Pseudowire Signaling

The BGP signaling mechanism used to establish the pseudowires is described in the BGP VPWS standards with the following differences:

Figure 1 shows the format of the BGP VPWS update extended community.

Figure 1. BGP VPWS Update Extended Community Format

The control flags are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Control Flags

The following bits in the Control Flags are defined:

D — Access circuit down indicator from IETF Draft draft-kothari-l2vpn-auto-site-id-01. D is 1 if all access circuits are down, otherwise D is 0.

A — Automatic site ID allocation, which is not supported. This is ignored on receipt and set to 0 on sending.

F — MAC flush indicator. This is not supported because it relates to a VPLS service. This is set to 0 and ignored on receipt.

C — Presence of a control word. Control word usage is supported. When this is set to 1, packets are sent and are expected to be received, with a control word. When this is set to 0, packets are sent and are expected to be received, without a control word (by default).

S — Sequenced delivery. Sequenced delivery is not supported. This is set to 0 on sending (no sequenced delivery) and, if a non-zero value is received (indicating sequenced delivery required), the pseudowire is notc reated.

The BGP VPWS NLRI is based on that defined for BGP VPLS, but is extended with a circuit status vector, as shown in Figure 3.


The VE ID value is configured within each BGP VPWS service, the label base is chosen by the system, and the VE block offset corresponds to the remote VE ID because a VE block size of 1 is always used.

The circuit status vector is encoded as a TLV, as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5.

Figure 4. BGP VPWS NLRI TLV Extension Format
Figure 5. Circuit Status Vector TLV Type

The circuit status vector is used to indicate the status of both the SAP/GRE tunnel and the status of the spoke-SDP within the local service. Because the VE block size used is 1, the most significant bit in the circuit status vector TLV value is set to 1 if either the SAP/GRE tunnel or spoke-SDP is down, otherwise it is set to 0. On receiving a circuit status vector, only the most significant byte of the CSV is examined for designated forwarder selection purposes.

If a circuit status vector length field of greater than 32 is received, the update is ignored and not reflected to BGP neighbors. If the length field is greater than 800, a notification message is sent and the BGP session restarts. Also, BGP VPWS services support a single access circuit, so only the most significant bit of the CSV is examined on receipt.

A pseudowire is established when a BGP VPWS update is received that matches the service configuration, specifically the configured route-targets and remote VE ID. If multiple matching updates are received, the system to which the pseudowire is established is determined by the tie-breaking rules, as described in IETF Draft draft-ietf-bess-vpls-multihoming-01.

Traffic is sent on the active pseudowire connected to the remote designated forwarder. Traffic can be received on either the active or standby pseudowire, although no traffic should be received on the standby pseudowire because the SAP/GRE tunnel on the non-designated forwarder should be blocked.