LSP Failure Codes

Table 1 lists the MPLS LSP path failure codes and their meanings. These failure codes are indicated in the FailureCode output field of the show router mpls lsp path detail command, as well as in the TIMETRA MPLS MIB.

Table 1. LSP Failure Codes

LSP Failure Code (Value)


noError (0)

Indicates no errors for this LSP.

admissionControlError (1)

An RSVP admission control failure occurred at some point along the path of an LSP. This is recorded as a result of a PathErr message.

noRouteToDestination (2)

No route could be found toward the requested destination.

trafficControlSystemError (3)

An error in the traffic control system because of an unsupported traffic parameter, for example a bad FLOWSPEC, TSPEC or ADSPEC value.

routingError (4)

There is a problem with the route defined for the LSP, for example the ERO is truncated.

noResourcesAvailable (5)

Insufficient system or protocol resources are available to complete the request, for example, out of memory or out of resources such as NHLFE indexes or labels. This error code is also used for RSVP packet decode failures such as. bad object length or unknown sub-object.

badNode (6)

Indicates a bad node in the path hop list at head-end or ERO at transit.

routingLoop (7)

A routing loop was detected for the LSP path.

labelAllocationError (8)

Unable to allocate a label for the LSP path.

badL3PID (9)

The router has received a PathErr with the error code ‟Routing problem” and the error value ‟Unsupported L3PID.” This indicates that a downstream LSR does not support the protocol type ‟L3PID”.

tunnelLocallyRepaired (10)

A PLR has triggered a local repair at some point along the path of the LSP.

unknownObjectClass (11)

A downstream LSR rejected an RSVP message because it contained an Unknown object class - Error code 13 as defined in RFC 2205, Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) - Version 1 Functional Specification.

unknownCType (12)

A downstream LSR rejected an RSVP message because of an Unknown object C-type - Error code 14 as defined in RFC 2205.

noEgressMplsInterface (13)

An egress MPLS interface could not be found for the LSP path.

noEgressRsvpInterface (14)

An egress RSVP interface could not be found for the LSP path.

looseHopsInFRRLsp (15)

The path calculated for the FRR enabled LSP contains loose hops.

unknown (16)

Indicates an error not covered by one of the other known errors for this LSP.

retryExceeded (17)

The retry limit for the LSP path has been exceeded.

noCspfRouteOwner (18)

No IGP instance was found that has a route to the LSP destination.

noCspfRouteToDestination (19)

CSPF was unable to find a route to the requested destination that satisfies all of the constraints.

hopLimitExceeded (20)

The hop-limit for the LSP path has been exceeded.

looseHopsInManualBypassLsp (21)

A manual bypass LSP contains loose hops.

emptyPathInManualBypassLsp (22)

A manual bypass LSP uses an empty path.

lspFlowControlled (23)

The router initiated flow control for path messages for paths that have not yet been established.

srlgSecondaryNotDisjoint (24)

The secondary path is not SRLG disjoint from the primary path.

srlgPrimaryCspfDisabled (25)

An SRLG disjoint path could not be found for the secondary because CSPF is disabled on the primary.

srlgPrimaryPathDown (26)

An SRLG disjoint path could not be found for the secondary because the primary is down.

localLinkMaintenance (27)

A TE link (RSVP interface) local to this LSR or on a remote LSR used by the LSP is in TE graceful shutdown. The link that has been gracefully shutdown is also identified.

unexpectedCtObject (28)

A downstream LSR does not recognize something about the content of the diffserv class type object.

unsupportedCt (29)

A downstream LSR does not support the signaled Diffserv class type.

invalidCt (30)

Indicates the signaled diffserv class type is invalid, for example it is 0.

invCtAndSetupPri (31)

The combination of signaled Diffserv class type and setup priority does not map to a valid Diffserv TE class.

invCtAndHoldPri (32)

The combination of signaled diffserv class type and hold priority does not map to a valid Diffserv TE class.

invCtAndSetupAndHoldPri (33)

The combination of signaled Diffserv class type and setup priority and hold priority does not map to a valid Diffserv TE class.

localNodeMaintenance (34)

The local LSR or a remote LSR used by the LSP is in TE graceful shutdown because of maintenance The LSR that s shutdown is also identified.

softPreemption (35)

The LSP path is under soft pre-emption.

p2mpNotSupported (36)

An LSR does not support P2MP LSPs.

badXro (37)

An LSR for the LSP encountered a badly formed exclude route object, for example a sub-object is missing or unrecognized.

localNodeInXro (38)

The Exclude Route Object includes the local node.

routeBlockedByXro (39)

The Exclude Route Object prevents the LSP path from being established at all.

xroTooComplex (40)

The Exclude Route Object contains too many entries or is too complex to calculate a path. If an SR OS router receives an XRO with more than 5 sub-objects then it is rejected.

rsvpNotSupported (41)

Maps to SubErrorCode 8 for ErrorCode 24 (Routing error) from RFC 3209. An LSR sends ErrorCode=24, SubErrorCode=8 when it receives PATH for P2MP LSP but P2MP is not supported on that router.

conflictingAdminGroups (42)

The specified admin groups contradict for example the same group is both included and excluded.

nodeInIgpOverload (43)

An LSR along the path of the LSP has advertised the ISIS overload state.

srTunnelDown (44)

An SR tunnel is admin or operationally down.

fibAddFailed (45)

An LSP path could not be added to the FIB for example if IOM programming fails for an SR-TE tunnel.

labelStackExceeded (46)

The label stack depth for an SR-TE LSP exceeds the max-sr-labels.

pccDown (47)

The PCC or the PCEP channel to the PCC is down.

pccError (48)

An error has been received from the PCC related to this LSP. Such errors relate to processing requests, message objects, or TLVs.

pceDown (49)

The Path Computation Element or PCEP channel is down.

pceError (50)

An error has been received from the PCE related to this LSP. Such errors relate to processing requests, message objects, or TLVs.

pceUpdateWithEmptyEro (51)

MPLS received an update from PCE with an empty ERO.

pceInitLspDisabled (52)

The related config>router>mpls>pce-initiated-lsp context for this LSP type is disabled.

adminDown (53)

A related MPLS path is disabled.

srlgPathWithSidHops (59)

Configuration conflicts with the use of a path with hops consisting of SID labels.