This command shows LDP bindings information. The bindings command can be used with the following keywords:
active: displays LDP active bindings
detail: displays details of LDP bindings
ipv4: displays LDP IPv4 bindings
ipv6: displays LDP IPv6 bindings
label-type: displays LDP FEC bindings by matching labels
p2mp: displays LDP P2MP FEC bindings
prefixes: displays LDP prefix FEC bindings
services: displays LDP service FEC bindings
session: displays LDP FEC bindings by matching peer LSR ID
summary: displays summary of LDP bindings
The following output is an example of LDP bindings parameter information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value),
H - Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 131071 1/1/1:100 131071U -- --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 262142U --
3ffe::a14:102[0] --
No. of IPv6 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
Group RD
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
Group RD
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
Group Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
Group Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface
InnerRootAddr IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface
InnerRootAddr IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Peer SvcId EgrLbl RMTU
?-Eth 10 R. Src -- None Ukwn 131070D 1500
No. of VC Labels: 1
LDP Service FEC 129 Bindings
Peer SvcId SDPId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
Label |
Description |
Legend |
U: Label In Use N: Label Not In Use W: Label Withdrawn S: Status Signaled Up D: Status Signaled Down E: Epipe Service V: VPLS Service M: Mirror Service A: Apipe Service F: Fpipe Service |
I: IES Service R: VPRN service P: Ipipe Service WP: Label Withdraw Pending C: Cpipe Service BU: Alternate for Fast Re-Route TLV: (Type, Length: Value) H: Hpipe LF: Lower FEC UF: Upper FEC |
Type |
The service type exchanging labels in the SDP. The possible types displayed are Epipe, Spoke, and Unknown. |
VCId |
The value used by each end of an SDP tunnel to identify the VC |
SvcID |
Identifies the service in the service domain |
Identifies the SDP in the service domain |
Peer |
The IP address of the peer |
IngLbl |
The ingress LDP label |
U — indicates that the label is in use |
R — indicates that the label has been released |
EgrLbl |
The egress LDP label |
The local MTU value |
The remote MTU value |
No. of Prefix Bindings |
The total number of LDP bindings on the router |
EgrIntf/LspId |
The egress interface LSP ID |
EgrNextHop |
The egress next-hop address, or Unnumbered for unnumbered interfaces |
AGI Type |
The address group identifier (AGI) |
SAII Peer |
The source attachment individual identifier (SAII) |
TAII EgrLbl |
The target attachment individual identifier (TAII) |
Prefix |
The FEC address |
P2MP-Id |
The Internal identifier of Point to Multi-point LSP |
RootAddr |
The Root Address (only IPV4) |
Interface |
The Logical Interface ID |
EgrNH |
The egress next-hop address |
Source |
The Source Address |
Group |
The Multicast Group address |
InnerRootAddr |
The Inner Root Address |
No. of VC Labels |
The total number of VC labels |
No. of Service Bindings |
The total number of service bindings |
Vc-switching |
Not applicable – always indicates No |
Egr. Flags |
Specifies the egress flags, if any |
Egr. Ctl Word |
Indicates whether egress control words are used |
Egr. Status Bits |
Indicates whether egress status bits are supported |
Egr If Name |
The egress interface name |
Ing. Flags |
Specifies the ingress flags, if any |
Ing. Ctl Word |
Indicates whether ingress control words are used |
Ing. Status Bits |
Indicates whether ingress status bits are supported |
Metric |
The metric of the LSP |
Mtu |
The size of the MTU for the global FEC or tunnel to which the LDP binding is applied |
Op |
The operation performed on the ingress or egress label in the LDP stack (push or pop) |
active detail [family][egress-if port-id]
active detail [family][egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active detail [egress-nh ip-address] [family]
active egress-if port-id [summary | detail] [family]
active egress-lsp tunnel-id[summary | detail] [family]
active egress-nh [family] [summary | detail] ip-address
active ipv4 [summary | detail][egress-if port-id]
active ipv4 [summary | detail][egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active ipv4 [summary | detail][egress-nh ip-address]
active ipv6 [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active ipv6 [summary | detail][egress-nh ip-address]
active ipv6 [summary | detail][egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address]
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp [family] [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address] [opaque-type opaque-type]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address] inner-root ip-address
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [summary | detail] [egress-nh ip-address]
active p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address family[rd rd] [summary | detail] [innermost-root ip-address]
active prefixes [family] [summary | detail] [egress-if port-id]
active prefixes [family] [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active prefixes [egress-nh ip-address] [family] [summary | detail]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary | detail][egress-if port-id]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary | detail] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [egress-nh ip-address] [summary | detail]
active summary [family] [egress-if port-id]
active summary [family] [egress-lsp tunnel-id]
active summary [egress-nh ip-address] [family]
This command displays information about LDP active bindings.
