Automatic updates for IP address allocation/de-allocation

During the subscriber-host setup phase, the first allocated IP address is sent in the CCR-I message from the node to the PCRF.

Each subsequent IP address allocation or de-allocation for the same host can optionally trigger a CCR-U, notifying the PCRF of the IP address allocation/de-allocation event.

This behavior can be enabled via the following CLI command:

      diameter-application-policy <pol-name>
          [no] report-ip-addr-event

The IP address allocation/de-allocation event driven CCR-U message carries the respective event code [UE_IP_ADDRESS_ALLOCATE(18) or UE_IP_ADDRESS_RELEASE(19)] along with the corresponding IP address.

The IP address allocation/de-allocation events are applicable to the following addresses:

These event-codes are only sent in CCR-U messages and not in CCR-I and CCR-T messages (when the host is instantiated and terminated).


If the IP address notification event is enabled, the node-originated Gx message carries all known IP addresses/prefixes associated with the subscriber-host (Gx session), unless those messages contain one of the two event codes:


If one of those two events is present in the Gx message, the IP address/prefix carried in that message is only relevant to the event contained in the message (address/prefix allocated or released).

If the IP address notification event is disabled, the node only sends the IP address from the first host. This IP address is included in all messages related to the Gx session. If this IP address is removed (de-allocated) mid-session from the dual-stack host, the node stops advertising it, or any other address, from Gx messages for that particular session.