Operation on SR-TE LSP

The following operations apply to lsp-ping and lsp-trace.

The following are example outputs for lsp-ping and lsp-trace for some SR-TE LSPs. The first one uses a path with strict hops, each corresponding to an adjacency SID, while the second one uses a path with loose hops, each corresponding to a node SID. Assume the topology shown in Figure: Testing MPLS OAM with SR-TE LSP.

Figure: Testing MPLS OAM with SR-TE LSP

The following is an output example for LSP-PING and LSP-TRACE on DUT-A for strict-hop adjacency SID SR-TE LSP, where:

*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-te "srteABCEDF" detail
LSP-PING srteABCEDF: 96 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from
       udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220325ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP srteABCEDF PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220325ms, avg = 1220325ms, max = 1220325ms, stddev = 0.000ms
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-te "srteABCEDF" downstream-map-tlv ddmap detail
lsp-trace to srteABCEDF: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 252 byte packets
1  rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=5
1  rtt=1220322ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=4
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1520
           label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=262135 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[3]=262134 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[4]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
2  rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=4
2  rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=3
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=262134 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[3]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
3  rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
3  rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=262137 protocol=6(ISIS)
4  rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
4  rtt=1220325ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=3 protocol=6(ISIS)
5  rtt=1220325ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1

The following is an output example for LSP-PING and LSP-TRACE on DUT-A for loose-hop Node SID SR-TE LSP, where:

*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-ping sr-te "srteABCE_loose" detail
LSP-PING srteABCE_loose: 80 bytes MPLS payload
Seq=1, send from intf int_to_B, reply from
       udp-data-len=32 ttl=255 rtt=1220324ms rc=3 (EgressRtr)
---- LSP srteABCE_loose PING Statistics ----
1 packets sent, 1 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min = 1220324ms, avg = 1220324ms, max = 1220324ms, stddev = 0.000ms
*A:Dut-A# oam lsp-trace sr-te "srteABCE_loose" downstream-map-tlv ddmap detail
lsp-trace to srteABCE_loose: 0 hops min, 0 hops max, 140 byte packets
1  rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=3
1  rtt=1220322ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=2
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
     DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
     DS 3: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=26303 protocol=6(ISIS)
           label[2]=26305 protocol=6(ISIS)
2  rtt=1220323ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=2
2  rtt=1220323ms rc=8(DSRtrMatchLabel) rsc=1
     DS 1: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
     DS 2: ipaddr= ifaddr= iftype=ipv4Numbered MRU=1496
           label[1]=26505 protocol=6(ISIS)
3  rtt=1220324ms rc=3(EgressRtr) rsc=1