PCC rule-based subscriber service activation failures

PCC rule-based subscriber service activation failures can be categorized as failures detected in the subscriber services Python script as runtime errors (see Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: Python runtime errors ) and failures detected in the Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) processing (see Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: ESM — RADIUS decoding failures and Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: ESM — processing failures).

Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: Python runtime errors
Python runtime errors

Pcc rule name type must be a string

Pcc rule name value too long

Pcc rule qos action account value must be True(1) or False(0)

Pcc rule filter action redirect to nexthop_v4/v6 type must be a string

Pcc rule filter action redirect to nexthop_v4/v6 value must be a valid IPv4/v6 address

Pcc rule filter action http redirect value is not a valid URL

Pcc rule filter action http redirect type must be a string

Pcc rule filter action http redirect value too long (> 255)

Pcc rule qos action fwd class change value is invalid

Pcc rule qos action rate limit type must be an int

Pcc rule precedence type must be an int

Pcc rule flow dscp match type must be a string

Pcc rule flow dscp match value is invalid

Pcc rule flow src/dst_ip match type must be a string: <ipv4-address>|<ipv6-address>|any

Pcc rule flow src/dst_ip match value is not a valid IP address: <ipv4-address>|<ipv6-address>|any

Pcc rule flow port match type must be a string: <port>[-<port>] with port [0..65535]

Pcc rule flow protocol match type must be an int

Pcc rule flow protocol match value must be less than 255

Pcc rule must have a name

Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: ESM — RADIUS decoding failures
ESM — RADIUS decoding failures

The PCC rule precedence must be in the range 0 to 65535.

The PCC rule name has a maximum of 100 displayable characters.

The PCC rule redirect URL has a maximum of 255 displayable characters.

All flows in a PCC rule must have the same direction (ingress or egress).

A PCC rule has a maximum of 128 flows.

A PCC rule name can occur only one time in a RADIUS message.

A flow in a PCC rule cannot have a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (for example src-ip and dst-ip).

Table: PCC rule-based subscriber service: ESM — processing failures
ESM — processing failures

If a PCC rule contains a direction-specific action (such as a redirect), it must contain at least one flow in that direction.

If a PCC rule contains only IPv4 actions (such as a redirect to an IPv4 next hop), it must contain at least one IPv4 flow. This also applies to IPv6.

The combinations of PCC rule actions must be supported (see Figure: Supported combinations of ingress PCC rule actions and Figure: Supported combinations of egress PCC rule actions).

There must be at least one flow and at least one action per PCC rule.

There is a maximum of 64 PCC rules per host or session.

There are not enough filter or QoS resources to create policy clones or apply them to the host or session.

The filter or QoS policy clone cannot be created (for example, the redirect service does not exist).

Simultaneous provisioning of PCC rules from Gx and RADIUS is operationally blocked per subscriber session/host.