NE configuration management

Figure: NE configuration and information retrieval using gNMI service shows NE configuration and information retrieval using the gNMI service.

Figure: NE configuration and information retrieval using gNMI service

In the context of gNMI, every SET RPC appears as an single commit operation, regardless of the number of paths included in the message. Both, Nokia and OC models are supported by gNMI SET/GET RPC.

An example of the SET RPC command (including the response message from the gRPC server) follows:

 gNMI_rpc - DEBUG - SENT::SetRequest
prefix {
update {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "configure"
    elem {
      name: "system"
 val {
   json_val: {"location": "zurich"}
gMI_rpc - DEBUG - RCVD::SetResponse
prefix {
response {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "configure"
    elem {
      name: "system"
  op: UPDATE

An example of the GET RPC command (including the response message from the gRPC server) follows:

gNMI_rpc - INFO - SENT::GetRequest GET140550212650064
path {
  elem {
    name: "configure"
  elem {
    name: "system"
  elem {
    name: "location"
type: CONFIG
2017-12-06 12:17:28,639 - gMI_rpc - INFO - 
 RCVD::GetResponse GET140550212650064
notification {
  timestamp: 1512559048634751055
  update {
  path {
    elem {
      name: "configure"
    elem {
      name: "system"
    elem {
      name: "location"
  val {
    json_val: "zurich"