QoS override-based subscriber service

A subscriber service instance with a qos-override action overrides queue or policer parameters (CIR, PIR, CBS, MBS) configured at the sla-profile level and hierarchical QoS parameters (aggregate rate, scheduler rate, or root and intermediate arbiter rate) configured at the sub-profile level.

An example of when a QoS override-based subscriber service would be used is to temporarily offer higher bandwidth and charge for the volume consumed during this period. Figure: Sample use case: QoS override-based subscriber services shows the volume statistics that are reported for the PPPoE or IPoE session accounting and for each of the subscriber service instances accounting sessions that were activated and deactivated.

Figure: Sample use case: QoS override-based subscriber services

The sub_svc.qos_override TLV in the subscriber services Python script adds a qos-override action. For example:

# Python example - QoS override subscriber service
service = []
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.operation, sub_svc.operation_add)
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.name, 'subsvc-qos-override-1')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type, 'qos-override')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.type_conflict_action, sub_svc.type_conflict_
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.qos_override, 'e:q:1:pir=20000,cir=0')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.qos_override, 'e:q:2:pir=5000,cir=5000')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.qos_override, 'i:p:1:pir=1000,cir=0')
sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.qos_override, 'e:r:rate=20000')

Actual values are used to populate the subscriber service data structure in this example; typically, these values are sent as parameters in subscriber service-specific VSAs.

Although a QoS override-based subscriber service instance is activated for a PPPoE or IPoE session, the overrides are applied at the SLA profile instance and subscriber level.

QoS override-based subscriber services have precedence over dynamic QoS overrides (RADIUS Alc-Subscriber-QoS-Override VSA or Gx Charging-Rule-Definition with QoS-Information) on the PPPoE or IPoE session.

The installed QoS override actions can be verified in the output of the show service active-subscribers detail CLI command.

The volume counters for subscriber service statistics type volume-time contain the aggregate forwarded octets and packets of the parent PPPoE or IPoE session sla-profile instance because of the start of the subscriber service.

QoS override-based subscriber services are stored in the subscriber-mgmt persistency file.