Application in Video Broadcast

Figure 1 illustrates the use of the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR in triple play application (TPSDA). The Broadband Service Router (BSR) is a 7750 SR and the Broadband Service Aggregator (BSA) is the 7450 ESS.

Figure 1. Application of P2MP LSP in Video Broadcast

A PIM-free core network can be achieved by deploying P2MP LSPs using other core routers. The router can act as the ingress LER receiving the multicast packets from the multicast source and forwarding them over the P2MP LSP.

A router can act as a leaf for the P2MP LSP tree initiated from the head-end router co-located with the video source. The router can also act as a branch node serving other leaf nodes and supports the replication of multicast packets over P2MP LSPs.