![]() | Note:
This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.
The no form of the command removes the description string from the context.
no description
The shutdown command administratively disables the entity. The operational state of the entity is disabled as well as the operational state of any entities contained within. When disabled, an entity does not change, reset, or remove any configuration settings or statistics. Many objects must be shut down before they may be deleted. Many entities must be explicitly enabled using the no shutdown command.
Unlike other commands and parameters where the default state is not indicated in the configuration file, shutdown and no shutdown are always indicated in system-generated configuration files.
The no form of the command puts an entity into the administratively enabled state.
no shutdown
This command enables the context to configure router parameters, interfaces, route policies, and protocols.
The router name refers to the router instance (in other commands, the router instance can be either router name or service ID). The 7705 SAR has two routing domains (instances).
The base routing domain includes all in-band IP traffic; that is, any IP packet arriving at the router over any IP interface (all services, all physical ports on the adapter cards). The routing table for the base instance is populated with these IP addresses.
The management routing domain is for out-of-band management traffic; that is, the Mgmt port on the CSM is being used for management traffic. In this case, the routing table for the management routing instance is populated.
This command creates an aggregate route.
Use this command to group a number of routes with common prefixes into a single entry in the routing table. This reduces the number of routes that need to be advertised by this router and reduces the number of routes in the routing tables of downstream routers.
Both the original components and the aggregated route (source protocol aggregate) are offered to the Routing Table Manager (RTM). Subsequent policies can be configured to assign protocol-specific characteristics, such as the OSPF tag, to aggregate routes.
Multiple entries with the same prefix but a different mask can be configured; routes are aggregated to the longest mask. If one aggregate is configured as 10.0/16 and another as 10.0.0/24, then route 10.0.128/17 would be aggregated into 10.0/16, and route would be aggregated into 10.0.0/24. If multiple entries are made with the same prefix and the same mask, the previous entry is overwritten.
The no form of the command removes the aggregate.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
no aggregate
To remove the summary-only option, enter the same aggregate command without the summary-only parameter.
This command allows or drops ICMP redirects received on the management interface.
This command enables ECMP and configures the number of routes for path sharing; for example, the value 2 means two equal-cost routes will be used for cost sharing.
ECMP (Equal-Cost Multipath Protocol) refers to the distribution of packets over two or more outgoing links that share the same routing cost. ECMP provides a fast local reaction to route failures. ECMP is supported on static routes and dynamic (OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP) routes.
ECMP can only be used for routes with the same preference and same protocol. See the static-route command for information on preferences.
When more ECMP routes are available at the best preference than configured in max-ecmp-routes, then the lowest next-hop IP address algorithm is used to select the number of routes configured in max-ecmp-routes.
The no form of the command disables ECMP path sharing. If ECMP is disabled and multiple routes are available at the best preference and equal cost, the route with the lowest next-hop IP address is used.
The no form of the command disables ECMP path sharing.
no ecmp
This command enables the context to configure interface attributes such as administrative group and SRLG.
This command defines an administrative group (admin group) that can be associated with an IP or MPLS interface. Admin groups are used to tag IP and MPLS interfaces that share a specific characteristic with the same identifier. For example, an admin group identifier can represent all links that connect to core routers, or all links that have a bandwidth higher than 10 Gbytes.
Admin groups must be defined before they can be assigned to an MPLS or IP interface in the config>router>mpls>interface or config>router>interface>if-attribute context. Up to 32 group names can be defined. The admin-group names must be identical across all routers in a single domain.The IGP communicates the information throughout the area.
When admin groups are associated with MPLS interfaces, the interfaces can be included or excluded in the LSP path definition by matching on the admin-group name. CSPF will compute a path that satisfies the admin-group include and exclude constraints.
When admin groups are associated with network IP interfaces, the interfaces can be included or excluded in the route next-hop selection by matching on the admin-group name in a route next-hop policy template applied to an interface or a set of prefixes.
The system will reject the creation of an admin group if it reuses the same name but with a different group value than an existing group. The system will also reject the creation of an admin group if it reuses the same group value but with a different name than an existing group.
Only the admin groups bound to an MPLS interface are advertised area-wide in TE link TLVs and sub-TLVs when the traffic-engineering option is enabled in IS-IS or OSPF.
The no form of this command deletes the admin group.
This command defines a Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) that can be associated with an IP or MPLS interface. SRLG is used to tag IP or MPLS interfaces that share the same risk of failure with the same identifier. For example, an SRLG group identifier could represent all links that use separate fibers but are carried in the same fiber conduit. If the conduit is accidentally cut, all the fiber links are cut, which means that all interfaces using these fiber links will fail.
SRLGs must be defined before they can be assigned to an MPLS or IP interface in the config>router>mpls>interface or config>router>interface>if-attribute context. Up to 256 group names can be defined. SRLG names must be identical across all routers in a single domain.
When SRLGs are associated with MPLS interfaces, CSPF at an LER will exclude the SRLGs of interfaces used by the LSP primary path when calculating the route of the secondary path. CSPF at an LER or LSR will also exclude the SRLGs of the outgoing interface of the primary LSP path in the calculation of the path of the FRR backup LSP. This provides a path disjoint between the primary path and the secondary path or FRR backup path of an LSP.
When SRLGs are associated with network IP interfaces, they are evaluated in the route next-hop selection if the srlg-enable option is included in a route next-hop policy template applied to an interface or a set of prefixes. For example, the SRLG constraint can be enabled to select an LFA next hop for a prefix that avoids all interfaces that share the same risk of failure as the primary next hop.
The system will reject the creation of a SRLG if it reuses the same name but with a different group value than an existing group. The system will also reject the creation of an SRLG if it reuses the same group value but with a different name than an existing group.
Only the SRLGs bound to an MPLS interface are advertised area-wide in TE link TLVs and sub-TLVs when the traffic-engineering option is enabled in IS-IS or OSPF.
The no form of this command deletes the SRLG.
This command enables IP Fast Reroute (FRR).
IP FRR protects against link or node failures in an IP network by precalculating a backup route to use when the primary next hop is not available. Both routes are populated in the RTM.
IP FRR uses a Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) backup next hop to forward in-transit IP packets as soon as the primary next-hop failure is detected and the backup is invoked. This means that a node resumes forwarding IP packets to a destination prefix without waiting for the routing convergence. Convergence times should be similar to RSVP-TE FRR, in the tens of milliseconds.
The backup LFA is enabled when either of the following events occurs:
IP FRR is supported on IPv4 and IPv6 OSPF and IS-IS prefixes and on VPN-IPv4 OSPF prefixes forwarded in the base router instance. IP FRR also provides an LFA backup next hop for the destination prefix of a GRE tunnel used in an SDP or in VPRN auto-bind.
no ip-fast-reroute
This command enables the context to configure IPv6 neighbor discovery parameters on the router.
This command specifies the time that an IPv6 neighbor remains in a reachable state.
no reachable-time
This command specifies the time that an IPv6 neighbor cache entry remains in a stale state. When the specified time elapses, the system removes the neighbor cache entry.
no stale-time
This command enables the context to configure reassembly profiles.
This command creates a reassembly profile and enables the context to configure the reassembly profile parameters. The reassembly profile contains all of the timing information used to ensure that all expected fragments of a packet are received within an expected time frame, on a per-forwarding class basis. When the reassembly profile timers expire, all fragments of the current incomplete frame are dropped and a “Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded” ICMP error message is sent to the source node.
The no form of the command deletes the specified profile.
This command configures the CBS for all reassembly queue groups of each forwarding class that does not have a configured CBS override. The reassembly queue groups are the groups of queues that are used to reassemble fragmented packets.
This command configures the early packet discard (EPD) threshold. This value is a percentage of the MBS and CBS. When the reassembly queue group reaches the configured percentage of the MBS and CBS, all fragments of packets without existing reassembly contexts are discarded. Fragments of packets whose reassembly contexts are already created will still be accepted until the MBS and CBS is reached.
This command creates a forwarding class for which exclusive CBS, MBS, and wait times can be configured.
![]() | Note: When no forwarding class is specified, the CBS, MBS, and wait times configured for the reassembly profile are used. |
This command configures the CBS for the specified forwarding class. This value overrides the CBS value configured for the reassembly profile.
The no form of the command removes the CBS override for the specified forwarding class; the CBS configured for the reassembly profile is used.
no cbs-override
This command configures the MBS for the specified forwarding class in either bytes or kilobytes. The default configuration is in kilobytes. This value overrides the MBS value configured for the reassembly profile.
![]() | Note: For the 7705 SAR, 1 kbyte of buffer management space is 1000 bytes. |
The MBS value is used by a reassembly queue group to prevent exhaustion of the main buffer pool while enqueuing packet fragments. If the queue group exceeds the number of buffers allowed by MBS, all buffers previously used to reassemble packets are freed up except for one. The remaining buffer remains active until all remaining fragments of the frame are received and discarded, or the wait time expires, after which the buffer is freed up.
The sum of the MBS for all queues on an adapter card or fixed platform can exceed the total amount of buffering available. Therefore, for a packet fragment arriving at a queue group that has not exceeded its MBS size, it is not guaranteed that a buffer will be available. If a buffer is not available, the packet fragment will be discarded.
Setting proper CBS parameters and controlling CBS oversubscription is one major safeguard against queue starvation (that is, when a queue does not receive an adequate share of buffers).
The no form of the command removes the MBS override for the specified forwarding class; the MBS configured for the reassembly profile is used.
no mbs-override
This command configures the wait time for the specified forwarding class. The wait time specifies the amount of time that the IP reassembly function will wait to reassemble a packet before discarding the collected fragments. This value overrides the wait time configured for the reassembly profile.
The no form of the command removes the wait time override for the specified forwarding class; the wait time configured for the reassembly profile is used.
no wait-override
This command configures the MBS, in either bytes or kilobytes, for all queue groups of each forwarding class that does not have a configured MBS override. The default configuration is in kilobytes.
![]() | Note: For the 7705 SAR, 1 kbyte of buffer management space is 1000 bytes. |
The MBS value is used by a reassembly queue group to prevent exhaustion of the main buffer pool while enqueuing packet fragments. If the queue group exceeds the number of buffers allowed by MBS, all buffers previously used to reassemble packets are freed up except for one. The remaining buffer remains active until all remaining fragments of the frame are received and discarded, or the wait time expires, after which the buffer is freed up.
The sum of the MBS for all queues on an adapter card or fixed platform can exceed the total amount of buffering available. Therefore, for a packet fragment arriving at a queue group that has not exceeded its MBS size, it is not guaranteed that a buffer will be available. If a buffer is not available, the packet fragment will be discarded.
Setting proper CBS parameters and controlling CBS oversubscription is one major safeguard against queue starvation (that is, when a queue does not receive an adequate share of buffers).
180 kilobytes
This command configures the wait time for the reassembly profile. The wait time specifies the amount of time that the IP reassembly function will wait to reassemble a packet before discarding the collected fragments.
![]() | Note: The system checks the reassembly queues every 64 ms in a constant loop, which may cause a maximum of 63 ms variation between the user-configured value and the actual detection time. For example, using the default configuration of 2000 ms, the system may check the reassembly queue timer at 1999 ms, in which case the timeout would not occur during that cycle and would instead take place during the next cycle at 2063 ms. |
This command enables the context to create Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) Shortest Path First (SPF) policies. LFA SPF policies allow specific criteria, such as admin group and SRLG constraints, to be applied when selecting an LFA backup next hop for a subset of prefixes that resolve to a primary next hop.
This command discards any changes made to the route next-hop policy template.
This command enters the mode to create or edit the route next-hop policy template.
This command saves any changes made to the route next-hop policy template.
This command creates a template to configure the attributes of an LFA SPF policy. When the template is created, it can then be applied to a specific OSPF or IS-IS interface. A policy template can be used in both IS-IS and OSPF to apply the specific criteria to prefixes protected by LFA. Each instance of IS-IS or OSPF can apply the same policy template to one or more interfaces.
Use the begin command to create or edit the template attributes. Use the abort command to discard any changes made before saving. Use the commit command to save the changes.
When the commit command is issued, OSPF or IS-IS will re-evaluate the template, and if there are any changes, the protocol will schedule a new LFA SPF to recalculate the LFA next hop for the prefixes associated with the template.
no template template-name
This command configures the admin group constraint in the route next-hop policy template. Each group is entered individually. The command prunes all links belonging to the specified admin group before making the LFA backup next-hop selection for a prefix.
If the same group name is part of both the include-group and exclude-group statements, the exclude statement takes precedence.
The admin-group criteria are applied before running the LFA next-hop selection algorithm.
The no form of the command deletes the admin group constraint from the route next-hop policy template.
no exclude-group ip-admin-group-name
This command configures the admin group constraint in the route next-hop policy template. Each group is entered individually. The command instructs the LFA SPF selection algorithm to pick up a subset of LFA next hops among the links that belong to one or more of the specified admin groups. A link that does not belong to at least one of the admin groups is excluded.
However, a link can still be selected if it belongs to one of the groups in an include-group statement but also belongs to other groups that are not part of any include-group statement in the route next-hop policy.
The pref option is used to provide a relative preference for which admin group to select. A lower preference value means that LFA SPF will first attempt to select an LFA backup next hop that is a member of the corresponding admin group. If none is found, then the admin group with the next highest preference value is evaluated. If no preference is configured for an admin group name, it is considered to be the least preferred.
When evaluating multiple include-group statements with the same preference, any link that belongs to one or more of the included admin groups can be selected as an LFA next hop. There is no relative preference based on how many of those included admin groups the link is a member of.
