Schema paths

Telemetry subscriptions include a set of schema paths used to identify which data nodes are of interest to the collector.

The paths in Telemetry Subscribe RPC requests follow the conventions described in the OpenConfig published on (version 0.4.0, published June 21, 2017).

A path consists of a set of path segments often shown with a ‟/” character as a delimiter; for example, /configure/router[router-instance=Base]/interface[interface-name=my-interface1]/description.

These paths are encoded as a set of individual string segments in gnmi.proto (without any ‟/” characters); for example, ["configure", "router[router-name=Base]", "interface[interface-name=my-interface1]", "description"].

A path selects an entire subtree of the data model and includes all descendants of the node indicated in the path. Table: Schema paths describes the types of schema paths that are supported in SR OS telemetry.

Table: Schema paths
Path example Description


Selects all config leafs of interface abc and all descendants.


Selects only the description leaf of interface abc.


Selects all state information for all base router interfaces using a wildcard in a single segment of a path.


Selects only the description leaf of all interfaces.


Applies to all RPCs. Selects the entire list to account for absent list keys. It is equivalent to /configure/router[router-name=Base]/interface[interface-name=*]/description


The root path. This selects all config and state data from all models (in all namespaces) supported on the router. Encoded as ‟” in gRPC/gPB.


Not supported. Equivalent to /state/


Expands one level of a subtree schema.

The following list describes the telemetry paths support in SR OS.