CFM detected fault

Deployment of solutions that include legacy to Ethernet aggregation should involve fault inter-working consideration. Not all protocols include a dedicated management interface over which to indicate fault. PPP, MLPPP and Cisco HDLC must use a different mechanism to communicate fault between the two different connection types.

The eth-legacy-fault-notification option and the associated parameters along with Ethernet CFM fault propagation on the Ethernet SAP MEP must be enabled to properly inter-work the Ethernet and PPP, MLPPP or Cisco HDLC connections. Figure: Fault propagation model shows the various high level functions that inter-work Ethernet aggregation and legacy interfaces using point to point Ipipe services.

Figure: Fault propagation model

In general the Ipipe service requires the ce-address information to be learned or manually configured as part of the Ethernet SAP object before the legacy interface connection can be established. IPv6 includes an optimization that uses the Link Local IPv6 address to start the legacy negotiation process and does not require the ce-addressing described previously. This IPv6 optimization does not align well with fault inter-working functions and is disabled when the eth-legacy-fault-notification function is enabled.

Fault propagation is not active from the Ethernet SAP to the legacy connection if the ce-address information for the Ethernet SAP has not been learned or configured. If both IPv4 and IPv6 are configured, each protocol requires ce-addressing to be learned or configured enabling fault inter-working for that protocol. When the ce-address has been learned or configured for that protocol, fault inter-working is active for that protocol. If either IPv4 or IPv6 ce-addressing from the Ethernet SAP is resident, the access legacy SAP is operational. The NCP layer indicates which unique protocol is operational. Fault propagation toward the Ethernet SAP from the legacy connection is still propagated even if the ce-address is not resident within the Ipipe under the following conditions; if any SAP or the Service is shutdown, or the legacy SAP is not configured.

The learned Ethernet ce-address is a critical component in Ipipe service operation and fault propagation. To maintain the address information the keep option must be configured as part of the ce-address-discovery command. If the keep command is not configured, the address information is lost when the Ethernet SAP transitions to a non-operational state. When the address information is flushed, the Ipipe service propagates the fault to the legacy PPP, MLPPP and Cisco HDLC connections. The lack of the ce-addressing on the Ethernet SAPs may cause a deadlock condition that requires operator intervention to resolve the issue. The keep command must be configured when the eth-legacy-fault-notification functionality is enabled with PPP, MLPPP and Cisco HDLC legacy interfaces, and fault propagation is required using this type of aggregation deployment. The keep option is specific to and only supported when eth-legacy-fault-notification is configured. If the keep option is configured as part of the ce-address-discovery command, the eth-legacy-fault-propagation cannot be removed. Configuration changes to the ce-address-discovery command may affect the stored ce-address information. For example, if the eth-legacy-fault-notification ipv6 keep is changed to ce-address-discovery keep, the stored IPv6 ce-address information is flushed. If the keep option is removed, all discovered ce-address information is flushed if the SAP is operationally down.

The ce-address stored in the Ipipe service as part of the discovery process is updated if a new ARP arrives from the layer three device connected to the Ethernet SAP. If the layer three device connected to the Ethernet SAP does not send an ARP to indicate the addressing information has been changed, the ce-address stored locally as part of the previous discovery function is maintained. If changes are made to the layer three device connected to the Ethernet SAP that would alter the ARP information and that device does not generate an ARP packet, or the Ipipe inter-working device does not receive the ARP packet, for example, the Ethernet SAP is admin down for IPv4, or the service is operationally down for IPv6, the stored ce-address retained by the Ipipe as a result of the keep operation is stale. This stale information results in a black hole for service traffic. The clear service id service-id arp can be used to flush stale ARP information. This does not solicit an arp from a peer.

The keep option does not maintain the ce-address information when the Ethernet SAP is administratively shutdown or when the node reboots.

After all of the ce-addressing has been populated in the Ipipe the legacy interfaces, establishment commences. The successful establishment of these connections render the Ipipe service functional. Legacy connection faults and Ethernet SAP faults may now be propagated.

Should the Ethernet SAP enter a non-operational state as a result of a cable or validation protocol (ETH-CCM), the fault is inter-worked with the specific legacy protocol. Ethernet faults inter-work with the legacy interfaces in the following manner.

