Python policy – DHCPv6 API

All header fields (as the attribute of alc.dhcpv6 class) are strings (except pkt_len) with exact bytes as it appears in the packet.

If the attribute does not exist in the specified msg-type, for example if the link_attr does not exist in client/server message(C/S msg), then its value should be None.

All alc.dhcpv6.set_XX(OPDL) accepts an OPDL as the parameter. Remove all existing instances of the corresponding options and then insert new options represented by the specified OPDL.


For a packet with an IANA option as in Figure: :


The option-data is (hex formatted)


The following is an example script:

import alc

#iana_list will be [['\x0f\xf0\xde\xf1','\x00\x02\xa3\x00','\x00\x04\\x38\x00',{5:[['\x20\x01\x05\x58\x60\x45\x00\x47\x45\xcc\xd9\xf2\x57\x27\xea\xe0','\x00\x05\x46\x00','\x00\x05\x46\x00',{}]]}]]
iana_list[0][1]='\x00\x00\x04\xb0' #change T1 to 1200
alc.dhcpv6.set_iana(iana_list)#update the iana

Examples: For a packet with vendor options as in Figure: :


The option-data is (hex formatted)


The following is an example script:

import alc

# vendoropts_list will be [['\x00\x00\x19\x7f', {1:['\x69\x61\x2d\x6e\x61\x5f\x30\x30\x31'],2:[ '\x69\x61\x2d\x70\x64\x5f\x30\x30\x31'],3:['\x38'], 4:['\x40']}]]
iapd_list[0][1][4][0]='\x60' #change sub-option 4’s value to 0x60
alc.dhcpv6.set_vendoropts(vendoropts_list)#update the vendor options

Example-1 script for single relay message:

import alc
#input packet is a relay-reply msg
iana_list[0][1]='\x00\x00\x04\xb0' #change T1 to 1200
embed_dhcpv6_packet.set_iana(iana_list)#update the iana of the embedded packet
alc.dhcpv6.set_relaymsg(embed_dhcpv6_packet)#update the Relay Message option

Example-2 script for double relay message (relay of relay):

import alc
#input packet is a relay-reply msg
embed_lv1_packet=alc.dhcpv6.get_relaymsg() #get the level=1 embedded packet
embed_lv2_packet= embed_lv1_packet.get_relaymsg()#get level-2 packet embedded in level-1 packet
iana_list[0][1]='\x00\x00\x04\xb0' #change T1 to 1200
embed_dhcpv6_packet.set_iana(iana_list)#update the iana
embed_lv1_packet.set_relaymsg(embed_lv2_packet)#update the Relay Message option of lv1 msg
alc.dhcpv6.set_relaymsg(embed_lv1_packet)#update the Relay Message option of the top level msg