd         : 5 percent   LeastFill Reopti Thd      : 10 percent
Local TTL Prop            : Enabled     Transit TTL Prop          : Enabled
Exp Backoff Retry         : Disabled    CSPF On Loose Hop         : Disabled
Lsp Init RetryTimeout     : 30 seconds
Logger Event Bundling     : Disabled
RetryIgpOverload          : Disabled
Sec FastRetryTimer        : Disabled    Static LSP FR Timer       : 30 seconds
P2PActPathFastRetry       : Disabled
In Maintenance Mode       : No
Pce-report                : None
Next Available Lsp Index  : 4
Entropy Label RSVP-TE     : Enabled     Entropy Label SR-TE       : Enabled
                    Originate           Transit             Terminate
Static LSPs         0                   0                   0
Dynamic LSPs        0                   0                   0
Detour LSPs         0                   0                   0
Mesh-P2P LSPs       0                   N/A                 N/A
One Hop-P2P LSPs    0                   N/A                 N/A
SR-TE LSPs          0                   N/A                 N/A
Table: Router MPLS Status Field Descriptions



Admin Status

Down — indicates that MPLS is administratively disabled

Up — indicates that MPLS is administratively enabled

Oper Status

Down — indicates that MPLS is operationally down

Up — indicates that MPLS is operationally up

FRR Object

Enabled — specifies that fast reroute object is signaled for the LSP

Disabled — specifies that fast reroute object is not signaled for the LSP

Resignal Timer

Enabled — specifies that the resignal timer is enabled for the LSP

Disabled — specifies that the resignal timer is disabled for the LSP

Hold Timer

The amount of time that the ingress node holds before programming its data plane and declaring the LSP up to the service module

Oper Down Reason

The reason that MPLS is operationally down

Next Resignal

The amount of time until the next resignal for the LSP

Dynamic Bypass

Indicates whether dynamic bypass is enabled or disabled

Next Available Lsp Index

The next free LSP index ID

Entropy Label RSVP-TE

Enabled — specifies that entropy label is enabled for the RSVP-TE LSP

Disabled — specifies that entropy label is disabled for the RSVP-TE LSP

Entropy Label SR-TE

Enabled — specifies that entropy label is enabled for the SR-TE LSP

Disabled — specifies that entropy label is disabled for the SR-TE LSP


The number of originate, transit, and terminate LSPs that are Static, Dynamic, Detour, Mesh-P2P, One Hop-P2P, or SR-TE