If the same group name is part of both the include-group and exclude-group statements, the exclude statement takes precedence.
The admin-group criteria are applied before running the LFA next-hop selection algorithm.
The no form of the command deletes the admin group constraint from the route next-hop policy template.
no include-group ip-admin-group-name
This command configures the next-hop type constraint in the route next-hop policy template. Either a tunnel backup next hop or an IP backup next hop can be selected as the preferred next hop. The default is an IP next hop.
If no LFA next hop of the preferred type is found, the other type will be selected.
When the route next-hop policy template is applied to an IP interface, all prefixes using this interface as a primary next hop will follow the next-hop type preference specified in the template.
The no form of the command deletes the next-hop type constraint from the route next-hop policy template.
no nh-type
This command configures the protection type constraint in the route next-hop policy template. Either link protection or node protection can be selected as the preferred protection type in the selection of an LFA next hop for all IP prefixes and LDP FEC prefixes to which the template is applied. The default is node protection.
If no LFA next hop of the preferred type is found, the other type will be selected.
When the route next-hop policy template is applied to an IP interface, all prefixes using this interface as a primary next hop will follow the protection type preference specified in the template.
The no form of the command deletes the next-hop type constraint from the route next-hop policy template.
no protection-type
This command configures the SRLG constraint in the route next-hop policy template. When this command is applied to a prefix, the LFA SPF will attempt to select an LFA next hop that uses an outgoing interface that does not participate in any of the SRLGs of the outgoing interface used by the primary next hop.
The SRLG criterion is applied before running the LFA next-hop selection algorithm.
The no form of the command deletes the SRLG constraint from the route next-hop policy template.
no srlg-enable
This command configures the router ID for the router instance.
The router ID is used by OSPF and BGP in the routing table manager. IS-IS uses the router ID as its system ID. Refer to the 7705 SAR Routing Protocols Guide for information on OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP.
When configuring a new router ID, protocols are not automatically restarted with the new router ID. The next time a protocol is initialized, the new router ID is used. This can result in an interim period when different protocols use different router IDs.
To force the new router ID to be used, issue the shutdown and no shutdown commands for each protocol that uses the router ID, or restart the entire router.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
The system uses the system interface address (which is also the loopback address). If a system interface address is not configured, the last 4 bytes of the MAC address are used.
This command reserves one or more IP address ranges for IES or VPRN services. The range can be made up of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
When the service is configured, the IP address must be within one of the ranges defined in the service-prefix command. If the service-prefix command is not configured, then no limitation exists.
Addresses in the range of a service prefix are allocated to a network port unless the exclusive parameter is used. Then, the address range is reserved exclusively for services.
When the configured range is a superset of a previously defined service prefix, the new superset definition replaces the existing definition. For example, if a service prefix exists for, and a new service prefix is configured as, then the service prefix definition is replaced by the new service prefix configuration.
Similarly, when the configured range is a subset of a previously defined service prefix, the new subset definition replaces the existing definition providing the addresses used by services are not affected. For example, if a service prefix exists for, and a new service prefix is configured as, then the entry is removed provided that there are no configured services that are using the 10.10.x.x addresses other than 10.10.10.x.
The no form of the command removes all IP address reservations. A service prefix cannot be unreserved if one or more services is using an address or addresses in the defined range.
no service-prefix
This command creates IPv4 and IPv6 static route entries for network routes. When configuring a static route, the next-hop, indirect, or black-hole parameter, indicating the type of static route, must be configured. Multiple types of static routes (next-hop, indirect, black-hole) can be applied to the same IP prefix. If a static route that is forwarding traffic goes down, the default route will be used instead. The preference parameter is used to specify the order in which the routes are applied. If a blackhole static route has the same preference as another route with the same prefix, the blackhole route takes a lower precedence.
If the next hop or interface pointing to the next hop changes state (from active to inactive or vice versa), an event is generated and a trap is raised. The generation of this event is disabled by default. To enable generation of this event globally (across all routing instances), the appropriate command must be configured under config>log>event-control (refer to the 7705 SAR System Management Guide).
The no form of the command deletes the static route entry. If a static route needs to be removed when multiple static routes exist to the same destination, as many parameters as necessary to uniquely identify the static route must be entered.
If the router name is management (see router), the static routes configured populate the routing table for the management routing instance. Up to 32 IPv4 and 32 IPv6 static routes can be configured for management traffic. This is in addition to the management routes configured using the bof>static-route command (refer to the 7705 SAR Basic System Configuration Guide, “BOF Command Reference”). The static routes are not added to the routing table until after the configuration file is executed in the application load.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
no static-route
Different protocols should not be configured with the same preference. If this occurs, the tiebreaker is according to the route preference defaults listed in Table 18.
Route Type | Preference | Configurable |
Direct attached | 0 | No |
Static routes | 5 | Yes |
OSPF internal | 10 | Yes |
IS-IS level 1 internal | 15 | Yes |
IS-IS level 2 internal | 18 | Yes |
OSPF external | 150 | Yes |
IS-IS level 1 external | 160 | Yes |
IS-IS level 2 external | 165 | Yes |
If multiple routes are learned with an identical preference using the same protocol, the lowest-cost route is used. If multiple routes are learned with an identical preference using the same protocol, and the costs (metrics) are equal, the route to use is determined by the configuration of the ecmp command.
This value is also used to determine which static route to install in the forwarding table.
The administrative state is maintained in the configuration file.
The administrative state is maintained in the configuration file.
If a static route is configured with the same destination address, subnet mask, and next-hop IP address as a previously configured static route, the newly configured route replaces the previous one, and unless specified, the respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
The ip-int-name is the interface name of the next hop. Interface names must be unique within the group of defined IP interfaces for config>router>interface commands. An interface name cannot be in the form of an IP address. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
The ip-address configured for the next-hop parameter must be on the network side on this node. This address must be associated with a network that is directly connected to a network configured on this node.
The configured ip-address is not directly connected to a network configured on this node. The destination can be reachable via multiple paths. The indirect address can be resolved either via a dynamic routing protocol or by another static route.
If a static route is configured with the same destination address, subnet mask, and indirect next-hop IP address as a previously configured static route, the newly configured route replaces the previous one, and unless specified, the respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
The ip-address configured for the indirect parameter must be on the network side of this node and be at least one hop away from the node.
If a static route is configured with the same destination address and subnet mask as a previously configured static route, the newly configured route replaces the previous one, and unless specified, the respective defaults for preference and metric will be applied.
This command enables the context to configure local DHCP server parameters.
This command enables the context to configure local DHCPv6 server parameters.
This command creates a local DHCP or DHCPv6 server instance. A local DHCP or DHCPv6 server can serve multiple interfaces but is limited to the routing context in which it was created.
The no form of the command removes the local DHCP or DHCPv6 server instance.
This command enables the sending of FORCERENEW messages. If the DHCP server sends a unicast FORCERENEW message to the client, upon receipt of the message, the client will change its state to the RENEW state and will then try to renew its lease according to normal DHCP procedures.
The no form of the command disables the use of FORCERENEW messages.
no force-renews
This command specifies whether the Rapid Commit Option (RCO) sent by the DHCPv6 client is processed.
If enabled and the client has included an RCO in the solicit, then the server ignores the option and processes the remainder of the message as if no RCO were present.
The no form of the command disables the ignore-rapid-commit command.
This command configures the time to retain a lease. The lease-hold-time is for unsolicited release conditions such as lease timeout and for normal solicited release from a DHCPv6 client.
sec 0
This command configures a DHCP or DHCPv6 address pool on the router.
The no form of the command deletes a configured IP address pool.
This command configures the maximum amount of time that a client can lease the IP address.
The no form of the command returns the value to the default.
10 days
This command configures the minimum amount of time that a client can lease the IP address.
The no form of the command returns the value to the default.
10 days
This command configures the minimum number of free addresses in the pool or subnet. If the actual number of free addresses in the pool or subnet falls below the configured minimum, a notification is generated.
The no form of the command returns the value to the default.
This command configures the time interval during which a DHCP offer advertisement is valid. If the client does not respond with a DHCP REQUEST within this interval, the lease is returned to the available lease pool.
The no form of the command returns the value to the default.
1 min
This command enables the context to configure pool options. If the same options are defined several times in different contexts, the options defined at the subnet level take precedence over those defined at the pool level; options defined at the pool level take precedence over those defined from a DHCP or DHCPv6 client request.
This command configures specific DHCP or DHCPv6 options. If the same options are defined several times in different contexts, the options defined at the subnet level take precedence over those defined at the pool level; options defined at the pool level take precedence over those defined from a DHCP or DHCPv6 client request.
The no form of the command removes the option from the configuration.
This command configures the IP address of the DNS servers.
This command configures the default domain for a DHCP or DHCPv6 client that the router uses to complete unqualified host names (without a dotted-decimal domain name).
The no form of the command removes the name from the configuration.
This command configures the time from the assignment of the IP address until the client transitions to a rebinding state.
The no form of the command removes the time from the configuration.
This command configures the time from the assignment of the IP address until the client transitions to a renew state.
The no form of the command removes the time from the configuration.
This command configures the time that the DHCP server grants permission to the DHCP client to use a particular IP address.
The no form of the command removes the lease time parameters from the configuration.
This command configures up to four Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS) name server IP addresses.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
This command configures the NetBIOS node type. The available types are:
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
This command enables a prefix to be routed to hosts associated with the DHCPv6 server pool. Each prefix is represented in the associated FIB with a reference to the pool.
This command configures the preferred lifetime that this prefix will continue to be preferred. The address generated from a prefix that is no longer preferred should not be used as a source address in new communications. However, packets received on such an interface are processed as expected.
This command configures the time from the assignment of the IP address until the client transitions to a rebinding state.
The no form of the command removes the timer from the configuration.
This command configures the time from the assignment of the IP address until the client transitions to a renew state.
The no form of the command removes the timer from the configuration.
This command specifies the length of time that the prefix is valid for the purpose of onlink determination. The address generated from an invalidated prefix should not appear as the destination or source address of a packet.
This command creates a subnet of IP addresses to be served from the pool. The subnet cannot include any addresses that were assigned to subscribers; those addresses must be excluded. When the subnet is created, no IP addresses are made available until a range is defined.
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
This command configures a range of IP addresses to be served from the pool. All IP addresses between the start and end IP addresses will be included (other than specific excluded addresses).
The no form of this command removes the configuration.
This command configures a range of IP addresses to be excluded from this subnet’s pool of IP addresses.
The no form of the command removes the configuration.
This command configures the maximum number of addresses that the client can decline from the server due to the address being in use.
The no form of the command removes the configuration.
This command configures the IP address of the default router for a DHCP client. Up to four IP addresses can be specified.
The no form of the command removes the addresses from the configuration.
This command specifies the subnet mask option to the client. The mask can either be defined (for supernetting) or taken from the pool address.
The no form of the command removes the address from the configuration.
This command enables the use of gateway IP address (GIADDR) matching. If the gi-address flag is enabled, a pool can be used even if a subnet is not found.
A pool can include multiple subnets. Since the GIADDR is shared by multiple subnets in a subscriber interface, the pool may provide IP addresses from any of the subnets included when the GIADDR is matched to any of its subnets. This allows a pool to be created that represents a subnet.
The no form of the command disables GIADDR matching.
no use-gi-address
This command allows an operator to customize the server-id attribute of a DHCPv6 message from the DHCPv6 proxy server (such as DHCPv6 advertise and reply). By default, the server-id uses DUID-ll (DHCP unique identifier-leased line) derived from the system link layer address. Operators have the option to use a unique identifier by using DUID-en (vendor identifier based on enterprise number). There is a maximum length associated with the customizable hex-string and ascii-string.
duid-ll (DUID leased line)
This command enables the local DHCPv6 server to use the link address supplied by the Relay agent to find a matching subnet prefix.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
no use-link-address
This command enables the use of the pool indicated by the DHCP or DHCPv6 client. When enabled, the IP address pool to be used by this server is the pool indicated by the vendor-specific suboption 13 of DHCP option 82. When disabled or if there is no suboption 13 in the DHCP message, the pool selection is specified by the value of the GIADDR.
The no form of the command disables the use of the pool indicated by the DHCP or DHCPv6 client.
no use-pool-from-client
This command specifies which method is used by the local DHCPv6 server to uniquely identify a user.
The no form of the command reverts to the default.
user-ident duid
This command creates a logical IP routing interface. When created, attributes like IP address, port, or system can be associated with the IP interface.
Interface names are case-sensitive and must be unique within the group of IP interfaces defined for config router interface. Interface names must not be in the dotted-decimal notation of an IP address and must begin with a letter; for example, the name “” is not allowed, but “int-” is allowed.
Show commands for router interfaces use either the interface names or the IP addresses. Ambiguity can exist if an IP address is used both as an IP address and an interface name. Duplicate interface names can exist in different router instances, although this is not recommended because it is confusing.
When a new name is entered, a new logical router interface is created. When an existing interface name is entered, the user enters the router interface context for editing and configuration.
Although not a keyword, the interface name “system” is associated with the network entity (such as a specific 7705 SAR), not a specific interface. The system interface is also referred to as the loopback address.
The no form of the command removes the IP interface and all the associated configurations. The interface must be administratively shut down before issuing the no interface command.
no interface
This command assigns an IP address and IP subnet to an IP interface or enables the interface to accept a dynamic IP address using DHCP. Only one IP address can be associated with an IP interface.
An IP address must be assigned to each IP interface. An IP address and a mask combine to create a local IP prefix. The defined IP prefix must be unique within the context of the routing instance. It cannot overlap with other existing IP prefixes defined as local subnets on other IP interfaces in the same routing context within the router.