As previously stated, inter-working faults on the legacy connection with the Ethernet infrastructure requires a Down MEP with CCM-enabled configured on the Ethernet SAP with fault-propagation enabled. There are two different methods to propagate fault from a CCM-enabled MEP; use-int-tlv or suspend-ccm. The use-int-tlv approach causes the CCM message to include the Interface Status TLV with a value of is Down. This raises a defMACStatus priority error on the peer MEP. The suspend-ccm approach causes the local MEP to suspend transmissions of the CCM messages to the peer MEP. This raises a defRemoteCCM timeout condition on the peer. The peer must accept these notifications and processes these fault conditions on the local MEP. When the MEP receives these errors, it must not include a defect condition in the CCM messages it generates that is above the peers low-priority-defect setting. In standard operation, the MEP receiving the error should only set the RDI bit in the CCM header. If the MEP improperly responds with a defect condition that is higher than the low-priority-defect of the MEP that had generated the initial fault then a deadlock condition occurs and operator intervention is required. The two CFM propagation methods and the correct responses are shown in Figure: Fault propagation from legacy to Ethernet.

Figure: Fault propagation from legacy to Ethernet

From a protocol (NCP) perspective, PPP and MLPPP connections have a micro view. Those connections understand the different protocols carried over the PPP and MLPPP connections, and individual protocol errors that can occur. The Ethernet SAP has a macro view without this layer three understanding. When the dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 is deployed, fault can only be propagated from the legacy connection toward the associated Ethernet SAP if both protocols fail on the PPP or MLPPP. If either of the protocols are operational then PPP or MLPPP does not propagate fault in the direction of the Ethernet connection.

Ethernet connection faults are prioritized over legacy faults. When an Ethernet fault is detected, any fault previously propagated from the PPP, MLPPP or Cisco HDLC is squelched in favor of the higher priority Ethernet SAP failure. All legacy fault conditions, including admin port down, are dismissed for the duration of the Ethernet fault and are not rediscovered until the expiration of the recovery-timer. This configurable timer value is the amount of time the process waits to allow the legacy connections to recover and establish following the clearing of the Ethernet fault. If the timer value is too short then false positive propagation occurs from the legacy side to the Ethernet connection. If the timer value is too long then secondary legacy faults are not propagated to the associated Ethernet SAP for an extended period of time, delaying the correct state on the layer three device connected to the Ethernet SAP. Any packets arriving on the Ethernet SAP are dropped until the legacy connection has recovered. As soon as the legacy connection recovers, forwarding across the Ipipe occurs regardless of the amount of time remaining for the recovery timer. Operators are required to adjust this timer value to their specific network requirements. If the timer adjustment is made while the service is active, the new timer replaces the old value and the new value starts counting down when called.

If the eth-legacy-fault-notification command is disabled from an active Ipipe service then any previously reported fault is cleared and the recovery-timer starts. If the eth-legacy-fault-notification command is added to an active Ipipe service, the process checks for outstanding faults and takes the appropriate action.

Cisco HDLC behavior must be modified to better align with the fault inter-working function. To enable the eth-legacy-fault-notification, keepalives must be enabled. The following describes the new behavior for the Cisco HDLC port:

The show service command has been expanded to include the basic Ethernet Legacy Fault Notification information and the specific SAP configuration.

The ‟Eth Legacy Fault Notification” section displays the configured recovery-timer value and whether the eth-legacy-fault-notification is active ‟Admin State: inService” (no shutdown) or inactive ‟Admin State: outOfService” (shutdown).

The ‟Ipipe SAP Configuration Information” displays the current Ethernet fault propagated to the associated legacy connection state; ‟Legacy Fault Notify”: False indicates no fault is currently being propagated and True indicates fault is currently being propagated. The ‟Recvry Timer Rem” is used to show the amount of time remaining before the recovery timer expires. A time in seconds is only displayed for this parameter if an Ethernet fault has cleared and the recovery timer is currently counting down to 0.0 seconds.