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 active LDP information
displays LDP active bindings by matching egress-if
displays LDP active bindings by matching on the egress RSVP-TE LSP tunnel-id for LDP FECs that are tunneled over an RSVP-TE LSP. The tunnel-id for the RSVP-TE LSP can be found in the output of the show router mpls lsp detail command and in the show router tunnel-table command. It is not the Path LSP ID shown in the output of the show router mpls lsp path detail command.
displays LDP active bindings by matching egress-nh
specifies the type of a multipoint opaque value element
displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address
displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address and non-recursive FECs that have a root address that matches the specified address
displays LDP active P2MP source bindings
displays LDP active P2MP identifier bindings
displays the P2MP group multicast address bindings
displays root IP address information
displays information for the route distinguisher
displays information for the specified IP prefix and mask length
The following output is an example of LDP active bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example: bindings active*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings active
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
(I) - SR-ISIS Next Hop (O) - SR-OSPF Next Hop
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Push -- 262143 1/1/1 Swap 262141 262143 1/1/1
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNextHop EgrIf/LspId
3ffe::a14:101/128 Push -- 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
3ffe::a14:101/128 Swap 262136 262142
fe80::21 1/1/1
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Source Interface
Group Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
Group RD Op
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
InnerRootAddr RD
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
InnerRootAddr RD
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings (Active)
P2MP-Id Interface
RootAddr Op IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
detail [session ip-addr [label-space]] [family]
This command displays details of LDP bindings.
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 LDP information
specifies the IP address and label space identifier
The following output is an example of detailed LDP bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings active detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:103[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
(S) - Static (M) - Multi-homed Secondary Support
(B) - BGP Next Hop (BU) - Alternate Next-hop for Fast Re-Route
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix :
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix :
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262141 Egr Lbl : 262143
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv4 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings (Active)
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Push
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Op : Swap
Ing Lbl : 262136 Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1
EgrNextHop : fe80::21
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
No. of IPv6 Prefix Active Bindings: 2
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Type : ?-Eth VcId : 10
SvcId : Ukwn SdpId : R. Src
Peer Address :
Vc-switching : No
LMTU : None RMTU : 1500
Egr. Lbl : 131070D Egr. Ctl Word : No
Egr. Flags : None Egr. Status Bits : Supported (0x1e)
Egr. Flow Label Tx : No Egr. Flow Label Rx : No
Egr. PW Status Sig : Enabled
Egr. Vccv CV Bits : lsp-ping
Egr. Vccv CC Bits : router-alert-label
Ing. Lbl : -- Ing. Ctl Word : None
Ing. Flags : None Ing. Status Bits : N/A
Ing. Flow Label Tx : None Ing. Flow Label Rx : None
Ing. Wdraw Reason : None
Ing. PW Status Sig : None
Ing. Vccv CV Bits : None
Ing. Vccv CC Bits : None
No. of VC Labels: 1
LDP Service FEC 129 Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
ipv4 [session ip-addr[label-space]][summary | detail]
This command displays LDP active IPv4 bindings.
