Configuring static VXLAN and EVPN in the same VPLS/R-VPLS service

In some DCGW use cases, static VXLAN must be used to connect DC switches that do not support EVPN to the WAN so that a tenant subnet can be extended to the WAN. For those cases, the DC Gateway is configured with VPLS services that include a static VXLAN instance and a BGP-EVPN instance in the same service. The following combinations are supported in the same VPLS/R-VPLS service:

When a static VXLAN instance coexists with EVPN-MPLS in the same VPLS/R-VPLS service, the VXLAN instance can be associated with a network-interconnect-vxlan ES if VXLAN uses instance 1. Both single-active and all-active multihoming modes are supported as follows:

The use of the rx-discard-on-ndf options is shown in the following cases.

Use case 1: Static VXLAN with anycast VTEPs and all-active ES

This use case, which is illustrated in Figure: I-ES multihoming – static VXLAN with anycast VTEPs, works only for all-active I-ESs.

Figure: I-ES multihoming – static VXLAN with anycast VTEPs

In this use case, the DCGWs use anycast VTEPs, that is, PE1 has a single egress VTEP configured to the DCGWs, for example, Normally, PE1 finds ECMP paths to send the traffic to both DCGWs. However, because a specified BUM flow can be sent to either the DF or the NDF (but not to both at the same time), the DCGWs must be configured with the following option so that BUM is not discarded on the NDF:

rx-discard-on-ndf none

Similar to any LAG-like scenario at the access, the access CE load balances the traffic to the multihomed PEs, but a specific flow is only sent to one of these PEs. With the option none, the BUM traffic on RX is accepted, and there are no duplicate packets or black-holed packets.

Use case 2: Static VXLAN with non-anycast VTEPs

This use case, which is shown in the following figure, works with single or all-active multihoming.

Figure: I-ES multihoming - static VXLAN with non-anycast VTEPs

In this case, the DCGWs use different VTEPs, for example and respectively. PE1 has two separate egress VTEPs to the DCGWs. Therefore, PE1 sends BUM flows to both DCGWs at the same time. Concerning all-active multihoming, if the default option for rx-discard-on-ndf is configured, PE2 and PE3 receive duplicate unknown unicast packets from PE1 (because the default option accepts unknown unicast on the RX of the NDF). So, the DCGWs must be configured with rx-discard-on-ndf bum .

Any use case in which the access PE sends BUM flows to all multihomed PEs, including the NDF, is similar to Figure: I-ES multihoming - static VXLAN with non-anycast VTEPs. BUM traffic must be blocked on the NDF’s RX to avoid duplicate unicast packets.

For single-active multihoming, the rx-discard-on-ndf is irrelevant because BUM and known unicast are always discarded on the NDF.

Also, when non-anycast VTEPs are used on DCGWs, the following can be stated:

When a static VXLAN instance coexists with EVPN-VXLAN in the same VPLS or R-VPLS service, no VXLAN instance should be associated with an all-active network-interconnect-vxlan ES. This is because when multihoming is used with an EVPN-VXLAN core, the non-DF PE always discards unknown unicast traffic to the static VXLAN instance (this is not the case with EVPN-MPLS if the unknown traffic has a BUM label) and traffic blackholes may occur. This is discussed in the following example:

Because of the behavior illustrated above, when a static VXLAN instance coexists with an EVPN-VXLAN instance in the same VPLS/R-VPLS service, redundancy based on all-active I-ES is not recommended and single-active or an anycast solution without I-ES should be used instead. Anycast solutions are discussed in Anycast redundant solution for multi-instance EVPN services with the same encapsulation, only with a static VXLAN instance in instance 1 instead of EVPN-VXLAN in this case.