A configuration based on Figure: State engine for redundant service to a redundant mirror service is described in this section.
The mirror traffic needs to be forwarded from configured debug mirror-source together with mirror-dest/remote-source (ICB or non-ICB) to either SAP endpoint or SDP endpoint.
A SAP endpoint is an endpoint with a SAP and with or without an additional ICB spoke. An SDP endpoint is an endpoint with regular and ICB spokes.
Only one tx-active can be chosen for either SAP endpoint or SDP endpoint. Traffic ingressing into a remote-source ICB has only ingressing traffic while an ICB spoke has only egressing traffic.
The ingressing traffic to a remote-source ICB cannot be forwarded out of another ICB spoke.
The following example shows a high-level summary of a configuration; it is not intended to be syntactically correct:
Node A:
config mirror mirror-dest 100
endpoint X
sdp to-C endpoint X
sdp to-D endpoint X
sdp to-B endpoint X icb // connects to B’s remote-source IP-A, traffic A->B only
remote-source IP-B icb // connects to B’s sdp to-A, traffic B->A only
Node B:
config mirror mirror-dest 100
endpoint X
sdp to-C endpoint X
sdp to-D endpoint X
sdp to-A endpoint X icb // connects to A’s remote-source IP-B, traffic B->A only
remote-source IP-A icb // connects to Node A’s sdp to-B, traffic A->B only
Node C:
config mirror mirror-dest 100
endpoint X
sap lag-1:0 endpoint X
sdp to-D endpoint X icb // connects to D’s remote-source IP-C, traffic C->D only
remote-source IP-A
remote-source IP-B
remote-source IP-D icb // connects to D’s sdp to-C, traffic D->C only
Node D:
config mirror mirror-dest 100
endpoint X
sap lag-1:0 endpoint X
sdp to-C endpoint X icb // connects to C’s remote-source IP-D, traffic D->C only
remote-source IP-A
remote-source IP-B
remote-source IP-C icb // connects to C’s sdp to-D, traffic C->D only