The IP address for the interface can be entered in either CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) or traditional dotted-decimal notation. Show commands display CIDR notation and are stored in configuration files.
By default, no IP address or subnet association exists on an IP interface until it is explicitly created.
The no form of the command removes the IP address assignment from the IP interface. Interface- specific configurations for MPLS/RSVP-TE are also removed. This will operationally stop any MPLS LSPs that explicitly reference that IP address.
When a new IP address is defined, interface-specific configurations for MPLS/RSVP-TE must be added again.
If dynamic IP address assignment is enabled (using the dhcp keyword), the DHCP client ID (Option 61) and vendor class ID (Option 60) can be configured as specified in RFC 2132.
no address
This command enables the forwarding of directed broadcasts out of the IP interface.
A directed broadcast is a packet received on a local router interface destined for the subnet broadcast address of another IP interface. The allow-directed-broadcasts command on an IP interface enables or disables the transmission of packets destined for the subnet broadcast address of the egress IP interface.
When enabled, a frame destined for the local subnet on this IP interface is sent as a subnet broadcast out this interface.
![]() | Note: Allowing directed broadcasts is a well-known mechanism used for denial-of-service attacks. |
By default, directed broadcasts are not allowed and are discarded at this egress IP interface.
The no form of the command disables directed broadcasts forwarding out of the IP interface.
no allow-directed broadcasts
This command specifies the length of time, in 100s of milliseconds, that the system waits before reissuing a failed ARP request.
The no form of the command resets the interval to the default value.
![]() | Note: The ARP retry default value of 5000 ms is intended to protect CPU cycles on the 7705 SAR, especially when it has a large number of interfaces. Configuring the ARP retry timer to a value shorter than the default should be done only on mission-critical links, such as uplinks or aggregate spoke SDPs transporting mobile traffic; otherwise, the retry interval should be left at the default value. |
50 (in 100s of ms)
This command configures the minimum interval, in seconds, that an ARP entry learned on the IP interface is stored in the ARP table. ARP entries are automatically refreshed when an ARP request or gratuitous ARP is seen from an IP host. Otherwise, the ARP entry is aged from the ARP table. If the arp-timeout value is set to 0 s, ARP aging is disabled.
The no form of the command reverts to the default value.
![]() | Note: The 7705 SAR will attempt to refresh an ARP entry 30 s prior to its expiry. This refresh attempt occurs only if the ARP timeout is set to 45 s or more. |
no arp-timeout
This command configures the time interval in which BFD control messages are transmitted and received on the interface. The multiplier parameter specifies the number of consecutive BFD messages that must be missed by the peer node before the BFD session closes and the upper layer protocols (OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, PIM) are notified of the fault.
See Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for more information on BFD.
no bfd
![]() | Note: The BFD session must be disabled before the type np parameter can be changed. |
This command enables the context to assign interface attributes such as administrative group and SRLG.
This command associates admin groups with this interface. The admin group must already be defined in the config>router>if-attribute>admin-group context.
Up to five groups can be specified with one command. When an admin group is bound to one or more interfaces, its value cannot be changed until all bindings are removed.
When admin groups are associated with network IP interfaces, the interfaces can be included or excluded in the route next-hop selection by matching on the admin-group name in a route next-hop policy template applied to an interface or a set of prefixes.
The configured admin-group membership is applied in all levels or areas that the interface is participating in. The same interface cannot have different memberships in different levels or areas.
The no form of this command deletes the association of this interface with one or more of the admin groups.
no admin-group
This command associates SRLGs with this interface. The SRLG must already be defined in the config>router>if-attribute>srlg-group context.
Up to five SRLGs can be specified with one command. When an SRLG is bound to one or more interfaces, its value cannot be changed until all bindings are removed.
When SRLGs are associated with network IP interfaces, they are evaluated in the route next-hop selection if the srlg-enable option is included in a route next-hop policy template applied to an interface or a set of prefixes. For example, the SRLG constraint can be enabled to select an LFA next hop for a prefix that avoids all interfaces that share the same outcome as the primary next hop.
The configured SRLG membership is applied in all levels or areas that the interface is participating in. The same interface cannot have different memberships in different levels or areas.
The no form of this command deletes the association of this interface with one or more of the SRLGs.
This command configures Layer 4 load balancing at the interface level. Configuration must be done on the ingress network interface (that is, the interface on the node that the packet is received on). When enabled, Layer 4 source and destination port fields of incoming TCP/UDP packets are included in the hashing calculation to randomly determine the distribution of packets.
You can add additional fields to generate more randomness and more equal distribution of packets with the teid-load-balancing command.
The default configuration on the interface is to match the Layer 4 load-balancing configuration in the config>system context. Using this command to modify Layer 4 load-balancing configuration on an interface overrides the system-wide load-balancing settings for that interface.
This command configures the IGP-LDP synchronization timer to enable synchronization of IGP and LDP and synchronization of static routes and LDP. This command is not supported on RIP interfaces.
When a link is restored after a failure, IGP sets the link cost to infinity and advertises it. The supported IGPs are OSPF and IS-IS. The value advertised in OSPF is 0xFFFF (65535). The value advertised in IS-IS regular metric is 0x3F (63) and in IS-IS wide-metric is 0xFFFFFE (16777214).
After IGP advertises the link cost, the LDP hello adjacency is brought up with the neighbor. The LDP synchronization timer is started by IGP from the time the LDP session to the neighbor is up over the interface. This synchronization timer allows time for the label-FEC bindings to be exchanged.
When the LDP synchronization timer expires, the link cost is restored and is readvertised. IGP will announce a new best next-hop and LDP will use it if the label binding for the neighbor’s FEC is available.
The above behavior is similar for static routes. If the static route is enabled for ldp-sync (see static-route), the route is not enabled immediately after the interface to the next hop comes up. Routes are suppressed until the LDP adjacency with the neighbor comes up and the synchronization timer expires. The timer does not start until the LDP adjacency with the neighbor node is fully established. For static routes, the ldp-sync-timer function requires LDP to use the interface address, not the system address, as its transport address.
If the user changes the cost of an interface, the new value is advertised at the next flooding of link attributes by IGP. However, if the LDP synchronization timer is still running, the new cost value will only be advertised after the timer expires. Also, if the currently advertised cost is different, the new cost value will be advertised after the user executes any of the following commands:
Refer to the 7705 SAR OAM and Diagnostics Guide for the tools commands and to the 7705 SAR Routing Protocols Guide for the OSPF and IS-IS commands.
If the user changes the value of the LDP synchronization timer parameter, the new value will take effect at the next synchronization event. In other words, if the timer is still running, it will continue using the previous value.
If parallel links exist to the same neighbor, the bindings and services should remain up as long as there is one interface that is up. However, the user-configured LDP synchronization timer still applies on the failed then restored interface. In this case, the 7705 SAR will only consider this interface for forwarding after IGP re-advertises its actual cost value.
The LDP Sync Timer State is not always synced across to the standby CSM; therefore, after an activity switch, the timer state might not be same as it was on the previously active CSM.
The no form of this command disables IGP-LDP synchronization and deletes the configuration.
![]() | Note: If the ldp-sync-timer value is configured on the interface but LDP is not running on the interface, the configuration will cause the IGP route cost to increase to the maximum value. |
no ldp-sync-timer
This command associates the interface with a local DHCP server configured on the system.
The no form of the command removes the association of the interface with the local DHCP server.
This command enables local proxy ARP on the interface.
Local proxy ARP allows the 7705 SAR to respond to ARP requests received on an interface for an IP address that is part of a subnet assigned to the interface. The router responds to all requests for IP addresses within the subnet with its own MAC address and forwards all traffic between the hosts in the subnet.
Local proxy ARP is used on subnets where hosts are prevented from communicating directly.
no local-proxy-arp
This command configures the interface as a loopback interface.
no loopback
This command configures LSR load balancing at the interface level. Configuration must be done on the ingress network interface (that is, the interface on the LDP LSR node that the packet is received on).
Hashing can be enabled on the IP header at an LSR to send labeled packets over multiple equal-cost paths in an LDP LSP and/or over multiple links of a LAG group in all types of LSPs.
The bottom-of-stack option determines the significance of the bottom-of-stack label (VC label) based on which label stack profile option is specified.
When LSR load balancing is enabled, the default configuration for the hashing algorithm is label-only (lbl-only) hashing, and the default configuration for the bottom-of-stack hashing treatment is profile-1.
The use-ingress-port option, when enabled, specifies that the ingress port will be used by the hashing algorithm at the LSR. This option should be enabled for ingress LAG ports because packets with the same label stack can arrive on all ports of a LAG interface. In this case, using the ingress port in the hashing algorithm will result in better egress load balancing, especially for pseudowires.
The option should be disabled for LDP ECMP so that the ingress port is not used by the hashing algorithm. For ingress LDP ECMP, if the ingress port is used by the hashing algorithm, the hash distribution could be biased, especially for pseudowires.
LSR load-balancing configuration on an interface overrides the system-wide LSR load-balancing settings for the interface.
no lsr-load-balancing
lbl-only | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack, up to a maximum of 10 labels |
lbl-ip | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack and the IPv4 source and destination IP address if an IPv4 header is present after the MPLS labels |
lbl-ip-l4-teid | hashing is done on the MPLS label stack, the IPv4 source and destination IP address (if present), then on the Layer 4 source and destination UDP or TCP port fields (if present) and the TEID in the GTP header (if present) |
profile-1 | favors better load balancing for pseudowires when the VC label distribution is contiguous |
profile-2 | similar to profile-1 where the VC labels are contiguous, but provides an alternate distribution |
profile-3 | all labels have equal influence in hash key generation |
This command enables or disables the receiving of SNTP broadcasts on the IP interface.
This parameter is only valid when the SNTP broadcast-client global parameter is configured.
The no form of the command disables SNTP broadcast received on the IP interface.
no ntp-broadcast
This command creates an association with a logical IP interface and a physical port.
An interface can also be associated with the system (loopback address).
The command returns an error if the interface is already associated with another port or the system. In this case, the association must be deleted before the command is reattempted.
The port name consists of the port-id (for T1/E1 interfaces and Ethernet interfaces) and an optional encapsulation value (for Ethernet interfaces). The port name can also be the bundle-id used for the multilink bundle (PPP or IMA). Refer to the 7705 SAR Interface Configuration Guide for information on configuring ports.
The no form of the command deletes the association with the port. The no form of this command can only be performed when the interface is administratively down.
no port
This command enables proxy ARP on the interface and specifies an existing policy statement that controls the flow of routing information by analyzing match and action criteria. The policy statement is configured in the config>router>policy-options context (see Route Policy Options in the Route Policy Command Reference section). When proxy ARP is enabled, the 7705 SAR responds to ARP requests on behalf of another device.
no proxy-arp-policy
This command associates a network Quality of Service (QoS) policy with an IP interface.
Only one network QoS policy can be associated with an IP interface at one time. Attempts to associate a second QoS policy return an error.
Packets are marked using QoS policies on edge devices. Invoking a QoS policy on a network port allows for the packets that match the policy criteria to be remarked.
The no form of the command removes the QoS policy association from the IP interface, and the QoS policy reverts to the default.
qos 1 — IP interface associated with network QoS policy 1
This command assigns a reassembly profile to the interface. The same interface must receive all fragments from a fragmented flow.
Reassembly profiles cannot be assigned to an interface that uses an unsupported adapter card, or to a LAG that contains a port from an unsupported adapter card. All Ethernet adapter cards and Ethernet ports on the 7705 SAR fixed platforms support reassembly profiles except for the following adapter cards:
The no form of the command removes the association between the interface and the reassembly profile.
no reassembly-profile
This command enables remote proxy ARP on the interface, allowing a router on one network to respond to ARP requests intended for another node that is physically located on another network. The router effectively pretends to be the destination node by sending an ARP response to the originating node that associates the router’s MAC address with the destination node’s IP address (acts as a proxy for the destination node). The router then takes responsibility for routing traffic to the real destination.
no remote-proxy-arp
This command configures a static ARP entry associating an IP address with a MAC address for the core router instance. This static ARP appears in the core routing ARP table. A static ARP can only be configured if it exists on the network attached to the IP interface.
If an entry for a particular IP address already exists and a new MAC address is configured for the IP address, the existing MAC address is replaced by the new MAC address.
A router interface can only have one static ARP entry configured for it.
Static ARP is used when a 7705 SAR needs to know about a device on an interface that cannot or does not respond to ARP requests. Therefore, the 7705 SAR configuration can state that, if it has a packet that has a certain IP address, to send it to the corresponding ARP address.
The no form of the command removes a static ARP entry.
no static-arp
This command configures the maximum segment size (MSS) in a TCP SYN or SYN-ACK packet during the establishment of a TCP connection. A tcp-mss value can be specified on an ingress interface, egress interface, or both. When configured on two interfaces, the smaller of the two values is used. If the TCP SYN packet has no TCP MSS field, the 7705 SAR assigns it the MSS value configured on the interface and recalculates the IP checksum. If the TCP SYN or SYN-ACK packet has an MSS field and the value is greater than the value configured on the interface, the 7705 SAR overwrites the packet MSS value with the lower value. If the MSS value is less than the value configured on the interface, the packet MSS value does not change.
This command is supported on interfaces with IPv4 and IPv6 traffic, and a different MSS value can be configured for the IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.
no tcp-mss
This command configures TEID load balancing at the interface level. Configuration must be done on the ingress network interface (that is, the interface on the node that the packet is received on). The TEID attribute is included in the header of GTP (general packet radio system tunneling protocol) packets. When TEID load balancing is enabled, the TEID field of incoming TCP/UDP packets is included in the hashing calculation to randomly determine the distribution of packets.