A number of examples have been included using the service configuration below to demonstrate the various conditions. Many of the display commands have been trimmed in an effort to present feature relevant information.

configure service ipipe 201 name "XYZ Ipipe 201" create 
            description "IPIPE_PPP"
            service-mtu 1514
                recovery-timer 300
                no shutdown
            ce-address-discovery ipv6 keep
            sap 1/1/4:21 create
                description "Default sap description for service id 201"
                    mep 22 domain 1 association 45 direction down
                        fault-propagation-enable use-if-tlv
                        no shutdown
            sap 2/2/ create
                description "Default sap description for service id 201"
            no shutdown

The following output is an example of a service fully operational with no faults.

show service id 201 all 
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 201                 Vpn Id            : 201
Service Type      : Ipipe
Name              : XYZ Ipipe 201
Description       : IPIPE_PPP
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Last Mgmt Change  : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 2                   SDP Bind Count    : 0
CE IPv4 Discovery : Enabled             Keep address      : Yes
CE IPv6 Discovery : Enabled             Stack Cap Sig     : Disabled

Eth Legacy Fault Notification
Recovery Timer    : 30.0 secs           Admin State       : inService
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults     : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/4:21
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 1/1/4:21                 Encap             : q-tag
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:52
Sub Type           : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults      : n/a                      AIS               : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels     : None
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
SAP MAC Address    : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Mac Refresh Inter*: 14400
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0                  fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
3ffe::2020:2001                         fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic

. . . snip . . .

Eth-Cfm MEP Configuration Information
Md-index           : 1                        Direction         : Down
Ma-index           : 45                       Admin             : Enabled
MepId              : 22                       CCM-Enable        : Enabled
IfIndex            : 35782656                 PrimaryVid        : 21
Description        : (Not Specified)
FngAlarmTime       : 0                        FngResetTime      : 0
FngState           : fngReset                 ControlMep        : False
LowestDefectPri    : macRemErrXcon            HighestDefect     : none
Defect Flags       : None
Mac Address        : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Collect LMM Stats : disabled
CcmLtmPriority     : 7                        CcmPaddingSize    : 0 octets
CcmTx              : 471                      CcmSequenceErr    : 0
CcmIgnoreTLVs      : (Not Specified)
Fault Propagation  : useIfStatusTLV           FacilityFault     : n/a
MA-CcmInterval     : 1                        MA-CcmHoldTime    : 0ms
MA-Primary-Vid     : Disabled
Eth-1Dm Threshold  : 3(sec)                   MD-Level          : 1
Eth-Ais            : Disabled
Eth-Ais Tx defCCM  : allDef
Eth-Tst            : Disabled
Eth-CSF            : Disabled

    MC-LAG State   : n/a
LbRxReply          : 0                        LbRxBadOrder      : 0
LbRxBadMsdu        : 0                        LbTxReply         : 0
LbSequence         : 1                        LbNextSequence    : 1
LtRxUnexplained    : 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SAP 2/2/
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 2/2/              Encap             : ipcp
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:08:03
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Sub Type           : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1600                     Oper MTU          : 1600
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
                                              Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Enabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
Legacy Fault Notify: False                    Recvry Timer Rem  : 0.0 secs
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP entries

Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
fe80::13:9295:9ba:5e2                                     dynamic

. . . snip . . . 

show port 2/2/ 
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 2/2/
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : up
BER SF Link Down   : disabled
Last State Change  : 01/07/2015 15:08:09     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 608206967
Configured Address : fe:ee:02:02:00:01
Hardware Address   : fe:ee:02:02:00:01

Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : ipcp
Admin MTU          : 1600                    Oper MTU             : 1600
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : Default
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            117200                 246356
Packets                                              983                   1004
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                              983                   1004
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0

show port 2/2/ ppp 
PPP Protocols for 2/2/
Protocol  State         Last Change         Restart Count   Last Cleared
lcp       opened        01/07/2015 15:08:08          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipcp      opened        01/07/2015 15:08:08          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
mplscp    initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
bcp       initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
osicp     initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipv6cp    opened        01/07/2015 15:08:20          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
PPP Statistics
Local Mac address  : fe:ee:02:02:00:01  Remote Mac address :
Local Magic Number : 0x7cda9060         Remote Magic Number: 0x23b8f81
Local IPv4 address :         Remote IPv4 address:
Local IPv6 address : fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0
Remote IPv6 address: fe80::13:9295:9ba:5e2

Line Monitor Method: keepalive

Keepalive statistics

Request interval   : 10           Threshold exceeded : 0
Drop Count         : 3            In packets         : 48
Time to link drop  : 00h00m30s    Out packets        : 48
Last cleared time  : 01/07/2015 15:07:22

PPP Header Compression
 ACFC              : Disabled     PFC                : Disabled

show service sap-using
Service Access Points
PortId                          SvcId      Ing.  Ing.    Egr.  Egr.   Adm  Opr
                                           QoS   Fltr    QoS   Fltr
1/1/4:21                        201        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
2/2/                     201        1     none    1     none   Up   Up
Number of SAPs : 8 

The same service is used to demonstrate an Ethernet SAP failure condition propagating fault to the associated PPP connection. In this case an ETH-CCM time out has occurred. Only the changes have been highlighted.

