This command enables the context to configure parameters for an RS-232 serial port on the node.
This command enables the context to configure RS-232 parameters for a serial port.
character-length {6 | 7 | 8}
This command configures the number of data bits used to transmit a character. The value for this command cannot be 8 if the value for parity is anything other than no parity (that is, anything other than none) and the value for stop-bits is 2.
specifies six bits in a character
specifies seven bits in a character
specifies eight bits in a character
control-lead {input | output}
This command enables access to the context to configure the input and output leads that carry control signals. Control signals provide the handshaking for call setup, teardown, and synchronization.
This command enables access to the context to configure the input control leads.
dtr-dsr {high | low}
This command configures the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) or Data Set Ready (DSR) input control lead. For a DCE device, the input signal is DTR. For a DTE device, the input signal is DSR. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
the input control lead is assumed to be on
the input control lead is assumed to be off
rts-dcd {high | low}
This command configures the Request To Send (RTS) or Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input control lead. For a DCE device, the input signal is RTS. For a DTE device, the input signal is DCD. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
the input control lead is assumed to be on
This command enables access to the context to monitor the input control leads. When monitoring is enabled on a control lead, the node polls the status of the control lead every second. Any change in state of the control lead causes an alarm to be raised. This functionality provides an indication to the operator of a problem in the DTE-to-DCE path; for example, it can indicate that the far-end device is disconnected.
Monitoring is enabled on a per-lead basis.
dtr-dsr off
This command enables monitoring on the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) or Data Set Ready (DSR) input control lead. For a DCE device, the input control lead is DTR. For a DTE device, the input control lead is DSR. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
monitoring is disabled on the lead
rts-dcd off
This command enables monitoring on the Request To Send (RTS) or Data Carrier Detect (DCD) input control lead. For a DCE device, the input control lead is RTS. For a DTE device, the input control lead is DCD. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
monitoring is disabled on the lead
This command enables access to the context to configure the output control leads.
cts-alb {high | low}
This command configures the Clear To Send (CTS) or Analog Loopback (ALB) output control lead. For a DCE device, the output signal is CTS. For a DTE device, the output signal is ALB.
the output control lead is forced on
the output control lead is forced off
dcd-rts {high | low}
This command configures the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) or Request To Send (RTS) output control lead. For a DCE device, the output signal is DCD. For a DTE device, the output signal is RTS. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
the output control lead is forced on
the output control lead is forced off
ri-rdl {high | low}
This command configures the Ring Indicator (RI) or Remote Digital Loopback (RDL) output control lead. For a DCE device, the output signal is RI. For a DTE device, the output signal is RDL. This command is supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm only.
the output control lead is forced on
the output control lead is forced off
hold-time {[up hold-time-up] [down hold-time-down]}
no hold-time
This command configures the serial link dampening timers in 100s of milliseconds, which guards against reporting excessive interface transitions. When implemented, subsequent transitions of the interface from one state to another are not advertised to upper layer protocols until the configured timer has expired.
no hold-time
the hold-timer for link-up event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that an up transition is reported immediately.
the hold-timer for link-down event dampening. A value of zero (0) indicates that a down transition is reported immediately.
loopback bidir-e
no loopback
This command puts the specified interface into a loopback mode. The corresponding interface must be in a shutdown state in order for the loopback mode to be enabled.
In the serial context, it is possible to configure a a bidirectional loopback E. A bidirectional loopback is a circuit loopback that loops traffic from the line back to the line. Bidirectional loopback E takes place on the data device side of the adapter card, and is closer to the line.
This command is not saved in the system configuration between boots.
The no form of this command disables the loopback on the interface.
no loopback
configures a bidirectional loopback E
parity {odd | even | mark | space}
no parity
This command configures the parity bit in a character. Parity is an error detection method that adds an extra bit to each character, based on the number of 0s or 1s in the character.
The value for this command must be no parity (that is, none) if the character-length value is 8 and the stop-bits value is 2.
The no form of this command disables the parity bit in a character.
no parity
the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 to make the total number of 1s in the set of bits odd
the parity bit is set to 0 or 1 to make the total number of 1s in the set of bits even
the parity bit is present but not used and is always set to 1
the parity bit is present but not used and is always set to 0
speed {600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200}
This command configures the speed of the interface. The speed also determines the DS0 timeslots assigned to the channel group.
sets the link speed to 600 b/s
sets the link speed to 1200 b/s
sets the link speed to 2400 b/s
sets the link speed to 4800 b/s
sets the link speed to 9600 b/s
sets the link speed to 19 200 b/s
sets the link speed to 38 400 b/s
sets the link speed to 57 600 b/s
sets the link speed to 115 200 b/s
stop-bits {1 | 2}
This command configures the number of stop bits used to signify the end of a character.
This command cannot have a value of 2 if the character-length value is 8 and the parity value is anything other than no parity (that is, anything other than none).
specifies one stop bit in a character
specifies two stop bits in a character