Management interface configuration modes

SR OS routers can be in different management interface configuration modes, which affects the management interfaces that can be used to configure the router. The following interfaces are available for configuration on SR OS:

Use the configure system management-interface configuration-mode command to enable configuration editing by model-driven interfaces.

Mixed configuration mode is useful for operators to migrate from classic management interfaces to operating in a full model-driven mode. It allows the use of previous classic CLI scripts or other OSS integration for configuration, although with some pre-requisites (see Prerequisites for using model-driven management interfaces) and some limitations (see Table: Management interface configuration mode).

Table: Management interface configuration mode

Configuration mode
Classic Mixed Model-driven

Classic Interfaces

Classic CLI: configuration write

Classic CLI: configuration read

Classic CLI: non-configuration commands

SNMP: configuration write

SNMP: non-configuration writes (such as admin reboot)

SNMP: configuration read

SNMP: state read

SNMP: notifications (traps)

Model-driven Interfaces with Nokia YANG Models

MD-CLI: configuration write and read

MD-CLI: state read

NETCONF: configuration write and read

NETCONF: state read

gNMI Set/Get: configuration write and read

gNMI Get: state read

gNMI Telemetry: configuration read

gNMI Telemetry: state read

Saved Configuration File Format


















OpenConfig YANG models

Commit history

Configuration annotations

Configuration groups

MD-CLI rollback command

Classic CLI admin rollback revert command

Explicit defaults1

Explicit non-deletable SPC objects2

Configuration changes accepted immediately after a CPM high-availability switchover3

Named route policy entries

gRPC MD-CLI service for the NISH client

Remote management using the NISH manager

MD-CLI command aliases


Python 3 for pyexec, EHS, CRON, and MD-CLI command aliases


The use of the pySROS library from any location


1 In model-driven mode, users can set a parameter to the same value as the default, and SR OS remembers that it was explicitly set and displays it as part of the configuration. In mixed mode, these values are not persistent and they are lost or forgotten at a CPM high-availability switchover or a reboot.
2 In model-driven mode, users can explicitly create any of the SR OS non-deletable SPC objects, and SR OS remembers that it was explicitly created and displays it as part of the configuration. See SPC objects, for more details about the SPC objects.
3 In mixed mode, changes to the configuration are blocked for a few minutes after a CPM high-availability switchover event while the model-driven database is synchronized with the SR OS application layer. There is no impact to running services.