specifies the IP address and label space identifier
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
The following output is an example of LDP active IPv4 bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings ipv4
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H -
Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 131071 1/1/1:100 131071U -- --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
Group RD
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
Group Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface
InnerRootAddr IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings ipv4 session summary
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 0
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings ipv4 detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H - Hpipe Se
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 131071
Egr Int/LspId : 10/10/10:100
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : toA
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1554
Prefix :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131071U Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
ipv6 [session ip-addr[label-space]][summary | detail]
This command displays LDP active IPv6 bindings.
specifies the IP address and label space identifier
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
The following output is an example of LDP active IPv6 bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B# show router ldp bindings ipv6
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H -
Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
Group RD
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
Group Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface
InnerRootAddr IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B#
label-type start-label start-label [end-label end-label] label-type [family]
This command displays LDP FEC bindings by matching labels.
specifies a label value to begin the display
specifies a label value to end the display
specifies a label type to display
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 LDP information
The following output is an example of LDP FEC bindings information by matching labels, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings label-type start-label 16 end-
label 99 ingress-label
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Peer SvcId EgrLbl RMTU
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 129 Bindings
Peer SvcId SDPId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
p2mp p2mp-id identifier root ip-address [session ip-addr [label-space]] [summary | detail]
p2mp [session ip-addr [label-space]] [family] [summary | detail] [opaque-type opaque-type]
p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [session ip-addr [label-space]][family][summary | detail] inner-root ip-address
p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address root ip-address [rd rd] [session ip-addr [label-space]] [summary | detail]
p2mp source ip-address group mcast-address [session ip-addr [label-space]] [family] [summary | detail][innermost-root ip-address]
This command displays LDP P2MP FEC bindings.
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 active LDP information
displays the P2MP group multicast address bindings
displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address
displays recursive FECs whose inner root address matches the specified address and non-recursive FECs that have a root address that matches the specified address
specifies the type of a multipoint opaque value element
displays LDP active P2MP identifier bindings
displays information for the route distinguisher
displays root IP address information
displays information for the LDP session IP address and label space
displays LDP active P2MP source bindings
The following output is an example of LDP P2MP FEC bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:7705:Dut-F# show router ldp bindings p2mp detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131062U
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131062
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/3:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131064U
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131064
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/3:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131063U
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131063
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/3:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131065
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131065U
Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131061
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/1:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
P2MP Type : 1 P2MP-Id : 8193
Root-Addr :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : --
Egr Lbl : 131061
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/3:0
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1496
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 10
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
prefixes prefix ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary | detail] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
prefixes [family] [summary | detail] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
This command displays LDP prefix FEC bindings.
specifies information for the specified IP prefix and mask length
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 active LDP information
displays configuration information about LDP sessions
specifies the label space identifier that the router is advertising on the interface
The following output is an example of LDP prefix FEC bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings prefixes
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 131071 1/1/1:100 131071U -- --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings prefixes detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
WP - Label Withdraw Pending, BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 131071
Egr Int/LspId : 10/10/10:100
EgrNextHop :
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : toA
Metric : 1 Mtu : 1554
Prefix :
Peer :
Ing Lbl : 131071U Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
services vc-type vc-type saii global-id:prefix:ac-id taii [256 chars max] agi agi [detail] [service-id service-id] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
services vc-type vc-type agi agi [detail] [service-id service-id] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
services [vc-type vc-type] [svc-fec-type] [detail] [service-id service-id] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
services vc-type vc-type vc-id vc-id [detail] [service-id service-id] [session ip-addr[label-space]]
This command displays LDP service FEC bindings.