The log events below are specific to the failure type and the protocols involved.

166 2015/01/07 15:18:07.26 UTC MINOR: ETH_CFM #2001 Base
"MEP 1/45/22 highest defect is now defRemoteCCM"

167 2015/01/07 15:18:07.31 UTC MINOR: PPP #2004 Base 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1
"Port 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1 ipcp left 'opened' state"

168 2015/01/07 15:18:07.31 UTC MINOR: PPP #2004 Base 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1
"Port 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1 ipv6cp left 'opened' state"

169 2015/01/07 15:18:07.30 UTC MINOR: PPP #2002 Base 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1
"Port 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1 lcp left 'opened' state"

170 2015/01/07 15:18:07.30 UTC WARNING: SNMP #2004 Base 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1
"Interface 2/2/1.ds0grp-1.2.1 is not operational"

171 2015/01/07 15:18:07.30 UTC MAJOR: SVCMGR #2210 Base
"Processing of an access port state change event is finished and the status of all a
ffected SAPs on port 2/2/ has been updated."

show service id 201 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 201                 Vpn Id            : 201
Service Type      : Ipipe
Name              : XYZ Ipipe 201
Description       : IPIPE_PPP
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Last Mgmt Change  : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 2                   SDP Bind Count    : 0
CE IPv4 Discovery : Enabled             Keep address      : Yes
CE IPv6 Discovery : Enabled             Stack Cap Sig     : Disabled

Eth Legacy Fault Notification
Recovery Timer    : 30.0 secs           Admin State       : inService

ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults     : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/4:21
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 1/1/4:21                 Encap             : q-tag
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : OamDownMEPFault
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:52
Sub Type           : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults      : n/a                      AIS               : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels     : None
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
SAP MAC Address    : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Mac Refresh Inter*: 14400
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0                  fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
3ffe::2020:2001                         fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic

. . . snip . . . 

Eth-Cfm MEP Configuration Information
Md-index           : 1                        Direction         : Down
Ma-index           : 45                       Admin             : Enabled
MepId              : 22                       CCM-Enable        : Enabled
IfIndex            : 35782656                 PrimaryVid        : 21
Description        : (Not Specified)
FngAlarmTime       : 0                        FngResetTime      : 0
FngState           : fngDefectReported        ControlMep        : False
LowestDefectPri    : macRemErrXcon            HighestDefect     : defRemoteCCM
Defect Flags       : bDefRemoteCCM
Mac Address        : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Collect LMM Stats : disabled
CcmLtmPriority     : 7                        CcmPaddingSize    : 0 octets
CcmTx              : 650                      CcmSequenceErr    : 0
CcmIgnoreTLVs      : (Not Specified)
Fault Propagation  : useIfStatusTLV           FacilityFault     : n/a
MA-CcmInterval     : 1                        MA-CcmHoldTime    : 0ms
MA-Primary-Vid     : Disabled
Eth-1Dm Threshold  : 3(sec)                   MD-Level          : 1
Eth-Ais            : Disabled
Eth-Ais Tx defCCM  : allDef
Eth-Tst            : Disabled
Eth-CSF            : Disabled

    MC-LAG State   : n/a
LbRxReply          : 0                        LbRxBadOrder      : 0
LbRxBadMsdu        : 0                        LbTxReply         : 0
LbSequence         : 1                        LbNextSequence    : 1
LtRxUnexplained    : 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

SAP 2/2/
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 2/2/              Encap             : ipcp
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : PortOperDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:08:03
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Sub Type           : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1600                     Oper MTU          : 1600
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
                                              Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Enabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
Legacy Fault Notify: True                     Recvry Timer Rem  : 0.0 secs

Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP entries

Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor entries

. . . snip . . .

show port 2/2/
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 2/2/
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : down
BER SF Link Down   : disabled
Last State Change  : 01/07/2015 15:18:07     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 608206967
Configured Address : fe:ee:02:02:00:01
Hardware Address   : fe:ee:02:02:00:01

Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : ipcp
Admin MTU          : 1600                    Oper MTU             : 1600
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : Default
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            117764                 247052
Packets                                             1025                   1034
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             1025                   1034
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
*A:Dut-B# show port 2/2/ ppp

