Egress criteria classification directly to policer

It is possible to classify traffic directly to a policer, independent of the policer/queue assigned to the traffic’s forwarding class. This is supported at SAP egress by configuring a policer in the action statement within an ip-criteria or ipv6-criteria statement.

The policed traffic by default exits through one of the following methods:

The number of configuration combinations of a policer and one of the preceding methods is capped at 63 within a specific SAP egress QoS policy. For two or more definitions to be counted as a single combination, their action statement must have the same policer ID, the same queue ID (if specified in either statement), the same port-redirect-queue-group (if specified in either statement), and the parameter use-fc-mapped-queues (if specified in either statement).

The forwarding class and profile used are irrelevant when considering the number of combinations. For example, it is possible to configure 32 policers with traffic exiting queue 1, but then, only 31 of the same policers are exiting queue 2; this would use all 63 combinations. A resource is also allocated per FP where each combination configured corresponds to an egress bypass entry used in the FP per sap-instance or per subscriber-sap-sla instance that uses the egress qos policy. The number of egress bypass entries available on an FP, together with the number allocated and the number free, can be seen using the following tools command.

*A:PE>tools>dump>resource-usage# card 1 fp 1
Resource Usage Information for Card Slot #1 FP #1
                                                  Total   Allocated        Free
                          Egress Qos Bypass  |   262143           0      262143

This is supported on all hardware systems. QPPB processing takes precedence over this feature.

This could be used, for example, when it is required that egress traffic with a DSCP value EF is to be policed instead of shaped in a queue on a specific SAP. The traffic could be classified based on its DSCP value and directed to policer 1 while the remainder of the customer’s traffic is processed using egress queue 1. This is shown in Figure: Egress SAP.

Figure: Egress SAP

The configuration would be as follows:

sap-egress 10 create
    queue 1 create
    policer 1 create
       entry 10 create
               dscp ef
           action policer 1