You can add additional fields to generate more randomness and more equal distribution of packets with the l4-load-balancing command.
no teid-load-balancing
This command configures an IP interface as an unnumbered interface and specifies an IP address or interface name to be used for the interface. Unnumbered interfaces are point-to-point interfaces that are not explicitly configured with a dedicated IP address and subnet; instead, they borrow an IP address from another interface on the system (the system IP address, another loopback interface, or any other numbered interface).
If the dhcp keyword is specified, the interface can accept a dynamic system IP address using DHCP. If dynamic IP address assignment is enabled, the DHCP client ID (Option 61) and vendor class ID (Option 60) can be configured as specified in RFC 2132.
Only one unnumbered interface with the dhcp option can be associated with the “system” interface. Attempts to configure a second unnumbered interface with a binding to “system” is blocked in the CLI when the “system” interface already has an “unnumbered dhcp” binding.
Only one IP address can be associated with an IP interface; the interface cannot be configured as unnumbered if an IP address already exists.
By default, no IP address exists on an IP interface until it is explicitly created.
The no form of the command removes the IP address assignment from the IP interface. Interface- specific configurations for MPLS are also removed. This will operationally stop any MPLS LSPs that explicitly reference that IP address.
When a new IP address is defined, interface-specific configurations for MPLS must be added again.
no unnumbered
This command enables the context to configure IPv6 parameters on a router interface.
IP version 6 (IPv6) addresses are supported on:
This command automatically generates an FE80:: link-local address.
The no form of the command disables IPv6 on the interface.
no ipv6
This command assigns an IPv6 address to the interface.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for interface IP addresses:
For these cards and platforms, the supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /127, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported interface IP address prefixes are from /4 to /64, and /128 on system or loopback interfaces.
This command associates the interface with a local DHCPv6 server configured on the system.
The no form of the command removes the association of the interface with the local DHCPv6 server.
This command configures the IPv6 link local address.
This command configures an IPv6-to-MAC address mapping on the interface. Use this command if a directly attached IPv6 node does not support ICMPv6 neighbor discovery or a static address must be used. This command can only be used on Ethernet interfaces. The ipv6-address must be on the subnet that was configured from the IPv6 address command or a link-local address.
This command specifies the time that an IPv6 neighbor remains in a reachable state.
no reachable-time
This command specifies the time that an IPv6 neighbor cache entry remains in a stale state on a router. When the specified time elapses, the system removes the neighbor cache entry.
no stale-time
This command enables the context to configure DHCP Relay Agent parameters.
This command configures the gateway interface address for the DHCP Relay Agent. By default, the GIADDR used in the relayed DHCP packet is the primary address of an interface.
no gi-address
This command enables DHCP Option 82 (Relay Agent Information Option) parameters processing and enters the context for configuring Option 82 suboptions.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default.
no option
This command configures the processing required when the 7705 SAR receives a DHCP request that already has a Relay Agent Information Option (Option 82) field in the packet.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default value.
keep (as per RFC 3046, DHCP Relay Agent Information Option, section 2.1.1, Reforwarded DHCP requests, the default is to keep the existing information intact. The exception to this occurs if the gi-addr (gateway interface address) of the received packet is the same as the ingress address on the router. In this case, the packet is dropped and an error is logged.)
When enabled, the router sends the interface index (If Index) in the circuit-id suboption of the DHCP packet. The If Index of a router interface can be displayed using the show>router> interface>detail command. This option specifies data that must be unique to the router that is relaying the circuit.
If disabled, the circuit-id suboption of the DHCP packet will be left empty.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default.
This command copies the DHCP Option 82 into Option 43 (vendor-specific) on the DHCP offer destined for the DHCP client. This command is used in conjunction with the Auto-Discovery Protocol to allow the Auto-Discovery client node to learn about its network uplink.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default.
no copy
When enabled, the router sends the MAC address of the remote end (typically, the DHCP client) in the remote-id suboption of the DHCP packet. This command identifies the host at the other end of the circuit. If disabled, the remote-id suboption of the DHCP packet will be left empty.
The no form of this command returns the system to the default.
no remote-id
This command specifies a list of servers where requests will be forwarded. The list of servers can be entered as either IP addresses or fully qualified domain names. There must be at least one server specified for DHCP Relay to work. If there are multiple servers specified, then the request is forwarded to all of the servers in the list. There can be a maximum of eight DHCP servers configured.
no server
This command enables access to the context to configure egress network filter policies for the IP interface.
If an egress filter policy is not defined, no filtering is performed.
This command enables access to the context to configure ingress network filter policies for the IP interface.
If an ingress filter policy is not defined, no filtering is performed.
This command sets the aggregate rate limits (PIR and CIR) for the VLAN bound to the network interface once a queue-policy has been assigned. The agg-rate sets the PIR value. The cir-rate sets the CIR value. On Gen-3 hardware, the cir-rate for this command can be configured and is applied but has no effect on the network port. For a network interface on a hybrid port, this command takes effect. For information on adapter card generations, refer to the “Evolution of Ethernet Adapter Cards, Modules, and Platforms” section in the 7705 SAR Interface Configuration Guide.
The queue-policy command is used to enable and disable network egress per-VLAN shapers on a per-network-interface basis. If a queue policy has not been assigned, or if the no queue-policy command is issued, then the VLAN interface defaults to the unshaped mode and the aggregate rate limits are set to their default values. The agg-rate-limit command is only valid when the VLAN shaper is enabled.
Configuring the cir-rate is optional. If a cir-rate is not entered, then the cir-rate is set to its default value (0 kb/s). If a cir-rate has been set and the agg-rate is changed without re-entering the cir-rate, then the cir-rate automatically resets to 0 kb/s. For example, to change the agg-rate from 2000 to 1500 while maintaining a cir-rate of 500, use the command agg-rate-limit 1500 cir 500.
The no form of the command sets the agg-rate to the maximum and the cir-rate to 0 kb/s.
no agg-rate-limit
This command associates an IP filter policy with an IPv4 or IPv6 interface. IPv4 filters are supported on all ingress and egress network interfaces. IPv6 filters are supported on all Ethernet ingress and egress network interfaces (with null or dot1q encapsulation) and on ingress and egress interfaces on the 4-port OC3/STM1 Clear Channel Adapter card (with POS encapsulation).
Filter policies control packet forwarding and dropping based on IP match criteria.
The ip-filter-id or ipv6-filter-id must have been preconfigured before this filter command is executed. If the filter ID does not exist, an error occurs.
Only one filter ID can be assigned to an interface unless the interface is dual-stack (supports both IPv4 and IPv6). A dual-stack interface can have one IPv4 and one IPv6 filter ID assigned to it.
The no form of the command removes the filter policy associated with the IP interface.
![]() | Note: For information on configuring IP filter IDs, see Creating an IPv4 or IPv6 Filter Policy. |
This command specifies the network queue policy that defines queue parameters such as CBS, MBS, CIR, and PIR rates, as well as forwarding class-to-queue mappings for the shaped VLAN queues. The network queue policy is defined in the config>qos>network-queue context. Refer to the 7705 SAR Quality of Service Guide, “Network Queue QoS Policies”, for more information.
The queue-policy command is used to enable and disable network egress per-VLAN shapers on a per-network-interface basis. If the VLAN shaper is enabled, then a set of network egress queues is created specifically for the interface, and traffic for that interface is handled by a per-VLAN shaper in the egress direction. If a queue policy has not been assigned, or if the no queue-policy command is issued, then the VLAN interface defaults to the unshaped mode and the agg-rate-limit is set to its default values. If the VLAN shaper is disabled for the interface, then the queues created for the interface are deleted, and traffic goes to the unshaped VLAN aggregate queues that are shared by all other interfaces (or VLANs).
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
This command enables network group encryption (NGE) on the router interface. When NGE is enabled on the interface, all received Layer 3 packets that have the protocol ID configured as ESP are considered to be NGE packets and must be encrypted using a valid set of keys from any preconfigured key group on the system.
The no form of the command disables NGE on the interface. NGE cannot be disabled unless all key groups and IP exception filters are removed.
no group-encryption
This command is used to bind a key group to a router interface for inbound or outbound packet processing. When configured in the outbound direction, packets egressing the router use the active-outbound-sa associated with the configured key group. When configured in the inbound direction, received packets must be encrypted using one of the valid security associations configured for the key group.
The no form of the command removes the key group from the router interface in the specified direction.
no encryption-keygroup direction inbound
no encryption-keygroup direction outbound
This command associates an IP exception filter policy with an NGE-enabled router interface to allow packets matching the exception criteria to transit the NGE domain as clear text.
When an exception filter is added for inbound traffic, packets matching the criteria in the IP exception filter policy are allowed to be received in clear text even if an inbound key group is configured. If no inbound key group is configured, then associated inbound IP exception filter policies will be ignored.
When an exception filter is added for outbound traffic, packets matching the criteria in the IP exception filter policy are not encrypted when sent out of the router interface even if an outbound key group is configured. If no outbound key group is configured, then associated outbound IP exception filter policies will be ignored.
The no form of the command removes the IP exception filter policy from the specified direction.
no ip-exception direction inbound
no ip-exception direction outbound
This command enables access to the context to configure Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) parameters on a network IP interface. ICMP is a message control and error reporting protocol that also provides information relevant to IP packet processing.
This command enables or disables responses to ICMP mask requests on the router interface.
If a local node sends an ICMP mask request to the router interface, the mask-reply command configures the router interface to reply to the request.
The no form of the command disables replies to ICMP mask requests on the router interface.
mask-reply — replies to ICMP mask requests
This command enables the generation of ICMP Time To Live (TTL) expired messages and configures the rate that the messages are issued by the IP interface.
By default, generation of ICMP TTL expired messages is enabled at a maximum rate of 100 per 10-s time interval.
The no form of the command disables the generation of TTL expired messages.
ttl-expired 100 10 — maximum of 100 TTL expired message in 10 s
This command enables the generation of ICMP host and network destination unreachable messages on the router interface. The rate at which ICMP unreachables is issued can be controlled with the optional number and seconds parameters by indicating the maximum number of destination unreachable messages that can be issued on the interface for a given time interval.
By default, generation of ICMP destination unreachables messages is enabled at a maximum rate of 100 per 10-s time interval.
The no form of the command disables the generation of ICMP destination unreachables on the router interface.
unreachables 100 10 — maximum of 100 unreachable messages in 10 s
This command enables the context to configure ICMPv6 parameters on an interface.
This command enables the generation of ICMPv6 packet-too-big messages and configures the rate that the messages are issued by the IP interface.
The no form of the command disables the sending of ICMPv6 packet-too-big messages.
100 10
This command enables the generation of ICMPv6 param-problem messages and configures the rate that the messages are issued by the IP interface.
The no form of the command disables the sending of ICMPv6 param-problem messages.
100 10
This command enables the generation of ICMPv6 time-exceeded messages and configures the rate that the messages are issued by the IP interface.
The no form of the command disables the sending of ICMPv6 time-exceeded messages.
100 10
This command enables the generation of ICMPv6 host and network destination unreachable messages on the router interface. The rate at which ICMP unreachables is issued can be controlled with the optional number and seconds parameters by indicating the maximum number of destination unreachable messages that can be issued on the interface for a given time interval.
The no form of the command disables the generation of ICMPv6 destination unreachables on the router interface.
100 10
This command enables the context to configure router advertisement properties. By default, it is disabled for all IPv6-enabled interfaces.
The no form of the command disables router advertisement on all IPv6 interfaces.
no router-advertisement
This command configures router advertisement properties on a specified interface. The interface name must already exist in the config>router>interface context.
The no form of the command disables router advertisement on the specified router interface.
This command configures the current hop limit in the router advertisement messages. It informs the nodes on the subnet about the hop limit when originating IPv6 packets.
This command sets the managed address configuration flag. This flag indicates that DHCPv6 is available for address configuration in addition to any address autoconfigured using stateless address autoconfiguration. Refer to RFC 3315, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6.
no managed-configuration
This command configures the maximum interval between sending router advertisement messages.
This command configures the minimum interval between sending ICMPv6 router advertisement messages.
This command configures the MTU for the nodes to use when sending packets on the link.
The no form of the command means that the MTU option is not sent in the router advertisement messages.
no mtu
This command sets the “Other configuration” flag. This flag indicates that DHCPv6lite is available for autoconfiguration of other (non-address) information such as DNS-related information or information on other servers in the network. See RFC 3736, Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv6.
no other-stateful configuration
This command configures an IPv6 prefix in the router advertisement messages. To support multiple IPv6 prefixes, use multiple prefix statements. No prefix is advertised until it is explicitly configured using prefix statements.
This command specifies whether the prefix can be used for stateless address autoconfiguration.
This command specifies whether the prefix can be used for onlink determination.
This command configures the remaining time, in seconds, that this prefix will continue to be preferred. The address generated from a prefix that is no longer preferred should not be used as a source address in new communications. However, packets received on such an interface are processed as expected.
This command specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the prefix is valid for the purpose of onlink determination. The address generated from an invalidated prefix should not appear as the destination or source address of a packet.
This command configures how long the router should be considered reachable by other nodes on the link after receiving a reachability confirmation.
no reachable-time
This command configures the retransmission frequency of neighbor solicitation messages.
no retransmit-time
This command configures the router lifetime.
no router-lifetime
This command enables the sending of router advertisement messages using the VRRP virtual MAC address, provided that the virtual router is currently the master.
If the virtual router is not the master, no router advertisement messages are sent.