PPP Protocols for 2/2/
Protocol  State         Last Change         Restart Count   Last Cleared
lcp       initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipcp      initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
mplscp    initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
bcp       initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
osicp     initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipv6cp    initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
PPP Statistics
Local Mac address  : fe:ee:02:02:00:01  Remote Mac address :
Local Magic Number : 0x0                Remote Magic Number: 0x0
Local IPv4 address :            Remote IPv4 address:
Local IPv6 address : ::
Remote IPv6 address: ::

Line Monitor Method: keepalive

Keepalive statistics

Request interval   : 10           Threshold exceeded : 0
Drop Count         : 3            In packets         : 61
Time to link drop  : 00h00m30s    Out packets        : 61
Last cleared time  : 01/07/2015 15:07:22

PPP Header Compression
 ACFC              : Disabled     PFC                : Disabled

The following output displays an example when the Ethernet fault condition clears a transitional state occurs.

172 2015/01/07 15:34:33.32 UTC MINOR: ETH_CFM #2001 Base
"MEP 1/45/22 highest defect is now none"

show service id 201 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 201                 Vpn Id            : 201
Service Type      : Ipipe
Name              : XYZ Ipipe 201
Description       : IPIPE_PPP
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Last Mgmt Change  : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 2                   SDP Bind Count    : 0
CE IPv4 Discovery : Enabled             Keep address      : Yes
CE IPv6 Discovery : Enabled             Stack Cap Sig     : Disabled

Eth Legacy Fault Notification
Recovery Timer    : 30.0 secs           Admin State       : inService
ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults     : ignore
Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/4:21
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 1/1/4:21                 Encap             : q-tag
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:52
Sub Type           : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)

ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults      : n/a                      AIS               : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels     : None
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
SAP MAC Address    : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Mac Refresh Inter*: 14400
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0                  fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
3ffe::2020:2001                         fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic

. . . snip . . . 

Eth-Cfm MEP Configuration Information
Md-index           : 1                        Direction         : Down
Ma-index           : 45                       Admin             : Enabled
MepId              : 22                       CCM-Enable        : Enabled
IfIndex            : 35782656                 PrimaryVid        : 21
Description        : (Not Specified)
FngAlarmTime       : 0                        FngResetTime      : 0
FngState           : fngReset                 ControlMep        : False
LowestDefectPri    : macRemErrXcon            HighestDefect     : none
Defect Flags       : None
Mac Address        : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Collect LMM Stats : disabled
CcmLtmPriority     : 7                        CcmPaddingSize    : 0 octets
CcmTx              : 1603                     CcmSequenceErr    : 0
CcmIgnoreTLVs      : (Not Specified)
Fault Propagation  : useIfStatusTLV           FacilityFault     : n/a
MA-CcmInterval     : 1                        MA-CcmHoldTime    : 0ms
MA-Primary-Vid     : Disabled
Eth-1Dm Threshold  : 3(sec)                   MD-Level          : 1
Eth-Ais            : Disabled
Eth-Ais Tx defCCM  : allDef
Eth-Tst            : Disabled
Eth-CSF            : Disabled

    MC-LAG State   : n/a
LbRxReply          : 0                        LbRxBadOrder      : 0
LbRxBadMsdu        : 0                        LbTxReply         : 0
LbSequence         : 1                        LbNextSequence    : 1
LtRxUnexplained    : 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
SAP 2/2/
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 2/2/              Encap             : ipcp
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : PortOperDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:08:03
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Sub Type           : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1600                     Oper MTU          : 1600
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
                                              Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Enabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
Legacy Fault Notify: False                    Recvry Timer Rem  : 28.8 secs
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP entries

Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor entries

. . . snip . . .

show port 2/2/
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 2/2/
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : down
BER SF Link Down   : disabled
Last State Change  : 01/07/2015 15:18:07     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 608206967
Configured Address : fe:ee:02:02:00:01
Hardware Address   : fe:ee:02:02:00:01

Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : ipcp
Admin MTU          : 1600                    Oper MTU             : 1600
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : Default
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            119518                 247124
Packets                                             1123                   1036
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             1123                   1036
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0
show port 2/2/ ppp
PPP Protocols for 2/2/
Protocol  State         Last Change         Restart Count   Last Cleared
lcp       request sent  01/07/2015 15:34:33          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipcp      initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
mplscp    initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
bcp       initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
osicp     initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipv6cp    initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
PPP Statistics
Local Mac address  : fe:ee:02:02:00:01  Remote Mac address :
Local Magic Number : 0x0                Remote Magic Number: 0x0
Local IPv4 address :         Remote IPv4 address:
Local IPv6 address : fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0
Remote IPv6 address: ::

