Home context on the vRGW

The system keeps a management context for each connected home or BRG, which is identified by a BRG ID. This context is used for authentication, configuration, and retrieval of operational data. Authentication can be performed explicitly by the BRG, in which case the vRGW acts as a RADIUS proxy. Alternatively, the vRGW can implicitly authenticate on the BRG’s behalf when the first host from the BRG connects.

Initial configuration parameters are provided as RADIUS attributes during authentication. Configuration parameters provided on the home level is used as defaults on the host level can be overridden on a per-host basis. Home-level configuration can be dynamically overridden by means of a RADIUS CoA message. See the ‟Virtual Residential Gateway” section in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR RADIUS Attributes Reference Guide.

Operational data provides information about the BRG, such as the number of connected devices, how long the BRG has been active, and which configuration parameters were provided. This can be retrieved via MIBs or show commands.

The vRGW communicates with a classic AAA server mainly to perform the authentication and with a separate configuration or operational platform. This separate configuration/operational platform is referred to as a ‟controller” and can be combined in a single management control system.