MAC Flush Additions for PBB VPLS

The scenario shown in Figure 1 is used to define the blackholing problem in PBB-VPLS using MC-EP.

Figure 1. MC-EP with B-VPLS Failure Scenario

In the topology shown in Figure 1, PEA and PEB are regular VPLS PEs participating in the VPLS mesh deployed in the metro and WAN region, respectively. As the traffic flows between CEs with C-MAC X and C-MAC Y, the FDB entries in PEA, PE3, PE1 and PEB are installed. An LDP flush-all-but-mine message is sent from PE3 to PE2 to clear the B-VPLS FDBs. The traffic between C-MAC X and C-MAC Y is blackholed as long as the entries from the VPLS and I-VPLS FDBs along the path are not removed. This may take as long as 300 seconds, the usual aging timer used for MAC entries in a VPLS FDB.

A MAC flush is required in the I-VPLS space from PBB PEs to PEA and PEB to avoid blackholing in the regular VPLS space.

In the case of a regular VPLS, the following procedure is used:

For consistency, a similar procedure is used for the B-VPLS case as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. MC-EP with B-VPLS MAC Flush Solution

In this example, the MC-EP activates B-VPLS PW4 because of either a link/node failure or because of an MC-EP selection re-run that affected the previously active PW1. As a result, the endpoint on PE3 containing PW1 goes down.

The following steps apply:

Other failure scenarios are addressed using the same or a subset of the above steps:

For an SC/MC endpoint configured in a B-VPLS, failure/deactivation of the active pseudowire member always generates a local MAC flush of all the B-MAC associated with the pseudowire. It never generates a MAC move to the newly active pseudowire even if the endpoint stays up. That is because in SC-EP/MC-EP topology, the remote PE may be the terminating PBB PE and may not be able to reach the B-MAC of the other remote PE. Therefore, connectivity between them exists only over the regular VPLS mesh.

For the same reasons, Nokia recommends that static B-MAC not be used on SC/MC endpoints.