Loop-free Alternate (LFA) Protection Support

The following are the details of the Loop-free Alternate (LFA) Protection Support.

  1. Prefixes that resolve to one or more RSVP-TE LSPs as their primary next hops are automatically protected by RSVP-TE LSP FRR if enabled.

  2. If the user enables the lfa-only option for a specified RSVP-TE LSP, then if the SR-ISIS or SR-OSPF tunnel has a single IP primary next hop (no ECMP next hops), it can be protected by a FRR backup that uses a RSVP-TE LSP.

  3. Applications that resolve in TTM to an SR-ISIS or SR-OSPF tunnel, which itself is resolved to one or more RSVP-TE LSPs, are equally be protected either by the RSVP-TE LSP FRR (1) or the SR LFA using a RSVP-TE LSP (2).

  4. Assume family=ipv4 resolves to RSVP-TE in the unicast routing table while family=srv4 resolves to IP links in the multicast routing table. If the IP prefix of an SR tunnel is resolved to a RSVP-TE LSP primary next hop, and is protected by RSVP-TE LSP FRR (1), this feature supports computing an LFA next hop for the SR IPv4 tunnel of the same prefix using IP next hops.

  5. Assume family=ipv4 or family=ipv6 resolves to RSVP-TE in the unicast routing table while family=srv4 or family=srv6 resolves to IP links in the multicast routing table. If the IP prefix of an SR IPv4 or SR IPv6 tunnel is resolved to a single IP primary next hop and is protected by an SR LFA backup using an RSVP-TE LSP FRR (2), the feature does not support computing a LFA next hop for the SR IPv4 or SR IPv6 tunnel and remains unprotected.

    If, however, the user enabled the remote LFA or the TI-LFA feature, then an SR backup next hop may be found for the SR IPv4 or SR IPv6 tunnel, which then becomes protected.