The no form of the command disables the sending of router advertisement messages.
no use-virtual-mac
This command creates or specifies a security zone within a router context. Each zone must have a unique identifier.
All zones must be explicitly created with the create keyword.
Enter an existing zone without the create keyword to edit zone parameters.
The no form of this command deletes the zone. When a zone is deleted, all configuration parameters for the zone are also deleted.
This command discards changes made to a security feature.
This command enters the mode to create or edit security features.
This command saves changes made to security features.
This command enables the context to configure limit parameters for inbound firewall sessions.
This command enables the context to configure limit parameters for outbound firewall sessions.
This command enables the context to configure limits on concurrent sessions for inbound or outbound firewall sessions.
This command configures the maximum number of concurrent firewall sessions that can be established per zone, in either the inbound or outbound direction, for the specified protocol.
This command creates a logical IP routing interface for a zone. Once created, attributes such as an IP address can be associated with the IP interface. Multiple interfaces can be configured for each zone.
The no form of this command removes the IP interface and all the associated configurations.
This command configures a log identifier for the specified zone. A log identifier can be configured in the config>router>zone context and the config>security>policy context.
The no form of this command removes logging for the zone.
This command configures a zone name. The zone name is unique within the system. It can be used to refer to the zone under configure, show, and clear commands.
The no form of the command removes the name.
This command enters the context to configure NAT parameters for a zone.
This command configures the NAT pool for a security zone. Each pool must have a unique ID.
All pools must be explicitly created with the create keyword.
Enter an existing pool without the create keyword to edit pool parameters.
The no form of this command deletes the specified NAT pool. When a pool is deleted, all configuration parameters for the pool will also be deleted.
This command configures the NAT pool direction for the security zone. A specific NAT pool can be configured for different directions while using the same policy. For example, if the security policy entry direction is set to both, separate inbound and outbound pools can be created for that policy.
This command configures a NAT pool entry.
The no form of this command deletes the entry with the specified ID. When an entry is deleted, all configuration parameters for the entry will also be deleted.
This command configures the source IP address or IP address range to which packets that match NAT policy are routed using NAT. An interface can also be configured, in which case all packets that match NAT policy are routed to the interface IP address. If the interface IP address is changed dynamically, NAT is updated accordingly. Only one IP address can be associated with an IP interface. Source IP addresses and interfaces cannot be used together in a single NAT pool.
The IP address for the interface must be entered in dotted-decimal notation. The maximum IP address range limit is 255.
![]() | Note: A NAT pool interface cannot be an unnumbered interface. A security session will not be created if the NAT pool interface is configured as an unnumbered interface. However, the loopback interface used for an unnumbered interface can be used as a NAT pool interface. |
The no form of the command removes the IP address assignment. The no form of this command can only be performed when the IP interface is administratively shut down. Shutting down the IP interface brings the interface operationally down.
This command configures the UDP/TCP port or port range. Packets that match NAT policy undergo network port address translation (NPAT) and are routed to their source UDP/TCP port. Configuring a UDP/TCP port pool requires an IP address pool because the 7705 SAR does not support port address translation (PAT) alone.
The no form of this command deletes the port or port range.
This command configures a zone pool name. Pool names must be unique within the group of pools defined for a zone. A pool name can be used to refer to the pool under configure, show, and clear commands.
The no form of the command removes the name.
This command sets the policy to be used by the security zone to build its matching criteria for incoming packets.
The no form of this command deletes the specified policy.
This command enables the context for configuring TWAMP Light functionality.
This command enables the context for configuring TWAMP Light session reflector functionality. The reflector functionality is enabled using the no shutdown command.
This command configures an IP address prefix containing one or more TWAMP Light session controllers. It is used to define which TWAMP Light packet prefixes the reflector will process. Once the prefix is configured, the TWAMP Light session reflector only responds to TWAMP Light packets from source addresses that are part of the prefix list.
no prefix
This command configures the specific UDP port that the session reflector listens to for TWAMP Light packets. The session controller launching the TWAMP Light packets must have the same UDP port configured as the session reflector.
no udp-port
![]() | Note: The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration. |
This command displays the router ARP table sorted by IP address.
If no command line options are specified, all ARP entries are displayed.
![]() | Note: Multiple MAC addresses can be associated with an interface that is a network port. |
The following output is an example of the ARP table, and Table 19 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
IP Address | The IP address of the ARP entry |
MAC Address | The MAC address of the ARP entry |
Expiry | The age of the ARP entry |
Type | Dyn — the ARP entry is a dynamic ARP entry |
Inv — the ARP entry is an inactive static ARP entry (invalid) | |
Oth — the ARP entry is a local or system ARP entry | |
Sta — the ARP entry is an active static ARP entry | |
Interface | The IP interface name associated with the ARP entry |
No. of ARP Entries | The number of ARP entries displayed in the list |
This command displays interface or policy authentication statistics.
The following output is an example of the authentication statistics, and Table 20 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Client Packets Authenticate Fail | The number of packets that failed authentication |
Client Packets Authenticate Ok | The number of packets that were authenticated |
This command enables the context to display bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) information.
This command displays BFD interface information.
The following output is an example of BFD interface information, and Table 21 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
TX Interval | Displays the interval, in milliseconds, between the transmitted BFD messages to maintain the session |
RX Interval | Displays the expected interval, in milliseconds, between the received BFD messages to maintain the session |
Multiplier | Displays the integer used by BFD to declare when the far end is down. |
This command displays session information.
The following output is an example of BFD session information, and Table 22 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
State | Displays the administrative state for this BFD session |
Protocol | Displays the active protocol |
Tx Intvl | Displays the interval, in milliseconds, between the transmitted BFD messages to maintain the session |
Tx Pkts | Displays the number of transmitted BFD packets |
Rx Intvl | Displays the expected interval, in milliseconds, between the received BFD messages to maintain the session |
Rx Pkts | Displays the number of received packets |
Mult | Displays the integer used by BFD to declare when the neighbor is down |
This command enables the context to display DHCP-related information.
This command enables the context to display DHCPv6-related information.
This command enables the context to display information about a local DHCP server.
This command displays the interfaces associated with this DHCP server.
The following output is an example of DHCP server association information, and Table 23 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Associations | The name of the associated interface |
Admin | The administrative state of the interface |
This command displays information about declined addresses.
The following output is an example of DHCP server declined address information, and Table 24 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Pool | The name of the DHCP address pool |
PPoe User Name/Option 82 Circuit ID | The PPoE user name or Option 82 circuit ID PPoE user names are not supported on the 7705 SAR |
Subnet | The subnet of the DHCP address pool |
Time | The time that the address was declined |
IP Address | The declined IP address |
MAC Address | The declined MAC address |
Type | The type of pool |
This command displays the free addresses in a subnet.
The following output is an example of DHCP server free address information, and Table 25 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
IP Address | The free IP address |
Fail Ctrl | The failure control Failure control is not supported on the 7705 SAR |
This command displays DHCP or DHCPv6 lease information.
Entering the command with no parameters will show all leases.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP statistics information:
Label | Description |
IP Address | The leased IP address |
PPoE user name/Opt82 Circuit Id | The PPoE user name or Option 82 circuit ID PPoE user names are not supported on the 7705 SAR |
User-db-hostname | The user database hostname User databases are not supported on the 7705 SAR |
Lease State | The state of the lease. The state can be:
Mac Address | The MAC address |
Remaining LifeTime | The remaining time left in the lease |
Clnt Type | The type of client |
Label | Description |
IP Address/ Prefix | The leased IPv6 address and prefix |
Link-local Address | The link-local address of the leased IPv6 address and prefix |
Lease State | The state of the lease. The state can be:
Remaining Lifetime | The amount of time remaining in the current lease |
Fail Ctrl | The failure control method |
This command displays extended statistics for each DHCP or DHCPv6 pool in the local DHCP or DHCPv6 server.
For each listed statistic except for Provisioned Addresses, a current value and peak value are shown. The peak value is the highest value reached by the statistic since pool creation or the last pool statistics clearing operation via the clear router {dhcp | dhcpv6} local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats command.
The following outputs are examples of extended DHCP or DHCPv6 pool statistics information:
Label | Description |
Current | The current value of the statistic |
Peak | The highest value reached by the statistic since pool creation or the last statistics clearing operation |
TimeStamp | The date and time of the current statistic capture |
Pool | The name of the pool |
Offered Leases | The number of leases offered from the pool |
Stable Leases | The number of stable leases in the pool |
Provisioned Addresses | The number of provisioned addresses in the pool |
Used Addresses | The number of used addresses in the pool |
Free Addresses | The number of free addresses in the pool |
Used Pct | The percentage of used addresses in the pool |
Free Pct | The percentage of free addresses in the pool |
Last Reset Time | The date and time of the last pool statistics clearing operation |
Number of entries | The total number of pool entries |
Label | Description |
Current | The current value for the field |
Peak | The highest value for the field since pool creation or last reset |
TimeStamp | The timestamp of the current value |
Pool | The name of the pool |
Local | |
Stable Leases | The total number of stable leases in the pool |
Provisioned Blks | The number of provisioned /64 address blocks in the pool |
Used Blks | The number of used /64 address blocks in the pool |
Free Blks | The number of free /64 address blocks in the pool |
Used Pct | The percentage of used addresses (with /64 address block) |
Free Pct | The percentage of free addresses (with /64 address block) |
Last Reset Time | The timestamp of the last reset |
Number of entries | The total number of pool entries |
This command displays statistics per DHCPv6 pool for a local DHCPv6 server.
If no pool name is specified, statistics for all DHCPv6 pools are displayed.
The following output is an example of DHCPv6 pool statistics, and Table 30 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Pool | The name of the pool |
Dropped Int no prefix WAN | The number of routing gateway WAN interfaces dropped due to inability to provide a prefix from the pool |
Dropped Int no prefix SLAAC | The number of interfaces dropped due to inability to provide a prefix from the pool using stateless address autoconfiguration |
This command displays extended statistics per DHCPv6 prefix for a local DHCPv6 server.
The current value and peak value are displayed for each statistic except for provisioned addresses. Peak value is the highest value since the prefix was created or last reset using the clear router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server prefix-ext-stats command.
When the pool parameter is used, the statistics for each prefix in the specified pool are displayed.
The following output is an example of extended DHCPv6 prefix statistics, and Table 31 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Current | The current value for the field |
Peak | The highest value for the field since pool creation or last reset |
TimeStamp | The timestamp of the current value |
Local | |
Failover Oper State | The current state of failover capacity |
Stable Leases | The total number of stable leases in the pool |
Provisioned Blks | The number of provisioned /64 address blocks in the pool |
Used Blks | The number of used /64 address blocks in the pool |
Free Blks | The number of free /64 address blocks in the pool |
Used Pct | The percentage of used addresses (with /64 address block) |
Free Pct | The percentage of free addresses (with /64 address block) |
Last Reset Time | The timestamp of the last reset |
Number of entries | The total number of pool entries |
This command displays statistics for a DHCPv6 prefix.
When the pool parameter is used, the statistics for each prefix in the specified pool are displayed.
The following output is an example of DHCPv6 prefix statistics, and Table 32 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Prefix | The DHCPv6 prefix |
Advertised | The number of advertised leases in the prefix |
Stable | The number of stable leases in the prefix |
RCPending | The number of leases in the prefix that are pending assignment based on router capability (RC) protocol |
RemPending | The number of leases in the prefix that are pending removal |
Declined | The number of declined leases in the prefix |
Number of entries | The total number of listed prefixes |
This command displays local DHCP or DHCPv6 server statistics.