displays information about the VC type associated with this service FEC
displays information about the VC ID associated with this service FEC
specifies the SAII (source attachment individual identifier)
specifies the TAII (target attachment individual identifier), up to 256 characters, associated with this service FEC
specifies the FEC type
specifies the attachment group identifier TLV associated with this service FEC
displays detailed information
specifies the service ID number to display
specifies the FEC type
specifies the IP address and the label space identifier that the router is advertising on the interface
The following output is an example of LDP service FEC bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings services vc-type ethernet vc-id 999
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H -
Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Peer SvcId EgrLbl RMTU
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings services vc-type ethernet vc-
id 999 service-id 7777
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H -
Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Peer SvcId EgrLbl RMTU
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings services vc-type ethernet vc-
id 999 service-id 7777 session
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID ::)
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value), H -
Hpipe Service
LF - Lower FEC, UF - Upper FEC
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
Peer SvcId EgrLbl RMTU
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp#
session [family] [summary | detail] ip-addr[label-space]
This command displays LDP FEC bindings by matching peer LSR ID.
displays detailed information
displays information in a summarized format
displays either IPv4 or IPv6 LDP session information
specifies the IP address and the label space identifier that the router is advertising on the interface
The following output is an example of LDP P2MP FEC bindings information by matching peer LSR ID, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Dut-A# show router ldp bindings session 3ffe::a14:103 summary
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 0
No. of IPv6 Prefix Bindings: 6
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of VC Labels: 0
No. of FEC 129s: 0
*A:Dut-A# show router ldp bindings session 3ffe::a14:103 detail
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:101[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value)
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP IPv6 Prefix Bindings
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:101/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : 262142U Egr Lbl : --
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:102/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : 262136U Egr Lbl : 262138
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : n/a
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:103/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : -- Egr Lbl : 262142
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::23
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 1000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:104/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : 262132U Egr Lbl : 262134
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : n/a
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:105/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : 262134N Egr Lbl : 262132
Egr Int/LspId : 1/1/2
EgrNextHop : fe80::23
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : ip-
Metric : 2000 Mtu : 1500
Prefix : 3ffe::a14:106/128
Peer : 3ffe::a14:103[0]
Ing Lbl : 262133U Egr Lbl : 262133
Egr Int/LspId : --
EgrNextHop : --
Egr. Flags : None Ing. Flags : None
Egr If Name : n/a
No. of IPv6 Prefix Bindings: 6
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 128 Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
LDP Service FEC 129 Bindings
No Matching Entries Found
*A:Dut-A# show router ldp bindings session ipv4
LDP Bindings (IPv4 LSR ID
(IPv6 LSR ID 3ffe::a14:101[0])
Legend: U - Label In Use, N - Label Not In Use, W - Label Withdrawn
S - Status Signaled Up, D - Status Signaled Down
E - Epipe Service, V - VPLS Service, M - Mirror Service
A - Apipe Service, F - Fpipe Service, I - IES Service, R - VPRN service
P - Ipipe Service, WP - Label Withdraw Pending, C - Cpipe Service
BU - Alternate For Fast Re-Route, TLV - (Type, Length: Value)
LDP IPv4 Prefix Bindings
Prefix IngLbl EgrLbl
Peer EgrIntf/LspId
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 262143U -- --
-- 262141U 262140 --
-- -- 262143 1/1/2 262139U 262139 --
-- 262138N 262137 1/1/2 262135U 262135 --
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 6
LDP Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
LDP In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings
Group RD
RootAddr Interface IngLbl EgrLbl
EgrNH EgrIf/LspId
No Matching Entries Found
summary [session ip-addr[label-space]] [ipv4 | ipv6]
This command displays a summary of LDP bindings.
specifies the IP address and label space identifier
displays IPv4 summary bindings information
displays IPv6 summary bindings information
The following output is an example of summary LDP bindings information, and Table: LDP Bindings Field Descriptions describes the fields.
Output Example*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings summary
No. of IPv4 Prefix Bindings: 2
No. of IPv6 Prefix Bindings: 0
No. of Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of Generic IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of In-Band-VPN-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of Recursive with In-Band-SSM IPv6 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of VPN Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of VPN Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Binding: 0
No. of GRT Recursive with Generic IPv4 P2MP Bindings: 0
No. of GRT Recursive with Generic IPv6 P2MP Binding: 0
No. of VC Labels: 1
No. of FEC 129s: 0
*A:Sar18 Dut-B>show>router>ldp# bindings summary