Line Monitor Method: keepalive

Keepalive statistics

Request interval   : 10           Threshold exceeded : 0
Drop Count         : 3            In packets         : 61
Time to link drop  : 00h00m30s    Out packets        : 61
Last cleared time  : 01/07/2015 15:07:22

PPP Header Compression
 ACFC              : Disabled     PFC                : Disabled

An example of the legacy fault propagation to the associated Ethernet SAP and the remote peer using the ETH-CFM fault propagation, assuming no Ethernet Fault is taking precedence.

173 2015/01/07 15:35:03.31 UTC MINOR: SVCMGR #2203 Base
"Status of SAP 2/2/ in service 201 (customer 1) changed to admin=up oper=down flags=PortOperDown

show service id 201 all
Service Detailed Information
Service Id        : 201                 Vpn Id            : 201
Service Type      : Ipipe
Name              : XYZ Ipipe 201
Description       : IPIPE_PPP
Customer Id       : 1                   Creation Origin   : manual
Last Status Change: 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Last Mgmt Change  : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1514
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 2                   SDP Bind Count    : 0
CE IPv4 Discovery : Enabled             Keep address      : Yes
CE IPv6 Discovery : Enabled             Stack Cap Sig     : Disabled

Eth Legacy Fault Notification
Recovery Timer    : 30.0 secs           Admin State       : inService

ETH-CFM service specifics
Tunnel Faults     : ignore

Service Destination Points(SDPs)
No Matching Entries
Service Access Points
SAP 1/1/4:21
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 1/1/4:21                 Encap             : q-tag
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Up
Flags              : None
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:07:53
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:52
Sub Type           : regular
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                   QinQ Ethertype    : 0x8100
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1518                     Oper MTU          : 1518
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
Q Frame-Based Acct : Disabled                 Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Disabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
ETH-CFM SAP specifics
Tunnel Faults      : n/a                      AIS               : Disabled
MC Prop-Hold-Timer : n/a
Squelch Levels     : None
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
SAP MAC Address    : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Mac Refresh Inter*: 14400
Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                              fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0                  fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic
3ffe::2020:2001                         fe:4e:01:01:00:03 dynamic

. . . snip . . .

Eth-Cfm MEP Configuration Information
Md-index           : 1                        Direction         : Down
Ma-index           : 45                       Admin             : Enabled
MepId              : 22                       CCM-Enable        : Enabled
IfIndex            : 35782656                 PrimaryVid        : 21
Description        : (Not Specified)
FngAlarmTime       : 0                        FngResetTime      : 0
FngState           : fngReset                 ControlMep        : False
LowestDefectPri    : macRemErrXcon            HighestDefect     : none
Defect Flags       : bDefRDICCM
Mac Address        : fe:ed:01:01:00:04        Collect LMM Stats : disabled
CcmLtmPriority     : 7                        CcmPaddingSize    : 0 octets
CcmTx              : 1690                     CcmSequenceErr    : 0
CcmIgnoreTLVs      : (Not Specified)
Fault Propagation  : useIfStatusTLV           FacilityFault     : n/a
MA-CcmInterval     : 1                        MA-CcmHoldTime    : 0ms
MA-Primary-Vid     : Disabled
Eth-1Dm Threshold  : 3(sec)                   MD-Level          : 1
Eth-Ais            : Disabled
Eth-Ais Tx defCCM  : allDef
Eth-Tst            : Disabled
Eth-CSF            : Disabled

    MC-LAG State   : n/a
LbRxReply          : 0                        LbRxBadOrder      : 0
LbRxBadMsdu        : 0                        LbTxReply         : 0
LbSequence         : 1                        LbNextSequence    : 1
LtRxUnexplained    : 0
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.