The following output is an example of DHCP server statistics information, and Table 33 describes the fields.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP or DHCPv6 server statistics information:
Label | Description |
Rx Discover Packets | The number of DHCPDISCOVER (option 53 with value 1) packets received by the DHCP server |
Rx Request Packets | The number of DHCPREQUEST (option 53 with value 3) packets received by the DHCP server |
Rx Release Packets | The number of DHCPRELEASE (option 53 with value 7) packets received by the DHCP server |
Rx Decline Packets | The number of DHCPDECLINE (option 53 with value 4) packets received by the DHCP server |
Rx Inform Packets | The number of DHCPINFORM (option 53 with value 8) packets received by the DHCP server |
Tx Offer Packets | The number of DHCPOFFER (option 53 with value 2) packets sent by the DHCP server |
Tx Ack Packets | The number of DHCPACK (option 53 with value 5) packets sent by the DHCP server |
Tx Nak Packets | The number of DHCPNAK (option 53 with value 6) packets sent by the DHCP server |
Tx Forcerenew Packets | The number of DHCPFORCERENEW (option 53 with value 9) packets sent by the DHCP server |
Client Ignored Offers | The number of DHCPOFFER (option 52 with value 2) packets sent by the DHCP server that were ignored by the clients |
Leases Timed Out | The number of DHCP leases that timed out without renewal |
Dropped Bad Packet | The number of DHCP packets received that were corrupt |
Dropped Invalid Type | The number of DHCP packets received that had an invalid message type (option 53) |
Dropped No User Database | The number of DHCP packets dropped because the user-db value of the server was not equal to the default value and a local user database with that name could not be found. This is not supported on the 7705 SAR. |
Dropped Unknown Host | The number of DHCP packets dropped from hosts that were not found in the user database when use-gi-address was disabled |
Dropped User Not Allowed | The number of DHCP packets dropped from hosts, which have no specified address or pool, that were found in the user database while use-gi-address was disabled |
Dropped Lease Not Ready | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server before the lease database was ready |
Dropped Lease Not Found | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because no valid lease was found |
Dropped Not Serving Pool | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because there were no free addresses in the pool |
Dropped Invalid User | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because the MAC address of the sender or the Option 82 did not match the host lease state |
Dropped Overload | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because they were received in excess of what the server can process |
Dropped Persistence Overload | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because they were received in excess of what the DHCP persistence system can process. If this occurs, only releases and declines are processed. |
Dropped Generic Error | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because of a generic error |
Dropped Destined to Other | The number of DHCP requests dropped by the server because the broadcast request was not addressed to this server |
Dropped Address Unavailable | The number of DHCP requests dropped by the server because the requested address is not available |
Dropped Max Leases Reached | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server because the maximum number of leases was reached |
Dropped Server Shutdown | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server during server shutdown |
Dropped No Subnet For Fixed IP | The number of DHCP packets dropped by the server for user-db hosts with a fixed address because the subnet to which the address belongs is not configured |
Dropped Duplicate From Diff GI | The number of DHCP requests dropped by the server because they were received from a different Gateway IP address within an interval of 10 s after the previous DHCP request |
Label | Description |
Rx Solicit Packets | The number of SOLICIT packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Request Packets | The number of REQUEST packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Confirm Packets | The number of CONFIRM packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Renew Packets | The number of RENEW packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Rebind Packets | The number of REBIND packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Decline Packets | The number of DECLINE packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Release Packets | The number of RELEASE packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Information Request Packets | The number of INFORMATION-REQUEST packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Rx Leasequery Packets | The number of lease query packets received by the DHCPv6 server |
Tx Advertise Packets | The number of ADVERTISE packets sent by the DHCPv6 server |
Tx Reply Packets | The number of REPLY packets sent by the DHCPv6 server |
Tx Reconfigure Packets | The number of RECONFIGURE packets sent by the DHCPv6 server |
Tx Leasequery Reply Packets | The number of REPLY packets sent by the DHCPv6 server in response to a lease query |
Client Ignored Offers | The number of ADVERTISE packets sent by the DHCPv6 server that were ignored by the clients |
Leases Timed Out | The number of DHCPv6 leases that timed out without renewal |
Dropped Bad Packet | The number of DHCPv6 packets received that were corrupt |
Dropped Invalid Type | The number of DHCPv6 packets received that had an invalid message type (option 53) |
Dropped Lease Not Ready | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server before the lease database was ready |
Dropped Not Serving Pool | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because there were no free addresses in the pool |
Dropped Overload | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because they were received in excess of what the server can process |
Dropped Persistence Overload | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because they were received in excess of what the DHCPv6 persistence system can process. If this occurs, only releases and declines are processed. |
Dropped Generic Error | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because of a generic error |
Dropped Destined to Other | The number of DHCPv6 requests dropped by the server because the broadcast request was not addressed to this server |
Dropped Max Leases Reached | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because the maximum number of leases was reached |
Dropped Server Shutdown | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server during server shutdown |
Dropped Leasequery Not Allowed | The number of DHCPv6 packets dropped by the server because lease queries were disabled |
Dropped Duplicate | The number of DHCPv6 requests dropped by the server because they were received from a different IP address within an interval of 10 s after the previous DHCPv6 request |
This command displays extended statistics for each subnet in the local DHCP server.
For each listed statistic except for Provisioned Addresses, a current value and peak value are shown. The peak value is the highest value reached by the statistic since subnet creation or the last subnet statistics clearing operation via the clear router dhcp local-dhcp-server subnet-ext-stats command.
The following output is an example of extended DHCP subnet statistics, and Table 35 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Current | The current value of the statistic |
Peak | The highest value reached by the statistic since subnet creation or the last subnet statistics clearing operation |
TimeStamp | The date and time of the current statistics capture |
Offered Leases | The number of leases offered from the subnet |
Stable Leases | The number of stable leases in the subnet |
Provisioned Addresses | The number of provisioned addresses in the subnet |
Used Addresses | The number of used addresses in the subnet |
Free Addresses | The number of free addresses in the subnet |
Used Pct | The percentage of used addresses in the subnet |
Free Pct | The percentage of free addresses in the subnet |
Last Reset Time | The date and time of the last subnet statistics clearing operation |
Number of entries | The total number of subnet entries |
This command displays subnet statistics.
The following output is an example of DHCP server subnet statistics information, and Table 36 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Subnet | The subnet of the pool |
Free | The number of free leases in the subnet |
FRPending | The number of leases in the subnet that are pending a force renew |
Offered | The number of offered leases in the subnet |
RemPending | The number of leases in the subnet that are pending removal |
Stable | The number of stable leases in the subnet |
Declined | The number of declined leases in the subnet |
This command displays local DHCP or DHCPv6 summary information.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP or DHCPv6 server summary information:
Label | Description |
Admin State | The administrative state of the DHCP server |
Persistency State | The persistence state of the DHCP server |
User Data Base | Indicates whether the DHCP server uses a user database |
Use gateway IP address | Indicates whether the DHCP server uses GIADDR |
Send force-renewals | Indicates whether the DHCP server sends FORCERENEW messages |
Pool | |
Subnet | The subnet of the pool |
Free | The number of free IP addresses in the subnet |
Stable | The number of stable IP addresses in the subnet |
Declined | The number of declined IP addresses in the subnet |
Offered | The number of offered IP addresses in the subnet |
Remove-pending | The number of IP addresses pending removal in the subnet |
Associations | |
Associations | The name of the associated interface |
Admin | The administrative state of the interface |
Label | Description |
Admin State | The administrative state of the DHCPv6 server |
Operational State | The operational state of the DHCPv6 server |
Persistency State | The persistence state of the DHCPv6 server |
Use Link Address | Indicates whether use-link-address is enabled, and, if enabled, the scope |
Use pool from client | Indicates whether use-pool-from-client is enabled |
Creation Origin | The creation method of the DHCPv6 server |
Lease Hold Time | The lease retention time configured using the lease-hold-time command |
Lease Hold Time For | The lease being held by the DHCPv6 server |
User-ident | The user identification method configured using the user-ident command |
Interface-id-mapping | Indicates whether interface ID mapping is enabled |
Ignore-rapid-commit | Indicates whether the DHCPv6 server is configured to ignore rapid committing |
Allow-lease-query | Indicates whether the DHCPv6 server allows lease query messages |
Pool | |
Subnet | The subnet of the pool |
Free | The number of free IP addresses in the subnet |
Stable | The number of stable IP addresses in the subnet |
Declined | The number of declined IP addresses in the subnet |
Offered | The number of offered IP addresses in the subnet |
Remove-pending | The number of IP addresses pending removal in the subnet |
Associations | |
Associations | The name of the associated interface |
Admin | The administrative state of the interface |
This command lists the local DHCP or DHCPv6 servers.
The following output is an example of DHCP server information, and Table 39 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Active Leases | The number of active leases |
Maximum Leases | The maximum number of leases available |
Router | The name of the router |
Server | The name of the DHCP or DHCPv6 server |
Admin State | The administrative state of the DHCP or DHCPv6 server |
This command displays statistics for DHCP Relay and DHCPv6 Relay.
If no interface name or IP address is specified, then all configured interfaces are displayed. If the statistics command is used in the dhcp6 context, the interface name or IP address cannot be specified.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP or DHCPv6 statistics information:
Label | Description |
DHCP Global Statistics (Router: Base) | |
Rx Packets | The number of packets received |
Tx Packets | The number of packets transmitted |
Rx Malformed Packets | The number of malformed packets received |
Rx Untrusted Packets | The number of untrusted packets received |
Client Packets Discarded | The number of packets from the DHCP client that were discarded |
Client Packets Relayed | The number of packets from the DHCP client that were forwarded |
Server Packets Discarded | The number of packets from the DHCP server that were discarded |
Server Packets Relayed | The number of packets from the DHCP server that were forwarded |
Label | Description |
DHCP6 Statistics (Router: Base) | |
Msg-type | The number of messages received, transmitted, or dropped by the router for each message type |
Dhcp6 Drop Reason Counters | The number of times that a message was dropped for a particular reason |
This command displays a summary of DHCP and DHCPv6 configuration.
The following outputs are examples of DHCP or DHCPv6 summary information:
Label | Description |
DHCP Summary (Router: Base) | |
Interface Name SapId/Sdp | The name of the interface or SAP/SDP identifier |
Arp Populate | Specifies whether ARP populate is enabled or disabled |
Used/Provided | Used — number of lease-states that are currently in use on the specified interface; that is, the number of clients on the interface that got an IP address by DHCP. This number is always less than or equal to the “Provided” field. |
Provided — lease-populate value configured for the specified interface | |
Info Option | Keep — the existing information is kept on the packet and the router does not add any additional information |
Replace — on ingress, the existing information-option is replaced with the information-option from the router | |
Drop — the packet is dropped and an error is logged | |
Admin State | The administrative state |
Interfaces | The total number of DHCP interfaces |
Label | Description |
DHCP Summary (Router: Base) | |
Interface Name SapId | The name of the interface or SAP/SDP identifier |
Nbr Resol. | Yes — neighbor resolution (discovery) is enabled |
No — neighbor resolution (discovery) is disabled | |
Used/Max Relay: | Used — number of relay routes currently being used on the interface |
Max Relay — maximum number of relay routes on the interface | |
Used/Max Server | Used — number of server routes currently being used on the interface |
Max Server — maximum number of server routes currently being used on the interface | |
Admin | The administrative state |
Oper Relay | The operating state of the relay routes |
Oper Server | The operating state of the server routes |
Interfaces | The total number of DHCPv6 interfaces |
This command displays the ECMP settings for the router.
The following output is an example of router ECMP information, and Table 44 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Instance | The router instance number |
Router Name | The name of the router instance |
ECMP | False — ECMP is disabled for the instance |
True — ECMP is enabled for the instance | |
Configured-ECMP-Routes | The number of ECMP routes configured for path sharing |
This command displays the active FIB entries for a specific CSM.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
The following output is an example of FIB information, and Table 45 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Active | The number of active entries in the FIB for each type of route |
Total | The total number of active entries in the FIB |
Current Occupancy | The percentage of the FIB that is being used; an alert is raised when the percentage exceeds 70% and a clear event is raised when the percentage drops below 65% |
Overflow Count | The number of times that the FIB was full |
Occupancy Threshold Alerts | The number of times a threshold alert was raised to indicate that more than 70% of the FIB is being used |
This command displays ICMPv6 statistics. ICMPv6 generates error messages to report errors during processing and other diagnostic functions. ICMPv6 packets can be used in the neighbor discovery protocol.
The following output is an example of ICMPv6 information, and Table 46 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Total | The total number of all messages received and sent |
Destination Unreachable | The number of messages that did not reach the destination |
Time Exceeded | The number of messages that exceeded the time threshold |
Echo Request | The number of echo requests |
Router Solicits | The number of times that the local router was solicited |
Neighbor Solicits | The number of times that the neighbor router was solicited |
Errors | The number of error messages |
Redirects | The number of packet redirects |
Pkt Too Big | The number of packets that exceeded the appropriate size |
Echo Reply | The number of echo replies |
Router Advertisements | The number of times that the router advertised its location |
Neighbor Advertisements | The number of times that the neighbor router advertised its location |
This command displays ICMPv6 statistics for all interfaces or for a specified interface.
The following output is an example of ICMPv6 interface information, and Table 47 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Total | The total number of all messages received and sent |
Destination Unreachable | The number of messages that did not reach the destination |
Time Exceeded | The number of messages that exceeded the time threshold |
Echo Request | The number of echo requests |
Router Solicits | The number of times that the local router was solicited |
Neighbor Solicits | The number of times that the neighbor router was solicited |
Errors | The number of error messages |
Redirects | The number of packet redirects |
Pkt Too Big | The number of packets that exceeded the appropriate size |
Echo Reply | The number of echo replies |
Router Advertisements | The number of times that the router advertised its location |
Neighbor Advertisements | The number of times that the neighbor router advertised its location |
This command displays the router IP interface table sorted by interface index.
The following outputs are examples of IP interface information:
Label | Description |
Interface-Name | The IP interface name |
IP-Address | The IP address and subnet mask length of the IP interface n/a — no IP address has been assigned to the IP interface |
Adm | Down — the IP interface is administratively disabled |
Up — the IP interface is administratively enabled | |
Opr (v4/v6) | Down — the IP interface is operationally disabled |
Up — the IP interface is operationally enabled | |
Mode | Network — the IP interface is a network/core IP interface |
Port/SapId | The port or SAP that the interface is bound to |
Label | Description |
Instance | The router instance number |
Router Name | The name of the router instance |
Interfaces | The number of IP interfaces in the router instance |
Admin-Up | The number of administratively enabled IP interfaces in the router instance |
Oper-Up | The number of operationally enabled IP interfaces in the router instance |
Label | Description |
Interface | |
If Name | The IP interface name |
Admin State | Down — the IP interface is administratively disabled |
Up — the IP interface is administratively enabled | |
Oper State | Down — the IP interface is operationally disabled |
Up — the IP interface is operationally enabled | |
Protocols | The protocol type running on the interface |
IP Addr/mask | The IPv4 address and subnet mask length of the IPv4 interface n/a — no IP address has been assigned to the IPv4 interface |
Address Type | This is always “Primary” on a network interface |
IGP Inhibit | This is always “Disabled” on a network interface |
IPv6 Address | The address and prefix length of the IPv6 interface |
IPv6 Addr State | The IPv6 address state Possible states are:
Link Lcl Address | The link-local address of the IPv6 interface |
Link Lcl State | The IPv6 link-local address state Possible states are:
Broadcast Address | This is always “Host-ones” on a network interface |
Details | |
If Index | The interface index of the IP router interface |
Virt If Index | The virtual interface index of the IP router interface |
Last Oper Chg | The last change in operational status |
Global If Index | The global interface index of the IP router interface |
Port ID | The port identifier |
TOS Marking | The TOS byte value in the logged packet |
If Type | Network — the IP interface is a network/core IP interface |
Egress Filter | Indicates whether an egress IPv4 filter is applied to the interface |
Ingress Filter | Indicates whether an ingress IPv4 filter is applied to the interface |
Egr IPv6 Flt | Indicates whether an egress IPv6 filter is applied to the interface |
Ingr IPv6 Flt | Indicates whether an ingress IPv6 filter is applied to the interface |
SNTP B.Cast | False — the IP interface will not send SNTP broadcast messages |
True — the IP interface will send SNTP broadcast messages | |
QoS Policy | Indicates the QoS policy applied to the interface |
Queue-group | n/a |
MAC Address | The MAC address of the IP interface |
TCP MSS V4 | The TCP maximum segment size (MSS) configured for TCP packets on an IPv4 interface |
TCP MSS V6 | The TCP maximum segment size (MSS) configured for TCP packets on an IPv6 interface |
Arp Timeout | The ARP timeout for the interface, in seconds, which is the time that an ARP entry is maintained in the ARP cache without being refreshed |
IP Oper MTU | The operational IP Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the IP interface |
ICMP Mask Reply | False — the IP interface will not reply to a received ICMP mask request |
True — the IP interface will reply to a received ICMP mask request | |
Arp Populate | Displays if ARP is enabled or disabled |
LdpSyncTimer | Specifies the IGP/LDP sync timer value |
Strip-Label | Indicates that the strip label is enabled or disabled |
LSR Load Balance | Indicates the LSR load balance |
TEID Load Balance | Indicates whether the tunnel endpoint ID (TEID) load balance is enabled or disabled |
L4 Load Balance | Indicates the L4 load balance |
Reassem. Profile | The reassembly profile ID |
uRPF Chk | Indicates whether unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF) checking is enabled or disabled on this interface |
uRPF Fail Bytes | The number of uRPF failures, in bytes |
uRPF Chk Fail Pkts | The number of uRPF checking failures, in packets |
Rx Pkts Rx Bytes | The total number of IPv4 and IPv6 packets or bytes received on the interface. This output field may display N/A for spoke SDP and routed VPLS interfaces due to MPLS packets not contributing to this statistics counter. |
Rx V4 Pkts Rx V4 Bytes | The number of IPv4 packets or bytes received on the interface. This output field may display N/A for spoke SDP and routed VPLS interfaces due to MPLS packets not contributing to this statistics counter. |
Rx V4 Discard Pk* Rx V4 Discard Byt* | The total number of IPv4 receive packets or bytes discarded on the interface |
Inv Hdr CRC Pkts Inv Hdr CRC Bytes | The number of packets or bytes received on the interface with an invalid IPv4 header CRC value Applies to IPv4 only |
Inv Length Pkts Inv Length Bytes | The number of packets or bytes received on the interface with invalid length information in the header. Invalid length information includes an IP header length of less than 20 bytes or greater than the total IP packet length, or an IP packet larger than the Layer 2 frame length. |
Inv GRE Protoco* Inv GRE Protocol* | The number of packets or bytes received on the network interface with an unsupported GRE header. The only supported protocol type is MPLS unicast (0x8847). All GRE packets received on an access interface that are meant to be terminated at the node are also discarded for this reason. |
Dest Unreach Pk* Dest Unreach Byt* | The number of packets or bytes received on the interface with no route to the destination |
Inv Mcast Addr * Inv Mcast Addr B* | The number of packets or bytes discarded on the interface due to unsupported multicast addresses |
Directed Bcast * Directed Bcast B* | The number of directed broadcast packets or bytes discarded on the interface when the interface is not enabled for directed broadcast packets Applies to IPv4 only |
Src Martian Add* Src Martian Addr* | The number of IPv4 packets or bytes discarded on the interface due to invalid source addresses |
Dest Martian Ad* Dest Martian Add* | The number of packets or bytes discarded on the interface due to invalid destination addresses |
Black Hole Pkts Black Hole Bytes | The number of packets or bytes discarded on the interface due to blackhole destination addresses |
FltrActionDrop * FltrActionDrop B* | The total number of packets or bytes discarded on the interface by the associated filter |
FltrNHUnreach P* FltrNHUnreach By* | The total number of packets or bytes discarded by policy-based routing when the next hop is unreachable Applies to IPv4 only |
FltrNHNotDirect* FltrNHNotDirect * | The total number of packets or bytes discarded by policy-based routing when the next hop is not directly connected but a direct hop is configured on the policy-based routing entry Applies to IPv4 only |
TTL Expired Pkts TTL Expired Bytes | The total number of packets or bytes discarded on the interface due to TTL expiration |
Slowpath Pkts Slowpath Bytes | The number of receive packets and bytes discarded on the interface due to slowpath destination |
MTU Exceeded Pk* MTU Exceeded Byt* | The number of receive packets and bytes discarded on the interface due to exceeding the MTU configured on the interface |
Queue Pkts Queue Bytes | The number of receive packets and bytes discarded on the interface due to inability to be queued |
EncryptionDrop * EncryptionDrop B* | The number of receive packets and bytes discarded on the interface due to an encryption error |
Last Tunnel | The name or address of the last tunnel traversed on the received packet |
Other Discards * Other Discards B* | The number of receive packets or bytes internally discarded |
Rx V6 Pkts Rx V6 Bytes | The number of IPv6 packets or bytes received on the interface. This output field may display N/A for spoke SDP and routed VPLS interfaces due to MPLS packets not contributing to this statistics counter. |
Rx V6 Discard Pk* | The number of IPv6 receive packets and bytes discarded on the interface See Rx V4 Discard Pk* for field descriptions |
Rx V6 Discard Byt* | |
Tx V4 Pkts Tx V4 Bytes | The number of IPv4 packets or bytes transmitted on the interface. This output field may display N/A for spoke SDP and routed VPLS interfaces due to MPLS packets not contributing to this statistics counter. |
Tx V4 Discard Pk* Tx V4 Discard Byt* | The number of IPv4 transmit packets or bytes discarded on the interface. |
FltrActionDrop * FltrActionDrop B* | The total number of transmit packets or bytes discarded on the interface by the associated filter |
EncryptionDrop * EncryptionDrop B* | The number of transmit packets or bytes discarded by the interface due to an encryption error Applies to IPv4 only |
Last Tunnel | The name or address of the last tunnel traversed by the transmitted packet Applies to IPv4 only |
Other Discards * Other Discards B* | The number of transmit packets and bytes discarded by the interface due to other reasons |
Tx V6 Pkts Tx V6 Bytes | The number of IPv6 packets or bytes transmitted on the interface. This output field may display N/A for spoke SDP and routed VPLS interfaces due to MPLS packets not contributing to this statistics counter. |
Tx V6 Discard Pk* Tx V6 Discard Byt* | The number of IPv6 transmit packets or bytes discarded on the interface. See Tx V4 Discard Pk* for field descriptions |
Security Details | |
Admin Zone | Zone ID to which the interface is assigned |
Oper Zone | Currently active Zone ID to which the interface is assigned |
Bypass | Indicates whether the interface is in security bypass mode |
Rx V4 Discard Pk* Rx V4 Discard Byt* | The number of received IPv4 packets or bytes discarded |
Unsup Proto Pkts Unsup Proto Bytes | The number of unsupported protocol packets or bytes |
Unsup Svc Pkts Unsup Svc Bytes | The number of unsupported service packets or bytes |
Unsup ICMP Type* Unsup ICMP Type * | The number of unsupported ICMP packets or bytes |
Fragment Pkts Fragment Bytes | The number of dropped packets or bytes due to fragmented packets or bytes |
No Session Pkts No Session Bytes | The number of dropped packets or bytes dropped due to no session |
NAT Rte Loop Pk* NAT Rte Loop Byt* | The number of NAT route loop packets or bytes |
Other Discards * Other Discards B* | The number of non-IPv4 packets or bytes discarded |
IPV4 GRE Fragmentation and Reassembly Statistics | |
Frag Tx Pkts Frag Tx Bytes | The number of fragmented IPv4 GRE-encapsulated packets or bytes transmitted |
Frag Rx Pkts Frag Rx Bytes | The number of fragmented IPv4 GRE-encapsulated packets or bytes received |
Frag Rx Drp Pkts Frag Rx Drp Bytes | The number of received fragmented IPv4 GRE-encapsulated packets or bytes dropped due to reassembly timeout, reassembly error, or other reasons |
ExpiredWait Count | The number of times reassembly timers for the interface have expired |
Proxy ARP Details | |
Rem Proxy ARP | Indicates whether remote proxy ARP is enabled or disabled |
Local Proxy ARP | Indicates whether local proxy ARP is enabled or disabled |
Policies | Specifies the policy statements applied to proxy ARP |
Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details | |
Local Pxy ND | Indicates whether local proxy neighbor discovery (ND) is enabled or disabled |
Policies | Specifies the policy statements applied to proxy ND |
DHCP Details | |
Description | The descriptive text string for the DHCP configuration context |
Admin State | Down — the IP interface is administratively disabled |
Up — the IP interface is administratively enabled | |
Action | The relay information policy Keep — the existing information is kept on the packet and the router does not add any additional information |
Replace — on ingress, the existing information-option is replaced with the information-option from the router | |
Copy to Opt43 | Indicates whether vendor-specific information is copied from the DHCP server to the client in Option 43 |
ICMP Details | |
Redirects | The maximum number of ICMP redirect messages the IP interface will issue in a given period of time, in seconds Disabled — indicates the IP interface will not generate ICMP redirect messages |
Unreachables | The maximum number of ICMP destination unreachable messages the IP interface will issue in a given period of time, in seconds Disabled — indicates the IP interface will not generate ICMP destination unreachable messages |
TTL Expired | The maximum number (Number) of ICMP TTL expired messages the IP interface will issue in a given period of time, in seconds Disabled — indicates the IP interface will not generate ICMP TTL expired messages |
IPCP Address Extension Details | |
Peer IP Addr | Specifies the remote IP address to be assigned to the far-end via IPCP extensions |
Peer Pri DNS Addr | Specifies an IP address for the primary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end via IPCP extensions |
Peer Sec DNS Addr | Specifies an IP address for the secondary DNS server to be signaled to the far-end via IPCP extensions. (optional) |
DHCP CLIENT Details | |
DHCP Client | Indicates whether the interface is enabled as a DHCP client |
client-id | The client ID string or n/a if no client identifier has been specified |
vendor-id | The vendor class ID value or n/a if no vendor class ID has been specified |
Admin Groups | The admin groups associated with this interface |
Srlg Groups | The SRLG groups associated with this interface |
QoS Details | |
Egr Queue Pol | The egress queue policy assigned to the interface |
Egr Agg RateLimit | The egress aggregate rate limit |
Egr Agg Cir | The egress aggregate CIR |
Queue Statistics | |
Egress Queue | The egress queue for which queue statistics are displayed |
In Profile forwarded | The number of packets and octets forwarded by the queue for in-profile and best-effort traffic |
In Profile dropped | The number of packets and octets dropped by the queue for in-profile and best-effort traffic |
Out Profile forwarded | The number of packets and octets forwarded by the queue for out-of-profile and best-effort traffic |
Out Profile dropped | The number of packets and octets dropped by the queue for out-of-profile and best-effort traffic |
Group Encryption (MP-BGP) Statistics | |
GrpEnc Rx Pkts GrpEnc Rx Bytes | The number of group encryption packets or bytes received |
Drp InvSpi Pkts Drp InvSpi Bytes | The number of received group encryption packets or bytes dropped due to an invalid security parameter index (SPI) |
Drp Oth Pkts Drp Oth Bytes | The number of received group encryption packets or bytes dropped due to other reasons |
GrpEnc Tx Pkts GrpEnc Tx Bytes | The number of group encryption packets or bytes transmitted |
Drp pkts Drp bytes | The number of transmitted group encryption packets or bytes dropped |
![]() | Note: The show command syntax for viewing VPRN interface statistics is show router router-instance interface [ip-address | ip-int-name] statistics (for example, show router 4 interface “vprn_interface” statistics). The router-instance parameter is not required for non-VPRN interfaces. |
See Table 50 for field descriptions of the show router interface statistics command.
See Table 50 for field descriptions of the show router interface security command.
Label | Description |
If Name | The name of the interface on which TCP MSS adjustment is configured |
Total (v4/v6) | The total number of TCP packets analyzed for TCP MSS adjustment |
Ok | The total number of TCP packets whose MSS value was not changed |
Adjusted | The total number of TCP packets whose MSS value was adjusted to the MSS value configured on the interface |
Inserted | The total number of TCP packets that had the MSS value configured on the interface inserted in the packet header |
Errors | The number of packets whose MSS value could not be adjusted or inserted due to an error with the TCP header. |
Other If MSS Used Ingress Egress | When both the ingress and egress interfaces have the tcp-mss command configured, the interface with the lower of the two configured values is used for comparing against the TCP packet MTU. This statistic indicates the number of packets where the other interface was used for comparing against the TCP packet MTU. The Ingress and Egress fields indicate whether the other interface used was the ingress or egress interface. |
This command displays information about the IPv6 neighbor cache.