SAP 2/2/
Service Id         : 201
SAP                : 2/2/              Encap             : ipcp
Description        : Default sap description for service id 201
Admin State        : Up                       Oper State        : Down
Flags              : PortOperDown
Multi Svc Site     : None
Last Status Change : 01/07/2015 15:35:03
Last Mgmt Change   : 01/07/2015 15:07:54
Sub Type           : regular
Split Horizon Group: (Not Specified)

Admin MTU          : 1600                     Oper MTU          : 1600
Ingr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a                      Egr IP Fltr-Id    : n/a
Ingr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a                      Egr Mac Fltr-Id   : n/a
Ingr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a                      Egr IPv6 Fltr-Id  : n/a
                                              qinq-pbit-marking : both
                                              Egr Agg Rate Limit: max
Endpoint           : N/A
                                              Limit Unused BW   : Disabled
Agg Burst Limit    : default

Acct. Pol          : None                     Collect Stats     : Disabled

Application Profile: None
Transit Policy     : None

Oper Group         : (none)                   Monitor Oper Grp  : (none)
Host Lockout Plcy  : n/a
Ignore Oper Down   : Enabled
Lag Link Map Prof  : (none)
Ipipe SAP Configuration Information
Configured CE IPv4 : n/a                      Discovered CE IPv4:
Legacy Fault Notify: False                    Recvry Timer Rem  : 0.0 secs

Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv4 ARP entries

Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor Entry Info
No Ipipe SAP IPv6 Neighbor entries

. . . snip . . .

show port 2/2/
TDM DS0 Chan Group
Description        : DS0GRP
Interface          : 2/2/
TimeSlots          : 2-32
Speed              : 64                      CRC                  : 16
Admin Status       : up                      Oper Status          : down
BER SF Link Down   : disabled
Last State Change  : 01/07/2015 15:18:07     Chan-Grp IfIndex     : 608206967
Configured Address : fe:ee:02:02:00:01
Hardware Address   : fe:ee:02:02:00:01

Configured mode    : access                  Encap Type           : ipcp
Admin MTU          : 1600                    Oper MTU             : 1600
Scramble           : false
Physical Link      : yes                     Bundle Number        : none
Idle Cycle Flags   : flags                   Load-balance-algo    : Default
Payload Fill Type  : n/a                     Payload Pattern      : N/A
Signal Fill Type   : n/a                     Signal Pattern       : N/A
Ing. Pool % Rate   : 100                     Egr. Pool % Rate     : 100
Egr. Sched. Pol    : N/A
Traffic Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Octets                                            119518                 248132
Packets                                             1123                   1064
Errors                                                 0                      0
Port Statistics
                                                   Input                 Output
Packets                                             1123                   1064
Discards                                               0                      0
Unknown Proto Discards                                 0

show port 2/2/ ppp
PPP Protocols for 2/2/
Protocol  State         Last Change         Restart Count   Last Cleared
lcp       request sent  01/07/2015 15:36:05          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipcp      initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
mplscp    initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
bcp       initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
osicp     initial       11/30/2014 09:20:08          0      01/07/2015 15:07:22
ipv6cp    initial       01/07/2015 15:18:07          1      01/07/2015 15:07:22
PPP Statistics
Local Mac address  : fe:ee:02:02:00:01  Remote Mac address :
Local Magic Number : 0x0                Remote Magic Number: 0x0
Local IPv4 address :         Remote IPv4 address:
Local IPv6 address : fe80::fc2e:ffff:fe00:0
Remote IPv6 address: ::

Line Monitor Method: keepalive

Keepalive statistics

Request interval   : 10           Threshold exceeded : 0
Drop Count         : 3            In packets         : 61
Time to link drop  : 00h00m30s    Out packets        : 61
Last cleared time  : 01/07/2015 15:07:22

PPP Header Compression
 ACFC              : Disabled     PFC                : Disabled

This feature is only supported for an Ipipe service that has a single legacy connection with an encap-type PPP, MLPPP or Cisco-HDLC and an Ethernet SAP. No other combinations are supported. Deployments using APS cannot use this fault propagation functionality.

The propagation of fault is based on the interaction of a number of resources and software functions. This means that propagation and recovery vary based on the type of failure, the scale of the failure, the legacy protocol, the system overhead at the time of the action, and other interactions.

Before maintenance operations are performed the operation should be aware of the operational state of the service and any fault propagation state. Admin legacy port state down conditions do not cause fault propagation, it is the operational port state that conveys fault. During a Major ISSU operation, legacy faults are cleared and not propagated toward the Ethernet network. To prevent this clearing of faults, the operator may consider shutting down the Ethernet port or shutdown the ETH-CFM MEPs to cause a timeout upstream.

Note: The CLI commands for these functions can be found in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Layer 2 Services and EVPN Guide: VLL, VPLS, PBB, and EVPN.