The following output is an example of IPv6 neighbor information, and Table 52 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
IPv6 Address | The IPv6 address |
Interface | The name of the IPv6 interface |
MAC Address | The link-layer address |
State | The current administrative state |
Expiry | The amount of time before the entry expires |
Type | The type of IPv6 interface |
RTR | Specifies whether the neighbor is a router |
This command displays information about all configured reassembly profiles. Executing the command with a profile-id will display information only for the specified reassembly profile.
The following output is an example of reassembly-profile information, and Table 53 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Profile-id | The reassembly profile ID number |
Description | The configured reassembly profile description |
CBS | The configured CBS value for the reassembly profile |
MBS | The configured MBS value for the reassembly profile |
Wait (msecs) | The configured wait time for the reassembly profile |
EPD % Threshold | The configured EPD threshold for the reassembly profile |
FC | The forwarding classes configured under the reassembly profile |
CBS Override (KB) | The configured CBS override value for the forwarding class |
MBS Override (KB/B) | The configured MBS override value for the forwarding class |
Wait Override (msecs) | The configured wait time override for the forwarding class |
Interface Associations | |
Interface | The associated interface name |
IP Addr. | The IP address of the associated interface |
Port Id | The port used by the associated interface |
This command displays information about the route next-hop policy template.
The following output is an example of route next-hop policy template information, and Table 54 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Template | The name of the route next-hop policy template |
Description | The template description |
Templates | The number of configured templates |
This command displays the active routes in the routing table.
If no command line arguments are specified, all routes are displayed, sorted by prefix.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
The following outputs are examples of routing table information:
Label | Description |
Dest Prefix | The route destination address and mask |
Next Hop | The next hop IP address for the route destination |
Type | Local — the route is a local route |
Remote — the route is a remote route | |
Proto | The protocol through which the route was learned |
Age | The route age in seconds for the route |
Metric | The route metric value for the route |
Pref | The route preference value for the route |
No. of Routes | The number of routes displayed in the list |
Label | Description |
Dest Prefix[Flags] | The route destination address and mask, and flags (if applicable) |
Next Hop | The next hop IP address for the route destination |
Type | Local — the route is a local route |
Remote — the route is a remote route | |
Proto | The protocol through which the route was learned |
Age | The route age in seconds for the route |
Metric | The route metric value for the route |
Pref | The route preference value for the route |
No. of Routes | The number of routes displayed in the list |
Alt-NextHop | The backup next hop |
Alt-Metric | The metric of the backup route |
This command displays router advertisement information. If no parameters are specified, all routes are displayed, sorted by prefix.
The following output is an example of router advertisement information, and Table 57 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Rtr Advertisement Tx/Last Sent | The number of router advertisements sent and the time they were sent |
Nbr Solicitation Tx/Last Sent | The number of neighbor solicitation messages sent and the time they were sent |
Nbr Advertisement Tx/Last Sent | The number of neighbor advertisements sent and the time they were sent |
Rtr Advertisement Rx | The number of router advertisements received |
Rtr Solicitation Rx | The number of router solicitation messages received |
Nbr Advertisement Rx | The number of neighbor advertisements received |
Nbr Solicitation Rx | The number of neighbor solicitation messages received |
Max Advert Interval | The maximum interval between sending router advertisement messages |
Min Advert Interval | The minimum interval between sending router advertisement messages |
Managed Config | True — DHCPv6 has been configured |
False — DHCPv6 is not available for address configuration | |
Other Config | True — there are other stateful configurations |
False — there are no other stateful configurations | |
Reachable Time | The time, in milliseconds, that a node assumes a neighbor is reachable after receiving a reachability confirmation |
Router Lifetime | The router lifetime, in seconds |
Retransmit Time | The time, in milliseconds, between retransmitted neighbor solicitation messages |
Hop Limit | The current hop limit |
Link MTU | The MTU number that the nodes use for sending packets on the link |
Autonomous Flag | True — the prefix can be used for stateless address autoconfiguration |
False — the prefix cannot be used for stateless address autoconfiguration | |
On-link flag | True — the prefix can be used for onlink determination |
False — the prefix cannot be used for onlink determination | |
Preferred Lifetime | The remaining time, in seconds, that this prefix will continue to be preferred |
Valid Lifetime | The length of time, in seconds, that the prefix is valid for the purpose of onlink determination |
This command displays the router static ARP table sorted by IP address.
If no options are present, all ARP entries are displayed.
![]() | Note: Multiple MAC addresses can be associated with an interface that is a network port. |
The following output is an example of the static ARP table, and Table 58 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
IP Address | The IP address of the static ARP entry |
MAC Address | The MAC address of the static ARP entry |
Expiry | The age of the ARP entry. Static ARPs always have 00:00:00 for the age. |
Type | Inv — the ARP entry is an inactive static ARP entry (invalid) |
Sta — the ARP entry is an active static ARP entry | |
Interface | The IP interface name associated with the ARP entry |
No. of ARP Entries | The number of ARP entries displayed in the list |
This command displays the static entries in the routing table.
If no options are present, all static routes are displayed sorted by prefix.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
The following output is an example of static route information, and Table 59 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Prefix | The static route destination address |
Tag | The 32-bit integer tag added to the static route |
Met | The route metric value for the static route |
Pref | The route preference value for the static route |
Type | NH — The route is a static route with a directly connected next hop. The next hop for this type of route is either the next-hop IP address or an egress IP interface name. |
Act | N — the static route is inactive; for example, the static route is disabled or the next-hop IP interface is down |
Y — the static route is active | |
Next Hop | The next hop for the static route destination |
No. of Routes | The number of routes displayed in the list |
This command displays the router status.
The following output is an example of router status information, and Table 60 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Router | The administrative and operational states for the router |
OSPFv2-0 | The administrative and operational states for the OSPF protocol |
RIP | The administrative and operational states for the RIP protocol |
ISIS | The administrative and operational states for the IS-IS protocol |
MPLS | The administrative and operational states for the MPLS protocol |
RSVP | The administrative and operational states for the RSVP protocol |
LDP | The administrative and operational states for the LDP protocol |
BGP | The administrative and operational states for the BGP protocol |
Max IPv4 Routes | The maximum number of IPv4 routes configured for the system; local, host, static, and aggregate routes are not counted |
Max IPv6 Routes | The maximum number of IPv6 routes configured for the system; local, host, static, and aggregate routes are not counted |
Total IPv4 Routes | The number of IPv4 dynamically learned routes in the route table; local, host, static, and aggregate routes are not counted |
Total IPv6 Routes | The number of IPv6 dynamically learned routes in the route table; local, host, static, and aggregate routes are not counted |
ECMP Max Routes | The number of ECMP routes configured for path sharing |
Triggered Policies | No — triggered route policy re-evaluation is disabled |
Yes — triggered route policy re-evaluation is enabled |
This command displays tunnel table information.
Auto-bind GRE tunnels are not displayed in the show command output. GRE tunnels are not the same as SDP tunnels that use the GRE encapsulation type.
The following output is an example of tunnel table information, and Table 61 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
Destination | The route’s destination address and mask |
Owner | The tunnel owner |
Encap | The tunnel encapsulation type |
TunnelID | The tunnel (SDP) identifier |
Pref | The route preference for routes learned from the configured peers |
Nexthop | The next hop for the route’s destination |
Metric | The route metric value for the route |
This command displays OAM TWAMP Light status information.
The following output is an example of TWAMP Light information, and Table 62 describes the fields.
Label | Description |
TWAMP Light Reflector | |
Admin State | Displays one of the following: Up—the server or prefix is administratively enabled (no shutdown) in configuration Down—the server or prefix is administratively disabled (shutdown) in configuration |
Up Time | The time since the server process was started, measured in days (d), hours, minutes, and seconds |
Configured UDP Port | The UDP port number used |
Test Packets Rx | The total number of test packets received from session senders |
Test Packets Tx | The total number of test packets sent to session senders |
TWAMP Light Controller Prefix List | The IP address prefixes of TWAMP Light clients |
This command clears all or specific ARP entries.
The scope of ARP cache entries cleared depends on the command line options specified.
This command clears router authentication statistics.
This command enables the context to clear bidirectional forwarding (BFD) sessions and statistics.
This command clears BFD sessions.
This command clears BFD statistics.
This command enables the context to clear and reset DHCP entities.
This command enables the context to clear and reset DHCPv6 entities.
This command clears DHCP or DHCPv6 server data.
This command clears declined DHCP addresses or pools.
This command clears the specified DHCP or DHCPv6 leases.
This command resets the collection interval for peak value statistics displayed by the show router dhcp local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats or the show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server pool-ext-stats commands.
This command resets the collection interval for peak value statistics displayed by the show router dhcp6 local-dhcp-server prefix-ext-stats command.
This command clears all DHCP or DHCPv6 server statistics.
This command clears extended subnet statistics.
This command clears statistics for DHCP and DHCPv6 Relay.
If no interface name or IP address is specified, statistics are cleared for all configured interfaces.
This command clears ICMPv6 statistics.
If an interface name is specified, statistics are cleared only for that interface.
This command clears IP interface statistics.
If no IP interface is specified either by IP interface name or IP address, the command will perform the clear operation on all IP interfaces.
This command clears IPv6 neighbor information.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, information is cleared only for that interface.
This command clears router advertisement counters.
If an interface name is specified, counters are cleared only for that interface.
This command specifies the destination of trace messages.
This command enables the trace.
The no form of the command disables the trace.
This command adds trace points.
The no form of the command removes the trace points.
This command configures debugging for a router instance.
This command configures debugging for IP.
This command enables or disables ARP debugging.
This command enables the context for DHCP debugging.
This command enables DHCPv6 debugging.
The no form of the command disables DHCPv6 debugging.
This command enables debugging for the DHCP or DHCPv6 tracing detail level.
The no form of the command disables debugging.
This command enables debugging for the DHCP or DHCPv6 tracing mode.
The no form of the command disables debugging.
This command enables or disables ICMP debugging.
This command enables or disables ICMPv6 debugging. If an interface is specified, debugging only occurs on that interface.
This command enables or disables debugging for virtual interfaces.
This command enables or disables neighbor debugging.
This command enables or disables debugging for IP packets.
This command configures route table debugging.
The following adapter cards and platforms support the full IPv6 subnet range for IPv6 static routes:
For these cards and platforms, the supported route range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /128.
For all other cards, modules, and ports (including the v-port on the 2-port 10GigE (Ethernet) module), the supported range for statically provisioned or dynamically learned routes is from /1 to /64 or is /128 (indicating a host route).
This command enables, disables, and configures debugging for a local DHCP server.
This command enables access to the context to configure custom formatting parameters. Users can input packets into Wireshark in order to provide further debug capabilities.
Packets in various formats, such as PCAP and K12, can be input into Wireshark.
The following is an example of how packets are input into Wireshark in K12 text format. Only the IP header is displayed; the Layer 2 header is not shown in the output for any format command mode (custom | decode | raw).
![]() | Note:
This command specifies whether to include or remove the audit report from the log.
An audit report is the portion of the header that contains information pertaining to zones and the source interface, as illustrated in the example below.
This command defines a custom footer for the log.
For example, using the footer string “%LLL-%YYYY%MMM%DD -%-AAAAAA” results in the following data: “001-2015Oct30 - PASS “.
Conversion Character Support: | —Use prefix '%' —Use “-” for left justification —Repeat character to force field size | |
Date and Time: | Y: M: D: h: m: s: i: u: z: | Year (for example, 2017) Month M/MM—numeric MMM+—name (for example, Feb)) Day of the month Hour Minute Seconds Milliseconds Microseconds Time zone (for example, UTC) |
Packet Information: | A: S: R: O: I: F: | Packet action Source interface name Source router/VPRN name Outgoing zone name Incoming zone name Session/flow identifier |
Log/Capture Information: | L: | Log event number |
Escape Character Support: | n: | —Use prefix “\” New line |
This command defines a custom header for the log.
For example, using the header string “%LLL-%YYYY%MMM%DD -%-AAAAAA” results in the following data: “001-2015Oct30 - PASS “.
Conversion Character Support: | —Use prefix '%' —Use “-” for left justification —Repeat character to force field size | |
Date and Time: | Y: M: D: h: m: s: i: u: z: | Year (for example, 2017) Month M/MM—numeric MMM+—name (for example, Feb)) Day of the month Hour Minute Seconds Milliseconds Microseconds Time zone (for example, UTC) |
Packet Information: | A: S: R: O: I: F: | Packet action Source interface name Source router/VPRN name Outgoing zone name Incoming zone name Session/flow identifier |
Log/Capture Information: | L: | Log event number |
Escape Character Support: | n: | —Use prefix “\” New line |
This command specifies to include or remove packet decoding in the log.
This command specifies to include or remove packet hex dumping in the log.
This command specifies the destination for captured packets.
This command specifies the format in which packets are displayed in the debug security log when captured packets are sent to memory.
This command specifies the security zone from which to capture packets. This command is mandatory for enabling the capturing process.
This command configures match criteria for selecting packets to be captured from the specified security zone. Up to 10 match criteria can be specified for each packet-capture log. If no criteria are specified, all packets are captured.
The pass and reject parameters specify to match the action code along with a match criteria for capturing packets. If no action is specified, all packets are displayed.
The tcp-handshake criterion applies to strict TCP sessions and only displays TCP session establishment and close operations; it does not display the data frames that pass through the session.
This command begins the packet capturing process for the specified security zone. The packet capture process is continuous. When the log reaches 1024 entries, the oldest entry in the log is overwritten with a new one. The optional count parameter specifies the number of packets that will be captured before the oldest entry in the log is overwritten with a new one.
![]() | Note: The contents of the packet-capture log are cleared each time the start command is issued. |
This command stops the packet capturing process for the specified security zone.